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Eulalia's Ordeal With The Imf

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Sorry I haven't updated this recently. I really screwed up one of my two typing fingers while slipping wood. Had I been thinking I should have photographed it so I would have some great samples of the real color of blood...

Be that as it may, while you humble author was visiting the coffee shop Tuesday morning the O.P.P. was tending to our dear Eulalia...

Eulalia did finally fall asleep and dreamt of her crucifixion. She would look down on the crowd that had come both to savor her pain and enjoy her tormented dance on the cross. She dreamed how good it would be to watch herself as she writhe about between the three spikes that held her fast to the wood. ‘Like a butterfly pinned to wax’ Eul mewed.

She was awaked by the two sisters that had put her to bed. The handcuffs and shackle were removed and they helped her sit up. With her toes barely touching the cold floor Eul was bent forward and her elbows were pulled back and together. Ropes were tied around her biceps and she was taken from the cell. Her bare feet slapped on the hall floor, contrasting with the shuffle of the sisters’ wood sandals.

Eul was brought to the cafeteria where she was sat on a steel bench. Her ankle was again locked in a shackle before the strap pinning her elbows behind her back was removed. Then to Eul’s surprise the finest breakfast that she had ever seen was laid out before her. It had been a day since she had any food and the food before her was far better than Mistress Melissa had ever offered her. The eggs, bacon, grits, and toast disappeared as quickly as they were served. Eul swilled down coffee (not as good as she had ground) and gulped down the water and milk that had been offered. She didn’t even notice that she was the only naked body in the room or the other sisters’ breakfast consisted of dry stale toast and water.

Eulalia hunger was more than satisfied when two sisters pulled her wrists behind her back and locked handcuffs around them. Then the sisters tied a coarse rope around Eul’s forearms and pulled her elbows back. One of them said “It’s time for your next punishment.”

Eul offered no resistance as once again she was led down halls and stairs until she arrived at the old chapel. One of the things she had noticed as she was walked done the halls and entered the chapel was that all the depictions of crucifixion had been changed from the male Christ to female forms, even the stain glass window of the chapel. Eul’s neck was locked into a frame and her calves were tied to the vertical posts.

A man approached her and unzipped his fly. Eulalia could not believe the size of the cock he pulled from his pants! He offered the shaft to her mouth and Eul figured she was in no position to refuse. He hammered her mouth driving his cock deep into throat. As he slapped Eul’s chin with his balls Sister Persecutor lead a novice into the chapel. Sister Persecutor wore only the head gear of her habit, white stockings, and black stiletto shoes. The Novice was naked save for her blue veil, a rope lead around her neck, and the rope binding her wrists behind her back. As the man fucked Eul’s mouth the novice said “I think she’s choking.”

“She IS choking” Sister replied. “Daniel has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.”

“Is he one of the brothers?”
“No, he’s the groundskeeper, but he does help out with odd jobs” Sister explained. It was then Daniel noticed two had entered the room. He smiled and between grunts he cheerfully said “Good morning, Sisters! Am I doing either of you today?”

“No, not today, this one is here to observe. But this afternoon Mother Superior will need your services” Sister Persecutor replied. He nodded and said he already knew. He pulled on the back of Eul’s head and rammed his shaft deep into her throat hissing “Come on lass, a slut like you can take the whole thing!”

Eulalia couldn’t breathe. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she gagged on the shaft filling her throat. Daniel finally pulled back until only the head was in her mouth. Hot shuts off cum pulsed into Eulalia’s mouth and she did her best to swallow all of it. Breathlessly Daniel whispered “Now I know how you got away from the IMF bastards!”

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No, no, no!!! Admi, remember this is Tuesdat and the O.P.P. has to turn Eulalia back to the IMF with no visible damage. It does get worse, of course. The next installment...

Daniel stuffed his substantial member into his pants and said he needed to get to work. He patted Eulalia on the head as if to acknowledge a job done well then strolled whistling from the chapel. One of the sisters that had put Eul in the device placed a short wood bench on the floor before her and backed away. Sister Persecutor led the novice to the bench and forced her to kneel on it. The young woman’s nose was inches from Eul’s belly and Eul could feel her warm breath on the folds of her sex.

The novice stared at Eul’s belly as it heaved with each deep breath she took. She glanced down at the metal tag swinging from Eul’s labia and wondered what she was to do next. Sister Persecutor twisted Eul’s erect nipple and hissed “You are a horny slut!”

She raised her voice and said “Dear little sister, the slave cunt not only chose to suck the sweat cock of the gardener she has become aroused doing so. I know you can smell her cunt. It reminds you of when you fingered yourself, doesn’t it?”

