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how should I be humilated?

  • made to wear humiliating clothing (e.g. crown of thorns, filthy loincloth)

    Votes: 96 42.1%
  • spat on by the crowd

    Votes: 51 22.4%
  • mauled and groped by dirty old men

    Votes: 48 21.1%
  • pissed on, made to drink urine

    Votes: 48 21.1%
  • crapped on, made to eat shit

    Votes: 20 8.8%
  • raped, buggered

    Votes: 113 49.6%
  • made to perform oral sex

    Votes: 84 36.8%
  • compelled to dance, sing, make myself a laughing-stock

    Votes: 22 9.6%
  • forced to grovel, plead for mercy, thank my Tormtentors

    Votes: 74 32.5%
  • other ways?

    Votes: 34 14.9%

  • Total voters
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To add to my previous reply: as the condemned wiggled and writhed on the cross, he / she would feel the loincloth loosening up. Eventually they would reach the moment of decision ... try to stay still and maintain the last shred of dignity they have left or ... the pain and cramps are getting so bad! ... try to adjust their position one more time and the loincloth is probably going to slide off and get stuck uselessly caught between their legs and the cross!
I was naked when crucified...and my arms did cramp.
To add to my previous reply: as the condemned wiggled and writhed on the cross, he / she would feel the loincloth loosening up. Eventually they would reach the moment of decision ... try to stay still and maintain the last shred of dignity they have left or ... the pain and cramps are getting so bad! ... try to adjust their position one more time and the loincloth is probably going to slide off and get stuck uselessly caught between their legs and the cross!
Oh God, I can just imagine the anguish of that final degradation, the crowd cheering as the last shred of my dignity is about to go! Maybe even taking bets on how long I can last until...no! There they are for all to see! My pathetic, now useless little genitals!
I was naked when crucified...and my arms did cramp.

Cramping can be a concern. When I am mounted on the cornu it eases the pressure on my chest and upper arms. I am more likely to have leg cramps due to being tied in a squatting position with knees pointing out and legs splayed. Moving up and down on the cornu also relieves cramping but can be rough on the anus and rectum unless you and the cornu are well lubed. Too much pressure exerted on the prostate will result in an involuntary climax/orgasm and once you've ejaculated it's none too pleasant to feel the pole punish that gland over and over again. Those men and women who were crucified with a cornu must have suffered considerable pain, tearing open their anuses and vaginas and rupturing the rectum. No lubrication would have been used and the cornu might have had a sharpened tip or a bulbous head shaped like a lemon and impossible to dislodge due to the angle and position of the body on the cross.
I like the idea of the condemned being raised up on the cross wearing a loincloth, and then the crucifixion dance would start. Eventually the writhing up and down, and back and forth, would loosen the loincloth, and it would just fall off. The condemned would be stripped by the cross itself!

Very good point whiteguy685! It would make the dance more lovely to watch. You would get a peek here and there of her vagina until it fell off which is adding to my excitement right now of wanting to see it. Thank you!

Well when you march out a defeated, helpless victim-girl to her crucifixion, some things are easy to do but no great accomplishment. Some of the options listed in the poll would reflect rather badly on the perpetrators even if they do succeed at humiiating the victim.

That includes all of the options dealing with fouling the victim with excrement and any other act that's 'dirty'. Sure, throwing shit at her is humiiating, but what does that make the person who does the throwing?

A turd-flinging monkey. Not very Imperial and Masterful.

I would go for those options that keep the dignity of the Authority while they showcase how completely dominated the victim is.

You've got to be in complete control!
Of her and yourself.
Flinging turds doesn't make you look like you're in control.
It makes you look demented.

Showing that you are able to force the victim to comply and cooperate with her own execution would be high on the list, especially if she's a former rebel or high status figure. The way to do that is of course to impress on her how much worse things get if she doesn't cooperate.

Getting her to attempt to offer sexual favors to her tormentors without directly ordering her to do it would be effective.

It's one thing to order a victim-girl to pleasure you, any thug can do that.

It's another to bring her to the point where she herself offers that as a last desperate gamble.

So everoyne sees her revealed as a cheap slut, a common whore, offering up her body for your use just so that you maybe nail her in a less painful pose.

(You have made sure she believes such exchanges might work)

And then, to properly humiliate her, you ought to deny that offer.

That drives home the fact that you consider her sexual value, her feminine appeal and attraction, to have dropped to absolute zero. She has arrived at the lowest station. She is nothing.

Look at her... a beautiful woman who, we now see, has completely lost the power her beauty had given her over men, in all of her previous life.

In truth she may still have a lot of it but you will not acknowledge. That's the self-control part :D

Instead you get her to acknowledge her own complete worthlessness.
That ought to be plenty humiliating.

