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The Pit Of Shit

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(I keep getting inspiration to add to this)

Dark Princess paused until another huge eruption of bubbles exploded up at the surface. Dorothy’s feet were wriggling like crazy. “She’s really going crazy down there,” Renfro observed with amusement.

“That’s because she’s cumming so hard,” Dark Princess answered breathlessly. That’s when she winced, barely managing to keep from crying out with joy as her own orgasm flushed warmly through her body.

“Bloody hell, that’s so good!” Sally gasped nearby. “If it wasn’t so horrible I’d half a mind to let you duck me again!”

Dark Princess turned to look at her in astonishment. Was Mrs. McMidgeon crazy? No, the rapture in her eyes indicated something else.

She hit the plunger again, this time intently watching the whole process. A lengthy bulge appeared in the surface of the bubbling pit, a bulge in the form of the delicious Dorothy Brown. She came up out of the sludge dripping of all kinds of animal shit.

The post thumped her back into the upright position where she coughed up sludge and then blinked the slime out of her eyes. She did not scream or wail at her treatment. Instead she just panted heavily for breath.

Dark Princess saw it clearly in Dorothy’s dazed expression. She shuddered at the erotic remembrance of her own ducking. Then she heard Mrs. McMidgeon quietly express what had become obvious… “She loves it. The dirty bitch loves it.” Sally sounded all breathless and excited.

Dark Princess was terribly aroused at seeing the sexy bitch all covered in shit and glowing. In fact she was starting to feel a little jealous. That’s when a rather crazy notion struck her. It was unfathomable… but the more she thought about it the more excited she became.

“You love it, don’t you!” she called over to her shit covered friend.

“I do – I do! I’m a dirty bitch; make me eat shit again!”

“She’s crazy,” Renfro observed with a shake of his head.

“She’s with the faeries,” Sally breathed quietly in reply.

“You want more?” Dark Princess called out.

“More – more; I want more!”

“Eat shit, you dirty bitch!”


“YEEEESSSSS!” Then Dorothy pitched forward until she hit the surface face first with a splat.

The bubbling surface seemed to gulp down her writhing body until she disappeared from sight. Then her feet started wriggling like crazy again sticking straight up as she was stood upon her head. A big burst of bubbles erupted at the surface.

Dark Princess looked at Renfro and saw the huge bulge in his jeans. She also saw the look of rapture in Sally’s face. She made her decision as she called Mrs. McMidgeon over to her.

“Mind if I give your husband a thrill?”

Sally looked warily at her. “Just what did you have in mind, love?” Dark Princess couldn’t believe she was about to suggest this so she whispered it into the woman’s ear.

Sally’s eyes lit up from a mixture of shock and excitement. “Bloody hell; that’s crazy! But sure; I’ll help you!” Then she told her husband, “Better bring her back up, darling. Then get ready to hit the plunger again when I tell you, ok?”

Renfro looked at the conspiring women in confusion, wondering what was up. Farmer John also had a questioning look in his features as Sally and Dark Princess walked over to the rails. About that time another burst of bubbles erupted at the surface, indicating it was time to bring Dorothy back up.

Renfro hit the plunger, causing the post to swing back up. Dorothy emerged out of the bubbling stew totally coated in warm, slimy shit as she blinked it out of her eyes. She had a dazed expression in her face as she spit up chunks, although she looked positively blissed out.

She swung all the way back up until she thumped back into the upright position. Then Dark Princess pulled the platform back from the edge until she was standing right next to her. “How was that, you dirty bitch?”

“Dreamy, love.”

Dorothy looked positively drugged out of her mind. Sally couldn’t help smiling. Dark Princess felt a surge of jealousy which only fueled her determination to go through with it. It was also the only opportunity she might ever have to take advantage of her feelings for the sexy woman. She wasn’t about to let it pass her by.

“Are you sure about this?” Sally asked as she watched the crazy woman climb onto the platform with her friend.

