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Classic Whipping Scenes Only

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If the flogging she takes across her ass and thighs match her upper body it will certainly be a real whipping. Bearing in mind the picture indicates the first bottom lash she will fully punished for her misdeed
I've been looking for this film for a long time and, as often happens, my expectations were a little disappointed. However, the scene that starts at 33:26 is quite long, even though there is no nudity shown. Emperor Frederick II whips a young girl accused of witchcraft to make her confess The title is Stupor Mundi, a low-budget Italian production
Emperor Frederick II whips a young girl accused of witchcraft to make her confess The title is Stupor Mundi, a low-budget Italian production

It looks like the emperor got his wish, the title Is Stupor Mundi! Though I am not sure why he cared that she also elaborate on the budget, I'm glad he forced her to say the whole thing!
Emperor Frederick II whips a young girl accused of witchcraft to make her confess
It looks like the emperor got his wish, the title Is Stupor Mundi!
Strange, what does the German-Roman Emperor Frederick II have to do with the witch hunt?

He was a fan of falconry, could speak five languages (including Arabic), he was the only ruler who ever took possession of Jerusalem without bloodshed.
He was so modern in medieval thinking that even the Pope excommunicated him...

The Italian filmmakers probably didn't like him because he was a stranger to them.
I don't want to spoil your enjoyment of this film!
But maybe you should know a little about who Emperor Frederick II really was :)

Friedrich II - castel del monte.jpg
This comics is from a Strip called Dakota Territory, the PC drawer (talking about the 1990s) was called Snidely Whiplash
Great work! Did you create them? What was the software used?
Strange, what does the German-Roman Emperor Frederick II have to do with the witch hunt?

He was a fan of falconry, could speak five languages (including Arabic), he was the only ruler who ever took possession of Jerusalem without bloodshed.
He was so modern in medieval thinking that even the Pope excommunicated him...

The Italian filmmakers probably didn't like him because he was a stranger to them.
I don't want to spoil your enjoyment of this film!
But maybe you should know a little about who Emperor Frederick II really was :)

View attachment 1483744

Mine was more a joke/me being a grammar nazi. He made her confess the title was Stupor Mundi... That was all. But sure, looking at original post and your history it was probably not a witch confession.

But what are we (myself included) doing here? I was just a whipping scene and fun to watch
But what are we (myself included) doing here? I was just a whipping scene and fun to watch
Maybe you noticed, I'm a fan of Emperor Frederick II - that's why I had to rehabilitate him from witch hunts and superstition...

But of course, it's all about whipping beautiful women here, no matter what the reason! :tits::smilie-devil:flower1

So excuse my objections!
"You say this mail order bride is too mouthy and her performance leaves a great deal to be desired, Son?
Well, the old fashioned methods are the best way to deal with that. Let me show you."
There are many ideas and backgrounds that fit the situation depicted in this picture...
Interestingly, the artist calls the scene "wrong time wrong place".
For him, the young lady seems to have fallen into the hands of the nasty men by chance, who whip her under some evil pretext - just for fun!
Now, as I was saying pa… since I left Arkansas to make my fortune, I’ve learned a few things up north that no one down here could ever imagine. For one thing, up there it’s not customary to take your wife out to the barn in the morning for a good whipping. Can you believe it? Up there it’s the wives who call the shots! That’s why it’s always good to come home from time to time to be reminded of how things ought to be.

Now, tell me pa. Where did you get this one. I gather she’s one of those mail order brides from NailusMartyrs?

Uh-huh. Thought so!

What did she do to deserve this morning’s thrashing?

What, tried to run away, did she? That’s bad, pa. Give her 40! Or even 50! I’ll sit here and watch and keep count if you like.

By the way, what’s her name?

Barb, you say?

Barb Moore?

Well Barb, welcome to Arkansas!
Now, as I was saying pa… since I left Arkansas to make my fortune, I’ve learned a few things up north that no one down here could ever imagine. For one thing, up there it’s not customary to take your wife out to the barn in the morning for a good whipping. Can you believe it? Up there it’s the wives who call the shots! That’s why it’s always good to come home from time to time to be reminded of how things ought to be.

Now, tell me pa. Where did you get this one. I gather she’s one of those mail order brides from NailusMartyrs?

Uh-huh. Thought so!

What did she do to deserve this morning’s thrashing?

What, tried to run away, did she? That’s bad, pa. Give her 40! Or even 50! I’ll sit here and watch and keep count if you like.

By the way, what’s her name?

Barb, you say?

Barb Moore?

Well Barb, welcome to Arkansas!
Whip her naked till she bleeds, 200 lashes with nail barbed whip. Then rape her fuck her gangbang her cum on her face and piss her
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