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Fever World of Karen Marie Moning - The erotic CruxForums Version!

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“Prepare her” the Officer of the Court spoke once more, in response to which the guards pulled her Dani to the wooden ‘T’ shaped frame and stretched her arms across the top beam, locking each wrist inside the tight leather straps that resided there ..." “FeverLash” - The Whipping of Dani O’Malley Part 1"


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"FeverLash” - The Whipping of Dani O’Malley Part 2

She heard the whip whistle through the air first, and then …

“Thwack!” Dani, expecting the blow across her bare back was unprepared when she felt the wicked lash explode over her buttocks, curling around her hip, slicing into the flesh.

The shock and the pain drove the breath from her body and she arced forward before releasing a piercing cry.

Dani had no time at all to recover before the next stroke cracked across her exposed shoulders. It felt as if her skin had been flayed to the bone, but she managed to choke back her scream in some vainglorious attempt to appear stoic.

“Thwack!” Another lash across her ass, the steel tipped end of the lash curling once more around her body to cut into her stomach. Her resolve to be brave finally broke.

“Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii …” The scream from the poor, young girl was short and shrill.

“Thwack!” Another lash quickly followed striping her from shoulder blade to hip.

“Aaaaarrrrgggggh!” A little lower down on her back this time, and the steel tip of the lash coiled around her once more and bit harshly into the underneath of her soft breast.

“Feckkkkkkkkin’ hell!” Dani yelled, giving up any attempt to disguise just how much the whip was hurting. She began to writhe in a pointless attempt to evade the whip as waves of agony soared through her.

The whipmaster paused before laying on the next stroke, and slowly, during that all too brief recess, the cheering of the lust-hungry, blood-thirsty crowd percolated into her head.

The girl had performed well so far, he thought to himself. Most are begging for mercy by now. He looked at Dani’s back and ass. The welts left by the whip already a dark red against her fair skin. She made a very pleasing and provocative picture indeed!

Dani was no longer just writhing, she was struggling frantically, trying to loosen the straps and free herself. But, of course, her efforts were in vain. Held securely by the wrists and ankles, she could do nothing more … other than writhe. However, she was aware enough to try and restrict her uncontrolled movements because if she should turn the wrong way at the wrong moment, she could expose the front of her body to the vicious lash.

And that was unthinkab …

“Feckkkkkkkk!” Her thoughts were could short by a new explosion of angry fire across her body.





Her cries were feral, loud and continuous, but lost in the frenzy as the whipmaster beat her savagely, landing stroke after stroke without pause.

Then two lashes across her back, more spaced out … allowing time for Dani to scream, and arch away from the frame.

How many more? The bound girl thought to herself. She had lost tally of the strokes and they had, thankfully, not made her count her own suffering out loud. Already she was covered in a sheen of glistening perspiration mixing freely with the rivulets of blood that oozed from certain of the welted cuts. Tears streamed down her face to drip from her chin onto her breasts.

“Secure her more tightly,” she heard the presiding Officer callout. Dani knew that her ordeal was far from over.

The mortal assistants rushed forward and secured a leather strap around her waist that clipped onto the frame at either side. It was buckled tightly cinching her body into position.

Dani felt the strap pulled around her and she gasped. Now she could not even writhe in an attempt to distract herself from the agony, or in an attempt to minimise the impact of the lash … damn it, she could hardly breathe!

Another whistle through the air. A thud as the steel-tipped leather struck home, followed by a heart-rending scream … her scream.

She was held immobile in the frame as more strokes were laid on her poor body in quick succession, four across her back and four more slicing into her ass cheeks. Her cries rang out much to the delight of the audience, their presence here now being amply rewarded through the visible suffering of poor Danielle O’Malley.

The whipmaster smiled. He did not mind her screams, they motivated him, stimulated him, drove him on … how he would love to fuck her while she was strapped into the frame, her body beaten, battered and broken.

The perfect toy!

During this brief pause he surveyed his handiwork. Dani was sobbing uncontrollably as she attempted desperately to draw air into her lungs. Her throat was sore from screaming and her body was involuntarily jerking and shuddering as if she was still being flogged.

The whipmaster was pleased with his performance. He knew that each stoke had been true and inflicted the maximum pain.

“Check her.” The Officer shouted down. The whipmaster looked up and nodded. Placing his bloodied whip in the hands of one of the assistants he moved closer to Dani. Putting his arms around her from behind he cupped her breasts. The nipples were soft, and even upon receiving his touch, showed no signs of springing into life. There was no sign of any arousal whatsoever in her body.