The novice agreed but dared not answer. Sister P. laughed and said “Of course it does. Now you are to use your tongue on this slave cunt and see how quickly she comes.”

“Oh, no, Sister I can’t take it!” Eulalia cried. “My pussy is so sore. I beg you, no.”

Sister’s face showed anger and she demanded “Your ‘what’ is sore?”

Eul whispered “My pussy is sore.”

“You don’t have a ‘pussy’. What is sore?”

“My… my cunt is sore?” Eul replied timidly. Sister smiled and said “That’s better. Your slutty slave cunt is sore. Say it, and say it loud!”

“My slutty slave cunt is sore!” Eul cried out. Sister smiled and said “That’s much better. Now, my dear little novice, what IN GOD”S NAME could YOU be waiting for?”

“I… I’ve never done this. This is wrong!” the novice replied.

“There is nothing wrong with learning the nuances of life. This slave cunt you kneel before is already aroused even though she has just had her mouth fucked” Sister Persecutor explained. Eulalia blushed, shamed by the accuracy of Sister’s observation. Being bound naked and forced to take the monster cock as others watched did indeed arouse her and Sister P. didn’t even have to touch her cunt to know Eul was already wet. Sister P. had supervised enough punishments and penances to know how her charges would react. The yoke about her neck precluded Eul from looking down at the novice kneeling before her but she could feel each warm breath of the young woman. Eul could picture the soft lips inches from her warm moist sex that would son force her to an orgasm she did not want to have with Sister Persecutor looking on.

Sister continued “You see this cunt before you would like to say she was forced to swallow the gardener’s cock but she was not beaten or tortured. She wanted it! She wanted to suck his cock and swallow his seed with an audience watching her. Look at her tits. Her nipples are hard! Now lick her sinful slit and tell me it is not hot and wet! DO IT NOW!”

The novice hesitantly leaned forward. She slipped her tongue through Eulalia’s swollen labia and sucked the tender flesh into her mouth. Eul could not help but to moan as the novice’s tongue stroked her clit. The novice shuffled her knees on the wood stool to get a better position to caress Eul. The novice hadn’t been truthful when she declared she had never done this before. In fact she and her sister had often preformed cunnilingus on each other! The way she worked Eulalia, even with her hands tied behind her back convinced neither Eul nor Sister of her proclaimed innocence.

Sister Persecutor smiled and sarcastically said “My, you are a fart study or just damn lucky. Eulalia, do you think you will come?”

“Oh, Sister, I don’t want to” Eulalia groaned. Within the device she was bound at first Eulalia did try to avoid the stroking of the novice’s tongue. It was not that the novice was less than skilled or that it would be any more humiliating than what Mistress Melissa has had her do either for training, punishment, or just the enjoyment of the coffee shop’s patrons. It was the climax would affirm to Sister Persecutor she could not resist arousal, no matter how awkwardly bound she was or who was watching. Sister would have none of Eul’s avoidance. She first pressed a button at the base of the device. Accompanied by the sound of an electric motor and the whirring of gears the posts holding the yoke rose from the platform Lifting Eul’s head until she was bolt upright with her knees barely touching the base. Then Sister ran her hand over Eul’s rump and slipped her fingers into the soft cleft. She worked a finger into Eul’s ass, smiling as Eul tensed with the intrusion. Eul glanced at Sister and begged “Please, Sister, I’m trying not to come!”

“I know you are but because being the slutty slave cunt that you are you will despite yourself. Isn’t our little novice done a surprisingly good job?” Sister asked rhetorically. Eul squeezed her eyes shut as the incredible stimulation of the novice’s tongue and mouth lapped at her sex and sucked on her labia, Sister’s finger massaging her rectum, and the agony of her body almost hanging from her neck. The inevitable orgasm swept through Eul. She let out a guttural moan as her body trembled in her humiliating ecstasy.

With Eul a trembling wreck, Sister helped the novice to her feet. She looked at the woman’s face, wet from being buried in Eul’s crotch. She pushed her forward and told her “Kiss Eulalia goodbye.”

Eul was surprised to feel the novice’s tongue slip into her mouth. Then Sister led the novice from the chapel with the two other sisters following them out leaving Eul teetering on her knees…

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Eulalia's problems continue...
While The Hanging Tree sat in the coffee shop discussing with Melissa and Julie Eulalia’s fate, Eul was perched bound and alone in the O.P.P. chapel. Ropes bit into her arms and wrist pinning them behind her back and thrusting her bosom out. More ropes kept her legs spread lewdly exposing her tagged sex. Eul could tell by the sun beam moving across the floor hours had passed since Sister Prosecutor had left with the novice. Her knees ached and she had suffered several leg cramps. And that breakfast she had early in the morning was filling her bowels and bladder.

