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Laetitia Meets The Imf

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A brief update…

I get home and the cream they gave me heals the rope’s abrasions faster than I could have expected. I still need to use make-up to hide the bruising but after Monday my voice sounds alright. On Tuesday there is a Fed-Ex package that holds the DVD of my hanging with a reminder that embedded in it is a signal that will notify Aaron and Andrea if I put it on the web. If this is for my eyes only I am so glad DVDs don’t wear out.

On Wednesday I receive yet another package. There is a note in it that says “You passed you test. Come in three weeks,

“Aaron and Andrea Watson”

The second envelope contained $15K in used bills and a note that said “it is your share of what we made.”

At least I know a last name...

I did not expect that and rubbed my neck wondering how far I would go…


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That was five years ago. Over time I was allowed to come to Andrea’s and Aaron’s country estate without a blindfold. I was even allowed to drive myself though I usually go with the driver. Tree is a bit strange and is usually drunk but he tells a good stories. I like to focus on where I am going and why should I even be there so why drive.

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The money turned out to be an unexpected surprise but after a few years I had put away enough I quit my job.

So do you think I like being hanged? I would say that ‘like’ is the wrong word. Since I came of age I played this dangerous game knowing that it could kill me with slightest mistake. I cannot say I like the pain or the fear but I do need both!

And I love looking at the painting Aaron did of me when they hanged me for the first time!

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Over the past five years we mixed things up a bit. Should I tell you about some of them?


One memorable weekend at the Watsons’ estate happened two years later. One of the restrictions the Watsons placed on me was I wasn’t too have sex with anyone but them or someone they gave me to for me to service them. I’m not good at going to a gym to work out and as I left with less to do as my sex life was greatly curtailed I began eating more. I put on a few pounds and while hardly fat they certainly filled out my figure. Aaron liked the look and you would not think 5 or so kilograms would make much difference but when I am hanged almost all the extra weight is dangling below the noose.

But back to that weekend…

I arrived at 8 PM Friday night wearing the outfit I was sent to show up in. It was a reddish-orange blouse with elbow length sleeves decorated with cuff with skulls on them. The skirt is tight, knee length, and mud-brown. What surprised me was the inclusion of a black push-up bra with matching knickers. I didn’t understand the underwear as I was usually naked on arrival. The outfit came with black stocking that came up almost to my crotch and black pumps with clunky seven centimeter high heels that look like they were made in the ‘40s. Earlier that day the driver Tree brought me to a salon and my hair was fixed in an equally ‘40s style fashion. With my hair done and my lips painted a bright red Tree capped of my outfit by cuffing my wrists in front of me before driving me to the Watsons’ estate. His purple ’72 Eldorado looked perfectly modern compared to how I was dressed.

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I could talk to Tree without suffering the repercussions of me asking questions at the estate. I asked “Do you have any idea what this ‘get-up’ is about?”

“You sound like you don’t like it. I think you look great” he replied. “I hear it is ‘casino night’ at the Watsons’.”

“What is that?”

“I’ve never been but I hear they get together with friends and play a cross between poker and ‘hangman’” he explained.

“I don’t suppose it would some form of strip poker.”

“I would not bet against that, Laetitia” he said as he lit his next Marlboro. All too soon we are there. He helped me out of the passenger door and handed me over to the butler Riff. For the first time in the two years I had been going there I was escorted in fully dressed. I almost felt uncomfortable. I was placed against the wall with three other women dressed in similar period outfits and handcuffs and we stood silently while the Watsons and their guests wrapped up their cocktail hour. Then we were brought into a parlor I had never seen before and the most dangerous game began.

Each of the four of us stood to our mistresses’ right and watched silently as they played poker. Five cards were dealt with two showing. They would bet a thousand dollars on each card turned up. If anyone ‘folded’ or had the low hand they lost the round and their woman would lose part of their outfit. We would lose in order our hair decoration, skirts, shoes, then handcuffs, followed by our blouses and bras. Once we lose our bras our wrists were bound with nylon ropes.

Two of the other women were already naked and taken from the room. I had only my stockings and knickers left but Mistress’ opponent’s woman is down to just her knickers. Her mistress said to Andrea “Do you want to up the ante?”

Andrea drew a Madame Wu from a pack.

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She looked across the table and asked what she had in mind. The mistress said “I win this hand we do hoods.”

“I’ll go for that if you play for ‘tens’ until my cunt Laetitia is naked.”

“Let’s go for it!”

I had no idea what they were talking about but I suspected the bets would be paid with my neck and the woman standing across the table from me.



She is learning fast…
So do you think I like being hanged? I would say that ‘like’ is the wrong word. Since I came of age I played this dangerous game knowing that it could kill me with slightest mistake. I cannot say I like the pain or the fear but I do need both!

And I love looking at the painting Aaron did of me when they hanged me for the first time!

A serial hanging "victim", nice. I wonder if she would do it without the money?
Posing for that painting must have been quite an ordeal!

Nice idea to play strip poker with proxies, too :)

“I’ll go for that if you play for ‘tens’ until my cunt Laetitia is naked.”

