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Charmingtiger, Leering Dragon

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The deputation of peasants edged nervously among the armed warriors, not that many of the warriors were that far off of peasants themselves but a pitchfork can be as deadly as any spear if used well as the scattering of Mongol weaponry and armour attested. At last the small huddle of villagers drew themselves up before the Tiger Banner flapping in the wind. A small chair, not quite a throne but close enough for this purpose had been procured for the Princess even a travelling writing desk which since it had once belonged to a tea merchant was as ornate as anything the typical farmer had ever seen.

“Explain to me directly why you still refuse food to my soldiers, to Jin’s soldiers, to all of China’s soldiers, to your soldiers and protectors,” Messaline’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

The headman of the village stepped forwards and bowed a few times, he looked like he wanted to scuttle back among the others but instead he bowed a few times more, it was beginning to look as if there might be a lot of bowing and not much else when he finally spoke, his voice sounding sick with fear.

“Your Imperial Highness, My Princess, Illustrious Daughter of the Son of Heaven, Scourge of Our Enemies and….”

“Yes, yes, yes I know all of that, we haven’t got all day you know, now say what is on your mind,” Messaline cut to the chase.

“My Princess we cannot afford to give your brave soldiers our food,” The Peasant Chief carefully did not look at any of the mostly very scruffy looking ‘soldiers’ as he spoke, he mostly looked at his toes, poking from shoes that were probably a mite more worn than the ones he wore when not persuading Imperial officials of his village’s abject poverty, “The Mongols send their soldiers too, you see, they take almost all we can give, if we give to you too we have nothing to sell and we cannot repair our tools or our clothes and before long we will be selling our animals.”

“Very well but know if you do not feed us, we the soldiers and defenders of Jin cannot protect you but we are not pirates and robbers, we shall not harm you, when come the Mongols to exact their tribute?” Asked Messaline.

“In a fortnight Your Princess, I mean Your Imperial Highness, you really are not angry?” Hope made the Peasant giddy with relief and warred against the natural suspicion of his kind.

“I am not angry, merely resigned to the lot of my people, now go before I change my mind, my soldiers take great risks and they grow hungry, we must go where they can be fed,” Said Messaline and the peasants scurried away.

“That was rather easy going of you, Princess,” As they disappeared, “You realise they might tell the Mongols where we are going?”

“Yes they might, which is why we shall head back and camp in secret in that small woodland over there in time to catch the Mongols when they depart,” Messaline shrugged, “Just because they would rather feed our enemies is no reason to let the barbarians actually eat our food. Now summon my horse, we shall head to places more welcoming of the defenders of the Realm!”

So it was a half cycle of the moon hence that Messaline once again mustered her small legion of warriors in the shelter of the trees just beyond the tilled fields of the village. They had watched the Mongols arrive, gather up their offerings and now they watched them saddle bags laden with milk and meat and eggs and various grain crops that the villagers had yielded up.

“Now, attack, slay them all, leave none alive!” Messaline commanded her bow brandished in the air. The she and Li’hi and the handful of other trained archers sent shafts arcing over the heads of the charging mass of warriors while the surprised nomads milled in confusion. “Charge!” Messaline drew her sword and charged in the wake of the foot soldiers followed by Li’hi the ninjas and a few mounted fighters.

The battle was swift and bloody. Li’hi leapt from the saddle to bring down the Mongol standard bearer. He came to his feet thinking that beating a woman would be easy and went down hard as she lashed out with her legs, sweeping them from under him rather than waste time rising herself. Then she grabbed his helmet yanked it off and struck hard with her sword. The blow was not clean but it worked well enough, opening him to the spine and leaving him paralysed and helpless as she rushed off looking for yet another foe.

Disordered and confused the Mongols fought tentatively but were unwilling to flee and that indecision killed them as much as the spears and clubs that did the deed. Within minutes it was over save for counting the dead, gathering up the loot and binding the wound of those Chinese wounded but still living.

