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Part II

I am assisted to my feet by my legionary, who then pivots and tugs on my rope to guide me back into line. The column has begun to move forward once again.

My mind still reels from my excruciatingly violent encounter with the Optio and his wicked flagrum.

Imprinted indelibly on my consciousness is the image of the man’s face, with its heavily protruding brow, dark piercing eyes, disfigured nose, scarred cheeks and thin cruel lips.

He had lit into me with a vengeance, directing his first scourging blow to my chest, the braided ends digging sharply into the yielding softness of my bare breasts. That had been followed by a lightening strike to my midriff, so powerful that it doubled me over and brought me to my knees. After which, as I knelt and rocked back and forth, sobbing and begging for mercy, he proceeded to scourge my bare back with a series of strokes that drove me forward until my head hit the pavement. There he left me lying, my ass in the air, my torso twisted awkwardly.

As the Optio moves on, i feel the fiery sting of the crisscrossed patterns of small cuts and abrasions inflicted by my scourging as well as the warmth of oozing, trickling blood. Looking ahead, I can well imagine that my poor back must look something like the bloodied ones of those still moving forward in line before me.

“Post CCLXVII, CCLXVII, Post CCLXVII.” My legionnaire resumes his annoying refrain. More unsteadily than ever, weighed down and hurting, I trudge on.

To either side of me naked men and women are being hoisted up on waiting posts, their wrists freshly nailed to crossbeams which legionnaires perched on ladders struggle to fit into place atop posts, while others, with bags of nails and hammers in hand, grasp at flailing legs and ankles to perform the grim business of nailing feet to the wood.

I recognize some, others not. I hear their plaintive cries, their muttered oaths, their pleas for mercy. Always present is the rhythmic ring and clang of hammerheads on nails, adding to the horrific symphony of sound.

And one by one, those few remaining in column on the road ahead me are thrown to the ground, right and left, before still vacant posts, while their executioners crowd around to perform the tasks of nailing and raising.

“Post CCLXVII. This is it,” grunts my legionnaire, stooping to squint at the numerals burned into the base of a vacant post on my left. “This is the one we’ve been looking for. This one is yours!”

Yes, alas, he’s right. The road ahead lies open and empty. Two long rows of still vacant upright posts line the verges on both sides, stretching off into the distance for as far as the eye can see. I’ve reached the head of the column and the place … the stout wooden post … on which I shall perish.

I’m immediately surrounded by four burly legionnaires who hold me firmly in place at the side of the road while a fifth relieves me of the burden of my my crossbar, tossing it effortlessly to the ground near the foot of Post CCLXVII.

Behind me on the road, the column shuffles endlessly by.

A legionnaire relieves me of my braided belt and holds it up, obviously regarding it as a prized acquisition. Another tugs my tunic down over my hips. The woolen garment falls to my ankles, rendering me fully naked. I’m manhandled backwards a couple of steps, and another legionnaire gathers up my tunic from the ground and stuffs it under his belt.

“Ready for us?” shouts a soldier bearing a bag full of nails and a hammer.

“As ready as she’ll ever be,” laughs the one who took my braided belt.

“We ought to take the time to enjoy this one,” crows another, moving his pelvis lewdly back and forth.

“Let’s get on with it then.”

“She’s assigned to Post CCLXVII,” says my legionnaire unnecessarily.

“On the ground with you, Lupa’” barks the one with the hammer and nails, addressing me as though I was a common whore.

Two others spin me about and throw me to the ground. I land flat on my back.

They take me by the wrists and lift my shoulders off the ground enough to slide me into position with my head resting on the wooden beam I had labored so hard to carry on my shoulders all the way from the Appian Gate to Post CCLXVII.

Bind her wrists to the crossbeam,” instructs the legionary with the hammer and nails, as he settles himself down over me by straddling my hips.

Short leather strips are wrapped tightly around my thumbs and then around the palms of my hands several times. My hands are then placed at a measured distance along the crossbar and bound to it.