To further confirm he forced a hand between her parted thighs and ran his fingers over her labia. Like her nipples, there was no evidence of stimulation. They were not opened, nor moist. He looked up at the Officer and responded, “Nothing, Sir.”

“Then you will correct that.” The instruction was clear and unambiguous.

Moving the Dani’s front the whipmaster took her delicate chin in his large hand and raised her head so that her heavy-lidded eyes could look at him.

“You are taking the whip well girl, but you are defying me. You will not do so any longer. Your body will respond when I touch it. If you do not then you will be fed to my guards for them to enjoy the pleasures of your flesh. Do you understand?”

Dani understood only too well, and she nodded with a slow, painful movement of her head.

The flogging then resumed. Dani lost count of the number of additional strokes that came, nor had she any idea of how many more she would receive.

She could no longer scream, only groan with a deep, plaintive, guttural sound each time the steel tips and the leather bit into her body, her conscious state manifesting only through involuntary bodily shudders and the relentless mewing of her voice.

Through the mist that fogged her brain, Dani, once more, felt hands on her breasts and a deep moan escaped her mouth as fingers opened up her pussy, stroking her inside. Then her nipples were being pulled and tweaked, suckled upon and they too became aroused, hardening to the delight of everyone watching.

Never before in her short life had Dani felt so dominated, and as a consequence, so vulnerable as she did right now, secured into the whipping frame, her back and ass throbbing from many savage strokes of the steel-tipped whip.

These abominable wretches, Fae from the Planet X, had whipped her … hard. They had forced her to submit to this terrible pain that was being inflicted on her young body. She hated them, and was more determined than ever to continue her Fae-killing spree … if only she could survive this and then escape.

And now they were adding to her humiliation and anguish by having the man who had wielded the whip touch her, making her respond to his ministrations.

But she set her mind, and resolved that even if they made her beg for mercy, or scream the place down she would not give him, nor the Officer, nor the monsters watching this horrific spectacle, the satisfaction of responding to his use of her body.

She would harness the hatred she felt to continue her defiance.

“Recommence!” More instructions, clear in their meaning.

Dani felt a shroud of despair fall over her. But even worse was the threat that she would be fed to his guards. How could she continue to defy him and not suffer an even worse fate?

The whipmaster stepped away from the frame and once more picked up the lash.
“FeverLash” - The Whipping of Dani O’Malley Part 3

He turned to the two assistants and gave them an order. They moved quickly to the frame, stooped and adjusted the leather straps so that they pulled Dani’s ankles wider. The belt was removed from around her waist, which in itself was a relief, but when a wooden post, laying horizontal on a wheeled stand was moved towards her and then pushed hard, through the metal ‘V’ shape at the front of the frame, and into her stomach, Dani realised what they had done.

Brakes set the wheels of the platform immovably stationary, and the bound girl’s body was forced backwards. Standing behind her the whipmaster let a malicious smile play on his lips. Her ass was now stretched towards him, her pussy full exposed with the lips slightly parted and, with her buttocks also separated her anus was now unprotected.

The audience lapped this up, cheering wildly as the Officer presiding felt his erection harden.

To survey fully her new, slightly bent, position, the whipmaster walked around Dani’s body and stood before her, a little to one side. He raised the whip high over his shoulder and then released his arm.


“Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii … feckkkkkkkkkkk!” The stroke had raise the beaten girl’s level of consciousness as she issued a piercing scream, and her bent body writhed frantically with new agony.

Without needed to inspect the damage the whipmaster knew that the lash had cut down between her ass cheeks and sliced under, the steel tipped end kissing her open cunt.

He chuckled to himself as he imagined the exquisite nature of the pain she would now be feeling.

“Crack!” Another long, drawn-out scream echoed throughout the auditorium. Adjusting his angle a little the whipmaster’s aim cut across a more fleshy part of Dani’s perfect ass before once more slashing into her pussy.

“Thwack” The pleasing sound of another loud scream was music to his ears. The stroke had mirrored the pervious one, but this time the steel tip had sliced across her left buttock.

His erection was raging.






Five more strokes landed. Each one producing a loud cry, leaving poor Dani trembling uncontrollably, her ass cheeks, anus and pussy all now welted and swollen.

Her body writhed enchantingly once more as it attempted to absorb the pain. She screamed louder now, and she knew not where her strength to do so had come from.

