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Ramon's "If you were Jesus": An odd hidden gem

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I also love that that whipping scene including the robust physical build is so similar to another whipping scene that I love which is this one:
...the last thing I expected to see on the forums was a mexican soap opera scene :eek:
Ohh it would also be interesting to see Bruna being whipped AOH style, it would also be good to see Rosa, Tuvalie or Bruna play their respective roles again or even exchange them, who at 40 years old are still perfect for the role.
One can only dream, but hey, your idea or the AOH style, hmm, alright, I got a new photoshop edit to work on :aplastao:
An odd hidden gem
Part IV: Loincloths, pros, cons and fun facts

I would like to start with the topic I ended last part, Tuvalie having some screentime fully naked.
In terms of the loincloth debate on Ramon's films, I always have this question in my mind about how would a conversation between Ramon and the models go, and one of the questions I wonder about is the loincloth deal. Until which point is wearing a loincloth a choice of the actresses or a creative choice by Ramon? Does the "interview" go like option a or b?
a) This project I want to have a fully naked model, are you in or out?
b) You want to wear a loincloth or nothing at all?

If it was option b what happened, Tuvalie would probably just have replied: "Yes".

I don't remember exactly which ones, but it's not unusual for Ramon to have models who do both loincloth and fully nudity, in fact, it's seen more often than a film with full nudity from start to finish. The interesting part is the loincloth itself. Loincloths vary in designs, from you side knot ones to the one that is just two tiny pieces of fabric hanging from a string, in the end, there is one consistent thing in most of them: They do cover the actress' crotch, either by having underwear beneath a loincloth that is just fabric wrapped around the waist, or a more complicated turn of knots and folds that look more complicated than finding the long side of the bedsheet, thus of covering everything with one, maybe two pieces of cloth.

That's not the case for the "if you were" twin films, with pretty simple loincloth designs that would appease both loincloth enjoyers and full nudity lovers. It's just a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist, nothing more, which I think I heard it's more historically accurate.
Also, we could make a fun exaggeration that if the forums community got together to watch crux films, and we got to the extra stuff 5 video (really specific, I know), there would be a big road worthy of [Insert big sports even from your country here] on the moment the actress from the sister film proceeds to remove Tuvalie's loincloth in preparation for the next recordings.
(Off it goes. By the way, notice the other actress helping Tuvalie fix the nail prop, that works more like the nail prop in roman movie).

Also, in the extra stuff, the fan is left at a point where briefly it blows the loincloth up, another reason to praise the fan depending on your taste. Even if it's really brief, I think a lot of people here love that concept, nature (a fan filling that role in this case) contributing to the humiliation.

The twin films dynamic seemed to make the actresses switch places pretty often, a sequence would be recorded, then switch actresses. The actress resting would help with the fan, removing the other's loincloth... kind of reminds me of the cruxdreams videos with the two actress dynamics.

There must have been pressure to get things done quickly. The lightning in spookman's house is really similar in both films, almost seeming the same, just being edited a little on post production, which only makes me think sessions would have been really short, thus, fewer footage compared to other films where you could get more than 10 minutes of raw footage of just the whipping scene.

While making this, I decided to rent out of curiosity the twin film, if you were black Jesus.
I... well... how do we say this... it's not that the film is bad, both have the exact same structure and shots, the main difference is the actress and that is up to what person watching likes more in terms of models.
But there were some differences that just made me... well...

Both films are pretty equal in terms of pros and cons, balancing each other, with both actresses interpreting suffering in different, yet equally effective ways.

To me personally, I preffer more Tuvalie's acting, but the other actress did twist more on the cross, just to name a difference. The thing is, I can't help but think Tuvalie sort of got the short end of the stick with this twin film dynamic. Why you may ask? There is other reasons, outside my subjective preference of an actress that twists more on the cross, where I would start clapping when an actress lifts herself up while inhaling, and allows her body to drop and exhale.
First and smaller reason, Tuvalie's film is 2 minutes shorter, but I can't complain much there, since in the end we have more footage of Tuvalie, thanks the UHD version extra stuff.

The big reason for me to be DISAPPOINTED has to be the fact that if you were black Jesus had original audio on more scenes. Only the carrying sequence lacks audio, but everything else does have the original audio. I-I-... I well... er... I could make an argument that perhaps the audio quality in Tuvalie's film wasn't the best, thus getting cut. Until I thought:
a) Ramon doesn't really mind the quality of the audio, to this date I don't even have a theory what criteria he follows to determine what gets original audio or not.
b) They are twin films, they used the same equipment!!!
Heck, the audio in if you were black Jesus got way more saturated more often. Not to blame the actress, it's a technical issue, but the question remains: Why, even with an UHD re-release, we can't hear Tuvalie's audio?

