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Speech Is Silver - Julia's Tragic Trial

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Moderator's note: mymartinet's 'Silence is Golden' thread got inadvertently blown off course -
so that his great gagging images can be ungagged, without gagging Julia's fine yarn, I've split off the latter to this new thread - eul

Tree would love to say he has verified with Willowfall her statement above but A) being a gentleman cannot discuss such things and B) being as honorable as Judge Admi... never mind...

'thx friend for your friendly gesture........another great girlie sent me by mail another dream-story

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Harassment in the workplace? Unfair labor practice?
Yes, obviously ... :( :( :(
From this reason I'm grateful to our dear Hansi that he reported about my sad life.

But meanwhile my situation is better than ever.
And my new job is much more likeable. Here I'm almost in a paradise of laziness (picture 1),

being able to take care of the really important things (pictures 2 and 3).

Just one question gives me a bit to think: What's the sense of this strange button (picture 4) ?

I just know that I'm not allowed to touch it, under no circumstances, and not even to come too near to it.
But of course I'm an obedient girl. So I will surely be able to control my curiosity.
I'm an reasonable being.

And not such a childish one who has to touch anything.
Of course not! I'm already adult.


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on the beach

like the end of the Nevil Shute novel
with the world slowly dying after a nuclear war ...

Osborne takes his suicide pill while sitting in his beloved racing car. Commander Towers and his remaining crew choose to scuttle the Scorpion in the open ocean, fulfilling a naval duty to not leave the unmanned vessel "floating about in a foreign port" after her crew succumbs to suicide or radiation poisoning. Moira watches the departure of the submarine in her car from an adjacent hilltop as she takes her suicide pill, imagining herself together with Towers as she dies.
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on the beach

like the end of the Nevil Shute novel
with the world slowly dying after a nuclear war ...

Osborne takes his suicide pill while sitting in his beloved racing car. Commander Towers and his remaining crew choose to scuttle the Scorpion in the open ocean, fulfilling a naval duty to not leave the unmanned vessel "floating about in a foreign port" after her crew succumbs to suicide or radiation poisoning. Moira watches the departure of the submarine in her car from an adjacent hilltop as she takes her suicide pill, imagining herself together with Towers as she dies.
Oh my God, the poor ones! And everything is only my fault.
I feel not very good ... :(
that was hilarious!!! but I fear RR's Surveillance Service's Inc. will find you wherever you go...


Thanks, my Dear!

I try to see the positive aspects of my situation: Rodent is working for the executive forces, you are an executioner and Hansi is a judge. That means that three of my friends are working for the authorities. Maybe these connections can save me.

And if not, in the worst (but extremely probable) case ... your brother, the reverend, could hold a nice speech during my coming burial celebration ...

By the way, meanwhile I'm totally exhausted. But after a short break (picture 9)
my escape goes and goes ... (picture 10)
What a plague!

Not to mention that I really need a cigarette.
But a visit in a shop would be much to risky
as I would immediately recognized.

Instead of this I will soon take care of new clothes and a new haircut. (picture 11)
Then nobody will recognize me. And I will be safe.

Well, somewhere at the horizon I can see a shop.
But of course I'm not stupid enough to go into this trap.
Of course not, I'm disciplined.
And not a suicidal moron.
Surely not!


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From the newspaper:


A team of special forces (picture12)
has arrested (picture 13)
the ultra-dangerous terrorist Julia L. who was responsible for one of the worst attacks against human culture which ever occured .

The criminal was immediately brought (pictures 14 and 15)
to a High security Prison where she has to wait for the inevitably following trial (picture 16) ...


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Julia could have avoided all this had she just used her charms to mooch a smoke...
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...and Rev. Lynch is not my brother!!!

And I hope after you are condemned to death after your fair trial you don't get the electric chair. Hiring the required union electric chair cuts into my profit margin...


Julia could have avoided all this had she just used her charms to mooch a smoke...
View attachment 98767

...and Rev. Lynch is not my brother!!!

And I hope after you are condemned to death after your fair trial you don't get the electric chair. Hiring the required union electric chair cuts into my profit margin...