Driven by both torment and hatred Dani forced herself to raise her head as much as she could. The agony was forcing arousal far away from her naked body, but the relentless beating was surely breaking her.

The young girl could feel the emotion well up, and new tears spilled out much to the delight of everyone watching.

“Please … Master …” she screamed, using the suffix that she thought he would want to hear.

“Please, no more, no more … no more, I can’t take … any … more.” And with that her head dropped to her chest, her long red hair forming a hanging curtain around her pretty face.

“I will do anything you want of me M … Master … but please do not whip … me … any … more …”

She was slowly losing the ability to speak or think straight.

The whipmaster looked at the Officer and they both smiled, one nodding to the other.

Even if his attempts to arouse her had been thwarted, she had been broken … this pretty despot, this beautiful terrorist …

She would remember this flogging for the rest of her life, the day that Dani O’Malley had been made to regret her misdeeds.

The whipmaster moved back to her rear.




Three more times the steel tips landed on her back, raking more of the flesh from her naked body.

The pain and writhing had exhausted poor Dani and she could no longer scream, merely jerking feverishly in response to each stroke.

On the third, and what was to be the final lash, her body arched rigid, pushing her stomach hard against the end of the wooden post, and the hurt escalated beyond her threshold of endurance and she sank into welcome oblivion.

Her pain-wracked body collapsed to hang by the wrists, pressing into the post. The whipmaster returned the whip to the assistants, who themselves had stood passively and watched the sentence being executed, as had the deliriously happy audience.

Under instruction from the presiding Officer, the menial humans moved back to frame, unfastened Dani’s prostrate body, allowing her to fall to the floor of the platform.

She lay powerless on her stomach before a semblance of consciousness came back to her and she dragged herself first of all onto her side and then to her knees before collapsing onto the beaten skin of her naked back.

It was then that her arms were grabbed and Dani, beaten, bloodied and broken, was dragged from the stage …

"She could no longer scream, only groan with a deep, plaintive, guttural sound each time the steel tips and the leather bit into her body, her conscious state manifesting only through involuntary bodily shudders and the relentless mewing of her voice ..." “FeverLash” - The Whipping of Dani O’Malley Part 3


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"... they moved back to frame, unfastened Dani’s prostrate body, allowing her to fall to the floor of the platform. She lay powerless on her stomach before a semblance of consciousness came back to her and she dragged herself first of all onto her side and then to her knees before collapsing onto the beaten skin of her naked back ..." “FeverLash” - The Whipping of Dani O’Malley Part 3


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We have just seen the young, nubile, gorgeous Dani 'Mega' O'Malley whipped, humiliated and degraded ... so I thought that today we would relax and simply appreciate a small number of 'portrait pictures' of this fiery, young thing.



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Malluce is part vampire and part human. He aspires to rule the world, but never really has a chance of doing so. In BloodFever, book 2 of the series, Mackayla, who had once been the lover of Malluce, finds herself trapped in an alleyway with him. She uses her 'Spear of destiny' to ward him off, not realising that he is part Fae. The spear kills everything Fae and so begins to kill parts of Malluce. This leaves him with nothing more than an agonised, isolated existance desperately seeking revenge ... And now he is going to take it!



The inhuman abomination had threatened to kill me.

It wouldn’t be long before I would wish it had.

I came to with a sour, chemical taste in my mouth that made me suspect I’d been drugged, a burning pain in my wrist accompanied by a peculiar immobility and heaviness, and the dank odor of wet, mossy stone in my nostrils. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing even, trying to assess as much of myself and my surroundings as possible before betraying to anyone who might be watching me that I was conscious. I was barefoot, naked and cold, my clothes were gone. I had a dim memory of collapsing in the alley.

“You’re awake.” It was a statement of the obvious that brought me to my senses. I sat up slowly, carefully. My head was muzzy, my tongue thick. I looked around. I was in a cell of stone behind thick iron bars.

Beyond those bars my captor stood.

“Where am I?”

“The Burren. Beneath it, to be precise. Do you know what the Burren is?” Its hood rustled as it spoke and the voice held a smile ... or was it a smirk.

Where had I heard that voice before? It was familiar … but different … tone fluid, words loosely formed. Yes, I knew what the Burren was. I’d seen it on maps and read about it. A wild landscape in County Clare, Ireland, a hilly, limestone area of roughly three hundred square kilometres, in which no one would ever find me. Not Barrons, not Dani, not … there was no one. I was alone.

