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Obscene Display.

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I screamed when the hammer struck, the chink of iron on iron, a muffled thud where the nail’s point drove all the way through my foot and into the timber behind it. The bolt of pain hit me, sent a shudder through my entire body. I instantly tried to pull my foot away, shifted my weight to my right leg and recoiled, screaming helplessly as searing agony met me there, the nail pressing hard against the top of the wound in my right foot, the scrape of living bone on iron. I strained hard against the nails in my wrists to help hold myself up, arms shaking, but felt my bare buttocks slipping against the rough wood behind me.I was conscious of the cornu’s sides rubbing against the insides of my thighs as I struggled. Its point must have been only an inch or two below my porcella. In spite of all the agony I was suffering, I could not, just could not, bear the thought of that horn sliding up inside me.I imagined I felt its hard point, probing my crotch, searching for the way in and screamed as I bore down on my right foot, straightening that leg as much as I could bear, then pushed down on my left, screaming, screaming in agony as I forced myself to bear the pain and lift my body a few inches.

Sabina, along with shift weight of her body to her nailed right foot, probably may understood that she was fail. Whatever she does, it'll be pain.
However, she is not yet fully aware of how cruel and surprising punishment of the cross can be. And that the cross and executioners can prepare more attractions for her.
Of course, not necessarily pleasant.
And she will surely understand that this feeling of failure can be even worse, she may feel completly failured and… naughty obscene! :devil:
Sabina narrates:

Locating his spot, he placed the point of the spike against it and retrieved his hammer, getting into position to deliver the stroke that would drive the nail through my foot.​
I stared, hypnotized, as he touched the hammer to the head of the spike, measuring his range, then followed it with my eyes as he brought it back for his swing. There was a sharp stab of pain as the executioner leaned his weight against the nail and pressed its point into the top of my foot. I moaned in fear and agony and kept on moaning.​
The hammer moved swiftly toward my left foot.​

Here's the scene:

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Some obscene views:

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I like that there are several women obviously enjoying the fate of another naked woman.
Sabina narrates the scene:

Another blow of the hammer drove the spike deeper into the timber and I screamed yet again, slipped a little and felt the point of the cornu dig painfully into my cleft, between my vagina and podex.​
Oh gods, it is so close! I thought, groaning. I clenched my buttocks, straining to take the pain in the soft flesh between my legs, thinking oh gods please don’t let the point slip inside of me, please!
That’s what they want... to watch the naked slave girl take that horn inside her! I can’t let them see me do that, I just can’t bear it.
Yet another blow of the hammer sent a bolt of agony through my body and I slipped again, screaming, my full weight pressing down against the cornu’s point. The pain as it dug in was excruciating! I recoiled from it, forcing myself to take the agony of the nails, struggling to rise a little higher at the price of bearing down hard on the raw wounds in my feet, crushing tortured flesh between cold iron and bone.​
I groaned desperately as I eased myself up a little higher, shifting my weight partly onto the nails in my feet and partly onto the ropes that held my ankles, relaxing my arms a little to relieve my throbbing wrists, moaning as the pressure on the wounds in my feet intensified the searing agony there.​
I can’t… can’t do this… the cornu, no! No, oh no! I can’t… stand it, the pain! I let out a groan, straining against the pain. My feet, I have to get off my feet now! Have to… slide down, I’ll be… hanging by my wrists again! I thought, moaning, sobbing.​
I could no longer think, I just had to escape this agony! Pain, enduring it, avoiding it, lessening it, was all that mattered now. I couldn’t bear the pain of resting on the point of that cornu, and I panicked at the thought of that rough wooden horn sliding deep inside me!​
My arms and shoulders were already burning with fatigue, trying to help carry my weight. I couldn’t bear this much longer. My other choice was to try to lower myself to hang by my wrists, praying it didn’t anger the executioner and give him an excuse to do something to me even more horrible than this.​
I shook my head, trying to get the sweat out of my eyes. Then my whole body trembled as I eased my hips forward, arching my back, hoping to get the cornu behind the curve of my buttocks, trying my best to hurry before the next hammer blow came, blinding agony that would make me writhe and perhaps lose all control.​
Oh gods, I thought, moaning, my feet! Every movement… my feet keep slipping, twisting on the nails!
I closed my eyes and let my knees bend, my body slip down carefully, feeling the cornu’s point poke me. I wasn’t far enough forward, had to arch out more. Its hardness trailed under my trembling right butt cheek as I pushed forward. I strained outward a little more, just enough to clear, let it slide behind. With a moan, I released the breath I’d been holding.​
I should have known when I heard the crowd’s laughter that things were about to get worse.​

Here is the sceen:

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Some obscene views:

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Can there be real obscenity in a crucifixion?
The Roman Empire, known for his high moral grounds, for example they confiscated the gold from the barbaric Celts, so they could not harm anyone with that, looked for decent clothing of the crucified as was, after correction, displayed in the ultra realistic Hollywood movie Spartacus.


