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Anyone For Rp?

How will the women be executed? Please vote for ONE woman and ONE torture.

  • Barbaria

  • Eulalia

  • Messaline

  • Broken on the Wheel

  • Burnt at the Stake

  • Crucified

  • Impaled

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I enter again in the torture chamber, where the three rebels are tied and fully exposed. They are all blindfolded, I left them some hours alone in order to think their choices, I know for sure that Messaline is almost broken, the same the rest brave rebels. Its obvious that they will start talking soon.

I approach them slowly, I can only imagine how fast their hearts are beating, how scared and how discomfort they are feeling as they know that their torment will start again.

I fondle them gently, Messaline’s tortured breasts, Eulalia’s ruined genitals, Barb’s buttocks, I am going from one to the other until to decide where should I start. Their agony, their despair and the fact that they don’t know who is going to be the first one I will start torturing excites me more.

Finally I go close to the table where Eulalia is bound, I order my assistants to release the blindfold of the other two girls in order to watch whats happening, I take a wooden hammer and two nails. There is a murmur from the other girls, who have understand my intentions *NOo *OHH, thus I rise the hammer and with a fast but careful movement I nail her right palm in the table, there is an inhuman screaming came from eulalia *AUGGHHHG *AAAAHHH *NOOOO *PLEaseeE as the first beating drove the nail through her palm’s bone, and the second made the nail come out from the other side of her palm into the wooden table.

I took my place close to the other side of the girl, I run my hand over her arm as she was screaming like mad.

“As you see I am ready to do whatever is necessary, so stop it, speak and I will stop, I promise”
The man is a monster! I can't believe my eyes! He just nailed poor Eul's hand to the table and is about to do the same to the other. It happened so fast and so brutally! Her screams are still ringing in my ears along with the metallic ring of hammer on nail and the groan of the spike entering the wood. I watch as she convulses, and twists about ... helpless ... unable to prevent him from nailing her other hand to the table, which he does swiftly and totally without compassion. I fear for what will happen next!
I fear for what will happen next!

Dont fear, Barb ! It's not the best solution in front of this kind of bastard ! He would be too much glad to see you relinquishing your fortitude !
Anyway, if we talk or not, he'll make us suffering till the death , but not by the torture : he's obliged to condemn us and to put to death in front of his poeple !
“Don’t piss me off, indeed I will execute you and I will make you suffer, my patience is over, I gave you a chance to stop the torturing, if you don’t speak I will nail your friend’s elegant feet as well, so save your friend all this pain, it’s in your hands to show mercy in your friend, don’t make me nail her legs”

I look in Eulalia who was sobbing and whimpering in pain.
None of us can be broken ... no matter what! We have a pact. We will die under torture if necessary. We will never break. One for all and all for one! Courage Eulalia! Withstand well the pain you are about to experience!

Are you sure, Barbaria? Rebel Leader. So sweet your lovely body strechted.

Maybe your torturer needs help or a little hint? What about long hot needles? And where you love it most? :devil:

Of course it's a shock, not just the pain, the sudden sense of total helplessness,
even more than being bound or chained, there's a finality about the feeling of nail heads
cracking down on my bones - I'm tossing my head violently in a cold sweat,
kicking wildly - but I'm angry, not afraid, there's a rush of blood and adrenalin,
a strange sense of thrill - okay, boy, we both know you'll win in the end,
but I'm going to put up a fight - do your worst!
Of course it's a shock, not just the pain, the sudden sense of total helplessness,
even more than being bound or chained, there's a finality about the feeling of nail heads
cracking down on my bones - I'm tossing my head violently in a cold sweat,
kicking wildly - but I'm angry, not afraid, there's a rush of blood and adrenalin,
a strange sense of thrill - okay, boy, we both know you'll win in the end,
but I'm going to put up a fight - do your worst!

There you have it! Eul is defiant. And she has thrown the guantlet down. Come on now, do your worst!
I start realizing that maybe I will not break the three rebels. It makes me really angry, it will be my only failure in all the years of my career as an executioner. It worths one more attempt.

“No I wont nail your feet yet Eul”

I let Eulalia to recover from the pain in her arms, and I am going close to Barb, she is tied in a table, she prepares herself for the next torment I have in my mind, she knows that it will be worst than the previous.

“You speak too much, lets see how you face the pain”

I am asking my assistants to release her right leg, she is breathing heavily without having any idea what are my intentions, thus I am approaching her and sitting to the table, she is trying to kick me with her free leg but I grab her ankle and I rise her heel in my shoulder. I take position under Barb’s leg. She is trying hard to fight back but its difficult for a tied girl to resist in a muscular man. I am hugging with my arms her knee and I am pushing down while her feet is stable in my shoulder.

The realization of whats going on makes her scream *NoOo *NOO PLEASE *DON’T*. I am pressing harder and harder, the pain is more intense every second, Barb screams in agony, she pleases me to stop but I am very angry I am not going to show any mercy, on the other side Messaline moans *AUHhh* and Eulalia who has recovered trying not to look, I am pressing more and more until a creepy sound of breaking bones combined with Screams of agony prove that her leg is broken. I am standing up of the table and I am letting Barb writhing on the table like fish out of the water.

I am looking around Eulala’s anger has replaced by grief about her friends legs, Messaline is scared she knows that she is next on the line, she cant believe that humans are capable for these atrocities. Even my assistants were shivered when they listened Barb’s poor knee breaks.
The bastard has turned on me. He has taken offense at my defiant attitude and constant chatter. What in the world is he doing releasing my leg. Can I kick him? No, he is too strong. My God he is going to break my leg at the knee. It's not made to bend like that!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... the pain ... I screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... My God it hurts! Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww ... NoOo *NOO PLEASE *DON’T ... gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... it's done... Panting. Chest heaving. Writhing about on the sweaty surface of the table ... how could he do that to me? I can't believe that a human being could do such a thing. Even his assistants seemed shocked as I look at them through my teary eyes.
If the disposable female rebels will not talk...Perhaps turn your attention to the other caged female rebels waiting their turn for interrogation outside in the cattle cars. If Barbaria, Eulalia and Messaline will not talk after torturing their naked female parts, then perhaps they will talk to spare the other young females captured with them...
If the disposable female rebels will not talk...Perhaps turn your attention to the other caged female rebels waiting their turn for interrogation outside in the cattle cars. If Barbaria, Eulalia and Messaline will not talk after torturing their naked female parts, then perhaps they will talk to spare the other young females captured with them...
"If you arrest any other rebel, bring her to me, but hurry, else tomorrow i will proceed with the verdict."
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