I knew enough to know that above us one could find Neolithic tombs, megaliths and ancient crosses stained with the blood of crucifixion. Beneath the Burren were active stream caves and miles of labyrinthine passages and caverns, the majority unexplored. I was beneath the Burren and I might as well have been entombed alive.

I hate confined places as much as I hate the dark. The knowledge that there were tons and tons of rock above my head, dense and impenetrable, separating me from the air, from wide-open spaces and the ability to move freely about made me feel wildly claustrophobic.

My face must have betrayed my horror.

“I see you do.”

“Where are my clothes?” I couldn’t think about where I was or I’d have a meltdown. I had to focus on getting out of here.


“I’m cold.” And I felt naked, consciously embarrassed not to mention more than a little humiliated.

“Cold is the least of your problems.”

Undoubtedly that was true. Even if I managed to get free.

“Who are you? What do you want?” I demanded.

“My life back,” it said. “In lieu of that, I’ll take yours. The same way you’ve taken mine. One piece at a time.”

What the fuck?

“Who are you?” I repeated.

What was this thing talking about? It raised a hand and pushed back its cowl. I flinched violently. For a moment I was too horrified to do anything but stare. I searched the face for something, anything that I recognised. It took me several long moments to find it in the eyes.

They were dead, empty, inhuman. Mallucé!

He’s not dead. He was worse than dead. All those times I’d glimpsed a shadow, the spectre, seen it out of a window late at night, or in the alley, or in the graveyard, it had been Mallucé, watching me.

The ‘it’ in my mind now became a ‘he’.

I struggled to hold his gaze, if only to keep from absorbing how grotesque the rest of him had become. It was no wonder he kept his hood up. No wonder he hid his face. I looked away. I couldn’t take it.

“Look at me, bitch. See your handiwork. You did this to me,” he snarled.

Mallucé was holding me responsible for what he’d become, and what he’d become was worse than anything I’d seen in any movie I’d watched, or any nightmare I’d ever had.

“You stabbed me with your fucking spear, you bitch! The Spear that kills all Fae!”

“But you’re not Fae,” I protested.

“Parts of me were Fae!” he hissed. His mouth didn’t completely close, and flecks of spittle flew through the bars, landed on my skin. They burned like acid.

“What?” How could parts of someone be Fae? Yet that was exactly what it looked like. As if the spear had killed parts of him. Portions of Mallucé’s face were still marble white; other parts had been ravaged by a foul leprosy: A blackened vein ran down his right cheek, over his jaw, and halfway down his neck, like rotted marbling in beef; a chunk above his left eye was gray, moist, shining; most of his chin and lower lip had collapsed into a wet, septic decay.

It was horrific. I couldn’t stop staring.

His long blond hair had fallen out, baring a bloated skull traced by a skein of thin, black veins. Was he rotting from the inside? Revolted, I turned my gaze away.

“Look at me,” he said, his yellow eyes like burning lanterns in a misshapen skull. “Study me. Soon you’ll know this face as well as your own. We’re going to be intimate Mackayla my little bitch, so very intimate.” His eyes narrowed to slits.

“Do you know what the worst thing is?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “At first you think it’s watching parts of yourself rot. Staring in the mirror, poking your finger into melting pockets of your own flesh. Wondering if you should scrape out the rot or leave it alone. Bandage it up. Realizing that your cheek or your ear or part of your stomach is beyond repair. You lose yourself in degrees. You think, ‘I can live with this’, but then the next part goes and the next, and you find the worst part isn’t the mornings when you wake up to discover another part of you is no longer alive, but the nights when you lie awake in terror of what you’ll discover at dawn.” He paused, gasping as the vitriolic words poured out.

“Will it be my hand next? An eye? Will I go blind before I die? Will it be my tongue? My dick? My balls? It’s not the reality that undoes you; it’s the possibilities. It’s the waiting, the hours you lie awake wondering what will be next. It’s not the pain of the moment, but the anticipation of the next pain. It’s not the dying itself, that will be a relief, but the desperation to live, the stupid fucking need to go on long after you hate what you’ve become, long after you can even stand to look at yourself. You’ll feel that too before I’m through with you Mackayla.”



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His lips, one human in appearance, pink, and firm, one rotted, peeled back from fang-like teeth.

“Look at me. I can’t even die. Will no one dance me into the darkness?” For a moment he sounded pathetic.

I couldn’t find any words. His smile was terrible, his laughter even worse: moist-sounding, wrong. He held out his arms towards me, as if to waltz.