*sigh*, moving on to something less frustrating, I can confirm the identity of spookman, who is none other than Ramon himself. It's the exact same voice, I'm 100% sure, and it's curious to see him leaving the director's chair and going in front of the camera instead of behind it... with a mask, but still. After rewatching the extra stuff, I realized I made him look way more grumpy than he is, since his social media interactions are few, and some make him seem like not being very welcome of criticism. If he's heard complaining to his staff, it's understandable, more if we see that he is a perfectionist in his own way, but when it comes to acting, I either don't understand swedish or he's genuine a chill man.

I would like to make a thread on Ramon, the person himself some day, who knows? (altho I'm not sure if it would quite fit in the topics of cruxforums). It would be interesting to understand the mind behind passion of a goddess.

Back to his role in the film, I can't blame him for struggling with some english words, just as Tuvalie struggled with the word "sacrificed" in the extra video. After all, Ramon's first language is spanish, and he has to use swedish more than english, since he has stayed for a pretty long time there. And Tuvalie, well, her first language is swedish, and even then, her english is pretty flawless until the dreaded "sacrifice" word appears.

The fact that Ramon is playing spookman makes it the more interesting to watch the dynamic between him and Tuvalie, with the nailing bonus to be exact. The recurrent crown falling of the actress deal happened, and Ramon adjusts the crown, taking his time and gently moving it around, where even Tuvalie gets a smile out of it, she must have thought "oopsies, the crown fell". I like to think that Ramon also laughed, but mask and no audio to confirm or deny it :(.

Keep in mind, this was during the twin films, the pressure to get these done must be immense, so I'm surprised with him being so calm, if I were him, I would probably have panicked and made a mess with the crown and Tuvalie's hair, to then start doing what any desperate person does with tangled earphones.

This is really unlikely to happen, but if you are reading this Ramon, I'm sorry I portrayed you as a grumpy jerk.

For today, that is all, and I think for the thread. I'm just going to post my closing thoughts and things I might have missed or forgotten to write about. Until then, stay tuned!

It would also be good to see Rosa, Tuvalie or Bruna play their respective roles again or even exchange them, who at 40 years old are still perfect for the role.
I hate to sound pessimistic, but at least from Bruna, due to the nature of her current career, I would believe it's impossible, and I say that with a lot of pain in my chest :frown:. Tuvalie has a chance, since she was open on doing "edgy" photoshoots, but she seems to be either retired or really inactive. Rosa seems to be the more plausible one, since she is still active in the world of theater.
I just wish I could take a peek into the parallel universe where we get to see more of what these women can bring to the table, or even a crossover similar to the edit I made for easter... well, at least we have the latter, photoshop edits :(.
An odd hidden gem
Part V: Closing thoughts

Before the beginning of the end of this thread, I just wanted to say, some close ups of Tuvalie had a free roaming camera that... man was it shaky. The experiment is welcome, but man I could not appreciate some of Tuvalie's fine acting and emoting :(.

I will be honest, I kind of feel a little sad on finishing this thread. The feeling of discovering the masterpiece that this film is, and even experiencing in real time with you some of the discoveries has been something I have really enjoyed, and I will miss until I decide to do another one of these. But, to be honest, I don't know much I could do. Maybe Crucifixion in dark I, the other film I talk about being in my top 4 favorite poag films, it's just that I'm not in the best moment to rent it and, well, what kind of kills my experience is the fact that it is way too dark, so much that it could make a future batman movie jealous.

This turned out to be an even better hidden gem than I thought it would be, and would perfectly fit among the other threads I've made, with passion of the christa being a classic masterpiece, roman movie being a frustrating masterpiece, and if you were Jesus, a hidden masterpiece.

Keep in mind, masterpiece doesn't mean it's perfect, according to the Cambridge dictionary, one of the definitions is "a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill". It's impossible to achieve perfection, we are humans, and we are just as likely to make a mistake or not like a hypothetical perfect thing. Even if some aspects really leave a lot to be desired, sound design (music, sound effects) or editing for example, I don't think we should let that cloud our views of certain films, because even then, other aspects really show, indeed great skill.

