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Eulalia's Ordeal With The Imf

Go to CruxDreams.com
Well that IS why Eulalia is being serured in an undisclosed location until the IMF is ready for her as you shall see...

I helped Eulalia into the front seat of the car. As I fastened her seatbelt she looked around and hissed “Jeez, Tree, it’s a firkin’ pimpmobile!”

She had a point, but I thing most pimps would feel a touch offended. It’s a dark red ’68 Cadillac Sedan de Ville that the previous owner had, um, ‘updated’ the interior with shades of pink and purple. I put a blindfold on Eul and asked “There! Is that better?”

I slammed the door and waved at Mel and Julie, still standing at the shop’s door. Melissa looked upset but she had to know it was better me than Bob. I hopped in and fired up the Caddy. Eulalia was still fidgeting in the seat trying to get comfortable with her hands cuffed behind her back. She turned her head as if to look at me. “I know the handcuffs are S.O.P. but what’s with the blindfold?”

“Special for the ride” I replied. I headed east out of town. As the road became more winding Eulalia said “This isn’t the way to the IMF headquarters.”

“That’s because we’re not going to the IMF headquarters” I explained. She took a deep breath then asked “Are you going to rape me?”

“NO! I am not going to rape you” I exclaimed. I looked over at my prisoner and thought I wouldn’t mind having a go with her but in this situation it wasn’t my style. But I couldn’t help playing her on. “By the looks of your nipples you seem like you might enjoy a little romp.”

“What the hell is it with men that they think fear and anticipation is the same thing as lust and desire? Did it ever occur to you I might be cold?” She snapped back. I looked at the sweat glistening on her skin. I doubted she was cold but the first point was well made. We do think that way. Dodging her first question I asked “Do you want me to put up the windows?”

“No, I’m fine.” She paused a moment then said “You could rape me… I mean, legally, because I’m your bounty.”

I mulled it over trying to decide if she was asking for clarification or tossing me an invitation. As I tossed the idea around in my head I drove past the road that led to my cabin. I wondered if she really wanted to do it or just delay the inevitable. Hell, it didn’t matter. We were almost there. “Another time, ‘lia and it would be my pleasure.”

“So where are you taking me?” she asked. I told her to the O.P.P., the Order of Penance and Punishment. She became agitated. “What’s that? It sounds like a religious thing.”

“It’s not really but sort of. I call it more of an inquisition thing.” I pulled up to the iron gates and pushed the buzzer. A voice asked what my business was. “I’m Hanging Tree and I have the fugitive Eulalia, convict number (I reached between ‘lia’s legs and cupped the tag that dangled from her pussy. She gasped at my touch. I ran my thumb through the folds of her shaved sex and felt the warm moisture) …ah, that’s convict 20111101.”
The gates swung open and I drove the Caddy up the hill. I couldn’t help myself and asked “Fear and anticipation or lust and desire?”

Eulalia whispered “I’ll let you know later.”

“I’m surprised you left the tag on. Things would have been a lot worse if you’d have removed it.”

“It wasn’t for lack of trying. We fucked up every wire cutter and chisel in the coffee shop trying to pop it open. Tree, I’ll be OK, won’t I?”

I nodded ‘yes’ but didn’t say it. I got out of the car, tossed my jacket in the back seat, pulled on my duster, and walked around to Eulalia’s door. After undoing her seat belt I helped her out then pulled the blindfold off. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. Then she saw the imposing stone building before her. She whistled and said “This doesn’t bode well. Let’s go in and get this started…”

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it's so like a story I've told myself,​
many, many times,​
but never told anyone else -​
how d'ya know my secret fantasies, Tree?​
A gift??? Or do we just have the same fantasies? More to come soon. Before Mistress Melissa agreed with your request to surrender I got a good jump on illustrations. I'm almost quicker at illustration than I am typing stories. I'd have been mortified if she hadn't given you up. By the way, too important things our readers should know. In the last picture (you can't really tell 'cause of the blindfold) Eulalia's eyes ARE brown. Also many of these are manips from the 'Dolcett Archives'. Hope you enjoy....

A gift??? Or do we just have the same fantasies? More to come soon. Before Mistress Melissa agreed with your request to surrender I got a good jump on illustrations. I'm almost quicker at illustration than I am typing stories. I'd have been mortified if she hadn't given you up. By the way, too important things our readers should know. In the last picture (you can't really tell 'cause of the blindfold) Eulalia's eyes ARE brown. Also many of these are manips from the 'Dolcett Archives'. Hope you enjoy....

and with brown eyes she is blinking..................or weeping............or grin :D :D:D
Well, I've earned my keep. Time for Eulalia to pay hers...