“What have you done?” Asked the Headman of the village running up in alarm, “The Mongols will wreak great vengeance upon us, you must protect us!”

“I cannot protect you, you would not feed my soldiers, protect yourself, this is war,” Said Messaline without the slightest hint of regret.

“But you have our food now, surely that counts for something!” Argued the Headman.

“This?” Messaline plucked a basket of eggs from one of her men who had been a peasant scant weeks before, “This is all from the Mongols, taken from our enemies, we do not steal from our own but we only protect those who honour their obligations to Jin and the Son of Heaven, now be gone, I grow weary of this conversation, you even fail to show proper courtesy towards me, for that I have had men flayed.”

The peasant fled.

“But we will stay and protect them won’t we?” Asked Li’hi.

“No, we need to go and protect those villages that have given us food and men and horses, those who will not help us and especially those that aid the enemy must look to their own devices,” Said the Princess, “Quickly now, we must be long gone before more Mongols come hunting.”

Even so they could still see the glow across the sky as the village burned a few nights later. It was not the epic holocaust that turned the entire horizon orange as had the conflagration that consumed Xinjiang as it was being taken. No one knew who had started that or even if it were by accident or design but cities that experienced battles so often went up in flames. Here the culprits were easy. The Mongols had fired the village in retaliation for their dead but Li’hi was not so sure she could share some of the blame.

She saddled her horse and rode the darkness toward that hot beacon. In the grey morning light she came upon the embers. Every house was a gutted shell, most of the buildings all but razed to the ground. Bodies and body parts were strewn around while women and young ones adorned spikes, stakes and spears driven into the ground. The Mongols might be barbarians in Chinese eyes but they were clearly efficient and organised killers.

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Li’hi heard hooves behind and she turned drawing her sword but it was Messaline and her mounted party not some enemy warriors who rode up to her.

“Li’hi be more careful, you rode off in the night alone, what if danger had befallen you, if I had not woken from my sleep we would never have even been able to follow you,” Scolded Messaline.

“You did this, you knew, you let this happen, you decided to kill the Mongols right here so that they would blame the villagers and kill them all, you knew, you knew,” Li’hi wept as she spoke.

“I knew this yes, this is war and war is won by discipline, you see the men with us? Some were soldiers yes but are they with their families? No they are here fighting for everyone. Look at the others, the Kang boys for example, their parents sell leather goods, what did they know of war before we taught them, you and I and Shadow Song? Why should they give up their homes and put their kin in danger when people like these,” Messaline waved at the corpses, “Buy their safety with the food that will feed the armies that will go and rape and pillage and slaughter everyone else?”

“Messaline you knew, you could have warned these people, you let them die!” Li’hi protested. She was quite unprepared for the sudden slap.

“You address me as Princess or Your Imperial Highness, you are my favourite but etiquette will be observed!” Messaline now looked quite as angry as Li’hi, who looked around to see everyone carefully finding something, anything to look at but the pair.

“I am so sorry Your Imperial Highness and so sorry for all the people who died here last night,” Said Li’hi and rode off again.

A little while she heard hooves behind her, there was just the one set and she turned to see Messaline alone.

“I know Li’hi, I know, do you think I want it this way? But we cannot, cannot let the Mongols simply feed and rest or they will destroy the whole land…” Messaline started.

“I’m sorry too,” Li’hi stopped her horse and turned back to her companion, hugging her from the saddle, almost falling into her arms at her relief that their argument might still be mended.

“I’m sorry I slapped you but…”

“No you were right, they must always think of you as the Princess, else they would not follow you into danger when so many have run away, you are right, it is just that I am tired, so very tired of all this fighting and killing…”

Li’hi suddenly found herself been born along in the arms of strong Messaline. She was unsure how she had gotten down from the saddle but she did notice they had managed to arrive at some pool into which the river spilled in cheerful babble. She was glad that neither had had time or inclination to put on armour the night before as she felt Messaline undo the ties of her shirt and kiss her neck and chest. Then she was helping Messaline out of her shirt, her trousers and then went away her own their boots simply kicked away in the process.