We also know, from our church education, that the Romans in Palestine forced the local authorities that the crucified and especially those who insisted to be GOD
always wear loincloths, because the jews were that time (well also today, which the absence of them in porn industry clearly shows) known to be shocked of nude males and especially they were ashamed of circumcision.


We also never had the idea of crucify nude females, nude or with spread legs, never always clothed.


So why do you ask?
There is nothing obscene a priori with nudity in my point of view.
That is todays thinking, probably by other cultures to, however not during a long time in our history. If one does not think nudity is obscene, or, as I do, anal penetrations say with a cornu is obscene, the crucifixion will loose a lot of his horror and become obsolete. That is in my opinion also one reason, why it was not reinstated.

That the opinions about that change, I knew from the funny fact, that in my youth, showing the male ass was not obscene, the frontside was and even more funny also the view of a female ass was obscene. So in a bathing place males could undress in public if they could stand so that no one saw her front nudity, females went to changing cabines.
Real crucifixion roman style was so gruesome that it would never have lost its meaning and impact. The reason that it was not reinstated was probably more religious. Crucifying a criminal became a sort of blasphemy in christian times.
Andonia was crucified, her arms stretched in a taut V above her head, her heels inches below her buttocks, her thighs parted wide in obscene display.


Even as I wrote that many years ago, I knew I was writing for a contemporary audience, that the Romans considered men and women forcibly displayed naked in public to be shameful, but not "obscene" in the modern, sexually tinged sense.

Which is of course the entire reason I hang out here. :eeek::babeando::very_hot:;)

We also know, from our church education, that the Romans in Palestine forced the local authorities that the crucified and especially those who insisted to be GOD
always wear loincloths, because the jews were that time (well also today, which the absence of them in porn industry clearly shows) known to be shocked of nude males and especially they were ashamed of circumcision.
That is todays thinking, probably by other cultures to, however not during a long time in our history. If one does not think nudity is obscene, or, as I do, anal penetrations say with a cornu is obscene, the crucifixion will loose a lot of his horror and become obsolete. That is in my opinion also one reason, why it was not reinstated.

That the opinions about that change, I knew from the funny fact, that in my youth, showing the male ass was not obscene, the frontside was and even more funny also the view of a female ass was obscene. So in a bathing place males could undress in public if they could stand so that no one saw her front nudity, females went to changing cabines.
I have to ask what 'church education' did you get???

...loincloths didn't appear till much later art and I really doubt the Romans gave a damn what anyone thought of the modesty of the condemned...
I have to ask what 'church education' did you get???

...loincloths didn't appear till much later art and I really doubt the Romans gave a damn what anyone thought of the modesty of the condemned...
I am relatively old, but I am born later than 500 AD and I think then the first Jesus with loincloth appears.... not sure what was before.

Sabina narrates:

Just as I was about to ease my sweaty body carefully downward, something stopped me and then began pressing me back. I gasped in shock, my eyes flying open, staring down between my breasts to see a heavily muscled black arm coiled around my waist from the left. The hand was planted in the middle of my abdomen, below my navel, fingers trailing down toward my porcella.

I reacted out of sheer panic, struggling and twisting my naked body to escape. In the middle of it all, the executioner delivered another blow of the hammer, and white-hot agony blossomed from the wound in my left foot, wrenching a strident scream from me. I felt the cornu’s point between my legs, raking across my anus, and instinctively pushed upward to avoid it.

He... he won't let me get past the cornu! I realized, terrified. That means I have to… hold myself up, or… I’ll have to… to sit on that thing!

“No, I can’t! Oh no, please, please don’t make me!!” I screamed.

I heard the laughing from behind my cross as I struggled, and others, all of the onlookers clustered around, as close as they could get, all of them just laughing, laughing at me, enjoying my humiliation.

Here is the scene:

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Here are some obscene views:

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Sabina narrates:

I heard the laughing from behind my cross as I struggled, and others, all of the onlookers clustered around, as close as they could get, all of them just laughing, laughing at me, enjoying my humiliation.
'Oh, this baby is screaming already! I have to stay and she what she does when she takes that horn up her ass!' the woman in red thinks.
She was in my download folder from several years ago, and I can’t remember if I shopped her around as manip material.


But she sure is that. :babeando::very_hot:

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