View attachment 98768

and that is bad very bad......................normal we use simply...................two beams................. one upright................and a crossbeam and our executioner used three nails for fastening their limbs to those beams ..............that's all and it worked perfect.
Stream-jolts is nothing for our beloved girls........... they want the touch of our carpenter as a last farewell:devil:
And I hope after you are condemned to death after your fair trial you don't get the electric chair. Hiring the required union electric chair cuts into my profit margin...

No, no, it's not necessary to waste valuable power ... ;)
and that is bad very bad......................normal we use simply...................two beams................. one upright................and a crossbeam and our executioner used three nails for fastening their limbs to those beams ..............that's all and it worked perfect.
Stream-jolts is nothing for our beloved girls........... they want the touch of our carpenter as a last farewell:devil:

Hansi, as usual your unlimited cruelty gives me a lot to think ;)

And now, after some delay (Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!) due to a last stressful week (Among other things I had to make my testament ;)
... my report, obviously the last one I'll ever be able to write, can finally continue:

Still imprisoned in my high security cell, I can only wait for the inevitably coming things.
But I'm not very optimistic.
(picture 17)

And indeed, meanwhile even the "pressure of the street" contributes to my problems:
It's obvious that the public opinion is demanding on a dynamic treatment of the question, meaning a final solution.
(pictures 18 and 19)

And now even the highest authorities start to insist on their influence to the coming trial.
(picture 20 and 21)

Well, at least there was said something about a fair trial.
And that should leave me a last bit of hope.

to be continued


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In the meantime some of my last remaining friends are looking for a solution.

One of them makes even a senseful suggestion.
(picture 22)

Another plan is also not bad.
(pictures 23 and 24)

Unfortunately the political pressure is too strong, with the result that the authorities deny the plan.
(pictures 25 and 26)

So it comes as it has to come:
An especially merciless judge, unfortunately even a familiar one who does not think very positve of me, gets the assignment to lead the trial.

And obviously this particular judge is already feeling some anticipating joy.
(picture 27)

I'm dead!

to be continued


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No, no, it's not necessary to waste valuable power ... ;)

Hansi, as usual your unlimited cruelty gives me a lot to think ;)

And now, after some delay (Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!) due to a last stressful week (Among other things I had to make my testament ;)
... my report, obviously the last one I'll ever be able to write, can finally continue:

Still imprisoned in my high security cell, I can only wait for the inevitably coming things.
But I'm not very optimistic.
(picture 17)

And indeed, meanwhile even the "pressure of the street" contributes to my problems:
It's obvious that the public opinion is demanding on a dynamic treatment of the question, meaning a final solution.
(pictures 18 and 19)

And now even the highest authorities start to insist on their influence to the coming trial.
(picture 20 and 21)

Well, at least there was said something about a fair trial.
And that should leave me a last bit of hope.

to be continued

There's been a leak at the pentagon. Nixon and Kissinger hired Julia and put her in a room with a big red button. As a result, the socialist republic of Canada has gone up in a mushroom cloud, and the United States, after Julia's capture, shed's all responsibility.
There's been a leak at the pentagon. Nixon and Kissinger hired Julia and put her in a room with a big red button. As a result, the socialist republic of Canada has gone up in a mushroom cloud, and the United States, after Julia's capture, shed's all responsibility.
That makes some sense.
And now I have the mess, but yet not a useful defense strategy ... :(


In the morning of my trial there is a special report shown in television,
including some life-filled discussions.
Obviously everyone already knows what's going to happen with me.

Even an experienced executioner is already giving an interview, whatever she may explain in this moment ...
(picture 28)

And now it becomes serious for me:
An unfriendly guard appears to bring me to the court.
(picture 29)

Then, after some last measurements (picture 30),
the march starts.

During the whole way there is not a single friendly word,
just the eternal command not to hesitate.
(picture 31)

Then the trial starts.

I have not even time for a polite welcome
because the judge starts immediately with a cold question.
(picture 32)

What now?

I try it with a spontanous defense.
(picture 33)

Maybe it helps ...

to be continued


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