The two women went into the water and turned to each other and embraced and kissed. The rage and pain and hurt were kissed away. The long suppressed urgency followed, something too little enjoyed in the tense nervous, ever hurrying life of guerrilla fighters. Lips sought breasts and nipples and hands stroked across backs and bellies and buttocks.

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They lay together in the lapping water and drew strength from each other’s urgency. Hands found the join between legs as each determined to kiss the other as she gave her soul mate pleasure. Ardour spun higher until, again in wonderful union there came release and glad cries stole from throats. Then there was but time for a brief rest and back to the war.

To Be Continued​
“Talk, tell us where we shall find the bitch Messaline!” The Mongol warrior slapped, Li’hi again.

“I don’t know! Please she remains hidden, she only sends scouts like us out to spy on the Mongol armies,” Li’hi lied as convincingly as she could, she was not sure it would do a lot of good with both her and Messaline dangling by their roped ankles from a tree branch.

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Both girls were quite naked and Messaline was unconscious from being worked over a little too hard a while before. These Mongols were not expert torturers relying mostly on their fists but they were the ones who had captured the Princess, if only they knew it. Li’hi did not intend to be the one to reveal it to them though, she was not sure of the Mongol’s plans exactly but capturing her lover would only improve their bargaining position.

It had been the worst of bad luck. Messaline, Li’hi and a small squad of horsemen had been out checking on the scouts to make sure they were actually doing their job. As the siege of Zhongdu had ground on the small rebels band that Messaline had first organised had grown in strength and confidence. Now they had the Mongol army itself virtually under siege. They were not strong enough to prevent its foraging parties from ravaging the countryside but they could harry them in return.

Genghis Khan was having to send out whole regiments at a time in order for them to feed in safety and even these took casualties. Further such large units ate practically all they collected and so he had to send most of his army out away from Zhongdu and its hold out Imperial forces leaving him with insufficient strength to essay an assault and thus guaranteeing a long drawn out siege. There was little chance of an easy in as at Xinjiang. Messaline had made sure to track down and finish the traitors.

Even as adept as they were at dodging regiments an entire division of Mongols had been unexpected. Travelling along a broad front the regiments had corned and surrounded the party by accident just as effectively as if they had been sent out deliberately.

“I said talk,” The Mongol slammed his fist into Li’hi’s belly making her gasp and swing on her rope.

“Okay, okay I’ll talk, I’ll tell you how me and my friend here cut down twenty of your warriors in a stand up fight, call yourselves men, you were butchered by women,” Li’hi expected the punch to her face, it did not make it hurt any less.

“Bitch, dyke bitch, yes, we know your kind who follow that dyke Princess, well guess what?” Sneered the Mongol and grabbed Li’hi spinning torso and turned to face a tree that the Mongols had been carving on all afternoon, “See we have the perfect chair for you, now if you are smart you can still live as we’ll make it a nice throne for that cunt Messaline and her dyke lover but keep silent and you and your bitch friend can share your last kiss with a good foot of splintery wood up each of your cunts, cunts that will have been well used by real men, not these ill hung Chinese pigs!”

Li’hi could see the two spikes extending from the notched v of the trunk. She could perfectly well imagine what the pain and humiliation would feel like.

“I have no idea where the Princes is, she hides out to the east, she is afraid of being caught and tortured, please she just sends out scouts and messengers and even these don’t always see her face,” Li’hi made a show of sobbing and balling.

“Useless bitches, well you can wait until evening, then you will suck and fuck cock before riding the wood,” The man sent his captive swinging about and stalked off.

Messaline began to come around shortly afterwards, she coughed a bit and hacked up some phlegmy blood on to the ground.

“Well the good news is that they still have not worked out who you are, the bad news is that intend to execute us anyway,” Li’hi explained the situation since the Princess had been rendered unconscious.

“Wise decisions, if I simply disappear it will be a while before our followers grow disheartened, if they know I am dead at the hands of the Mongols…besides they might try and use me to dishonour my father…that will not happen,” Even naked and upside down Messaline was fierce.

