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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

Go to CruxDreams.com
Looking wonderful, but I can"t open it. Anyway, even as a small pic it"s great.
I cannot open it too. why?
I can't open the picture either. I get a message that reads "Oops! we ran into some problems" I have no problems opening other pictures.

I can't see any problem with it, I've uploaded it to CF, it's not streamed -
it seems to be well within the limits for size and byte usage -
it opens for me either in slide-show or (using right-click) in a new tab.

Just seen your posts, Goat and Wragg - thanks - whatever was wrong, looks like you've cleared it up -
but we'll watch for any further reports of problems.
I can't see any problem with it, I've uploaded it to CF, it's not streamed -
it seems to be well within the limits for size and byte usage -
it opens for me either in slide-show or (using right-click) in a new tab.
Try it now in the original post, I've edited it so it should open normally

Originally, it was a pasted image, Eul.

I took the liberty of downloading it and then reattaching as a thumbnail

It's 'Eulalia and the mutineers' - rebellious legionaries are using me as a human shield
against the forces loyal to the Tribune - who happens to be my father....
Can't get that image out of my mind. I would jump at the chance to crucify you, dear Eulalia!:very_hot::bdsm-wink::bdsm-heart::oops:
Can't get that image out of my mind. I would jump at the chance to crucify you, dear Eulalia!:very_hot::bdsm-wink::bdsm-heart::oops:

Hey, get to the back of the cue, Praefectus!
(I can't call you PP as we had a former member known as PP, much missed.)

Right, Friday crux

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