In the three past movies, the actresses, the prop designers, and those who were in charge of ensuring the crosses could fit a model to pretend she is crucified, and be relatively safe within what was on reach.

As for Tuvalie in specific, I will still feel sad that her amazing work was toned down by choices that did not depend on her. The film allowed to see that she was indeed doing her best to breath heavily and emote suffering, which would have been perfection if the audio was allowed to be on the final film, after all, if you were black Jesus had the audio, even if it wasn't the best quality. Same could go for passion of the christa, which had extra stuff released, even with the lots of noises from the crew talking and other stuff that would be even more out of place, like the sound of (possibly) a sawblade.

Her film also felt pretty short, even if the difference with the average poag film duration is just two minutes. Ten minutes is quite a perfect number for the duration of a base film, where if spread correctly, the sequences don't feel rushed or overstay their welcome. If you were Jesus just... has this weird paradox, where it has good pacing, even with that minute long talk between Tuvalie and spookman, yet it feels so short. I just feel a little down that maybe this twin films dynamic could be damaging to the final product, specially because, at least to me, it felt that if you were black Jesus got more attention, due to the small details like the original sound and final product duration.

If Ramon ever comes out of his current hiatus, hopefully I could somehow let him know that there are still some stuff some of us would love to see from the classic / golden era of passion of a goddess.

Here comes a text wall of my going all philosophical :oops:, you can skip it by going to the next green text.

I understand that an artist can feel frustrated when his current work doesn't earn much praise, while something done ages ago is still the most demanded thing.
There is one thing that I hope doesn't get misunderstood, it's okay for Ramon to experiment, take breaks, play it safe, etc. This is a passion project, no pun intended, after all, it's hard to keep going on for a long time on these projects, even more when they aren't exactly cheap, I doubt the models just do this for free as a hobby. To say Ramon's persistency to keep this project going for 19 years is amazing, would be quite the understatement. It's not cheap, it may not return a lot of profit, yet there he is, still going.

Where an artist could see a million flaws in his own work, being really tough on itself, there's many, many people who will love it, regardless of it's flaws.

Artists aren't usually proud of their first works, and Ramon's more popular and praised films were made between 2005 and 2010, again, understandable. Yet again, Ramon goes an extra mile, trying to upscale and increase the framerate these old works, possibly with AI, which let me tell you, finding a good looking option isn't exactly cheap. I tested it myself, and dear lord, the pricing per minute... the UHD passion of the christa has around an hour and a half of enhanced footage. This is so much effort for a re-release, I'm doubting my own theory that maybe Ramon could be tired of seeing that only his early productions are the most popular, as far as we know.

This also goes for any artist from the forums reading, there is always room to improve, but don't be so tough on yourself, especially on your early works.
If people really love something you did, even if it was long ago, remember one thing, the fact that you made it remains unchanged, embrace the support of those who enjoy your work, that has to be one of the most valuable things for an artist.

I, at least, would be more than glad to see more of the amazing work of the actresses, the crew, and Ramon, just give me some time to save for the rent hehe.

PS: Just in case, please don't think I'm trying to sell you Ramon's films, this is just my thoughts and opinion, I don't get paid for this (altho I wish I was :sisi1, jk jk).

Here ends the preaching, man did I let myself get carried by it haha.

It has been a short, yet very fulfilling journey. Thanks for joining and letting me share this finding of a hidden gem and all the unnecessarily long thoughts and analysis.
Before I finish, I wanna leave you with some more screenshots from this film, no topic in particular, just random screenshots from Tuvalie, the actress that surprised me, and whose job grew on me over the course of this thread. Hopefully, wherever her career goes next, is full of success and happiness.


Thank you! :D
An odd hidden gem
Part V: Closing thoughts

Before the beginning of the end of this thread, I just wanted to say, some close ups of Tuvalie had a free roaming camera that... man was it shaky. The experiment is welcome, but man I could not appreciate some of Tuvalie's fine acting and emoting :(.

I will be honest, I kind of feel a little sad on finishing this thread. The feeling of discovering the masterpiece that this film is, and even experiencing in real time with you some of the discoveries has been something I have really enjoyed, and I will miss until I decide to do another one of these. But, to be honest, I don't know much I could do. Maybe Crucifixion in dark I, the other film I talk about being in my top 4 favorite poag films, it's just that I'm not in the best moment to rent it and, well, what kind of kills my experience is the fact that it is way too dark, so much that it could make a future batman movie jealous.