The evening wore on. The shadows lengthened. They grew longer still as the fateful hour approached and then they stood up. “I am sorry Sacred Lady, we came as quickly as we could but it took time to weave our way through the camp unnoticed,” Shadow Song bowed respectfully. Then with a couple of quick sword strokes she cut her Mistress and Li’hi free, her fellows catching them neatly and helping them turn elegant somersaults so they landed feet first on the ground.

“Quickly we must…” Even ninja’s are not immortal and the arrow pierced Shadow Song’s throat of a sudden. With her last remaining strength she turned and hurled a slim bladed dagger into the eye of the archer even as more of her sisters appeared from behind and struck down his fellows.

“My Most High Mistress we must flee,” Said Twilight Whispers taking charge.

“Flee or die, either way lets us cut down some Mongol vermin,” Said Messaline, she charged in amongst some steppe warriors who had been hurrying with confused urgency towards the commotion. Quite what they made of the naked female attacking them was unclear, a flurry of thrusts and cuts left blood spraying across the ground and left men dying. Li’hi snatched up a bow and some arrows and quickly shot them off amongst the confused invaders.

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From somewhere distant came the sounds of alarm, it seemed likely another rebel band was attacking as a distraction to the Princess’s escape. Such a move against so large a force was likely fatal so the women determined not to waste it.

Scrambling naked atop the backs of unsaddled remounts the pair and their night clad guardians surged away.

It was only later as they huddled with one of the myriad bands of guerrillas that had sprung up under Messaline’s leadership that they learned the reason for their capture. “The Mongols are leaving Daughter of the Son of Heaven,” Explained an aged Priest, “The Emperor offered them tribute of horses and maidens and youths and now Genghis returns to his own lands, the war is over.”

“He did what…I mean my father the Most Illustrious Son of Heaven surely did not grant the yielding of tribute unto these savages,” Messaline said in outrage, she leaned over to Li’hi, “No offence my love but some of your country men are real pigs.”

“None taken, Princess,” Li’hi allowed dryly, “I still have not forgotten my own brothers.”

“Yes Your Imperial Highness he sent them three thousand horses, five hundred young men and five hundred virgin slave girls,” The Priest reported.

“A most terrible fate for the youngsters, you will burn an offering on my behalf for their good fortune and as ask the ancestors to look over them in reward for their sacrifice on behalf of our great nation of Jin,” Messaline ordered to all around approval.

Later she seemed much happier. “The Mongol dog king and his dog fuckers retreat with their tails between their legs, they accept a face saving tribute but it is a token a mere token in comparison to what the Khan must have hoped for when he marshalled his armies, sickness alone will have carried off more of his horses than that and the losses among his warriors…well when I have had time to persuade my father the Son of Heaven then Li’hi we shall lead a real army against the barbarians and we shall take back all they have taken from us ten fold, a hundred fold, tomorrow we ride for the Capital…tonight though…”

Messaline turned from her stance beneath the stars and kissed Li’hi most tenderly, “Tonight we make love.”

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To Be Continued​
there can be no doubt the rodent is a fast typist even with claws.

Tree wonders how often RR has to replace keyboards as those sharp nails rip through the keys and do the core ore slaves of the rebellion know that while he pleases them with gentle caresses with his tail his claws will be the most vicious nipple clamps they will have ever known once they are 'questioned' by the persecu ... the prosecutor????

I was NOT joking. I kill a keyboard a year because I type harder when I get to an emotional scene... like that will make the bold letters any bolder. Although right handed I drink left handed. It keeps my right hand free for smoking Marlboros. This was a big change when I retired as they didn't let you smoke or drink Seagram's at your desk.

I will warn all members that dripping drinks on the left side of your keyboard may cause the 'caps lock' and 'shift' key to stick...

I have to get back to the wood shop...

