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Priya's Punishment

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“Moore-10; Raman-9” the scoreboard read. Sanjay knew that meant the next stroke would be delivered across Priya’s buttocks, which, as anyone in the arena could see in gory detail on the big screen, were streaked with vivid welts almost from top to bottom, several of them leaking clear fluid tinged with red from the spots where the rattan had bitten most deeply.

Yes, watching her and her old college lover, Barbara Moore, wriggle their asses as they tried to manage the searing agony had a definite erotic appeal. And there was no doubt Priya deserved to be punished. What she had done was not just illegal, it was immoral. Not only had she abused the trust that the State had put in her and the ethics of her profession, she had cheated on him. With women, to be sure-her former professor and the professor’s daughter, as well as with Barb-but still.

So, through the first several strokes, Sanjay had largely shared the sentiments of the crowd. Let the legal system work its will on her and hopefully she would learn her lesson and behave herself in the future. Of course, Priya had been caned back in Trabbia and her friend Barbara had been caned here and yet there they both were. Still, one could hope.

To be sure, seeing your wife make a public spectacle of herself in front of the people among whom one had to live was not something Sanjay was happy about. From now on, whenever he visited a client to work on their network or had a plumber come to their house or went to get his oil changed, he would know that people were looking at him and thinking, ‘He’s the one whose wife was stripped naked and caned. We saw her pussy and asshole.’

But then, Sanjay reasoned, they would think that whether or not he attended the punishment session, so what difference did it make whether he was here or not?

Sanjay saw that George was ready to deliver the tenth stroke to Priya’s butt. He watched him draw the cane behind him, twisting his hips to coil his body like a spring and then, with full force, slash the rattan into Priya’s ass, dragging the tip across the soft skin to maximize the sensations. These professional caners really hit hard, delivering pain far beyond the mild swats that he had administered to Priya at home.

She had taken the first few stoically, maintaining silence even as her arms and legs strained mightily against the chains that bound them.

After that, each stroke had elicited a torrent of swear words, words Priya, as a well-brought up educated woman, rarely uttered. Amplified by the microphone through the PA system, they sounded doubly reflective of the agony she was enduring.

Also amplified by the PA system, were the taunts of Priya’s former colleague, Dr. Alison Taylor. “You felt that one didn’t you Raman?” she cackled after the sixth stroke. “Serves you right, you stupid cunt!”

But, by the two most recent strokes, Priya had exhausted herself and reacted only with a moan and a shaking of her head as of to deny the possibility that anything could hurt that much.

Sanjay began to feel queasy. The camera focused on Priya’s face made it clear that she was suffering beyond her ability to endure it. It seemed to him that Priya was unquestionably paying for her crimes and perhaps this was sufficient atonement. But he knew that she wasn’t even halfway through and that nothing besides the intervention of Dr. Taylor, an intervention as likely as Sanjay winning the next Powerball jackpot, could stop this punishment.

Nevertheless, Sanjay forced himself to watch the replay of the tenth stroke landing. Blood was now clearly seeping from where the tip had buried itself. Priya howled, a chilling sound that rang through the arena. Being in the VIP section, he was close enough to see the smile of delight on Alison Taylor’s face. He wondered if she enjoyed all the canings she officiated at as much as this or if she was deriving a special pleasure at the downfall of a former colleague.

Now the scoreboard read “Moore-10; Raman-10”. So, the next stroke would be Barb’s.

Sanjay turned his attention to her tight little ass. He had to admit that he had gotten a thrill watching the performance she and Priya had put on in the locker room, even though he was a bit disappointed at not having been invited to attend in person.

Perhaps his greatest desire was and had been for some time to have a threesome with Priya and another woman. Threesomes of two women and one man were his favorite choice of porno to watch on those nights when Priya had been on duty in the ER. He had broached the topic with her a couple of times and gotten told no in no uncertain terms. Still, a man could dream.

They had had Barbara over a couple of times when they had first moved to Dorsbury and Priya had reconnected with her old friend. At that point he hadn’t known about their college affair, but he couldn’t help as they all sat and chatted in their living room imagining the three of them naked on the big bed in their bedroom, him fucking Priya hard from behind as she licked Barb to a powerful orgasm.

Or, even better, him taking Barb from behind as she brought Priya to the peak of pleasure. They could finish the evening by giving him a tag team blow job, or so his fevered brain imagined. But none of that ever happened. He got the sense that Barb could read his mind and didn’t like what she was reading. When he asked Priya why she never invited Barb over any more, she mumbled about how busy she was at the hospital and how Barb was working towards tenure.

Then had come that display at Priya’s sentencing and Priya’s confession about their college affair and the re-kindling of their relationship after Barb’s recent caning. So, as far as Sanjay was concerned, Barb deserved her punishment at least as much as Priya deserved hers.

Nevertheless, when the video of the two of them grinding into each other had played, Sanjay had gotten a throbbing erection. He found it returning as he watched the eleventh stroke slash across Barb’s ass setting the luscious flesh to jiggling like a plate of jelly and her hips gyrating as her nervous system processed the overloaded signals that travelled up her spine to her brain.

Barb shrieked in agony. The screen replayed the cane hitting her buttocks, then cut to a close up of her face, which was screwed up in agony. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Moore-11; Raman-10” the scoreboard read.