And then the cherry on top of it all is forcing her to orgasm against her will while suffering through her torture.

You need to do that without directly touching her (because she's worthless and why would you touch the worthless thing - something might rub off).

So this is a challenge for your whip-wielding talent. :D

That ought to be the final humiiation.

(This will probably not happen if you cruelly nail her right away, or whip her with a cruel flagrum that tears chunks of flesh out of her. Again - first practice self-control, then you can gain complete victim-control :D )

Well when you march out a defeated, helpless victim-girl to her crucifixion, some things are easy to do but no great accomplishment. Some of the options listed in the poll would reflect rather badly on the perpetrators even if they do succeed at humiiating the victim.

That includes all of the options dealing with fouling the victim with excrement and any other act that's 'dirty'. Sure, throwing shit at her is humiiating, but what does that make the person who does the throwing?

A turd-flinging monkey. Not very Imperial and Masterful.

I would go for those options that keep the dignity of the Authority while they showcase how completely dominated the victim is.

You've got to be in complete control!
Of her and yourself.
Flinging turds doesn't make you look like you're in control.
It makes you look demented.

Showing that you are able to force the victim to comply and cooperate with her own execution would be high on the list, especially if she's a former rebel or high status figure. The way to do that is of course to impress on her how much worse things get if she doesn't cooperate.

Getting her to attempt to offer sexual favors to her tormentors without directly ordering her to do it would be effective.

It's one thing to order a victim-girl to pleasure you, any thug can do that.

It's another to bring her to the point where she herself offers that as a last desperate gamble.

So everoyne sees her revealed as a cheap slut, a common whore, offering up her body for your use just so that you maybe nail her in a less painful pose.

(You have made sure she believes such exchanges might work)

And then, to properly humiliate her, you ought to deny that offer.

That drives home the fact that you consider her sexual value, her feminine appeal and attraction, to have dropped to absolute zero. She has arrived at the lowest station. She is nothing.

Look at her... a beautiful woman who, we now see, has completely lost the power her beauty had given her over men, in all of her previous life.

In truth she may still have a lot of it but you will not acknowledge. That's the self-control part :D

Instead you get her to acknowledge her own complete worthlessness.
That ought to be plenty humiliating.

And then the cherry on top of it all is forcing her to orgasm against her will while suffering through her torture.

You need to do that without directly touching her (because she's worthless and why would you touch the worthless thing - something might rub off).

So this is a challenge for your whip-wielding talent. :D

That ought to be the final humiiation.

(This will probably not happen if you cruelly nail her right away, or whip her with a cruel flagrum that tears chunks of flesh out of her. Again - first practice self-control, then you can gain complete victim-control :D )

Interesting notion of using self-control when dealing with a crucifixion. I can see that as relating to the timing of when you exploit the woman who is to be crucified. It also can relate to how much physical damage you wish to incur. You could perform a crucifixion with such admirable self-control that it will be a sight to behold and make it a piece of art to enjoy.
I have just noticed this thread which made me think. The question is how to humiliate a girl who showed to be defiant even up to the Golgota.

Well, maybe it could be surprising, but I guess that one of the strongest humiliations would just be to be spat on by the crowd (and, of course, be insulted, maybe thrown rotten fruits and vegetable or dirty things at). This would probably happen during the via crux for instance, but also at the execution site.

It gives me the feeling on how strong is the hatred from the crowd, it gives me the feeling that I am going to die alone, in horrible torments, surrounded by men who hate me and most probably will take pleasure and masturbate at the sight of my body writhing hanging from the cross.

It is emotionally crashing, and that is what humiliation is all about. Seeing somebody coming closer, spitting on me, feel his spit land on my face or my body, hear his insults, such a strong emotion!

Then I would say make to drink urine, and cum. I figure this would happen after hours on the cross, when I would be begging for some water to relieve my thirst, the men around would pass a bucket where piss and cum would be poured where a sponge would be drenched. The revolting smell filling my nostrils when the sponge is put closer to my lips would be utterly humiliating, at least for ME!

About the rest, well I expect to be raped and buggered, but this most probably before the execution. Maybe after the guards are satisfied, they would make me rape by other prisoners, or earn money by letting others fuck me.
Well, maybe it could be surprising, but I guess that one of the strongest humiliations would just be to be spat on by the crowd (and, of course, be insulted, maybe thrown rotten fruits and vegetable or dirty things at). This would probably happen during the via crux for instance, but also at the execution site.

It gives me the feeling on how strong is the hatred from the crowd, it gives me the feeling that I am going to die alone, in horrible torments, surrounded by men who hate me and most probably will take pleasure and masturbate at the sight of my body writhing hanging from the cross.

It is emotionally crashing, and that is what humiliation is all about. Seeing somebody coming closer, spitting on me, feel his spit land on my face or my body, hear his insults, such a strong emotion!