A sister entered the chapel wearing an apron over her habit. She pushed a cleaning cart into the room and began dusting the altar. Eulalia cleared her throat and said “Excuse me. I really need to use the restroom.”

The sister didn’t ever look at her and continued with her chores. Eul fidgeted on her knees and called out again “Sister, I really need to use the restroom. I can’t hold it much longer!”

With her back to Eul the sister said “You will wait until I am done. And if you dare shit on the altar I will spoon-feed it to you for breakfast tomorrow.”

Another half hour passed before the sister began packing up her cleaning supplies. She pushed the cart towards the door then walked back to Eul. She circled behind, grabbed the wood that Eul’s knees rested on and pulled it out from beneath Eul, leaving her hanging by her chin and the back of her skull! Eul could breathe but the strain on her neck was horrible. The sister circled before Eulalia, glance at the door, then gave Eul a deep French kiss while she drove a pair of fingers into Eul’s sex. She held the kiss until both women were breathless. When she broke off the kiss she continued to stroke Eul’s clit with one hand, fondle Eul’s breast with the other, all the while hungrily licking the sweat from Eul’s face.

“Oh, Sister, please don’t. I…”

“Shut the fuck up, you slave cunt!” Sister hissed. “Sister Prosecutor was right. You’re hornier than a cheap whore. Let’s see how long it takes you to come. And if you dare tell anyone I did this I will make your few days here hell! Do you understand? Good! Now you be a good little slut and come for me.”

The sister needn’t have asked as Eul once again came with spittle gurgling through her clinched teeth. The sister smiled and licked her fingers. Then she said to Eul “its three hours ‘til evening prayers. There’s a bucket beneath you. Shit and piss all you want, when you want. Just remember I’m not coming back until just before prayers. Hang in there.”

Then she left with Eul’s bowels and bladder screaming for relief as her body hung from her neck…
only that naughty pic or?
Next installment, sorry, no picture...

It had been more than poor Eulalia could take. Hanging from her head she could no longer expend the energy to control her bowels and bladder. The purging splattered noisily into a tin bucket below her shortly after the sister had left. As the afternoon hours passed the chapel became warmer as the sun poured in. Even though it was her own the stench was sickening. Eulalia twisted her shoulders desperately trying to move her neck so the yoke would seal off her windpipe and put and end to her humiliation and agony. Of course the O.P.P. was far too savvy for that and all she managed to do was to increase the pain in her neck.

Of course, even though Eul was alone in the chapel she was being watched on closed-circuit television. Even if she had succeeded in strangling herself there were two sisters just out the door that would have rushed in to rescue her. It would have been sinful to deny Eulalia her crucifixion!

Just before evening prayers, several sisters came into the chapel. One removed the bucket below Eul as others untied the ropes binding her legs. The electric motors whirred again and the yoke lowered until Eul’s feet touched the floor. They took her out into the cool air of the fading dusk and hosed her off with a strong blast of cold water. Then they brought her back to the cell she had spent the end of the previous night. This time both her ankles were shackled with her legs spread. They untied Eulalia’s arms and laid her back. Then they raised her arms above her head, locking her wrists in padded leather cuffs before leaving her spread eagle face up on the bed.

Preparations for ‘evening prayers’ were well underway as the novice was placed in the yoke and bound as Eul had been. The sisters and the brothers of the O.P.P. would gather in an orgy of sexual debauchery as the novice looked on. Mother Superior came to Eulalia’s cell before she joined in the ‘prayers’. She sat on the bed next to Eul, stroking her fingers over Eul’s belly. She purred “You don’t know how much I want to lick you cute little cunt. But you’ve already been given one more orgasm than the IMF has allowed for you stay here. Sleep well, Eulalia.”

Mother slapped Eul’s sex as she rose and left for the chapel. The novice would not be left unmolested as every orifice was filled with eager cocks and strap-on dildos. As ‘prayers’ wrapped up the sister that had cleaned the chapel that afternoon was brought in to serve her penance for giving Eulalia that extra orgasm. Her elbows were cinched hard behind her back with coarse brown ropes. Rough cut wood dildos were stuffed in her ass and sex. She would spend the better part of an hour licking the novice’s ass and cunt clean…

that's a pity my dear:D
It had been more than poor Eulalia could take
Oh no it isn't,​
she can take lots more of this great stuff, THT!​
Thanks, Amdi and Eul, more to come soon. Does anyone have a picture of two naked ladies with their hands cufffed behind their backs facing away???

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