Sanjay really couldn’t bear to watch Priya take the next two strokes, nor even to watch Barb take her twelfth. But, after, Priya had suffered her twelfth and the scoreboard read “Moore-12; Raman-12” the lights came up. Sanjay blinked a few times and stretched, as did the other VIPs sitting around him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are now at the halfway point,” the Chief of Corrections announced. “The caners will take a short break to refresh their strength and Dr. Taylor will check the offender’s medical status. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the concession stands.”
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Let the legal system work its will on her and hopefully she would learn her lesson and behave herself in the future. Of course, Priya had been caned back in Trabbia and her friend Barbara had been caned here and yet there they both were. Still, one could hope.
Barbara learn a lesson? That is meant to be a laugh line, I presume. Looking for Barbara to mend her ways is the definition of a lost cause. Don't believe me? Look it up in the dictionary:
lost cause - noun; lost cause; plural noun: lost causes
a person or thing that can no longer hope to succeed or be changed for the better. E.G. Barbara A. Moore. QED

In the meantime, please feel free to visit the concession stands.”
Oh Goody, thought Windar! I can get more popcorn! Hope the DVR is recording the Seinfeld marathon.
Barbara learn a lesson? That is meant to be a laugh line, I presume. Looking for Barbara to mend her ways is the definition of a lost cause. Don't believe me? Look it up in the dictionary:
lost cause - noun; lost cause; plural noun: lost causes
a person or thing that can no longer hope to succeed or be changed for the better. E.G. Barbara A. Moore. QED
St Jude prayed to Barb.
Barbara learn a lesson? That is meant to be a laugh line, I presume. Looking for Barbara to mend her ways is the definition of a lost cause. Don't believe me? Look it up in the dictionary:
lost cause - noun; lost cause; plural noun: lost causes
a person or thing that can no longer hope to succeed or be changed for the better. E.G. Barbara A. Moore. QED
What is the saying about a second marriage? The triumph of hope over experience. Can the same be said of a second flogging?
Oh Goody, thought Windar! I can get more popcorn! Hope the DVR is recording the Seinfeld marathon.
Note: The popcorn concession is owned by the Chief of Corrections' cousin...

We should ask Barb which is worse, a caning or being forced to watch the Seinfeld marathon?
What is the saying about a second marriage? The triumph of hope over experience. Can the same be said of a second flogging?

Note: The popcorn concession is owned by the Chief of Corrections' cousin...

We should ask Barb which is worse, a caning or being forced to watch the Seinfeld marathon?
"Ms. Barbara Moore, the court in its mercy has commuted the second dozen of your caning sentence to place you in the custody of Dean Winder to be forced to watch 100 hours straight of Seinfeld reruns."
"Fuck, No! Cane me, Please!!"
Dean Windar wants to know if oral satisfaction during commercial breaks can be added to the sentence.
Seriously,Dean? You want Barb to watch Seinfeld AND do THAT? How about winning the next Powerball jackpot, while you're asking?
Dean just change your name from Dr. Windar to Dr. Faustus and I'll send Mephistopheles. Though I doubt even he has the pull to get Barb to do either, let along both!
From outside the arena, it's clear the audience is getting their money's worth. They are enjoying the floggings of that hoity toity doctor and her radical feminist professor friend. Watching their bare ass cheeks dance to the tune of the cane must quite a delight. And I must admit I'm loving the sound of their screams being amplified by the loudspeaker. I'd bet those cries of agony can be heard clear across town!

Meanwhile, we working girls - who make a living using our beauty rather than our brains - are each staking territory in the streets surrounding the arena. We know that many people will soon be streaming out in a heightened state of tension. And we will here to provide relief. For a price, of course.


  • with_collar_but_without_panties_15_by_photographythomaskru.jpg
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Meanwhile, we working girls - who make a living using our beauty rather than our brains - are each staking territory in the streets surrounding the arena. We know that many people will soon be streaming out in a heightened state of tension. And we will here to provide relief. For a price, of course.

Some people just know a good business opportunity when they see one! ;)
Meanwhile, we working girls - who make a living using our beauty rather than our brains - are each staking territory in the streets surrounding the arena. We know that many people will soon be streaming out in a heightened state of tension. And we will here to provide relief. For a price, of course.
Prostitution? That's illegal, punishable by 12 strokes of the cane for a first offense (which I doubt this is). And you have admitted it in writing. See you in court, Jackie!- The Very Very Honorable Judge Martin Powers (Maximum Marty to those poor souls who appear before him)
From outside the arena, it's clear the audience is getting their money's worth. They are enjoying the floggings of that hoity toity doctor and her radical feminist professor friend. Watching their bare ass cheeks dance to the tune of the cane must quite a delight. And I must admit I'm loving the sound of their screams being amplified by the loudspeaker. I'd bet those cries of agony can be heard clear across town!

Meanwhile, we working girls - who make a living using our beauty rather than our brains - are each staking territory in the streets surrounding the arena. We know that many people will soon be streaming out in a heightened state of tension. And we will here to provide relief. For a price, of course.
You've won my patronage!
Prostitution? That's illegal, punishable by 12 strokes of the cane for a first offense (which I doubt this is). And you have admitted it in writing. See you in court, Jackie!- The Very Very Honorable Judge Martin Powers (Maximum Marty to those poor souls who appear before him)
Shut up, Windar. I've always been a big supporter of the small business men and women in our town. Jackie is a valued local entrepreneur whose business I wholeheartedly support! - Judge Marty
Prostitution? That's illegal, punishable by 12 strokes of the cane for a first offense (which I doubt this is). And you have admitted it in writing. See you in court, Jackie!- The Very Very Honorable Judge Martin Powers (Maximum Marty to those poor souls who appear before him)
What a spectacle that would be, with Jackie`s dancing talent really put to an even more entertaining use !
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