I wince as the leather straps are drawn tight and raise my head to beg them not to nail me … a plea that is met with a chorus of raucous laughter.

“Sorry Lupa,” the one with the hammer and nails says as he leans forward to set the point of one of his big iron spikes incongruously against one of my slender little wrists. “Prepare yourself. This will hurt!”

And it does!

Lightening bolts of pain assault my senses … one for each of the three hammer blows needed to pin my wrist securely to the wood.

Nonetheless my response is muted. I’ve resolved to be strong. I grit my teeth, close my eyes, and will myself not to cry out, succeeding in limiting myself to a gasp and an anguished groan.

And when it’s done, I raise and turn my head to stare, almost disbelievingly, at the sight of the dark, ugly shank protruding from my wrist and the rhythmic spurting of blood from the ragged surrounding wound.

No time is waisted in wreaking the same violence on my other wrist. And this time all restraint on my part has vanished. I throw my head from side to side, arch my back, buck and thrash, and scream and wail my lungs out.

But then it’s over. The pressure on my hips is relieved as the legionary in charge of the hammer and nails rises triumphantly to his feet.

I find that I am totally overcome by what has just happened. My emotions run wild. I desperately want to deny what it portends. Yet, at the same time, part of me wants to mourn … to close down, turn inward and feel pity for myself.

But I’m distracted by the legionary with the hammer and nails who … now on his feet … kicks viciously at my knees and inner thighs to force them apart. And, grinning wickedly, begins to poke at my exposed womanhood with the toe of his hobnailed boot.

Leering exaggeratedly for the entertainment of his crew, he wonders out loud about whether I might welcome one last fuck before I die?

Then answers his own question by concluding that surely I must, especially given the fine examples of Roman manhood gathered around me. That’s met with more frivolity on the part of his crew, as well as shouts of encouragement.

Grinning broadly, he begins to unbuckle his ‘balteus’ and lower his ‘braccae’ before dropping to his knees between my shaking legs while vigorously stroking himself to hardness.

I blanch at the sight of his immense, rigid member, which bobs about as he leans forward to take hold of and roughly squeeze and mash my breasts together.

I shake my head and wail, “No! Not that! Please no!” … even though it’s quite obvious that he has no intention of being dissuaded by my begging. I feel the swollen tip of his cock nudging insistingly, ready to brutally force its entry at any moment. I brace for the inevitable.

But fortunately reprieve comes from an unexpected quarter. The Optio has returned. And this time with the intent of chewing out my crew for not having raised me up yet, pointing in his rage to several posts beyond my own that have already received their victims.

He demands swift action, or else!

Cowed by the very real threat of decimation, my impending rape is quickly forgotten in the legionnaires haste to assuage their boss. My crew hastens, almost comically … literally bumping into one another … to their task.

Overhead I hear the clunk of a ladder thrown up against the back of Post CCLXVII, and the thud of boots ascending rungs. To either side of me legionnaires stoop to grip the ends of the length of wood to which my wrists are nailed. I gasp and groan as I’m lifted into a semi-seated position, left there for a few moments, and then dragged backwards, my butt and heels leaving shallow furrows in the loose red soil near the base of the post. And then I feel the wood in contact with my spine.

Orders are shouted and I am hoisted upwards, my scourged and bleeding backside grating against the rough surface of the post. The nails driven through my wrists grind painfully against raw nerves as the burden of my weight shifts to my outstretched arms.

Bit by bit I am raised. My wildly scrabbling feet soon leave the ground. With each additional hoisting movement, my legs flail about wildly. I cry out under the strain of it all … a long, pitiful animal-like howl. Until … with a jarring clunk … the crossbar from which I dangle is locked into place and hastily secured with ropes.

As I continue to kick with both legs, my ankles are captured and held in the vise-like grip of two of my handlers, who slam them against the front of my post and then maneuver them upwards along its length until my knees are bent well outward. There, my feet are held firmly in place while the legionary with the hammer, now fully clothed again, nails them to the the post.

And with that it is done. I am crucified!