“Welcome, dance partner. Welcome to my ball here in Hell’s grotto.” He dropped his arms. “I had it all. I had the world by the balls. I fucked anything I wanted, anytime I wanted. I was worshipped, I was rich, and I was going to be one of the world’s great new powers, and now I am nothing. Because of you.”

He pulled up his cowl, adjusted it, then turned and walked away.

“So, think, lovely bitch,” he growled over his shoulder, “about how lovely you soon won’t be. Think about the morning and what horrors await you there. Try to sleep Mackayla.”

I lay on the hard floor staring up at the stone ceiling. I’d gone to a happy place in my head and my mind, I’d painted clouds and a blue sky on the stone ceiling of my cell. The cold seemed to dissipate, and despite my fear and I could breathe again.

Was it really only three months ago that I’d been lying by the pool at my parents’ house, back in Ashford, Georgia in my favourite pink polka-dotted bikini, sipping sweet iced tea and listening to music?

Then Alina was murdered. I came to Dublin to find her killer. And now I was here …

Eventually I slept. I knew he was in this cavern with me all through my tortured slumber. Fae but not Fae: I could feel him there: a dark cancer, a wrongness, ogling my body, drinking in my nakedness.

My head ached from sleeping on a pillow of stone. I was so hungry I was almost too weak to move. Did he plan to starve me? I’d heard it took something like three days to dehydrate. How long did I have to go? I had no sense of time in this place. Would hours feel like days? Would days feel like months? How long had I been unconscious? How long had I slept?

From how hungry I was, I knew at least a day had passed, perhaps two. I rolled over gingerly. There he stood, offering me a small tray with food on. I leapt to take it from him before I slunk back against the wall to devour whatever he had brought. As I took hands full of what I’m sure was cold porridge, and stuffed them in my mouth, I watched Mallucé through the bars.

Sitting, he had turned his back to me. His hood was down. The back of his hairless, swollen head looked gangrenous. He was seated on a low stone slab and if I wasn’t mistaken, he was eating something, too, making disgusting noises while he did it.

I finished the food too quickly, and so, despite raging thirst, I sipped the water carefully. There was no bathroom in my ‘cell from Hell’. Ironic, the humiliations that occur to us in the midst of significantly larger problems, as if being killed by one’s enemy isn’t quite as terrible as being forced to urinate in front of him. But urinate I did …

“Do you wonder about me, bitch?” As he spoke Mallucé turned to look at me. His gaze focused on my face, then my breasts and finally my crotch … before he smirked at the pool of piss that ran over one corner of the cell.

“I often wondered about you, saw you in my mind, wanted to hurt you, fuck you, rape you.” He paused with the obvious intent of letting his words sink in. Then he continued …

“After you stabbed me, I became sick immediately. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I lay in my lair, poisoned, realising in slow degrees what your spear had done to me.” Another pause. I saw the bulge in his pants grow. His dick clearly hadn’t gone … not yet.

“It was then that I projected myself to you, spied on you. I was too weak at first to do more than watch you and plan, but the need for vengeance made me strong.”

He laughed. “I had many visions of you Mackayla, and in them all, I lay in that room, stinking to high hell, watching myself rot. In those visions you worshipped me before you died. You wanted to know me then? You’ll know everything soon. You’ll call me Lord Master.”

He was taking his time with me. I wanted to beg him to kill me now, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. Instead I would have to imagine the things he had planned for me … He knew many inventive ways to cause pain, and he wanted me to anticipate the horrors he had planned for me, more than he wanted to begin those horrors, so I would feel the same helpless terror he had endured.

All those weeks he’d lain in his lair, fighting the poison in his body, he’d planned my death in exact detail, and now he meant to take his time enacting it.

Eventually he entered my cell, and it began …




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I wasn’t sure what I expected, what he would actually do, I mean the detail of how …

But once I saw his ravaged body and peeling flesh enter the confined space within my cell, I knew that the detail did not matter.

I was unconstrained, but still very naked. I hadn’t washed and I had been forced to urinate once again, on the floor, in the corner … It was towards that corner that Mallucé threw me once he had gripped my hair and dragged me to my feet.

I hit the cold brick with a slam, my hands protecting my face, but my knees and breasts taking the hard force as I smashed into the wall.

I slumped to the floor whereupon, by my hair, I was painfully pulled back onto my feet, and thrown against the steel bars of the cell.

I was too breathless to scream, and by the look of the bulge under his leather pants, Mallucé was too lust-fuelled to say anything.

