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Bare-Naked (Famous) Ladies

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One might think she would have gotten used to it after a while, but she seems surprised each time it happens. :D
It's been over 40 years since I saw those episodes. I didn't remember her getting in peril situations that often. I definitely do remember the ducking pond one though. The episode is titled "Murdersville" and I was about 10 or 11. It made a big impression on me.
The episode with the dominatrix outfit, "A Touch of Brimstone" didn't air in the US. I did see it years later, I think on PBS.

Saturday Nite Senselessness
View attachment 710795
"Wait... I think... Isn't that Radio Luxembourg?"
"Yes... and someday it will all be ours!"

Gabrielle d'Estrées

Entstanden: um 1594/99

Musée National du Louvre, Paris

wood, 96 X 125 cm
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