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There is one before whom even Messaline of Jin must kowtow. She walked amidst the ranks of assembled Imperial Guards, up on to the platform where the Court’s highest officials and nobles were arrayed in all their splendour and then strode up one further flight of step before prostrating herself at the base of yet another. Looking down from his elevated throne the Son of Heaven greeted her.

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“Welcome home Messaline my daughter, you have brought honour to our name with your valiant defence of the west lands, you deserve a reward, it is time you were wed,” Said the Emperor.

“May I suggest we use my wedding to cement an alliance with Song against the barbarians Your Celestial Majesty?” Asked Messaline.

“No you may not, I have a greater gift for you, the Duke Ming An is recently widowed, you shall have an experienced and most noble husband my daughter, you will be pleased,” Her father informed her.

Back in her quarters Messaline was anything but pleased. In fact Li’hi had rarely seen her more furious and she had seen some furies. Messaline stormed around the room, a once fine array of crockery now made some pretty coloured fragments on the floor of her spacious apartments.

“Ming An, Ming An? I will not marry anyone by the name Ming An,” Fumed the Princess.

“What is so wrong with him, you know that you would have to marry some time?” Asked Li’hi with careful meekness in her tone.

“Apart from the fact he is Ming An?” Growled Messaline, “He is a fat cowardly slob who fawns on my father and never ever allows himself to be manoeuvred from Court. He holds his position entirely due to flattery, decades’ worth of flattery, why he is near as old as my Father the Glorious Son of Heaven. But his wife was healthy up until a few days ago, suddenly he is a widower in time to be offered as a husband for me, does that not make you suspicious Li’hi?”

“You suspect poison?” Li’hi ventured.

“I most definitely do, Twilight Whispers, you will have one of your women infiltrate Duke Ming’s household, find out for me what he thinks he is up to,” Messaline ordered, “Li’hi, you will convey this list of wedding requirement to Ming An, you will also inform him it would be unseemly for him who has been so favoured to ask of my father the Most High Son of Heaven to pay for our joyous day, he will find the money himself, we shall see how he wriggles out of that!” Messaline handed Li’hi a fat scroll and both women smiled put in better humour by Messaline’s stratagem to win delay.

Of course the downside for Li’hi was having to meet with the odious Ming An who sat his seat as if it were a thrown and had actually dared ask her to kowtow until she reminded him that was reserved for the Emperor in the Imperial City. Even so and even with the stifling fumes of incense it was hard to ignore the sweaty smell of a man who did not bathe enough for his bulk, he could easily have made two of either of the girls, in fact it was quite possible he might had enough flesh to carve out four women of quite reasonable proportions.

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“Why is the Princess Messaline not overjoyed at her impending marriage?” Whined the Duke.

“She quivers with delight, she might quiver with more delight were you to support an alliance with Song against the Mongols,” Suggested Li’hi.

“Quite out of the question, The Son of Heaven and Master of the Jade Throne is quite determined to crush the southern rebels and end their intransigence,” Said Ming An dismissively.

“Your betrothed burns to lead an army and smite the northern barbarians,” Li’hi reminded him.

“Impossible, my wives are for bedding and presiding at my table when I entertain, I will not have any more of this tom-boy foolishness when she is wed,” Ming An declared.

“She is daughter of the Son of Heaven and heir to the Jade Throne, she ranks above you!” Snapped Li’hi shocked.

“Not when she is my wife she won’t I will teach her proper submission!” Declared the Duke.

“No marriage to a Princess of the Royal Blood can take place without meeting certain requirements, these are the Princess’s. You are of course not to ask her Father the Most Magnificent Son of Heaven to pay for all of this, such would be seen as ingratitude for the favours he has done you,” Li’hi handed over the scroll into pudgy fingers.

“I can easily pay, I am the richest man in all China,” Declared Ming An but that was before he read the list, “Twenty elephants! Is she mad, twenty elephants to carry the bridal party?”

“No Your Grace, twenty elephants fresh from Africa, we would not want to be seen to present the Daughter of the Son of Heaven with casts offs,” Said Li’hi with a smile.