“Hell no; I’m not! I must be out of my bloody mind!” Then she proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around a shocked Mrs. Brown. That seemed to wake Dorothy up…

“Bloody hell, love! What are you doing?”

“Push us to the edge, Sally, before I change my mind!”

“Love?? What are you doing??” Now Dorothy was becoming alarmed.

“I honestly don’t know which of you is the kinkier of the two,” Sally observed, shaking her head with a chuckle as she stepped behind the platform.

“What the hell is going on over there?”

“Just get ready to hit the plunger, darling. I think you’re going to love this once I push ‘em to the edge!”

“Now… push us forward now, Sally!” Dark Princess was trembling like crazy, her mind screaming at her to call it off while her body was building toward an orgasmic detonation.

“Bloody hell, love! What are you going to do to us??” Dorothy started panting heavily, totally embarrassed the way their naked bodies were pressed right up against each other with hers still covered in shit.

“Something utterly crazy, darling.” Then Sally gave a push from behind, setting them to rolling forward. Both women instinctively cried out the moment the platform hit the end of the rails.

“Bloody hell!” Renfro cried out excitedly as he held his hand over the plunger.

“Leave it to Dorothy and her crazy friends,” Farmer John observed with amusement as he leaned forward to watch this.

“Do it!” Dark Princess called out over her shoulder. “Do it before I change my mind!” Then she used one hand to grab Dorothy’s head and forcibly kiss her, tasting shit on the woman’s lips. But she was too far gone with lust to care anymore. Dorothy grunted into her friend’s mouth in shock.

“Make ‘em eat shit!” Sally called out to her husband. There was a male exclamation of “Bloody hell!” followed by the ding of the plunger. Then they were screaming into each other’s mouths as the post pitched them over.
(Back to the duckings)

Instinctively Dark Princess pulled away from Dorothy’s lips as her mind told her this was a very stupid idea. They were screaming together as they hit the surface of the pit with a big splat. Then they were swinging upside down together, both of them swallowing shit.

Their naked bodies rubbed together as she tried to hang on for dear life. She could feel their breasts up against each other as they were stood upon their heads. Then Dorothy exploded against her, screaming her breath away in orgasm.

For a moment Dark Princess thought about where she was and how horrid and disgusting it was. Then she was aware of Mrs. Brown’s naked body writhing and humping against her. There was shit everywhere, it was violating every fiber of her being, and she was riding it out pressed up against the naked body of a woman she’d been trying to seduce for ages.

There was nothing but the sensation of warm, smelly shit totally enveloping them. It was pitch black; they couldn’t see a thing. Dark Princess had to hang tight since the two were upside down. It would be all too easy to slide off her body and drown down here.

The horror and humiliation swelled as Dorothy continued to hump her until it suddenly exploded inside her. Then she was cumming hard, cumming while savagely humping Mrs. Brown’s glorious, naked body. Dorothy responded by glubbing shit before she went insane humping and orgasming again. Dark Princess was almost sure she heard Mrs. Brown screaming her name.

She couldn’t help herself as she screamed in response, her body operating totally out of her control. She found Dorothy’s mouth, and their lips came together. Then they were kissing each other savagely, screaming into each other’s mouths as they continued humping each other.

She tasted something that must have come out of three different farm animals. It was horrid, especially since it was virtually impossible to avoid swallowing any of it. The disgusting taste was utterly horrific until she felt Dorothy’s tongue pushing into her oral cavity as though wanting to taste the shit in her mouth.

She screamed again as she plunged her tongue between Mrs. Brown’s lips. It was so utterly horrific they had no response other than to keep cumming while kissing each other. She was amazed something so thoroughly disgusting could cause such an erotic reaction within her.

Dark Princess had no idea how long they were submerged as their bodies rubbed against each other while kissing and screaming and grunting and cumming. She finally felt the post start to jerk them upward. She had to hold on for dear life to keep from sliding off, but somehow she manage.