Well said, Gabriella ... so very humiliating! :oops::facepalm:

Then I would say make to drink urine, and cum. I figure this would happen after hours on the cross, when I would be begging for some water to relieve my thirst, the men around would pass a bucket where piss and cum would be poured where a sponge would be drenched. The revolting smell filling my nostrils when the sponge is put closer to my lips would be utterly humiliating, at least for ME!

This, though, is beyond humiliation ... ewwwwwwwwwwww :confused:
I have just noticed this thread which made me think. The question is how to humiliate a girl who showed to be defiant even up to the Golgota.

Well, maybe it could be surprising, but I guess that one of the strongest humiliations would just be to be spat on by the crowd (and, of course, be insulted, maybe thrown rotten fruits and vegetable or dirty things at). This would probably happen during the via crux for instance, but also at the execution site.

It gives me the feeling on how strong is the hatred from the crowd, it gives me the feeling that I am going to die alone, in horrible torments, surrounded by men who hate me and most probably will take pleasure and masturbate at the sight of my body writhing hanging from the cross.

It is emotionally crashing, and that is what humiliation is all about. Seeing somebody coming closer, spitting on me, feel his spit land on my face or my body, hear his insults, such a strong emotion!

Then I would say make to drink urine, and cum. I figure this would happen after hours on the cross, when I would be begging for some water to relieve my thirst, the men around would pass a bucket where piss and cum would be poured where a sponge would be drenched. The revolting smell filling my nostrils when the sponge is put closer to my lips would be utterly humiliating, at least for ME!

About the rest, well I expect to be raped and buggered, but this most probably before the execution. Maybe after the guards are satisfied, they would make me rape by other prisoners, or earn money by letting others fuck me.

The content comes out so strongly even though your English is not the best.
Very well written. enjoyed it so much. following you :)
I am kind to you only because I want to see you humiliated and tortured even more in your next story :smoking:

Well that should not be too hard aound here! I'm a sorceress with powers over the dead. which is why I was being hunted. You must have put sleep powder in my drink, thats the only way you would have caught me. it's why everyone is wearing gloves right now as they handle my bound body as you take me to be crucified. just one touch of the tips of my fingers onto your flesh and I can freeze the blood in your veins or draw out all the air in your body. You can't allow someone like me to live.
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I have just noticed this thread which made me think. The question is how to humiliate a girl who showed to be defiant even up to the Golgota.

Well, maybe it could be surprising, but I guess that one of the strongest humiliations would just be to be spat on by the crowd (and, of course, be insulted, maybe thrown rotten fruits and vegetable or dirty things at). This would probably happen during the via crux for instance, but also at the execution site.

It gives me the feeling on how strong is the hatred from the crowd, it gives me the feeling that I am going to die alone, in horrible torments, surrounded by men who hate me and most probably will take pleasure and masturbate at the sight of my body writhing hanging from the cross.

It is emotionally crashing, and that is what humiliation is all about. Seeing somebody coming closer, spitting on me, feel his spit land on my face or my body, hear his insults, such a strong emotion!

Then I would say make to drink urine, and cum. I figure this would happen after hours on the cross, when I would be begging for some water to relieve my thirst, the men around would pass a bucket where piss and cum would be poured where a sponge would be drenched. The revolting smell filling my nostrils when the sponge is put closer to my lips would be utterly humiliating, at least for ME!

About the rest, well I expect to be raped and buggered, but this most probably before the execution. Maybe after the guards are satisfied, they would make me rape by other prisoners, or earn money by letting others fuck me.

I like your strong and vivid imagination :)
Well that should not be too hard aound here! I'm a sorceress with powers over the dead. which is why I was being hunted. You must have put sleep powder in my drink, thats the only way you would have cought me. it's why everyone is wearing gloves right now as they handle my bound body as you take me to be crucified. just one touch of the tips of my fingers onto your flesh and I can freeze the blood in your veins or draw out all the air in your body. You can't allow someone like me to live.

yessss .. Piper Marie's naked charm is far more enjoyable than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or even Game of Thrones.
which is why we have stripped u fully naked, and stretched out your hands and bound them with ropes to a long stout branch behind you and over your shoulders, as your shapely breasts jut out temptingly in front.
yes. our gloves protect us as we grope your naked body while leading u to your final destination. we can't insert our toungue in you mouth, so we spit on your face as we go along. we are careful not to fuck you. but we whip you with birches on your plum buttocks and shapely breasts as hard as we can leaving red welts all over them.
half way along the journey, you feel thirsty and beg for water. but you are made to sit down and open your mouth as each of us pee on your face and inside your mouth. the humiliation only increases your pain and agony. but you know that the worst is yet to come. unless of course you can somehow free your hands for once ...
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