To make it official, my assigned legionary … the one who has led me the long way from the Appian Gate to where Post CCLXVII awaited my arrival … withdraws a wooden placard from within his tunic and hands it to the legionary with the hammer. The man looks at it and laughs heartily before kneeling to nail it it to my post not far below where my feet are nailed.

It reads: Ducissa Barbara Morilla, perfidiae”, with a dark heavy line drawn through the noble title ‘Ducissa’.

Wow, very evocative... very authentic (I imagine). Looking forward to Part 3 ...
Part III

The sun has reached and passed its zenith.

By now, the shuffling column of condemned wretches has long passed me by as I hang crucified on Post CCLXVII. In their wake, they’ve been been replaced by noisy hordes of onlookers and revelers … and most annoyingly, hecklers. There are even venders selling edible treats, drink and unimaginably tasteless souvenirs.

A carnival atmosphere prevails all up and down the Via Appia. But hardly so for the wretched objects of this festive atmosphere … those of us hanging, in our many hundreds upon hundreds from the dual lines of posts paralleling the long, unerringly straight Appian Way … struggling against the grim dictates of gravity, iron nails, heat, thirst, exhaustion … and, of course, ridicule and humiliation.

All of this frivolity derives, of course, I tell myself … from some kind of innate human capacity to enjoy or even glory in the sufferings of others.

As a hang from my cross, my thoughts turn inward. I come to appreciate that despair and ultimately death are a progressive, inescapable reality for the crucified.

But, It being still relatively early in my ordeal, those realities are for me yet a ways off. And my instinct for now is to survive. To struggle with all my strength and soul against the torments of wood, nails, cramps, thirst and all other discomforts.

To do so is innately human … an essential part of the human spirit. So say the philosophers, and it’s true.

And so I do … just as those on either side of me and across the way are doing.

Endlessly I perform. I perform the dance … as it’s called … the dance of the crucified … however ultimately pointless it may be … again and again for as long as I am able.

Which, in practical terms, means that I allow myself to hang listlessly until the need to fill my lungs with fresh breath compels me to both push upward with my pinioned feet and to pull on my nailed wrists in order to raise myself shakily to an upright position. Where, with knees locked I can manage to hold myself in place for a few precious seconds until ebbing strength, unbearable pain, cramping and spasming muscles cause my body to twist and swing away from, or to either side, of the post, before suddenly collapsing to the limp, hanging position from which it all began.

There my head lolls forward, my chin rests against my chest, and I attempt to gather the will and marshal the strength to do it all over again.

Now that the afternoon sun has cast down upon me its blazing heat, that along with sweltering humidity have begun to take their toll. My throat is parched. My sodden, tangled hair is plastered to my head, face and shoulders. My naked body is sheened and glistening with sweat.

As I hang, gathering strength and resolve to resume the dance, I make an attempt to focus less on myself, my discomfort, my predicament. And try instead to will myself to focus more on my surroundings.

At the foot of my post … Post CCLXVII … sits my oafish legionary. He’s unpacked a lunch from the leather pouch on his belt … a simple lunch, consisting of a sizable chunk of bread smeared with garum sauce and seasoned with garlic … and is busy devouring it. His breath, which I can’t help but smell, as I hang over him, is disgustingly foul. Yet another reason to loathe him!

There’s also the madding crowd, always present, ever changing. They wander in their hundreds and thousands, to and fro, up and down the roadway, necks craning, gawking, sniggering, fingers pointing … taking in the macabre spectacle with such obvious relish and enjoyment.

Matrons shake their heads and wag their fingers disapprovingly. Men stop and stare, particularly at me and at the other crucified females … obviously enjoying our nakedness, the lewdness of our struggling antics. Some of the younger men, roaming in packs, amuse themselves by hurling ribald taunts and obscene gestures at the condemned … some even threaten to close in … to touch or molest.

I become more aware of those nearby who share my shameful fate. Immediately to my right is an older patrician man, white haired, bearded and slim, his ribs sharply outlined against the thinly stretched pale skin of his chest. He has ceased his struggles against wood and nails, and is muttering darkly to himself. I can’t make out the words. I doubt he’ll last much longer.

