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Slaves Treated Very Badly

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Case #: 549866215

Subject: Interrogation of Barbara Moore

Date: October 17, 2017.

Place: Upper Midwest Re-Education Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Subject was picked up on suspicion of publishing seditious literature. To whit:

Berlin Diary-A story slandering the National Socialist government of Germany and expressing sympathy with communist agents

Plantation Plight and Mine Misery-A pair of stories suggesting that a future America, rather than being great, would be a hell-hole of suffering and slavery. These co-authored with one windar, sought by authorities after escaping from the Interior Northeast Re-Education Center. Believed to have reached safety in Canada after a daring hike through the Adirondack Mountains.

Numerous other stories portraying America in an unfavorable light

Upon admission to the Center, Moore denied being a Rebel Leader, despite the fact that it says she is one in big red letters. Denies authoring said works despite them saying “by Barbaria1”. Said America is and always was great.

After further “conversations” with DHS agents now admits to authorship of said seditious stories. Admits America was a complete hell-hole before January 20, 2017 and is now a much, much better place. Admits she doesn’t really need health insurance anyway.
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Case #: 549866215

Subject: Interrogation of Barbara Moore

Date: October 17, 2017.

Place: Upper Midwest Re-Education Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Subject was picked up on suspicion of publishing seditious literature. To whit:

Berlin Diary-A story slandering the National Socialist government of Germany and expressing sympathy with communist agents

Plantation Plight and Mine Misery-A pair of stories suggesting that a future America, rather than being great, would be a hell-hole of suffering and slavery. These co-authored with one windar, sought by authorities after escaping from the Interior Northeast Re-Education Center. Believed to have reached safety in Canada after a daring hike through the Adirondack Mountains.

Numerous other stories portraying America in an unfavorable light

Upon admission to the Center, Moore denied being a Rebel Leader, despite the fact that it says she is one in big red letters. Denies authoring said works despite them saying “by Barbaria1”. Said America is and always was great.

After further “conversations” with DHS agents now admits to authorship of said seditious stories. Admits America was a complete hell-hole before January 20, 2017 and is now a much, much better place. Admits she doesn’t really need health insurance anyway.

October 17, 2017? Does that meanm I have six months to turn things around! :rolleyes:

Case #: 549866215

Subject: Re-Education of Barbara Moore

Date: October 22, 2017.

Place: Upper Midwest Re-Education Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Following her confession to the crime of writing seditious literature, Moore was assigned for re-education. This is a difficult process, because her habits and thoughts were heavily influenced by her growing up in non-Great America.

For example, she was shown the following side-by-side pictures of the 2009 and 2017 inaugurations.

She was asked which crowd was larger.

"The one on the right, obviously," she said.

Then, staff applied the latest in techniques from the Department of Re-Education
img-1476559169.jpg img-1485592527.jpg

After numerous lessons, Moore finally decided that the alternate facts were the true ones and the crowd on the left was indeed larger.

At present Moore is awaiting re-assignment to a labor camp in Arizona where she will play a role in protecting America from invasion by hostile forces of gardeners and maids. Because the men building the wall will need some rest and recreation after toiling all day in the hot desert sun.
"Because the men building the wall will need some rest and recreation after toiling all day in the hot desert sun."

Noooooo. Not that! :eek:

There must be some mistake! That's a job for Dottie, not me! :rolleyes:
No problem, Father, we can keep her in our reserve cellar,
I'm sure she will be in excellent condition when His Holiness calls for her again. :devil:

That's a very nice image of a familiar 'any day now' scenario -
her face expresses well the horror of what she's been through,
and the knowledge that more is about to come!

I like the way they call it an "interview". Makes it seems like she's up for that position in the marketing department..
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