“Be gone, be gone foul imp before I have you flogged I will not be lectured by a slave!” Declared Ming An his fury a mask for his consternation, Li’hi sauntered away with a smile on her face. Even were he to persuade his allies to help pay getting a fleet to the distant land of the barbarians and back would take a long time, long enough for Messaline to uncover evidence of serious wrongdoings.

Messaline was as might be expected in better mood once her little ploy had been put into operation. Li’hi found her alone with the servants dismissed waiting naked for her on the bed in her most private chambers.

“Come to me my pretty love, I have missed you,” Messaline summoned Li’hi.

“I have hardly been gone an hour,” Li’hi laughed, shrugged off her robe and came over to lie beside the Princess on the bed.

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“And isn’t that long enough?” Messaline mock pouted, “Now lie back, I want to reward you for being such a beautiful girl.” Li’hi did as she was bid and Messaline started to kiss her way across her tummy from right to left, then darting from one set of ribs to the other and then as she raised her arms in growing ecstasy those were attended to and then her legs and then she was rolled on to her front so her back could be attended and then it was too much so she grabbed Messaline and pinned her down. She was busy repaying the sweet torture in kind when Messaline grabbed her and twisted around beneath her till she was in the perfect position to kiss Li’hi’s womanhood and Li’hi entirely able to return the favour.

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There was more, much more but at last the women lay in languid rest, “You know it is funny, you don’t really miss beds like these until you have experienced them,” Li’hi observed.

“Yes the return to civilisation is long overdue,” Agreed Messaline.

The sudden ring of steel on steel and cries of alarm brought both of them upright even before Twilight Whispers entered the chamber.

“Most High Lady we are under attack, the official guards were suborned or overwhelmed but they reckoned not upon my sisters,” Said the Ninja, “We hold them but even so you must arm yourselves just in case.” She clicked her fingers and servants hurried in bearing the Princess and her lover’s arms and armour.

“Bandits in the Imperial City, have the Emperor’s Guards not been summoned?” Asked Messaline in indignation.

“The alarm goes out but we must hold in the meantime, the attackers are strong in numbers and well organised, this will be no easy task,” Said Twilight Whispers.

The battle was brief but bloody, the palace Guard detachment turned out in force catching the rogues in a pincer but even as Messaline and Li’hi joined the fight the combat remained hot.

Messaline cut one man down and then another until a third man cried out, “Aieee spare me, the Duke Ming ordered us to do this,” The man knelt and bowed his head and threw down his sword as token of surrender but it was only his sudden confession that stayed Messaline’s sword.

“Tell me quickly, what do you mean?” She demanded.

“The Duke, he planned to spirit you away to his estate, teach you to be a proper woman,” Said the would be kidnapper.

“The man is mad in his arrogance does he think for a moment my Father the Son of Heaven would forgive him?”

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“He does your Imperial Highness, he said as much, that the Son of Heaven would thank him for curing you of your sickness,” The Ming retainer glanced at Li’hi as he said this, it was a mistake, Messaline’s sword flashed and head left shoulders never to speak ill of her loved one again.

It was about then the lead elements of the Imperial Guard entered her chambers having cut their way through Ming’s fighters. “Quickly send word at once to apprehend the Duke Ming An, he is to be brought before my father the Sacred Emperor to answer for his corruption.”

The trial such as it was, was swift, no Emperor could spare even a favourite who tried violence in the innermost courts of Zhongdu. Ming An spent his last day and half screaming as the Imperial executioners slowly cut him to pieces.

“You see now father, how corruption and folly is rife in your Court? We must ally ourselves with Song and end this foolish ceaseless war and deal with the real threat to the North,” Said Messaline while Li’hi kept her head down intimidated in the presence of the Anointed Son of Heaven.

“Quite the contrary my daughter, all this proves is that Song must be defeated, they are the sickness that eats at the heart of China, only when they are done can the nation and nobility heal itself, the barbarians have learned they cannot conquer, they will forever be a nuisance but no more than that,” The Emperor declined the Princess’s suggestion, “I shall look again at finding you a husband, we shall find you one closer to your own age I think, yes that would be better, I recall you have a thing for lusty young men.”