To my left is a woman of about my age and social station, judging by her appearance. She’s been crucified alongside what I take to be her husband, who looks vaguely familiar

though I cannot place either he or his wife.

She, like me, is still very much in the fight, pushing up vigorously and shouting out encouragements to her flagging man. He appears to have suffered a deep and bloody sword wound to his side. I suspect he, like the old man to my left, won’t last much longer.

Directly across the way, I see … and I don’t know how I could possibly have missed taking note of it before … that they’ve crucified my young maidservant, Lucilla. She hangs between two other slaves from my household … an older man who for many years oversaw the operation of the small vineyard we owned, and a young male … new in the household … someone I haven’t yet had the time to get to know. But I am vaguely aware of the fact that he has an eye for Lucilla … I’ve seen him loitering near her around the villa. I believe his name to be Linus.

Yes, Lucilla and Linus … young lovers. I can’t help but think it bittersweet that they should be crucified together, side by side, most likely before ever having the opportunity to consummate their attraction for one another.

Even in his suffering, Linus appears to be unable to take his eyes from her and is clearly aroused by her vulgarly exposed feminine charms as she writhes and twists against the wood. He has sprung an erection, which has attracted the attention of and is most titillating to the crowd.

I want to cry out to them … and say something. Perhaps something encouraging … perhaps something regretful?

I open my mouth to speak, but produce nothing more than a pitiful croaking sound.

And then the moment is irretrievably lost.

“Look!” shouts a nearby young ruffian to his friends, diverting my attention away from the young couple.

The ruffian points his finger directly at me. “That one over there! The one with the nice tits. I think she’s begging us to come fondle them, and her other womanly bits as well. Look at her! See how lewdly she moves her hips. She wants it! She wants me! I can tell!”

He basks in the gleeful response he receives from his comrades and is about to step toward me.

But much to my surprise, my ‘legionary oaf’ rises suddenly to his feet, steps brusquely out onto the roadway and delivers a stunning cuff to the surprised young ruffian’s face … a cuff so strong that it sends him reeling backwards into the arms of his chums, who chide him mercilessly and lead him away.

Retiring to his solitary vigil at the base of my post, my legionary calmly resumes his lunch.

For the first time, since he led me through the Appian gate on the long march to Post CCLXVII, I can’t help but feel a measure of grudging respect towards him.

But … by then … the pressing need to draw in a breath of fresh air pushes to the fore. All else is forgotten as I gather myself for the effort.

By now each fresh attempt to raise myself up has become more difficult, more physically taxing, than the last. I am compelled to do it. The dance of the crucified allows no respite, but I don’t know for how much longer I can keep this up.

On this try I succeed, but only barely so. My legs buckle and give way before I can manage anything more than a quick gulp of air. And I come crashing down, banging my tailbone hard against the unyieldingly stoutness of Post CCLXVII.

And there I hang. Facing now for the very first time the reality of my ultimate physical limitations, of my very existence … the unfortunate truth that what little remains of my strength … ultimately my life …has but one master … Post CCLXVII.

It will never release me … it holds me firm … and nailed to it … hanging from it … I will soon and inevitably surrender my life.

Now that that’s hit home, I lose interest in whatever curiosity I may have had for what might be happening around me. My senses are muted and entirely focused on what still matters to me … my exhaustion, my never-ending discomfort and pain, and increasingly … my thirst.

Vaguely, I’m aware that my legionary has taken to his feet again … what now, I wonder?

I see him peering around, as though checking to be sure no one is paying attention. Then he turns toward me, opens the flask from which he has been drinking, and offers me some.

Gratefully … greedily … I accept.

I stretch my neck and gulp down a mouthful of his watered-down wine … and then another, and another. The liquid dribbles down my chin, splatters on my chest, gathers and snakes it’s way down and over my belly in tiny rivulets.

He allows me to drink my fill. And when he eventually removes the flask from my lips, I find myself silently nodding to him my appreciation, adding a weak attempt at a smile.

