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Crucified males

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Hugely kind of you in all you state. Indeed I have thought it over carefully of course, and, for now, I have decided to remain for I have a promised new crucifixion of myself coming up in May, to which there should hopefully be many NEW photos of my crucifixion, and beforehand flogging etc, therefore all you lovely people desrve to see my latest crucifixion, and hopefully will enjoy the stream of photos, not repetitive, that will follow. God bless you all and a Happy New Year to you all, here we hopefully begin another new chapter of the fun we all love, Crucifixion in its finest detail.

Well I'm glad to hear you are staying James. This is (or should be) a supportive community, one off comment should not force anyone to leave.

I haven't posted much lately. I am exploring some themes with some male manips, but they are rather personal so I don't know if I will post them here or not. Luckily I have plenty of other male crux to share :)
From my 2005 archive.
#5 is an artist and model, an interesting subset of crux pictures which I'm always happy to find new examples of

chungcruc1.jpgcrucifiction.jpgcrucifixionpeg.jpgChristOfHiddenPersuasion.jpgcrucifixion2.jpgPunishing the Boi.jpgUnder the Spear.jpgSpiked to Cross MADAHV.jpgO-near the end-2.jpgDrawing.jpg
Well I'm glad to hear you are staying James. This is (or should be) a supportive community, one off comment should not force anyone to leave.

I haven't posted much lately. I am exploring some themes with some male manips, but they are rather personal so I don't know if I will post them here or not. Luckily I have plenty of other male crux to share :)
From my 2005 archive.
#5 is an artist and model, an interesting subset of crux pictures which I'm always happy to find new examples of

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Lovely PH, great pix again, and in may my crux pix should be looking good hopefully. I should love to view your private pix if poss, knowing you I bet they are great. xx. James
I do not currently have the time needed to go through all 193 pages sadly, but I will say that there is a real disapointing lack men being crucified with erect cocks in this thread.

Come on boys! get it up!

Maybe if we crucify some women in this thread it will help them rise to the occasion?
I do not currently have the time needed to go through all 193 pages sadly, but I will say that there is a real disapointing lack men being crucified with erect cocks in this thread.

Come on boys! get it up!

Maybe if we crucify some women in this thread it will help them rise to the occasion?

There are plenty if you know where to look :D

BIP5.jpganiX_frame_0001.jpgmc7.jpgmorning 11_30.jpgCIMG2462.jpgcruxifixion_indoor (15).JPGfromspain5.jpgarena2.jpgArena Crucifixion III - Vittorio Carvelli - Classical Tales.jpgArena Crucifixion - Story of Gracchus -    Vittorio Carvelli.jpg
I do not currently have the time needed to go through all 193 pages sadly, but I will say that there is a real disapointing lack men being crucified with erect cocks in this thread.

Come on boys! get it up!

Maybe if we crucify some women in this thread it will help them rise to the occasion?
Do you think that it's really possible: being crucified with erection?
Bible-Movie-News: "The Penitent Thief" (2018 / 2019)


found this about a new bible movie dealing with the story about the "thieves" crucified with Jesus.


Seems more to be a (very) low-budget production.
No pics about the full crucifixion yet, however, but in the trailer you can see some of the actors, who may be crucified later (or not).
I am not too optimistic, but recent bible movies like "Risen" or "Killing Jesus" had some good aspects.
The loinclothes are covering a bit too much for my taste, but it looks that the "thieves" have been flogged, too. Not too much blood-makeup, as it seems, so we hope it wont become a second "passion of the christ" desaster.
The crosses are tall and a bit too "polished" for my taste, it seems there are "footrests", too, to stand on. Not too "realistic", I would say.
I hope the production is going to be finished at all, before they run out of money. Would be a loss for the good idea.

best regards
Gawd, the movie-makers just cannot get it right! That looks very unpromising, Why oh why cannot someone give an account of the full horror & humiliation crucifixion was. It was nasty, victims were humiliated and tortured, they didn't pose on the crosses looking unhappy with a tea-towel coyly covering their waists. They struggled & writhed in agony crying out in pain with a crowd shouting insults, mocking their plight & laughing at their nakedness.
It's probably a missed opportunity again.
Since you had the opportunity to show a realistic crucifixion, especially since Jesus does not play the main role here.
But the cleanly worked crosses could be the journeyman's piece of a carpenter and the convicts had been sent to the barber for the "celebration" of the crucifixion.
Too bad, more than 30 years after Scorsese's "Last Temptation" you could have expected more.