This turned out to be an even better hidden gem than I thought it would be, and would perfectly fit among the other threads I've made, with passion of the christa being a classic masterpiece, roman movie being a frustrating masterpiece, and if you were Jesus, a hidden masterpiece.

Keep in mind, masterpiece doesn't mean it's perfect, according to the Cambridge dictionary, one of the definitions is "a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill". It's impossible to achieve perfection, we are humans, and we are just as likely to make a mistake or not like a hypothetical perfect thing. Even if some aspects really leave a lot to be desired, sound design (music, sound effects) or editing for example, I don't think we should let that cloud our views of certain films, because even then, other aspects really show, indeed great skill.

In the three past movies, the actresses, the prop designers, and those who were in charge of ensuring the crosses could fit a model to pretend she is crucified, and be relatively safe within what was on reach.

As for Tuvalie in specific, I will still feel sad that her amazing work was toned down by choices that did not depend on her. The film allowed to see that she was indeed doing her best to breath heavily and emote suffering, which would have been perfection if the audio was allowed to be on the final film, after all, if you were black Jesus had the audio, even if it wasn't the best quality. Same could go for passion of the christa, which had extra stuff released, even with the lots of noises from the crew talking and other stuff that would be even more out of place, like the sound of (possibly) a sawblade.

Her film also felt pretty short, even if the difference with the average poag film duration is just two minutes. Ten minutes is quite a perfect number for the duration of a base film, where if spread correctly, the sequences don't feel rushed or overstay their welcome. If you were Jesus just... has this weird paradox, where it has good pacing, even with that minute long talk between Tuvalie and spookman, yet it feels so short. I just feel a little down that maybe this twin films dynamic could be damaging to the final product, specially because, at least to me, it felt that if you were black Jesus got more attention, due to the small details like the original sound and final product duration.

If Ramon ever comes out of his current hiatus, hopefully I could somehow let him know that there are still some stuff some of us would love to see from the classic / golden era of passion of a goddess.

Here comes a text wall of my going all philosophical :oops:, you can skip it by going to the next green text.

I understand that an artist can feel frustrated when his current work doesn't earn much praise, while something done ages ago is still the most demanded thing.
There is one thing that I hope doesn't get misunderstood, it's okay for Ramon to experiment, take breaks, play it safe, etc. This is a passion project, no pun intended, after all, it's hard to keep going on for a long time on these projects, even more when they aren't exactly cheap, I doubt the models just do this for free as a hobby. To say Ramon's persistency to keep this project going for 19 years is amazing, would be quite the understatement. It's not cheap, it may not return a lot of profit, yet there he is, still going.

Where an artist could see a million flaws in his own work, being really tough on itself, there's many, many people who will love it, regardless of it's flaws.

Artists aren't usually proud of their first works, and Ramon's more popular and praised films were made between 2005 and 2010, again, understandable. Yet again, Ramon goes an extra mile, trying to upscale and increase the framerate these old works, possibly with AI, which let me tell you, finding a good looking option isn't exactly cheap. I tested it myself, and dear lord, the pricing per minute... the UHD passion of the christa has around an hour and a half of enhanced footage. This is so much effort for a re-release, I'm doubting my own theory that maybe Ramon could be tired of seeing that only his early productions are the most popular, as far as we know.

This also goes for any artist from the forums reading, there is always room to improve, but don't be so tough on yourself, especially on your early works.
If people really love something you did, even if it was long ago, remember one thing, the fact that you made it remains unchanged, embrace the support of those who enjoy your work, that has to be one of the most valuable things for an artist.

I, at least, would be more than glad to see more of the amazing work of the actresses, the crew, and Ramon, just give me some time to save for the rent hehe.

PS: Just in case, please don't think I'm trying to sell you Ramon's films, this is just my thoughts and opinion, I don't get paid for this (altho I wish I was :sisi1, jk jk).

Here ends the preaching, man did I let myself get carried by it haha.

It has been a short, yet very fulfilling journey. Thanks for joining and letting me share this finding of a hidden gem and all the unnecessarily long thoughts and analysis.
Before I finish, I wanna leave you with some more screenshots from this film, no topic in particular, just random screenshots from Tuvalie, the actress that surprised me, and whose job grew on me over the course of this thread. Hopefully, wherever her career goes next, is full of success and happiness.
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Thank you! :D
Well, thank you, @justarandomguy, for such a thorough and thoughtful thesis on this film, and for all your background research! I for one very much appreciated it!

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