“This looks like a fucking convent” Eulalia whispered as we walked up the stairs. “What’s going on, Tree?”

“‘lia, just do what you’re told to do and you’ll be fine. OK?”

I opened the door and brought her in to a small lobby that was painted an industrial green. By a window where a receptionist once worked was an intercom speaker with a button under it. I pushed it and said “It’s THT and I’ve got prisoner number… hell, I’ve got Eulalia.”

“Get over here” I hissed. ‘Lia had wondered off across the lobby. She was staring at a painting that hung on the wall. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards the window. A voice came over the speaker as a stainless steel teller’s drawer slid out from wall. “Hello, Tree. Please deposit ALL weapons in the drawer.”

I began to reach for the Glock in my belt when I noticed Eulalia walking back to the painting. I said “You come and get my weapons” and turned to get ‘lia. The intercom voice replied “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Please push the black button to speak.”

“I said ‘you come get my weapons!’ Get your ass down here and collect your girl” I yelled. I knew we were on CCTV and they could see and hear everything. I walked over to Eulalia but when I went to grab her arm she pulled away and said “Well, it’s not a convent.”

“I told you it wasn’t. What convinced you?”

“That! It’s a picture of my namesake.”

The picture looked religious enough to me. It was a of a woman crucified naked on a cross with that kind of semi-blissful look on her face that saints portrayed in that era always seemed to have when they are about to be martyred. I had a puzzled look on my face.

“In the original painting she’s not naked” ‘lia exclaimed.

I scratched the base of my neck as thought ‘Then the original was probably not a good representation.’ Just then elevator doors swished open and out walked a woman that a first glace looked like a nun. A closer look showed well manicured fingernails that had light pick polish. She smiled and said “Hello, Tree! And this is our new penitent. And what a fine look sinner she is. I understand your name is Eulalia. Do you know St. Eulalia had her breasts cut off? You won’t be looking so proud with those missing.”

Eulalia gasped and looked down at her beast. She pulled her shoulders forward in a vain attempt to minimize her assets. She laughed and said “Don’t worry, the IMF still wants to crucify you and they don’t want a mutilated body. It’s too bad. But you won’t be disappointed. There are plenty of ways to for you to expiate your escape. You’ll want to be turned over to the IMF when we’re done with you. You will address me as Sister Persecutor when you are allowed to speak. And I’ll address you how ever I wish. Do you understand?”

Eulalia timidly shook her head. Sister Persecutor growled she could not her ‘lia. ‘Lia cleared her throat and said “Yes, Sister Persecutor.”

It was the first time I detected fear in her voice. Sister turned to me and handed me another pair of cuffs. I stepped behind Eulalia and swapped out my cuffs for Sister’s. “We’re a little disappointed you beat Bob to the bust. We were hoping to have the whole bevy of bitches as our guests.”

“You’ll have to live with what you’ve got. Eulalia, do as you’re told and you’ll be fine. I’ll be back.” As I turned to the door ‘lia called out “Tree, don’t leave me with this bitc…”

The hard crack of a slap across her face finished Eul’s plea. As I walked out the door I heard Sister hiss “Oh, we are off to a great start!”

I shook my head and stepped out into the sunshine. It’s going to be a beautiful day. By the middle of it Eulalia would wish she was still in the basement grinding coffee

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Sister Persecutor grabbed Eulalia’s ponytail and dragged her to the elevator. The doors opened revealing an interior that was designed for a hospital, with bland walls and stainless steel rails to keep rolling beds from banging up the walls. Ominously Sister needed a key to select floors. She pushed ‘four’ and the doors shut. With a hum the elevator began its assent. Sister looked at Eulalia erect nipples and puffed labia with the metal tag hanging from it. She smiled and said. “It’s a bit funny. A man looking at you would think you’re turned on by this. I’ll guess you’re at least a bit afraid, right?”

Eulalia start to nod then Almost yelled “Yes, Sister Persecutor! I am afraid.”

Sister smiled. “That’s good, Eulalia, because even if I can’t cut your tits off I know how to make a woman hurt. But just to be far anything I will do to you I’ve had done to me. Don’t take too much comfort in that. I just know how much pain you can take.”

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Eulalia was led out into the hall finding a dated terrazzo floor and green and beige tiled walls. Above hung an old drop ceiling with years of lint hanging from the tiles. Sister led Eulalia halfway down the hall, stopping there to unlock a steel door with a small window with chicken-wire reinforced glass. Sister swung the door open and pushed Eul through. Eulalia was met by a steep wood stair with worn treads. She carefully took the tall narrow steps without resisting. Whatever Sister had in mind Eul knew was inevitable and it would be best not to anger her. Besides, once Sister took mutilation off the table, what could possible be worse than the crucifixion that still awaited her? Eulalia took solace that Mistress Melissa and friends back at the coffee shop were safe.

