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Odds And Ends And Anything You Fancy

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Allow me to explain. I am not picking an argument, but rather making a polite request of Kav and hoping to enlighten him to a point of view that many members, I believe, would agree with.

I do not find 12 Years a Slave offensive in the least. The film was wonderful. I saw it in the theater. I have worked all my life in civil rights causes. But it was a film. The context here is totally different. The images we all view in this forum are meant to titillate, not serve as social history. Taking that image out of the context of the film glorifies a shameful historical reality. It is the exact opposite emotional context of the film.

I would feel the same way about members showing Jews being gassed, or Armenians being slaughtered, or New Yorkers burning to death in the Twin Towers on 9/11. So why am I not offended by Roman crucifixion? It is removed, distant from our recent reality. I know people whose ancestors were slaves, I know people whose relatives were in the Nazi concentration camps, I had a friend die in the Twin Towers. There are few records, even, of ancient crucifixions. It is a distant, remote torture. And therefore can be objectified.

Whipping a black slave in the antebellum South cannot be viewed objectively by an American. Perhaps Kav can because he has that same remote disassociation that I have for crucifixion. Good for him. But I want him to know what I think. I would like to hear from him, also, about this. If you feel this is "picking an argument," OK. Let me know. I won't say another word. But I am under the impression that free exchange of ideas is part of this forum. I hope that's still true.

Well, people who feel ashamed about the history of slavery may be wrong on this site. Here we celebrate the unlimited fantasies, not the real crime. Of course every man or woman has the same human rights. But thats not the point on this side.
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