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That's Armageddon ...

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Chapter XI: A quantum of solace

Meanwhile the interrogations are over. Thank god!

Still signed by the previous whippings (picture 64)
I have to go to my trial.

Here I welcome the judge in a very polite way.
(picture 65)

Maybe it helps ...

This judge is really a nice one,
and much more friendly to me
than the guards and interrogation-officers had been.

Then the trial finally starts.
(picture 66)

It's a very long trial,
because the judge needs several hours to mention all of my crimes.

But in spite of this she still sounds very friendly
when she says:
"My poor, poor sinner, after so much crimes I don't have any choice.
And so I must sentence you to

And with her sweetest voice she continues:
"And as there were a few especially bad crimes,
like false parking and similar things,
you will be crucified in an a way that prolonges your execution to the maximum.
I'm very sorry that I have to inflict this extra-harsh punishment on you,
but I really don't have another choice.
May God have mercy with your soul."

Although the sentence is comparatively strict ...
the friendly athmosphere during the trial helps to soothe me a bit.

So I think it could not hurt
to thank her for the fair and harmonic trial.
(picture 67)

And it becomes even better:
She, who is aware of my horrible withdrawal symptoms,
even allows me to smoke a last cigarette.

For a moment all sorrows are forgotten
and there is only one thing of importance:
The cigarette which almost brings me to a climax.
(picture 68)

And again I accentuate my thankfulness for the judge's merciful attitude
in a very polite way.
(picture 69)

Then I'm brought back to the death-cell.

Here I try to imagine the coming horrible things.
(picture 70)

Slowly my fear increases
until it becomes overwhelming.


Meanwhile my brain slowly starts to work again.
And soon I come to the conclusion
that I really must have lost my mind:

A merciful trial? Even thanking the judge?

And all of this crawling toadyism
just because of a cigarette?

How can anyone be such an idiot like me?

And how was it possible that I lost the last remains of my dignity,
even so quickly?
Everything for a cigarette?
How embarassing!

But now it's too late to regret my stupidity and my mistakes.
It's over.

However, I can not resist to examine the window of my death-cell.
(picture 71)

Maybe there could be a little hope.

But ... bad luck for me: The window is absolutely secured.
No chance to escape!

Now it's really over!

(As usual) I cry ...

to be continued


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Chapter XII: Dead Woman walking

In the night there was a beautiful sky (picture 72),
really a beautiful night.
But not for me, of course.

I have other sorrows ...

Right now I'm sitting in my death cell,
waiting for the execution squad.
(picture 73)

Then a panic rises
because I can hear them coming.

I'm broken and totally desparate.
(picture 74)

They arrive.
Now I'm undressed (picture 75)
and secured (picture 76)
for the last meters
I will ever walk on this earth.

However I soon make my peace with everything.
And indeed, the guards are really nice,
offering a special service (picture 77),
just to soothe me.

Obviously with success,
as my facial expression indicates.
(picture 78)

But then the moment of truth follows:
When I see the cross I become heavily terrified.
(picture 79)

I'm totally broken.
(picture 80)

That's it.
Here I will die.
I cry.

But at least the chief executioner is rather friendly to me.
(picture 81)

Just that she is going to kill me ... is not so amusing.

But we can not have everything ... :( :( :(

(Almost) The End

Some important notes:

Note 1:
Special thanks to a great artist named Solodon for some great works! :) :) :)

Note 2:
Here my report ends.

I will not continue it.

That's not intentionally,
but (as I will die during the next days)
I will just not be able to do this.

assuming that lots of people want to see and enjoy my death,
I begged the executioner to bring the opus to an end.

I guess she will use my former account.

Most probably she will better describe my end
as anybody else could do it.

Farewell, Dear Friends!
The fun is over!

to be continued


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Great story and lovely pics!

I am thinking that all of this would be very educational for children. :) For instance, they can learn about the true cause of World War I and various events in Swiss history.

But most especially they will see a very graphic illustration of the evils of smoking (and far more entertaining than what I was subjected to in grade school). :)
Great story and lovely pics!

I am thinking that all of this would be very educational for children. :) For instance, they can learn about the true cause of World War I and various events in Swiss history.

But most especially they will see a very graphic illustration of the evils of smoking (and far more entertaining than what I was subjected to in grade school). :)
Not just the dangers of ciggies -​
it all comes from not being able to resist fatty foods!​
fatty food.jpg
Farewell, Dear Friends!
The fun is over!
to be continued

how do you mean?:oops:
Farewell, Dear Friends!
The fun is over!
to be continued

how do you mean?:oops:[/quote]
Well, she wrote me in PM that she just gave notice of departure from the forum, maybe it's that what she meant?!
Chapter XIII: From Here to Eternity ...

Dear members of this honorable community,

I noticed a little panic about the destiny of Miss Julia Loca.

So here some information:
It's true that she will not continue her report.
She said that she would like to do it,
but instead of this she "unfortunately" (her word, not mine!) has to die.

But, Dear People, there is no reason to worry
because this report, of course, will be continued,
by me, her executioner.

Some introducing words:

Most of you may (yet) not know me.

My name is Pontia Smith.

I (picture 82)
am the Chief Executioner of the local crucifixion center.

Due to my family's background I have a enormous treasure of experiences, as well as a large archive with lots of interesting documents concerning executions in the past.
(My ancestors were pretty much busy. So there will be a lot to tell.)

At the moment I have the honorable duty to execute a serial criminal
named Julia Loca.

From reasons I don't understand Miss Loca has begged me to give some impressions
and to produce a report about her final days.

As far as I was able to understand her ... it seems that her friends want to see her die.
Strange friendship, of course, but why not?

