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Princess Laetitia And Palace Intrigue

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Lady Dana is brought to the block…

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She looks back at me and calls “It is alright, Laetitia. We tried to save you father.”
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Lady Dana kneels and leans forward offering her neck to the block that is warm and sticky from Anna’s beheading.

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Swiftly her head is severed. The headsman holds her head up to the cheers of the crowd. I ask if I should go to the block and Constable Madiosi says “You are the day’s ‘grand finale’, Laetitia. You go back to your cell.”

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I prefer to be hanged, I will have at least one final orgasm.
I resisted being brought to the gallows and being noosed but either of the guards could have easily brought me here and put the noose around my neck. With two of them I was just that much more easily handled. With the noose around my neck I am resigned that doomed to die hanged. I plea to the executioners “Please make this swift!”

“Sorry, you get hanged like any other criminal” one replies.

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I stare out at the crowd gathered in the market square.

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There is a mix of commoners and royals. I know many of royals and the ‘privileged’ class, many who I have dined and partied with. Most would not mingle with commoners but my execution allows this to happen.

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The crowd hushed to murmur when Constable Madiosi steps onto the balcony next to me.

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He unrolls the scroll, clears his throat, and loudly reads “Before you stands the convict Laetitia, guilty of the highest treason, the murder of our late king, and the attempted murder of his son and our new king. With the concurrence of the archbishop of the Brampton Diocese King Tree has disowned Laetitia and has stripped her of all titles. Therefore Laetitia will be hanged by the neck until dead as a common condemned convict and upon her death all written documents will have her name stricken from the record and speaking her name will be considered treason against the kingdom. Executioners, is the prisoner prepared to be hanged?”

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“She is, Constable Madiosi!”

“After the toll of bell for the evening Angelus I order you to hoist the condemned wench up and hang her by the neck until she is dead.”

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I close my eyes as the church bell begins to ring. In another minute I will be hanged!


The last toll of the Angelus echoes through the walls of the capital’s buildings. I feel the rope slide up my neck am to the applause of the crowd I am hanged!

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With a mind their own my feet begin to kick.
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This is not going to be done quickly I realize as the hangmen tie off the rope..

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‘Your dignity’ I think as the rope slowly chokes me.

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My feet do not listen.

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I am dying!

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-Laetitia, formerly a princess…

Laetitia may have been born a princess but as she is hanged she trashes like a common criminal.

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The commoners make lewd remarks about her death dance while the privileged class and royals silently admire her gyration.

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My ears ring and my vision blurs. My wrists struggle to escape the rope. My feet search for purchase that is not to be found. Then noose has tightened that makes it impossible to take a breath deep enough to replace the stale air burning my lungs and exhaling gets just as hear. Phlegm has conspired with the noose to close my throat.

-Princess Laetitia

The hangmen walk away from the gallows knowing that Laetitia is beginning her final death throes and will soon void her bladder bowels.

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The church bell tolls once signaling Laetitia has been hanged for a quarter hours. The legs only quiver and jerk a randomly. The commoners laugh and point as her body involuntarily purges.

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Her face darkens and her belly flutters. She makes one last squawking sound as air pushes past her collapsing throat. She cannot replace it with another breath.

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The tears running down her cheeks are the only visible movement of her body.

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The crowd thins quickly knowing the show is over.

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No one notices Laetitia open her eyes one last time. Though her vision is blurred she can tell the crowd has dispersed.

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Twenty minutes after she was hanged Laetitia expires.

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May 2017

Laetitia is riding in the back of a hired chauffeured Rolls Royce rereading the old book ‘Princess Laetitia and Palace Intrigue’ she found tucked away in the shelves of library…

Laetitia would be left hanged from the square’s gallows into the evening. Rats would pick at her dead flesh and leave dropping in her hair while crows pick the maggots from her scalp.

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As the moon rises a cart rumbles over the cobble stone.

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The undertaker lowers her dead body to the burlap cloth he has spread on the gallows’ deck.

