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Fit, Lovely Ladies Crucified

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The jokes on me, I did find some more stills of Bruna's rib cage being visible
Part 4: Today's guests are Bruna (yay), and the more recent model on Ramon's deviantart page.
The real joke here is your turned on by women's ribcages. You wierdo.
-Femboy admirer

A LOT of us are, Al.

There’s something both strong and fragile about ribs visible under smooth skin. Plus, since the model is usually in a stretched position, her boobs are elevated, her knees are slightly bent, her tummy is (probably) flat (unless she’s of the zaftig persuasion), and most everything we like about her is exposed.

What’s not to love?
A LOT of us are, Al.

There’s something both strong and fragile about ribs visible under smooth skin. Plus, since the model is usually in a stretched position, her boobs are elevated, her knees are slightly bent, her tummy is (probably) flat (unless she’s of the zaftig persuasion), and most everything we like about her is exposed.

What’s not to love?
I agree. If it's weird to like womens ribcages, (which I do, along with thighs, upperarms, legs, butt, neck/shoulders, and boobs), then I'm just as weird. I really like the armpits of a crucified woman. My favorite area. They look so erotic there, all exposed. And I prefer the woman to have visible shaved stubble on her exposed armpits, rather than hairy or completely smooth.
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This new member of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ has completed her preparation phase, and is mentally and physically ready for her crucifixion. she stands before the cross she has maintained and preserved for her own crucifixion, soon to be crowned with thorns and led to her scourging. In a few hours, she will be nailed, and begin her six hour, life transforming ordeal. She will then be truly married to Christ.
From 10.30, Nun Michaela went to the chapel together with other novices to say the morning prayer (Tertium) for half an hour. The next half hour of kneeling on the hard floor with folded hands in prayer was difficult and painful for Nun Michaela, but she knew that this was what the rest of her life would be like. She knew that the real suffering would be her crucifixion in a few months, after which she would be a full member of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ, vowed to Christ. However, Michael's sister knew that by then she would be physically and mentally prepared.
After prayers, Sister Michaela worked from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., washing the floors in the novices' cells together with three other nuns. The goals of the novices were the same as those of the other nuns, i.e. modest. They had dimensions of 2 by 1.66 m (area 3.33 m2). There was a modest wooden bed, an image of the crucified Christ on the wall under which Michael's sister prayed, a small cabinet (in which there were spare robes, a rosary, a crown of thorns and a book for devotions in Latin and a Latin textbook. There was no toilet in the cell, novices had a common toilet at their disposal in a separate part of the monastery (each toilet was separated by a stone wall so that a nun could not accidentally see another nun's intimate parts. The nuns took a bath only three times a year: Easter, Christmas and on the anniversary of admission to the Order (and on the day of before their wedding with Christ before the crucifixion and the day before their ascension - crucifixion to death). In this way, by sacrificing their corporeality, they were to come closer to the Christ ideal by avoiding sin, and the corporeal body was to be dirty.
The nuns took baths in their cells and were given a large bowl and a sponge, a cloth and a bucket of water. First, they went several times to one of the wells to collect water in a bucket so that they could pour it into a bowl. After filling the bowl full and filling the bucket, they would strip naked and take a bath. While bathing (or changing clothes or undressing), they were supposed not to look at their naked breasts and intimate places, so as not to be tempted to masturbate, erotic or even sexual desire, which was punished with heavy penance. There were no mirrors in the monastery, and the sisters were not supposed to look at the clothes (loincloths and breast bands) of their fellow nuns, so as not to feel tempted to the sin of carnal lust, but they should look at their faces. Sister Michael knew these rules, her mind was to focus only on prayer, work and fighting the temptations of sin.
I agree. If it's weird to like womens ribcages, (which I do, along with thighs, upperarms, legs, butt, neck/shoulders, and boobs), then I'm just as weird. I really like the armpits of a crucified woman. My favorite area. They look so erotic there, all exposed. And I prefer the woman to have visible shaved stubble on her exposed armpits, rather than hairy or completely smooth.
Ah, hell, I like feet so I ain't one to talk. :p
I prefer seeing things in art that I did myself when I did (and hopefully will soon do again) crux play. I like subjects that are clean shaven all around and not beaten to a bloody pulp. But then I'm more into the eroticism of the nudity/humiliation/helplessness aspect of crucifixion, more so than the tortured to death aspect. But that is just me.
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This new member of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ has completed her preparation phase, and is mentally and physically ready for her crucifixion. she stands before the cross she has maintained and preserved for her own crucifixion, soon to be crowned with thorns and led to her scourging. In a few hours, she will be nailed, and begin her six hour, life transforming ordeal. She will then be truly married to Christ.
At 12.30 there was a half-hour Holy Mass in the main chapel of the monastery for novices and other nuns. For Nun Michaela it was a wonderful part of the day (she did not have to kneel during the entire mass, but only during the reception of the host, the prayer after receiving the host and the rest of the Euharistic LIturgy). Every Holy Mass reminded her that her destiny was a martyr's death.
After the Holy Mass, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., they had the midday prayer (Seksta) in another chapel. Whenever we prayed together, Sister Michael liked to hear the echo of her loud prayer echoing off the walls of the chapel. It allowed her to focus on prayer and not think about her knees hurting from kneeling.
After the afternoon prayer, novice Michaela had 2 and a half hours of silent work, this time preparing meals for dinner in the kitchen (as always, vegetables and fruit) under the supervision of 2 sisters. And this time she did not pay attention to the smell of the prepared dishes, so as not to give in to the temptation to snack (she would then commit the sin of theft and immoderation in eating and drinking). She cut vegetables and fruits and looked after pots of boiling vegetables.
From 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. they had afternoon prayer (Nona), after which they had lunch in the refectory from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., preceded by a request to God to bless this meal. The vegetable and fruit dinner tasted good to the nun Michaela, who prepared it, mentally thanking God for her successful work.
After lunch, Nun Michaela had another 2 hours of silent work, during which she and a few other novices took the cutlery and plates to the kitchen and washed the cutlery and dishes. At 7 p.m., Michael's nun had a half-hour of Vespers.
Between 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., each nun was to spend time in individual prayer in her cell, the so-called a small chapel (one of several in a given part of the monastery), or studying the holy Christian scriptures in isolation in one's cell or in a library.
I agree. If it's weird to like womens ribcages, (which I do, along with thighs, upperarms, legs, butt, neck/shoulders, and boobs), then I'm just as weird. I really like the armpits of a crucified woman. My favorite area. They look so erotic there, all exposed. And I prefer the woman to have visible shaved stubble on her exposed armpits, rather than hairy or completely smooth.
I'm with you regarding the armpit stubble although I'm equally happy to see the victims with exposed, furry underarms. There's something about stubble being exposed, knowing they try to hide their natural hirsute state but have been unable to do so as they were led to their execution...
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