The post swung them both up until they came up coughing and sputtering into each other’s faces. It got easier to hang on until they thumped back into the upright position. Nearby Dark Princess heard Sally gasped, “Bloody hell, that is so bloody HOT!”

It was at that point she decided she wanted off. Yes, it had been erotic as hell. But once was more than enough.

To her horror she heard Dorothy deliriously scream, “MORE – I WANT MORE!” That’s when she heard Sally McMidgeon call out to her husband, “Make ‘em eat shit again, love!”

“No; wait!” she gasped. But it was too late. They heard a familiar ding as the post pitched them over.

Dorothy screamed in bliss as Dark Princess screamed in horror. They hit the surface together with a splat and were quickly enveloped in shit as the post took them right down. Once they were standing on their heads Mrs. Brown wasted no time exploding in orgasm, her naked body writhing and thrashing about against her.

For a panicked moment Dark Princess tried to resist. Then it swelled within her until it exploded in a savage eruption of white-hot pleasure. A moment later she was violently humping against the crotch of Mrs. Brown as though determined to drive her friend from one shit-induced orgasm into the next.

She tried to spit shit out of her mouth until she lost all reason. Then she found Dorothy’s mouth and mashed their lips together, kissing her savagely. Mrs. Brown instinctively responded by kissing her hard in return, grunting and screaming into her mouth as their naked bodies writhed and humped against each other in warm, dark shit.

It was an orgasm that surprised her with its intensity, an orgasm in the midst of a disgusting sea of foul animal waste. It tasted even worse than before which disgusted her greatly. But all she could do was kiss Dorothy hard while screaming into her mouth.

They writhed, they grunted, they humped, they orgasmed. She could not believe something so utterly vile could bring about such an intense sexual reaction. The fact she was sharing it with a woman she’d been trying to seduce for a long time only added to the experience.

The post jerked against them as it started to swing them back up. She had to hold on for dear life; Dorothy was so slippery. Then they swung up out of the surface and all the way back up into the upright position, thumping hard into place.

Their lips came apart as they both started spewing chunks at each other. “Bloody hell; that’s bonkers!” Sally gasped from somewhere nearby. But Dorothy was off with the faeries, unable to contain herself... “AGAIN; MAKE US EAT SHIT AGAIN!”

Sally didn’t even have to instruct her husband to hit the plunger. Dark Princess let out a cry at the sound of the ding, immediately followed by the sensation of the post pitching over. She barely got out the words “BLOODY HELL!” before she was swallowing shit again.

Once more they were stood upon their heads. Their orgasms seemed to hit at the exact same moment in time. Then they were kissing fiercely again, swallowing shit while screaming into each other’s mouths.

Dark Princess felt alive the way her naked body was gyrating wildly against Mrs. Brown. She jolted in orgasm, cried out as a tongue probed her mouth… jolted again from a massive erotic surge… and then started humping the dirty bitch hard. Dorothy writhed wildly against her naked body as though she couldn’t stop cumming.

She lost track of how long they were under. All she was aware of was the taste and smell, the darkness all around her… and Dorothy’s naked, shit-covered body writhing wildly against her. It was insanely erotic… and at last she finally understood why Dorothy liked it so much after getting through the first couple of horrific duckings.

The post finally gave a jerk and she nearly lost her grip. She had to hold on tight as they were pulled back up. They coughed and sputtered as they slammed back into the upright position only for her to hear someone screaming, “DUCK US DIRTY BITCHES AGAIN!” She was dimly aware the words had actually come from her very own mouth.

There was an immediate ding followed by the post pitching right over. She tried to find Dorothy’s mouth as they hit with a splat. Then they were swallowing shit again as they went all the way down.