Messaline was fuming once more by the time she re-entered her own apartments, she immediately summoned Twilight Whispers. “You have lost much in my service and it seems it grows ever more dangerous, the Order of the Sisters of the Shades of Night have been loyal to me but now I release you from my bidding, you will take as much gold as you can carry and travel far from here to a safe place where you can train more of your number and keep the art of the women ninjas alive,” Messaline told her bodyguard assassin.

“But Mistress we…” Protested Twilight Whispers.

“Will be able to perform me one more service, I need an escort to Song lands, can you do this before you depart?” Asked the Princess.

“Gladly but you need not dismiss us from you cause,” Argued the Ninja Maid.

“I must, half of your sisters lie dead from this day’s work, who is know what other fool may attack me in the future? Perhaps one day when you numbers are restored you will send your daughters to my service but for now you need time to recover your Order, I only ask that you help me serve Jin one more time.”

“Most gladly Most High Lady I shall make the arrangements,” The Ninja bowed.

“How will you serve Jin?” Asked Li’hi nervous and curious at once.

“I shall marry a man of Song Royal Blood, there are plenty of dissatisfied nobles who recognise the folly of my father’s rule, alas now too so must I, we shall unite China Jin and Song together and sweep away the Mongol threat, then there will be a new era of peace,” Declared Messaline grandly as she looked to the future.

Li’hi looked at the present and hoped all would turn out for the best.​
To Be Continued​
Port Governor Kwang was not a man easily flustered. He had seen his city devastated by a typhoon, set ablaze by pirates and blockaded for years at a time by the Song Navy. He had ruled the city with calm firmness in the name of Emperor for a long time. He had however never had to deal with an Imperial Princess before.

“But Your Imperial Highness the great trading fleet to Palembang passes through many dangerous and treacherous waters, there are pirates, turbulent seas, the Song and some sailors report even monsters, if anything should befall you on your travels I and my family would be held accountable,” The portly potentate grovelled on the floor before what was normally his own throne but he had given it up to Messaline. Strictly speaking he had been given permission to rise not less than three times but a sense of self-preservation gave him the urge to throw himself to the floor again each time he found himself arguing with the Princess.

“Well then you had best ensure I have the best ship and the best Captain and the soundest crew so that nothing is likely to happen to me,” Replied Messaline calmly.

“But Your Imperial Highness why would the enlightened Son of Heaven send you out to inspect the Western Tributaries?” Wailed Kwang.

“Because he is Enlightened as you say but his plans are not to be discussed with lowly ones such as yourself or do you presume otherwise?” Messaline asked dangerously.

Kwang who had chanced looking up ducked down again, pretty much all of his junior officials were likewise trying to make like furniture and avoid the gaze of the mad Princess. By all accounts she had been scary enough before the war, now she was the very demon in their midst and like a dragon surrounded by plump rabbits might just decide to eat one for a snack.

“No Princess Messaline, I do not presume above your station, I will order Captain Po of the Holy Yellow River to make available suitable accommodations for you,” Kwang promised.

“But that will mean ejecting half his cargo,” Hissed his Comptroller trying to be sotto voce.

“I know you fool but she is the Princess, it is our heads if we don’t,” Kwang growled back.

“Very well I expect you to see that everything is in order, we sail tonight,” Messaline commanded ignoring the byplay.

“Ah tomorrow morning Your Imperial Highness, it is the tides you see, the ships cannot get out to sea quickly against the tide, they would be bobbing around like corks all night,” Kwang explained in abject apology.

“Very well tonight, in the meantime I wish rooms for myself and my dedicated maidservant Li’hi.”

“Ah you have brought no one else?” Asked Kwang in some confusion.

“I need no one else, I am sure Captain Po will see to it my needs are provided for,” Messaline dismissed the problem.

“Ah yes, Your Imperial Highness may I be about your business?” Asked Kwang and scuttled away as soon as he was dismissed.