This time he gripped my shoulders, pulled me up and shoved me a few steps until my stomach pushed against the edge of the small white topped table, and he bent me over. This was it …

“Please,” I mumbled quietly and with a meek intonation.

He offered no response, not even a mocking one.

Pressing his body against mine, using his weight to keep me still. His right hand resting on the smooth, worn surface of the table. He twisted my head to look into his eyes.

A silent warning to comply.

I could hear him panting and felt the length of his erection pushed against me. Adrenaline and panic coursed through my system and the thud in my chest hammered my ribcage like it wanted out. My eyes began to well.

“Please. Don’t,” I wailed, trying to work up the courage to scream, but he pushed against me harder, enjoying the power.

“I know you want it.” They were the first words he had spoken.

But I didn’t … I didn’t want it … these words of dissension stayed inside my head.

My legs crumpled like they no longer belonged to me. My eyes strayed to the ground; he wore black army boots and dark leather jeans.

I felt the wrench behind my back as my arm was twisted, almost pulling my shoulder out of its socket. Pushing his cock into my hand, he forced my fingers to wrap around it. My stomach plummeted to the floor and I fought the urge to urinate.

His erection felt huge in my palm, engorged with blood and his thick, white seed …

Tears ran down my cheeks as he groaned in satisfaction, moving my hand back and forth to pleasure himself until I’d got the rhythm.

His eyes had told me to comply. I complied.

I could feel my throat closing up, the bile rising. Eyes focused on the cold, hard brick, anywhere but my hand, and what it was doing.

Suddenly he’d had enough foreplay and strong arms reached around my waist to the front of my body.

“Be a good girl, Mackayla,” he panted.

I swallowed hard and managed a strange squeak of submission. The cold realisation of what lay ahead dawning on me, powerless to stop it.

“No. Mallucé … Please.” I begged once more.

Grabbing my hair, he forced me down, over the top of the table, my breasts flattened against the surface, the table-edge compressing my chest, and kicked my feet as far apart they would go. I tried to cry out, but no sound came. He groaned as his disgusting, decomposing hand thrust between my legs, exposing my vulva to his repulsive touch.

“Where’s Barrons? Where’s your saviour now huh? No one is coming Mackayla … except for me, of course!” He laughed at his own words.

I heard him spit … lubrication … and chuckle once more, before pushing his erection without any thought or care, roughly inside me, penetrating my core in a single long thrust.

The sudden burning sensation from below was excruciating, firing all my senses and nerves to red alert. Biting on my own hand, I squeezed my eyes tight as warm urine dribbled down my legs.

Violated in the worst possible way … again. Only this time it was worse. There had been a gang at the church, four of them took their twisted pleasure inside me, but their actions turned me Pri-ya … making me obsessed with, and addicted to, sex with those bastard Unseelie Princes. I hated what they did to me, but wanted it at the same time. Here, now in this dark, cold cell with this monster, there was no feeling of Pri-ya to anaesthetise me, and with the digested remains of Unseelie flesh in my stomach there were no side-seer powers to make it feel better … the feeling of him raping me was stark, isolated, discreet in its own right.

I felt everything … I hated it all.

I focused on the rhythmic shuffle of the table banging against the brick with every thrust as my hip bones slammed remorselessly into its near edge. The intensity of his tempo grew.

Each thrust getting harder and deeper, skin slapping against skin. My breath being sucked and pushed out of me as he raised my right leg in order to gain unencumbered entry to my body. As his grunting pitched higher, he pulled on my hair, snapping my head back, and with one final thrust his body went rigid.

Finally, he relaxed, his hold on me slackened with the release and then his weight lifted. My ribs felt crushed, I was sure the imprint of the table would be forever ingrained into my stomach.

Seconds later, I heard the pull of his zipper slip back into place. Leaning over, he used the thumb of his tortured hand, to stroke my cheek. My stomach heaved at the intimacy. He’d just violated me, yet he touched my face like we were a couple in love.

I tasted bile and fought hard not to vomit. I remained, splayed out over the table, exposed like a rag doll, too distraught at what had just taken place to move. In that moment, I just wanted to curl up and die.

Seconds stretched out in front of me. I could hear no background noise at all. It was deathly quiet. I waited for something, a fist or a blade slicing my skin. Something to end my ordeal, but it never came.

Was it over?

A hollow silence filled the gap. I hesitated, unsure what to do as the trickle of his thick juice spilled from my body and ran down my thighs. After what seemed like the longest time my legs gave way and I slid to the floor; daring to turn around, to face what was coming. When I did, the cell was empty. He was gone.




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