So I will have the honor to inform the members of this judicial community (Or is it a religious forum?)
about the decay and the death of this criminal.

And, as it's easier to manage in this way, I will use Julia's account for this report.
She does not need it anymore.

Some words about the mentioned criminal:

I must say that Miss Loca is an awful being.
And her egoism is just incredible.

I really did anything possible to ease her suffering:

I was friendly to her
(picture 83),

I even promised her to hold her hand when the moment of her death will come.
(picture 84)

But is she grateful for this relatively merciful treatment?
Not the slightest bit!
And her usual politeness is pure falsehood.
(picture 85)

I don' think that I ever could trust her, not the slightest bit.
(I can see it in her eyes.)

However, in spite of this, I try my best to soothe her
and to help her to bear her suffering a little bit better.

I even tried to avoid the usual boredom during such a longterm-execution.
So I informed her about the newest news from the neighbourhood:
So, for instance, I told her that we recently have some highwater, causing an extreme stress for the residents.
(picture 86)

However, she only said that she "would give everything for some drops of water".
What does she expect from me?
A cup of tea ???

Or another example: When I told her about a terroristic attack in the neighbourhood (picture 87),
even combined with a taking of hostages (picture 88),
she did not feel much compassion with the hostages.
So she just said that "the poor ones have at least still some hope", whereas her own situation is totally hopeless.
Her selfish attitude is really awful.

Later I told her that a banker was executed in the neighbouring town.
(picture 89 gives some impressions of the banker's execution)

But what was Julia's reaction?
Not the slightest bit of compassion for the poor banker.

In other words: Her selfishness is just an impertinence.

And not to mention that she really annoys me with her eternal lamentations like "Please have mercy!" or "Please help me!",
"Please do this, Please do that!" and so on.
What a torture for my ears!

And this awful and earsplitting screams ...

But thank god her state is meanwhile not the best.
So I'm optimistic that it will be over in a few days.

Then I will finally enjoy my working-free days
and the weekend.
What a blessing!

By the way, at the moment she crys again.
Well, actually she cries always ...

And now the good news:
Right now she has heavy difficulties to breath.
She already cries for help.
(picture 90)

Here I should add further information:

Due to her "smoker's lung" I had to crucify her in a special way, because otherwise she would probably suffocate within minutes.

And, of course, in case of such a serial criminal
this kind of a fast death would not really fulfill the intended justice.
So, as the judge insisted on a extra-long suffering, I made it a bit more "comfortable" for the victim,
just to prolong her agony.

So much for the moment ...
More information will follow as soon as possible.

Special greetings to Mr. Tree.
It seems the two of us have the same profession.

to be continued


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She said that she would like to do it,
but instead of this she "unfortunately" (her word, not mine!) has to die.

Thank God she is only dying!!!! And as one executioner to another I know how old those lamentations can get. I both thank you conveying this Julia's story and sympathize the ordeal you are going through with this ungrateful wench!

So, for instance, I told her that we recently have some highwater, causing an extreme stress for the residents.
I only can confirm this!
The reason for being online so late today were extremely heavy precipitations causing flooding in the area where my dungeon is (in a basement :eek: ).
Luckily "my" basement wasn't flooded (imagine the firefighters breaking the door open and finding my little secret ;) ), but I had to go check...
Chapter XIV: The final Curtain

Hi Folks,
once again it's me, your Pontia.

And here the report continues:
Julia's suffering is still going on.

The whole time I have to endure her pityful screams and moans.
That's not really a pleasure!

And her last breathing-crisis was really critical.
(picture 91)

But with a helpful massage (picture 92)
I was able to bring her over the day.

It seems that at least this time she was grateful, at least a little bit.
(picture 93)

I do what I can!

Then everything goes as usual:
her state becomes worse and worse.

And she pleads and pleads,
screams and screams
and so on ...

This job is really no pleasure!

I try to expel the horrible boredom with reading a newspaper.
But there is also just the usual boring stuff:

Once again somewhere a banker was executed (picture 94),

the hostage-crisis will probably solved in the usual way (picture 95)

and the highwater is almost under control. (picture 96)

Always the same. How boring!

Back to the dying criminal:

Meanwhile Julia seems finally have lost her mind:
Since several minutes she cries constantly the same nonsens,
whoever she may mean ...
(picture 97)

And maybe she already has the first hallucinations:
Since a further massage she seems to confuse me with a friend.
Maybe my massages are really good.

Well, Julia is really not very intelligent!

But that doesn't matter:
In this way or another way ... in a few hours the problem should be solved.
And then the world will have a criminal less.

And particularly this eternal crying and the embarassing pleads,
and very especially these pitiful screams of agony
(picture 98)

... will finally have an end.

to be continued


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Chapter XV: Almost a gospel

And here the last round for today (sometimes even an executioner becomes tired, especially if there's always the same in the newspapers) ...

Back the dying crucifee:

Meanwhile it's obvious:
Julia will not survive the night.

The very special moment is near.

For a last time I try my best to soothe her a little bit.
(picture 99)

But without any success:

She cries,
pitifully cries.
(picture 100)

And now the last remains of her mind have gone:

She seems to think that Jesus would protect her.
She even fantasizes he would have told her
that she should use her brain.
Especially the latter, the connection of Julia and brain,
sounds like a bad joke, doesn't it?

I look into her stupid face.
Obviously she has a hallucination,
maybe a merciful one ...
(picture 101)

Her defiance has gone.
She closes her eyes.
And in a few minutes she will leave this world.

Then I will finally enjoy my weekend!

Best friendly Wishes to Everybody

sincerely your Pontia

to be continued


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