He returns my nod, and grins happily.

And I think to myself how very strange it is that he and I, of all people, should develop a bond of any kind. But I am nonetheless grateful, and have come to look upon him in an entirely new light.

Fate and Post CCLXVII has thrown he and I together.

He points to himself and says softly, “Publius.”

“Barbara,” I croak in reply.

He grins, a bit shyly, turns away and settles himself down once again to resume his vigil at the foot of Post CCLXVII.

And I know now … can take some solace in … the fact that he will remain there, fulfilling his duty, watching over me … until I die.

Yes, Lucilla and Linus … young lovers
A nod to Charles Schulz here? ;)

And there I hang. Facing now for the very first time the reality of my ultimate physical limitations, of my very existence … the unfortunate truth that what little remains of my strength … ultimately my life …has but one master … Post CCLXVII.

It will never release me … it holds me firm … and nailed to it … hanging from it … I will soon and inevitably surrender my life.
A great description of her coming to grips with her fate!

He points to himself and says softly, “Publius.”

“Barbara,” I croak in reply.

He grins, a bit shyly, turns away and settles himself down once again to resume his vigil at the foot of Post CCLXVII.
A nice idea to bookend the story with this character.

Thanks for sharing this!
By now, the shuffling column of condemned wretches has long passed me by as I hang crucified on Post CCLXVII. In their wake, they’ve been been replaced by noisy hordes of onlookers and revelers … and most annoyingly, hecklers. There are even venders selling edible treats, drink and unimaginably tasteless souvenirs.
I try to imagine what such souvernirs could be!? :confundio1:
Fortunately, the selfie was not invented yet! :eek:

To do so is innately human … an essential part of the human spirit. So say the philosophers, and it’s true.

And so I do … just as those on either side of me and across the way are doing.

Endlessly I perform. I perform the dance … as it’s called … the dance of the crucified … however ultimately pointless it may be … again and again for as long as I am able.

Which, in practical terms, means that I allow myself to hang listlessly until the need to fill my lungs with fresh breath compels me to both push upward with my pinioned feet and to pull on my nailed wrists in order to raise myself shakily to an upright position. Where, with knees locked I can manage to hold myself in place for a few precious seconds until ebbing strength, unbearable pain, cramping and spasming muscles cause my body to twist and swing away from, or to either side, of the post, before suddenly collapsing to the limp, hanging position from which it all began.

There my head lolls forward, my chin rests against my chest, and I attempt to gather the will and marshal the strength to do it all over again.
Scenes like these have been described tens of times on this forum, but Barb always manages to give them such a particular, original touch, that reading it feels like it is the first time. Really standing out! :thumbsup:

There’s also the madding crowd, always present, ever changing. They wander in their hundreds and thousands, to and fro, up and down the roadway, necks craning, gawking, sniggering, fingers pointing … taking in the macabre spectacle with such obvious relish and enjoyment.

Matrons shake their heads and wag their fingers disapprovingly. Men stop and stare, particularly at me and at the other crucified females … obviously enjoying our nakedness, the lewdness of our struggling antics. Some of the younger men, roaming in packs, amuse themselves by hurling ribald taunts and obscene gestures at the condemned … some even threaten to close in … to touch or molest.
But they come to see you, and those hundreds others! On one hand the crucified suffer a grim and humiliating fate, but on the other hand, they are the stars of the day. The way the story is narrated, Barb seems to enjoy this ultimate attention, deep inside! :rolleyes:

I become more aware of those nearby who share my shameful fate.

Also a good part! Shared suffering is half suffering. Too bad, you are already too exhausted to talk to each other. :oops:

Fate and Post CCLXVII has thrown he and I together.
A guardian angle next to your cross! Original and awesome story element! :clap:

Great work, Barb! Thanks for posting! :clapping: :clapping:
Part III

The sun has reached and passed its zenith.