Somehow their lips came together. Then they were screaming and writhing and humping and cumming violently. It was horrid; it was disgusting; it was bloody well glorious.
Oh Boy. this get`s better as it goes along, so now do i belong to the Princess
or does she belong to me, once our wonderful stinking ordeal end`s i will
have to start thinking of packing a bag and moving to Wales. If Wales win
the semi final tonight Dark Princess i am yours completely , That Said,
A slight retouch of Madiosi's picture (clothing gone)...

She could smell it as soon as the groundskeeper pulled back the steel cover. He slid a ladder into the opening while overseer took unlocked the irons binding her wrists behind her back. The naked servant covered her privates the best she could and with pleading eyes she looked at the overseer and meekly said "Please don't do this to me! I swear I'll be obedient!"

He laughed and said "The hotbox and the whipping post didn't teach you. Maybe a day in the shit-tank will. Besides, It ain't my call! Next time Master Riwa wants to fuck your ass you won't hesitate. If you took it up the shitter it would be done by now. Instead you can swim in shit till this time tomorrow. Now are you going to climb in or do I have to toss you in head first?"

Reluctantly she climbed down into the septic tank. Her foot found the next rung just under the surface then the next foot below that. As her foot hunted in the warm sludge for the third rung the groundskeeper shook, twisted, and tilted the ladder causing her to slip off . She barely managed not to lose her balance so as to keep her head above the sludge. The two men laughed above her and the groundskeeper began to pull ladder out.


She begged them not to leave her but they slammed the steel lid shut over her. In the darkness she would hear effluence splatter into to the sludge from each time a toilet from mansion or servants' quarters was flushed. She didn't know how long it took but she was up to her chin in foul waste!
bury 014.jpg

A slight retouch of Madiosi's picture (clothing gone)...

She could smell it as soon as the groundskeeper pulled back the steel cover. He slid a ladder into the opening while overseer took unlocked the irons binding her wrists behind her back. The naked servant covered her privates the best she could and with pleading eyes she looked at the overseer and meekly said "Please don't do this to me! I swear I'll be obedient!"

He laughed and said "The hotbox and the whipping post didn't teach you. Maybe a day in the shit-tank will. Besides, It ain't my call! Next time Master Riwa wants to fuck your ass you won't hesitate. If you took it up the shitter it would be done by now. Instead you can swim in shit till this time tomorrow. Now are you going to climb in or do I have to toss you in head first?"

Reluctantly she climbed down into the septic tank. Her foot found the next rung just under the surface then the next foot below that. As her foot hunted in the warm sludge for the third rung the groundskeeper shook, twisted, and tilted the ladder causing her to slip off . She barely managed not to lose her balance so as to keep her head above the sludge. The two men laughed above her and the groundskeeper began to pull ladder out.

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She begged them not to leave her but they slammed the steel lid shut over her. In the darkness she would hear effluence splatter into to the sludge from each time a toilet from mansion or servants' quarters was flushed. She didn't know how long it took but she was up to her chin in foul waste!
View attachment 391879


I Have a different take on that Mr Tree, if you visit a country fair
during the summer the toilet facilities are primitive especially
the men`s,they just stand in line weeing into a trough which runs
down into a tank. now i have been naughty and have been spreadeagled
in the bottom of that tank just before the show opens, and i spend the
day with wee slowly climbing up the side of my body over my tummy
until only my face and boobs are visible. thank goodness the show
finished when it did otherwise i would have drowned in wee.
I Have a different take on that Mr Tree, if you visit a country fair
during the summer the toilet facilities are primitive especially
the men`s,they just stand in line weeing into a trough which runs
down into a tank. now i have been naughty and have been spreadeagled
in the bottom of that tank just before the show opens, and i spend the
day with wee slowly climbing up the side of my body over my tummy
until only my face and boobs are visible. thank goodness the show
finished when it did otherwise i would have drowned in wee.
Did I mention that I have a penchant for golden showers? :p:p:p
Yes You Did , Next country fair we will have a bigger tank
and we can be tied down side by side and chat to each
other as the wee climbs up our naked bodies.
Oh god Dorothy you're making so so wet! :p
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