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The Knight And The Gnostic

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Heavens! Such erudition here!

Yes, I admit that I could not resist using that quote, genuine or not it captures the Abbot as he appears in this story. This is fiction, so please allow some departure from strict historical accuracy for the sake of the narrative!

And now events move more swiftly

Episode 5

"They called me the bee, you know" he said, as we watched the army prepare the assault.
"When I preached, the heretics would say 'the bee is buzzing again'. They will find that this bee carries a sharp sting! They will bend the knee or they will regret being born".

"Your excellency, will they convert? Will we convince them of their errors?"

"My Lord de Flebas, I mean to crush them. They will be an example to the other heretics in this southern land. We will take the city, strip them of their wealth, and try their leaders. These 'perfecti' will be put to the test most strenuously, we will make them see their errors and we will restore this land to the true faith. They are led by a woman! Can you credit that. A woman named Barbara de Moore. I am most keen that we take her alive, she will be a prize of great worth when she renounces her ways and submits to our authority."

"And if she doesn't, my Lord?"

"I will personally make every effort to see her brought low, to see her submit. Do not doubt it. Then she may go to meet her maker with a clean heart. That is my purpose here. Do not think that I enjoy killing and looting. I do not. I merely wish to bring these people back to the true path."

"Yes my lord Abbot."

I have to admit that his words fill me with dread. I have heard of these perfecti, of their goodness and righteousness. I do not believe they deserve the fate we are about to bring down on them. And I know the Abbot. I am sure he reserves particularly unpleasant methods of persuasion for the unfortunate Barbara de Moore.

I must do my duty, but I will stay by his side and do what I can to hold him back.

"To arms, to arms!"


What? We are not due to move against them for several hours yet! It appears that many of the common men have lost patience and been inspired to attack the city ahead of orders. They are even now streaming across the field and over the defensive ditches. Quick! My sword! I must go and do my duty.

May God help Beziers!

Heavens! Such erudition here!

Yes, I admit that I could not resist using that quote, genuine or not it captures the Abbot as he appears in this story. This is fiction, so please allow some departure from strict historical accuracy for the sake of the narrative!

And now events move more swiftly

Episode 5

"They called me the bee, you know" he said, as we watched the army prepare the assault.
"When I preached, the heretics would say 'the bee is buzzing again'. They will find that this bee carries a sharp sting! They will bend the knee or they will regret being born".

"Your excellency, will they convert? Will we convince them of their errors?"

"My Lord de Flebas, I mean to crush them. They will be an example to the other heretics in this southern land. We will take the city, strip them of their wealth, and try their leaders. These 'perfecti' will be put to the test most strenuously, we will make them see their errors and we will restore this land to the true faith. They are led by a woman! Can you credit that. A woman named Barbara de Moore. I am most keen that we take her alive, she will be a prize of great worth when she renounces her ways and submits to our authority."

"And if she doesn't, my Lord?"

"I will personally make every effort to see her brought low, to see her submit. Do not doubt it. Then she may go to meet her maker with a clean heart. That is my purpose here. Do not think that I enjoy killing and looting. I do not. I merely wish to bring these people back to the true path."

"Yes my lord Abbot."

I have to admit that his words fill me with dread. I have heard of these perfecti, of their goodness and righteousness. I do not believe they deserve the fate we are about to bring down on them. And I know the Abbot. I am sure he reserves particularly unpleasant methods of persuasion for the unfortunate Barbara de Moore.

I must do my duty, but I will stay by his side and do what I can to hold him back.

"To arms, to arms!"

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What? We are not due to move against them for several hours yet! It appears that many of the common men have lost patience and been inspired to attack the city ahead of orders. They are even now streaming across the field and over the defensive ditches. Quick! My sword! I must go and do my duty.

May God help Beziers!

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madiosi 2016 - 171-KatG.jpg
"I will personally make every effort to see her brought low, to see her submit. Do not doubt it. Then she may go to meet her maker with a clean heart. That is my purpose here. Do not think that I enjoy killing and looting. I do not. I merely wish to bring these people back to the true path."

He will certainly need some assistance there...:devil:

Oops, sorry, stronger than me ! :p :D
Thanks in this episode goes to SkatingJesus for contributing the pics of Barbara dressed in full armor.

Episode 6

I slept fitfully. Visions of a righteous man among the thieves and brigands of the crusading army kept intruding on my sub consciousness, tormenting my mind. Was this a vision from God? Is there someone out there who holds my destiny in his hands? Someone who might intercede when the going gets tough?

As I lay on my back, staring at the vaulted ceiling overhead, and mulling this over, my man servant burst into my chamber. "Get up," he shouted, "Something is happening! We are under attack all around the city, and far worse, some of the citizens and soldiers, mostly Catholics, I think, have gathered at the main gate. The misguided fools are about to open the gates and go out to meet the enemy!"