We can thank Hollywood and American conservatism for that. Scorcese’s The Last Temptation ...was closest to the real deal though they censored out the private parts. The Spartacus series had some good crux scenes showing the brutality of the Romans era (the ending of the first season when one of the gladiators got his tongue and penis removed before being crucified, and the last season with the crucifixion of Donar, one of the rebels).
Jesus on Montreal replays crucifixion as it was but it’s theatrical.
Yes, I agree that Scorsese did what he could within his possibilities to make it as "realistic" as possible without coming in conflict with the censorship. the flogging scene was great, too. the only thing I did not like about "last temptation" was that the thieves were crucified in a different style than the Jesus character. I can not really see any reason for that - beside that this is more part of the "traditional depiction" of the passion. But if Scorsese wanted to break with the rules of the tradition depicting crucifixion, why did he do it this way.
I often wondered about that.
The hanging of the thieves on those "trees" was not exactly very convincing for me, by the way.
I was wondering of the same thing when I first saw this movie but thought that perhaps he wanted to show the different variations of how the condemns were crucified in the days. Since the main focus was on Jesus and not the thieves, it may have been for the shock value which he achieved that. This movie was very controversial when it came out. I saw it on vhs and I must say I was shock to see the crucifixion in the beginning of the movie when the victim was stripped off his loin cloth before they raised the cross. If you slow mo the scene you can see the actor’s genital but the blacked out the part when the cross is hoisted up.


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Yes I didn't like those thieves on the trees in the Last Temptation. They should have been done on the same type of cross, but of course they could have been fixed to it in different ways. I believe the execution squad amused themselves with bizarre ways to nail the victims up. Also in that film they were too far away, if we go by the Bible there was an exchange between the thieves & Christ, so the crosses must have been nearer.

As there is no fear of male nudity in movies in Europe there is no reason not to show more reality. But of course the depiction of Christ would always have to be done with some degree of modesty, that is easy with camera angles whilst still implying that he had to suffer extremes of shame & humiliation in front of a crowd. The thieves though can be shown in their full glory of course, which would convey perfectly through the third parties the degradation the Saviour had to endure.
I agree. This movie stirred up a lot of controversy with the church when it was released and I think Scorcese went as far as he could yet still make it viewable at the box office. A movie that stays true to realism would be something filmed in Europe or for alternative audiences and would not be shown to the mass audience.
I also read somewhere that Aidan Quinn was offered the role of Jesus but turned it down. Perhaps of his catholic upbringing or he knew that it would create problems with his faith and career. Still, Aidan Quinn would have made a much sexier Jesus on the cross than Willem Dafoe.
Here is the video of my last crucifixion experience that I had few days ago.

Beautifully made video of a beautiful man. Would you ever be willing to make one of these fully naked (if you haven't already)? I for one would love to see that. :)
Thanks. I just get so horny sometimes and I cant help but take my clothes and pretend to be crucified in public!! Soon my friends are going to come over and they said they had a cross ready for me in the woods where people hike through and they said they will take me there take my clothes off then they will pass me around and fuck me and when they are done using me they said they are going to take me to my cross and throw me on it and nail me to it (fake nails of course) and then raise me up and leave me there. Oh I cant wait!! Im hoping that some strangers walk by and see me hanging on the cross completly naked!!

Very hot. Would love to see pics/vid. Well, what I'd really like is to be one those lucky bastards who gets to fuck you and crucify you, but I'll make do. :)
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