At the top of the stairs, Eul found an attic with rough hewn woof floors. Dormers let in the early afternoon light. Even though it was a nice November day outside did not compare to the musky warmth of the vaulted attic. The sun streamed in the dormer windows and in one of the pools of light stood the first devise Eul would experience in the captivity of the O.P.P. Square metal tubes rose from the floor with a slanted leather-covered beam. At the base were two rings almost three feet apart with lengths of rope already tied to them. She had no doubt what they were for and walked over and spread her legs, offering her ankles to be tied. Sister said nothing, instead squatting to wrap the ropes about Eulalia’s ankles, fixing her legs spread.

Eulalia looked down as Sister pulled the ropes about her ankles. The leather covered beam she straddled now touched her clit. It took all her self control not to rub herself against the leather. It wasn’t lost on Sister, either. She slid her hands up the back of Eulalia’s thighs and over Eul’s curved rump. Sister’s tongue slipped through the cleft of Eul’s ass and up the small off her spine until she ran into the handcuffs binding Eulalia’s wrists. Eul grinded her clit against the leather, just wanting to hump the board. Sister wrapped a thick leather belt around the beam and Eul’s waist, cinching it tight. She smiled when she heard Eul grunt. She gently slapped Eul’s ass and asked “Are you ready to find the blur between fear and anticipation and lust and desire is?”

“I’m at your mercy, Sister Persecutor” Eul replied. Sister smiled and walked around her bound charge. “I’m going to tie your wrists to the post. I don’t want any fight from you.”

She released the cuffs and pushed Eulalia forward until the end of the beam pressed against the base of Eul’s sternum. Eul offered her wrists to the waiting ropes, feeling a sense of both dread and anticipation. She was sure a whipping was to come but that would be no different that what Melissa subjected her to in the coffee shop basement. What worried Melissa the most was the leather-covered beam that stroked her clit with each breath she took. She knew she would come even as she tried to suppress the urge. She looked over her shoulder at the stairs she had traversed to arrive at her current position. Eulalia straightened her legs to lift her clit from the leather, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold her sex up when the whip’s blows came down, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to…

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Frist of all just wanted to say, I was only messing with you about the Bethany story because I liked the story and was hoping for a spin off.
That said, this is even better because we all know and love Eulalia, so there's no need to build up a heroine, were already invested. (Her maybe tenfold)
The stories you have posted in the past do not always lead to the death of the main caractor, so you leave us with many options to ponder, will someone save her, will she save herself, maybe even you will speak in her defense or perhaps the chain of event's that has been set in motion can not be broken.
You are the Captain of this ship I think it's going to be an exciting and hopefully long voyage.

PS. Yes I'm still drinking Jim Beam
Is your Jim Beam every bit as hard as my Canadian Club????


(With respect to the G.T and the Delaware Destroyers)
Your absolutely right Fantasmo, Jim Beam is bourbon
made only in Kentucky
maybe we should all go grab a glass of our favorite beverage while our friend continues with his story.
Your absolutely right Fantasmo, Jim Beam is bourbon
made only in Kentucky
maybe we should all go grab a glass of our favorite beverage while our friend continues with his story.
Bourbon and/or Whiskey (as oposed to Whisky (without "e")...
Well, I would have a hard time to name a favourite. Springbank 18year maybe, but I like variation.
But a good Bourbon has its value as well.
And I "even" drink Swiss Highlanders... ;)

(Highland having a different meaning here ;) )

But for the beerboy: Tonight I'll have one of those:
;) "if it ain't Scottish it ain't Whisky" ;)
for Whisky without an e, wragg134 must be your man,​
he's right in the holy land of Speyside!​
(see Members Map)​
for Whisky without an e, wragg134 must be your man,​
he's right in the holy land of Speyside!​
(see Members Map)​
:D :D :D ...I plan to go there next summer ... to further build my collection of Single Malts ;)
in drumms............. or bi9 bottles
in drumms............. or bi9 bottles
70cl bottles, but a big number ;) (I currently have around 30, some common, some rare)
eulalia how is the weather in your deep Forrest heard something about bustle closed schools and so on............

eulalia how is the weather in your deep Forrest heard something about bustle closed schools and so on............

we have exciting weather, Hansi,​
this lassie stayed inside all day 'cos the polis telt us tae -​
lot's o' trees down, and some flooding -​
a lad came with a parcel, looking very shaken, he'd just rounded a bend in his van to find an oak-tree across the road!​
But we didn't get the worst of it.​
165 mph wind on top of Cairn Gorm above Speyside.​
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