“Why do we make such a long journey, surely it would be easier to get a ship straight to Song?” Asked Li’hi curiously.

“No that would alert the agents of my father’s secret police, they would pounce and arrest us instantly and send us back to Zhongdu under guard, this way we avoid them entirely, they cannot be sure we are not under my father’s orders so they will send to the Capital for instructions and by the time even the fastest rider can be back…”

“We shall be long gone,” Li’hi nodded, “But what then, how will we get to song from this Palembang?”

“It is a great trading port, there will be ships bound for Song there too, we simply board one and will be in that country in no time, it should actually be at least as fast as trying the same journey overland,” Messaline explained, “I looked it up in the Imperial Records Office,” She smiled at her own cleverness. Li’hi who was only slowly learning to read the thousands of Chinese characters could but nod, she would have never thought to look for answers from a book.

Later that night they looked out over the balcony of the Imperial Guest Quarters of the Governor’s Palace and gazed upon the lights of hundreds of lanterns, lighting streets and shops and ships far out into the water. The glow reflected off the dark surface of the river mouth and spun brilliant patterns in slow rippling orange.

“So I suppose we had best get some sleep,” Li’hi made to yawn.

“No I think we shall make love, it is not often you get to make love on the eve of leaving China,” Giggled Messaline and planted the first of many kisses upon Li’hi’s lips and then her face and then her neck.

Both women shrugged off their robes and then Li’hi was taking the initiative, Messaline yielded before her as her caresses and kisses swept across and around belly and ribs and then back. Then Li’hi arrived at her breasts and worshiped there for some time. Now it was Messaline’s turn to be filled with fire and she swept some cushions onto the balcony floor and lay Li’hi back down upon them. Her lover’s whole body from fingertip to toe was hers to explore and she did so.

Messa of jin 39.jpg

Finally after long minutes of sweet torture she closed on her prize, circling in and around the jade gate that parted open to allow access to all of Li’hi’s womanhood. Teasing tongue delved those rich sweet nectars and then as fingers probed deeper it took in the Princess’s mouth the nub of Li’hi aching clitoris, there it was held firmly but gently between pearl white teeth and aroused to yet greater ecstasy.

At last able to take no more Li’hi cried out and heaved but she was not done. She caught Messaline to her and rubbed and caressed along the length of her body and then slipped out between her legs. She had Messaline on all fours in the poise of her tiger name sake and now it was her tongue lashing like a whip of pleasure between those petals of passion. Time and time again she teased Messaline to the brink only to relent. The on the third delving she stayed her mouth, taking Messaline’s sensitive parts firmly and holding them there until Messaline exploded with the fires of love and cried out to the night stars.

Only then at last satiated did our heroines rest. Tomorrow they would voyage the seas to their new destiny.

Here ends the tale of the Charming Tiger and the Leering Dragon​
It is not the end though for Princess Messaline and her brave companion Li'hi​
Their further adventures will be explored in​
Into the Dragons' Lair
In which they will face terrible tortures, petrifying perils and diverse excursions!​
Thanks for reading from RR, Messa and Siss :)
Okay folks for anyone wondering the story continues in Into The Dragons' Lair just follow the link :D

I do have a pdf with pics that comes in at 2.5mb is the upload limit still stuck at 1mb? I will look into making a version with reduced sized pics in case but am hoping that larger files can be uploaded before long :)
Right it would not even take my cut down version so I split it into two separate pdf docs. :p

If anyone does want want the pdf with the full sized versions of Messaline's glorious pics PM me an e-mail address to send it to and I will happily share :)


  • Charming Tiger, Leering Dragon Part 1.pdf
    792.7 KB · Views: 41
  • Charming Tiger, Leering Dragon Part2.pdf
    701.4 KB · Views: 30
Oh yes, CruxForums Editions include all original illustrations,
with full acknowledgements to artist and author.

Sorry Little Siss's role was overlooked, I think I can at least include her in the credits in the Archive.
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