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One of the sexiest crux scenes I ever saw... Thank you, Tree !
I don't think I've seen that one before -
very fine, a crucifixa well worthy of the attention of the eagle! :devil:
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He's known here as "Bobinder" and on DeviantArt as "Bobnearled";
as well as a gifted artist he also seems to be a fantastically nice person,
and has encouraged me in my efforts :)
Very kind of you to say so, Montycrusto (that makes you a nice person too!). Occasionally I have channelled some bitter anger into the creative energy to produce the more violent images, but usually I have to be in a good mood to produce reasonably good work. I have a lot of unfinished not-so-good work which hasn't seen the light of day - yet... Some of it I intend to go back to and try again! L'm also looking forward to seeing more of yours. Regards, B
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