I thought "tens" was a device for delivering electricity to the body, watch out using it alongside the words "naked" and "cunt" !
I had no idea what they were talking about but I suspected the bets would be paid with my neck and the woman standing across the table from me.


The second part was certainly true but Tree feels an explanation is order. All four women would be hanged but instead of Laetitia having the shortest time because Mistress Andrea won the game (and a substantial amount of money) the woman whose mistress was out first would be hanged first. The woman whose mistress was out second would follow but she would be hanged five seconds longer than the first one and so on… until Andrea upped the ante to play for ‘tens’! You see ‘tens’ means every hand played until the other woman or Laetitia was naked adds to the runner-up’s time hanged by ten additional seconds. You would think the last woman standing should like this but she still had to hang 5 more seconds than whatever the runner-up did.

Why would Andrea care? Laetitia had pay that part of the bet…

As for the ‘hoods’ part that is something new for both our lovely ’poker chips’ had never even been blindfolded before when they were hanged. This time all four would have hoods pulled over their heads before they were noosed and hanged. Let’s see how Laetitia took this twist.

It is Saturday, noon local time…

It’s pretty early for a hanging I thought but I was damn wet as my wrists were tied behind my back and the noose swayed before my face.

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Four of us stood on the four platforms like the one the Watsons first hanged me from and were bound. A new wrinkle was our ankles were tied together. It shouldn’t have made a difference but I had never been hanged that way before. It was exciting but unsettling- another unknown thrown into the equation.

Standing bound with the noose swaying before my face I looked down the line and watched them put hoods over the other three women before they put the nooses around their necks. They really weren’t going to do that to me, were they?

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But fuck if they did not. I hated blindfolds. I knew that I could not stop them from hanging me once I surrendered for the weekend. As Aaron pulled the hood over my head I begged “Master, please don’t do this to me.”

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“Be quiet, Laetitia” he whispered. “The wench being hanged first has never done it before… at all… be an inspiration for her.”

I kept quiet as he pulled the noose down over the hood.

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It has been more than a year that I got in any trouble for breaking any rules but as Aaron tightens the noose around neck I plead “I don’t want this. Let me go… Please!”

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“You just added ten seconds to your hang time, Laetitia. That will beat your longest hanging by more than a minute. If you make it you might learn to keep your mouth shut” Andrea says coldly.



…and there is one more surprise waiting for this quartet…
I hate to this day being blindfolded. It adds uncertainty and heightens all the other senses. But that day 3 years ago standing noosed with a hood over my head was far worse than just a blindfold made worse that we would not be hanged for hours later. The woman at the other end of the row cried almost the whole time. We found it was to be her first time to be hanged and she had only done breath play a few times and it was always with a silk scarf, never a rope. She was in for a surprise.

As for me I hated the hood and having my ankles bound. As time dragged on the heavy dark cotton hood became both warm and moist from my breath. Of course with my wrists bound I couldn’t scratch my nose when it itched. Then I fucking sneezed. Damn if didn’t that make a mess inside the hood! With my ankles tied and the noose pulled taunt under my jaw I had no worry of falling off the pedestal but I also could not shuffle my feet or flex my knees.

The girl at the other end of the row was named Cathy. I was getting tired of hearing her cry that they couldn’t hang her. I couldn’t take it after a while and shouted “What the fuck are you going to do to stop them, Cathy?”

“I can’t do this” she weeped.

“Get a grip. It’s going to happen” I scowled.

The woman noosed next to me said “Give her a break. It’s her first time. I don’t even know why she got involved with her master. She is a total rookie. By the way, my name is Barb. And yours?”

You may find it strange that two women would engage in idle niceties while they are bound, noosed and hooded but we seemed to have time to before we were to be hanged. I told her my name and asked if she knew what the ‘tens’ her mistress and mine added to our event. She said “I’ve never heard of it before but if Mistress Tree brought it up we won’t enjoy whatever it is.”

“That’s a funny coincidence. The guy that drives me here is called ‘Tree’ also” I said as looked into the black hood.

“Does he wear a cowboy hat and drive old cars?”

Before I could answer and ask how she knew we hear people filing into the room. By their jovial chatter and ice cubes rattling in drink glasses I assumed they had an enjoyable happy hour while we were hanging around waiting to be hanged.


The guests and the Watsons rotated among the noosed women pawing their breasts and prodding their nether spaces except for Cathy’s lions. She had long since lost control of both bowel and bladder. She was loudly begging them not to hang her.

I feel his fingers slip into my wet cunt and knew it was Aaron. I pinched his hand between my thighs as he said “If you would have whined the way that bitch is whining the first time I hanged you I’d have left you hanged until you died.”

I sensed that was a compliment and said “Thank you master for having faith in me. She is new. She will either quit after this or grow to lust for it as I did.”

He pulls his fingers from my pussy and I moan “Master I was almost…”

“Silence, Laetitia, you will hang long enough to satisfy your needs!”

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The room quieted except for Cathy begging not to be hanged. Blinded as was I could hear her plead “Don’t to this! I beg…”

I heard the pins retract...


Then the pedestal slammed on the floor behind her. I felt a squirt on my upper thighs…


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