Oh, my worst nightmare! I jump from my bed, reach down and whip my night shirt off over my head, ignoring at first the wide-eyed stare of my man servant as he takes in my nakedness. Then, realizing what I have just done, I yell at him, "Stop gawking, and bring me my tunic and chain mail!" Startled, he diverts his gaze and leaps to obey. Then, changing my mind, "Forget the chain mail, I will need full armor today!"

Barbara de Moore 002b.jpg He assists me in donning my dark tunic, shiny breast plate, besagues, tassets, and vambraces. While he fetches my sword, I turn to my chamber window. The red light of dawn shines forth, foreshadowing the bloodbath to come. I clench and unclench my fists, trying to calm and find my inner peace, my soul, the essence of my strength as a high perfecta. He clears his throat. He has my sword in hand. We are ready.

Barbara de Moore 001b.jpg Together we rush down the tower stairway to the ground floor, and burst out onto the street. There I stop, staring in disbelief and alarm. Citizens armed with everything from butcher knives to wooden clubs are streaming toward the main gate, which stands wide open. They are a rabble, goaded on by some of the most disreputable hotheads in the town. I raise my arms, trying to gain their attention, imploring them to stop and listen to reason. But to no avail.

In the distance I hear the thunder of horses carrying mounted knights, the rattle of drums and the jarring blare of battle horns. The crusaders are on the move! I rush for the parapets above the main gate. The battle is already joined. A phalanx of mounted crusaders and routiers has swooped down on the milling disorganized mob outside the open gate!

The impact of the mounted charge is shattering. The slaughter has begun! I fall to my knees and bury my head in my hands.
Thanks in this episode goes to SkatingJesus for contributing the pics of Barbara dressed in full armor.

Episode 6

I slept fitfully. Visions of a righteous man among the thieves and brigands of the crusading army kept intruding on my sub consciousness, tormenting my mind. Was this a vision from God? Is there someone out there who holds my destiny in his hands? Someone who might intercede when the going gets tough?

As I lay on my back, staring at the vaulted ceiling overhead, and mulling this over, my man servant burst into my chamber. "Get up," he shouted, "Something is happening! We are under attack all around the city, and far worse, some of the citizens and soldiers, mostly Catholics, I think, have gathered at the main gate. The misguided fools are about to open the gates and go out to meet the enemy!"

Oh, my worst nightmare! I jump from my bed, reach down and whip my night shirt off over my head, ignoring at first the wide-eyed stare of my man servant as he takes in my nakedness. Then, realizing what I have just done, I yell at him, "Stop gawking, and bring me my tunic and chain mail!" Startled, he diverts his gaze and leaps to obey. Then I changing my mind, "Never mind the chain mail, I will need full armor today!"

View attachment 393450 He assists me in donning my dark tunic, heavy breast plate, besagues, tassets, and vambraces. While he fetches my sword, I turn to my chamber window. The red light of dawn shines forth, foreshadowing the bloodbath to come. I clench and unclench my fists, trying to calm and find my inner peace, my soul, the essence of my strength as a high perfecta. He clears his throat. He has my sword in hand. We are ready.

View attachment 393451 Together we rush down the tower stairway to the ground floor, and burst out onto the street. There I stop, staring in disbelief and alarm. Citizens armed with everything from butcher knives to wooden clubs are streaming toward the main gate, which stands wide open. They are a rabble, goaded on by some of the most disreputable hotheads in the town. I raise my arms, trying to gain their attention, imploring them to stop and listen to reason. But to no avail.

In the distance I hear the thunder of horses carrying mounted knights, the rattle of drums and the jarring blare of battle horns. The crusaders are on the move! I rush for the parapets above the main gate. The battle is already joined. A phalanx of mounted crusaders and routiers has swooped down on the milling disorganized mob outside the open gate!

The impact of the mounted charge is shattering. The slaughter has begun! I fall to my knees and bury my head in my hands.
Two more great episodes Barb and Phlebas......and thank you SkatingJesus for the great artwork. Barb looks good in that armor.
Oh, and Barb, you shouldn't yell at your poor man servant for gawking at your nakedness. The poor guy was just stunned at your naked beauty;).....you can't blame him for that.
I wonder how long she will get to keep it? Sounds like her side is losing. I'd say the Cathars are sort of the Chicago Cubs of fighters, but this year that would be giving the Cathars too much of a chance.

But Cubbie fans never give up hope, do they. Do you believe in miracles? :rolleyes:
Oh, and Barb, you shouldn't yell at your poor man servant for gawking at your nakedness. The poor guy was just stunned at your naked beauty;).....you can't blame him for that.

I will have a harsh word with him about that later ... right now I am kind of busy. :confused:
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