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He unties her wrist (no use burying a good hemp rope) …

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…folds her hands over… over that!

He rolls her body into the burlap cloth and dumps it on top of Maid Anna’s and Lady Dana’s bodies…

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…and thinks it is so much easier with the bitch’s head still attached.

He tosses Anna’s, Dana’s, and Laetitia’s bodies in the open pit on top of Barbaria’s poisoned corpse and shovels the dirt into the pit in Brampton’s potters’ field

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He made good money that day.

Laetitia arrives from Heathrow at the old Brampton diocese. The car passes the ruins of the castle that princess Laetitia was hanged.

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Soon the car approaches the ‘new’ castle. The building was erected when the old palace was gutted by fire short after the princess was hanged and the four century old building now houses the Cruxton Abbey where the current Archbishop of the Brampton Diocese resides.

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She opens the window of the mid-1970s Rolls-Royce and wonders if she has made a wise decision coming to this foreboding place…

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May 2017
Soon the car approaches the ‘new’ castle. The building was erected when the old palace was gutted by fire short after the princess was hanged and the four century old building now houses the Cruxton Abbey where the current Archbishop of the Brampton Diocese resides.

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She opens the window of the mid-1970s Rolls-Royce and wonders if she has made a wise decision coming to this foreboding place…
...and hopefully non-fatal:confused::eek::doh:
Dear Mister Tree, I saw a picture of you hiding your genitals in one or other threat....that I cannot remember. so I think I found a medical radio photo of your knees.... so for al the females who were frustrated don't having you see naked...here the photography:p:p:p:);)


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I am greeted at the door by a man who says “You were expected, Laetitia. It is not a good idea that you came! But now that you are here I suggest you prepare to meet the archbishop in one hour.”

“I surprised and honored that I would be granted an audience with his eminence at this time of night. Are my bags due soon” I ask.

“Your bags- less your library book- have been burned by now” he replies.

“But what am I to wear?”

“Nothing, Laetitia; strip and give me your clothing so they can be burned also” he replies adding “NOW...”

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Why the hell do I listen to him? I do strip… maybe just to save the book. Less than an hour later I sit nude at a dinner table across from the 2017 incarnation of Archbishop Despard Wragg XXII. He tells me to pull my hair back and hold it. I ask why I should and he says “I want a clear view of your fine tits.”

“I did not come here to show you my ‘tits’” I reply angrily.

“I did not accept to see you for your false modesty. Do it now or you treasured book is tossed into the fire place!”

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“So you are into book-burning? Tell me, bishop, what it is about the book ‘Princess Laetitia and Palace Intrigue’ that frightens you so” I ask.

“A book does not frighten me. It is the blasphemy that heretics spread such words that must be silenced. Centuries ago King Tree II made the painful decision to purge the witches that were secretly worshipping the murderess Laetitia.”

“I have seen drawings of his purges” I say. “The women he executed were not witches. I imagine as had Princess Laetitia they were tortured and coerced into confessing. You know as I do and King Tree did then there are no witches and never were!”

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“Words have meanings and the meaning of a word often changes over time. In the day if some said ‘fuck me’ it meant she desired to fornicate. Today it may mean that but more often it is an expression of disbelief. Today the politically correct meaning of witch in history means a woman persecuted, often falsely, for their views. In King Tree’s time a witch was a heretic or an enemy of the state. Many confessed and were hanged.

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“If they named other sisters in witchcraft my ancestor would absolve them of their sins when they completed their penance of hanging by the neck until dead.”

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“That would not be a coerced accusation” I ask.

“Not hardly- they were to hang either way. It was an act of mercy bestowed on the condemned wenches. A condemned woman with no hope for a pardon does not lie when they name their sisters. If the named witches confessed they would be granted a private and modest hanging. Those that refused to confess would be publicly executed and their blouses were torn to reveal their breasts that they used to nourish Satan before the gallows’ trap opens and they were hanged.

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“So tell me Laetitia; how do you wish to be hanged.”

My eyes widen and I hiss “What do you mean by that?”


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