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Blimey! :eek:

Achilles and Messalios! :eek:

Best if they're on your side! :cool:

Definitely for the best, to refer to an earlier picture shown us by that far voyager Primus Pilus it is much better to have Messalios on your side as then if she flashes her tits at you, it is because she likes you while if you are in battle, they might just be a weapon of mass distraction from her sword ;)

Achilles can be pretty fearsome too :D
Messalios lacked that same brute strength but her sword whisked around and many a man flinched from a jab to the face or a knee. A man turned to face her, smashed at her with his shield looking to bring the girl down by weight of muscle and metal but she met it with her own shield. She feinted at his face and dodged a cut from him before reaching her sword blade down where both their shields hid it from his view, then she cut into his knee from behind where the greave thinned to allow movement and he fell back with a scream.
Pp can see the sweat glistening on our heroine's fair skin and wonders what it must be like beneath that cuirass :p.

“To the women, catch me some women!” Achilles called out and his warband cheered their victory
But will the fair Messalios chase down and capture one of her own sex for Archilles or might she capture one for herself? :devil:
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Oh to be a woman. A form fitted in true devotion to the Goddess of Love. A resplendent breast pert with the ripe promise of a night’s pleasures, the gentle curves and undulations of a graceful belly reaching down to the cleft birth both pleasure and the very life itself.

Oh to be a woman, of darting gaze and flowing locks, a face cast in soft delicate lines, yet strong of purpose. Her neck rounded her shoulders graceful. The line of her back a perfect testament to divine symmetry, the swell of her buttocks…

Alas dear listener we were deprived the rest of Messalios’s lyric verse when the slave girl she regarded was over come in a fit of giggles. “Oh Mistress you do talk fancy, if you were a man I’d say you were trying to get me into bed.”

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“And you would be right,” Messalios reached out and touched the naked girl who shivered but not with the cold, “And have you never felt the loving touch of woman?”

“They don’t do that on our island,” The Slave Girl said, “It is not proper.”

“Well now you are a slave and my slave so I decide what is proper,” Messalios said and kissed the girl who gasped and then pressed against her. Now Messalios trailed a hand down to the girl’s back, down and then up again until she felt the fine hairs of her skin stand on end and then Messalios deepened her kisses onto the girl’s throat and then her breasts until she moaned.

“How do you know to do such things Mistress?” Said the girl in a quavering voice, already half lost in her passion.

“All women know of such things,” Messalios kissed the girl’s belly and thighs and then set her tongue to swirl around the rosy bud rising from its canopy.

“I don’t know of such things,” Sighed the girl.

“Then I shall teach you,” Said Messalios and taught the girl to arch her back and rock up and down in delight, not with crude words but with her deft fingers and tongue on those most sacred parts of woman.

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“Oh please Mistress,” Said the girl before falling in a swoon of pleasure upon the deck until Messalios revived her again with gentle nips at her breasts and those points ripe for nipping. Then our proud warrior maid sent her chosen captive off on a journey of delight that took her across the pleasant plains of her back, the rolling swells of her thighs and the delicious hills of her buttocks.

Then and only then did Messalios offer herself as a map to her newly won slave in love’s navigations. Though clumsy at first the girl learned to touch, taste and feel the moment when the body turns away from mundane cares into that height of bliss, when the temperature rises, the blood pulses just belong the skin, the sweat beads and hairs stand up in proud salute to a talented lover. In due course Messalios shuddered upon the tides of passion and took the slave up from between her legs so they could lie together pressed limb to limb and breast to breast.

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Which might be a good point for the narrator to request someone in the audience buy him a drink before he tells you all how Messalios learned such love making in Lesbos and how she came to be in great Achilles’s retinue.
Then and only then did Messalios offer herself as a map to her newly won slave in love’s navigations.
A map on which Pp would also delight in planning a route to pleasure though He might add a few paths and roads of His own design with His pen.

Wonderfully erotic without having to resort to gratuitous detail. Beautifully written RR and made all the better thanks to messaline's artwork :very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
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