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Jastrow's Pic of the Day

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She has a point!:oops:
What's the gain of crucifying a rebel, putting a titulus above her head with her crime on, but no one to see her endless suffering? :doh:
Let's go there and taunt her all night long!:devil:
Well, that's one way to torment her. But it is also effective to leave her all alone and in her despair and misery while you're home in bed, warm in the arms of your lover having enjoyed the evening with a good meal and a hearty drink/ She should be so lucky but of course she won't be...
Well, that's one way to torment her. But it is also effective to leave her all alone and in her despair and misery while you're home in bed, warm in the arms of your lover having enjoyed the evening with a good meal and a hearty drink/ She should be so lucky but of course she won't be...

Jas, one torment you declined to inflict on her was in giving her a plain plank for a sedile, rather than a sharpened wedge, or one of those nightmare-fuel spiked cornus you’re fond of.

A few years back an anonymous artist did something similar for Quoom's Tarathalia, replacing the Romans' honkin' huge iron cornu with a most similar sedile.

Going soft on 'em?

Gee, I hope so!


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Saturday, May 12, 2019–Day 141. "With the setting of the sun, the rebel girl grew more and more terrified. The day had been bad enough–stripped, raped, beaten and nailed to the cross and left to die. She had writhed in torment as the hours passed with agonizing slowness. Now the sun was setting. Thankfully it was less hot than it had been earlier as the sun had beat down on her lewdly displayed naked body mercilessly. She knew however that the night chill would soon be upon her and she would shiver helplessly in the blackness. The night brought new and unfamiliar sounds that only added to her terror. But perhaps what she feared most about the night was the terrible loneliness and utter despair that would envelop her as surely as the blackness of the night. Every terror, every fear, every failure that she had experienced in her brief and futile life would be there to keep her company and taunt her with the bleak meaningless of her life and emptiness of her impending death. She knew that even if she somehow made it through the night, only more and more pain awaited her in the morning. She could hope for nothing else. She shifted her position on the rough wooden cross to draw another breath sending fresh waves of pain coursing through her body. ‘Please...please let this end...’ she whispers weakly." Entitled, "Terrified Rebel".

Great picture! Also nice use of the psychological description revealing what she was feeling from being crucified.
Sunday, May 13, 2019–Day 142. Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s one for the occasion.
"Mother...I beg you...forgive me for the shame and grief I’ve given you..." Entitled, "A Mother’s Grief".
"I can't believe my own daughter committed such a crime that she is to die crucified! Don't think I will claim your body! The vultures can have it!"
Sunday, May 13, 2019–Day 142. Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s one for the occasion.
"Mother...I beg you...forgive me for the shame and grief I’ve given you..." Entitled, "A Mother’s Grief".

Wait, what? The titulus reads "FVGITIVA." Did she disgrace dear old Mom by being a slave, or trying to escape?

Whatever. My favorite Jastrow Mother’s Day cards involve Boudicca and her daughters.:firedevil:


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Monday, May 14, 2019–Day 143. We start the week with this willowy blond girl who finds her self nailed to the cross and is in a great deal of distress. Mondays can be a real bitch! Anyway, I did this one in 2014, but was not happy with the rather plain sky in the original rendering. I decided to update it and give it a more natural sky yesterday. Here’s the result. Entitled "Nailed Blond 2".


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Monday, May 14, 2019–Day 143. We start the week with this willowy blond girl who finds her self nailed to the cross and is in a great deal of distress. Mondays can be a real bitch! Anyway, I did this one in 2014, but was not happy with the rather plain sky in the original rendering. I decided to update it and give it a more natural sky yesterday. Here’s the result. Entitled "Nailed Blond 2".

Jas, you gave her gave the sort of lithe body type body type I prize, but I find her face too, I dunno, glamorous? I prefer the girls to be pretty but plebeian, and visibly hurting.

It’s the antithesis of the images of serenely suffering martyrs I grew up with, and one of my most intense and ignoble turn ons.

Your preferences may vary. :devil:


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It’s the antithesis of the images of serenely suffering martyrs I grew up with, and one of my most intense and ignoble turn ons. [/QUOTE]

I grew up a protestant. The only things required to be protestant were 1.) a belief in Jesus as our Savior and 2.) ownership of an 9" x 12" casserole dish. I think I still have the casserole dish...
It’s the antithesis of the images of serenely suffering martyrs I grew up with, and one of my most intense and ignoble turn ons.

I grew up a protestant. The only things required to be protestant were 1.) a belief in Jesus as our Savior and 2.) ownership of an 9" x 12" casserole dish. I think I still have the casserole dish...[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear it. For my part I went looking for the painting of St. Barbara's martyrdom below, that deeply impressed my 12 year old self, and in the search found the considerably more naked and high-res version posted above.

Thanks, Jas. :devil:


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Tuesday, May 15, 2019–Day 144. Here’s one from 2012 and shows a dark-haired girl nailed in the center of an Egyptian market town. The passers-by seem oblivious to her suffering. Entitled "Suffering Brunette 1".


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Tuesday, May 15, 2019–Day 144. Here’s one from 2012 and shows a dark-haired girl nailed in the center of an Egyptian market town. The passers-by seem oblivious to her suffering. Entitled "Suffering Brunette 1".

Yes! Not quite open-mouth screaming or clenched-teeth grunting, but this lady’s hurting. :firedevil:

That’s how I like 'em. The only thing that could further feed my monster from the Id would be some livid lashes and marks of torture postwork.


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The passers-by seem oblivious to her suffering
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam,
attendite, et videte
si est dolor sicut dolor meus!
quoniam vindemiavit me,
ut locutus est Dominus,
in die iræ furoris sui.

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow,
which is done unto me,
wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.

Lamentations 1:12
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam,
attendite, et videte
si est dolor sicut dolor meus!
quoniam vindemiavit me,
ut locutus est Dominus,
in die iræ furoris sui.
Lamentations 1:12

I can never see the words "die iræ" without hearing this in my head.

Dies iræ, dies illa
Solvet esæclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Wednesday, May 16, 2019–Day 145. I found this one in my files and the original image itself dates to 2009. It was labeled "Callia Crux" and was done after I had done the renderings for Apostate’s story THE GREEK GIRLS. I think this was an after the fact attempt to refine the image of Callia and explore some things that I wish I had done better in finished renderings. In 2011, I did the post-production work that you see here. This week I changed the rather plain sky in the original to what you see here. It does show Callia in the final phases of the story and her body reflects the suffering she’d endured at the hands of her cruel cousin, Publius. This is entitled "Calliacrux 2.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2019–Day 145. I found this one in my files and the original image itself dates to 2009. It was labeled "Callia Crux" and was done after I had done the renderings for Apostate’s story THE GREEK GIRLS. I think this was an after the fact attempt to refine the image of Callia and explore some things that I wish I had done better in finished renderings. In 2011, I did the post-production work that you see here. This week I changed the rather plain sky in the original to what you see here. It does show Callia in the final phases of the story and her body reflects the suffering she’d endured at the hands of her cruel cousin, Publius. This is entitled "Calliacrux 2.

Her gaze is appropriately directed to the heavens ...
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