By now, the shuffling column of condemned wretches has long passed me by as I hang crucified on Post CCLXVII. In their wake, they’ve been been replaced by noisy hordes of onlookers and revelers … and most annoyingly, hecklers. There are even venders selling edible treats, drink and unimaginably tasteless souvenirs.

A carnival atmosphere prevails all up and down the Via Appia. But hardly so for the wretched objects of this festive atmosphere … those of us hanging, in our many hundreds upon hundreds from the dual lines of posts paralleling the long, unerringly straight Appian Way … struggling against the grim dictates of gravity, iron nails, heat, thirst, exhaustion … and, of course, ridicule and humiliation.

All of this frivolity derives, of course, I tell myself … from some kind of innate human capacity to enjoy or even glory in the sufferings of others.

As a hang from my cross, my thoughts turn inward. I come to appreciate that despair and ultimately death are a progressive, inescapable reality for the crucified.

But, It being still relatively early in my ordeal, those realities are for me yet a ways off. And my instinct for now is to survive. To struggle with all my strength and soul against the torments of wood, nails, cramps, thirst and all other discomforts.

To do so is innately human … an essential part of the human spirit. So say the philosophers, and it’s true.

And so I do … just as those on either side of me and across the way are doing.

Endlessly I perform. I perform the dance … as it’s called … the dance of the crucified … however ultimately pointless it may be … again and again for as long as I am able.

Which, in practical terms, means that I allow myself to hang listlessly until the need to fill my lungs with fresh breath compels me to both push upward with my pinioned feet and to pull on my nailed wrists in order to raise myself shakily to an upright position. Where, with knees locked I can manage to hold myself in place for a few precious seconds until ebbing strength, unbearable pain, cramping and spasming muscles cause my body to twist and swing away from, or to either side, of the post, before suddenly collapsing to the limp, hanging position from which it all began.

There my head lolls forward, my chin rests against my chest, and I attempt to gather the will and marshal the strength to do it all over again.

Now that the afternoon sun has cast down upon me its blazing heat, that along with sweltering humidity have begun to take their toll. My throat is parched. My sodden, tangled hair is plastered to my head, face and shoulders. My naked body is sheened and glistening with sweat.

As I hang, gathering strength and resolve to resume the dance, I make an attempt to focus less on myself, my discomfort, my predicament. And try instead to will myself to focus more on my surroundings.

At the foot of my post … Post CCLXVII … sits my oafish legionary. He’s unpacked a lunch from the leather pouch on his belt … a simple lunch, consisting of a sizable chunk of bread smeared with garum sauce and seasoned with garlic … and is busy devouring it. His breath, which I can’t help but smell, as I hang over him, is disgustingly foul. Yet another reason to loathe him!

There’s also the madding crowd, always present, ever changing. They wander in their hundreds and thousands, to and fro, up and down the roadway, necks craning, gawking, sniggering, fingers pointing … taking in the macabre spectacle with such obvious relish and enjoyment.

Matrons shake their heads and wag their fingers disapprovingly. Men stop and stare, particularly at me and at the other crucified females … obviously enjoying our nakedness, the lewdness of our struggling antics. Some of the younger men, roaming in packs, amuse themselves by hurling ribald taunts and obscene gestures at the condemned … some even threaten to close in … to touch or molest.

I become more aware of those nearby who share my shameful fate. Immediately to my right is an older patrician man, white haired, bearded and slim, his ribs sharply outlined against the thinly stretched pale skin of his chest. He has ceased his struggles against wood and nails, and is muttering darkly to himself. I can’t make out the words. I doubt he’ll last much longer.

To my left is a woman of about my age and social station, judging by her appearance. She’s been crucified alongside what I take to be her husband, who looks vaguely familiar

though I cannot place either he or his wife.

She, like me, is still very much in the fight, pushing up vigorously and shouting out encouragements to her flagging man. He appears to have suffered a deep and bloody sword wound to his side. I suspect he, like the old man to my left, won’t last much longer.

Directly across the way, I see … and I don’t know how I could possibly have missed taking note of it before … that they’ve crucified my young maidservant, Lucilla. She hangs between two other slaves from my household … an older man who for many years oversaw the operation of the small vineyard we owned, and a young male … new in the household … someone I haven’t yet had the time to get to know. But I am vaguely aware of the fact that he has an eye for Lucilla … I’ve seen him loitering near her around the villa. I believe his name to be Linus.

Yes, Lucilla and Linus … young lovers. I can’t help but think it bittersweet that they should be crucified together, side by side, most likely before ever having the opportunity to consummate their attraction for one another.

Even in his suffering, Linus appears to be unable to take his eyes from her and is clearly aroused by her vulgarly exposed feminine charms as she writhes and twists against the wood. He has sprung an erection, which has attracted the attention of and is most titillating to the crowd.

I want to cry out to them … and say something. Perhaps something encouraging … perhaps something regretful?

I open my mouth to speak, but produce nothing more than a pitiful croaking sound.

And then the moment is irretrievably lost.

“Look!” shouts a nearby young ruffian to his friends, diverting my attention away from the young couple.

The ruffian points his finger directly at me. “That one over there! The one with the nice tits. I think she’s begging us to come fondle them, and her other womanly bits as well. Look at her! See how lewdly she moves her hips. She wants it! She wants me! I can tell!”

He basks in the gleeful response he receives from his comrades and is about to step toward me.

But much to my surprise, my ‘legionary oaf’ rises suddenly to his feet, steps brusquely out onto the roadway and delivers a stunning cuff to the surprised young ruffian’s face … a cuff so strong that it sends him reeling backwards into the arms of his chums, who chide him mercilessly and lead him away.

Retiring to his solitary vigil at the base of my post, my legionary calmly resumes his lunch.

For the first time, since he led me through the Appian gate on the long march to Post CCLXVII, I can’t help but feel a measure of grudging respect towards him.

But … by then … the pressing need to draw in a breath of fresh air pushes to the fore. All else is forgotten as I gather myself for the effort.

By now each fresh attempt to raise myself up has become more difficult, more physically taxing, than the last. I am compelled to do it. The dance of the crucified allows no respite, but I don’t know for how much longer I can keep this up.

On this try I succeed, but only barely so. My legs buckle and give way before I can manage anything more than a quick gulp of air. And I come crashing down, banging my tailbone hard against the unyieldingly stoutness of Post CCLXVII.

And there I hang. Facing now for the very first time the reality of my ultimate physical limitations, of my very existence … the unfortunate truth that what little remains of my strength … ultimately my life …has but one master … Post CCLXVII.

It will never release me … it holds me firm … and nailed to it … hanging from it … I will soon and inevitably surrender my life.

Now that that’s hit home, I lose interest in whatever curiosity I may have had for what might be happening around me. My senses are muted and entirely focused on what still matters to me … my exhaustion, my never-ending discomfort and pain, and increasingly … my thirst.

Vaguely, I’m aware that my legionary has taken to his feet again … what now, I wonder?

I see him peering around, as though checking to be sure no one is paying attention. Then he turns toward me, opens the flask from which he has been drinking, and offers me some.

Gratefully … greedily … I accept.

I stretch my neck and gulp down a mouthful of his watered-down wine … and then another, and another. The liquid dribbles down my chin, splatters on my chest, gathers and snakes it’s way down and over my belly in tiny rivulets.

He allows me to drink my fill. And when he eventually removes the flask from my lips, I find myself silently nodding to him my appreciation, adding a weak attempt at a smile.

He returns my nod, and grins happily.

And I think to myself how very strange it is that he and I, of all people, should develop a bond of any kind. But I am nonetheless grateful, and have come to look upon him in an entirely new light.

Fate and Post CCLXVII has thrown he and I together.

He points to himself and says softly, “Publius.”

“Barbara,” I croak in reply.

He grins, a bit shyly, turns away and settles himself down once again to resume his vigil at the foot of Post CCLXVII.

And I know now … can take some solace in … the fact that he will remain there, fulfilling his duty, watching over me … until I die.

An excellent story, Barbaria. Well written and enthralling. I loved it.
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