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The Princess Of The Northern Kingdom

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Master Crucifixion Technician
The kings of the Northern and Southern kingdoms had been feuding for generations, the why of the feud had been forgotten years before. The battles had been mostly skirmishes in the forests between the two kingdoms, until one day the son of the king from the southern kingdom was killed when attacked by a group of marauders from the northern kingdom. The king of the southern kingdom swore an oath to avenge the death of his son. He raised an army to go against the king of the northern kingdom, he promised every conscript that they could have all the spoils of the war, all he wanted was for the royal family to never again be able to wage war against his family, to end the feud once and for all.

The army of the southern kingdom was like no other army that had been seen in this part of the world for many generations and when they went against the kingdom of the north, the northern kingdom stood no chance and fell easily. The king of the southern kingdom had promised the army that they could rape and pillage the villages around the castle of the northern kingdom to their hearts content once the royal family was dispatched. In the battle, the king, queen, and two princes of the northern kingdom had been killed defending their kingdom. When the soldiers were ransacking the castle after the battle they found a young woman that had hidden herself away. The villagers immediately identified her as the princess, daughter to the king of the northern kingdom, and she was brought before the king of the southern kingdom.

The king of the southern kingdom had determined that no one from the royal family of the northern kingdom could live. There could be no heir to continue the feud after this day. He held his conviction that the princess must die, she must die in a way that everyone knew the northern kingdom was gone and that now the new king of all the land would be the king of the southern kingdom.

The princess was stripped in front of the southern kings army and brought to the whipping post for her final duties as a member of the royal family.


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...You are truly one of the great masters of computer graphics, and not a bad writer either

The king himself secured the ropes to the princesses hands and raised her arms up over head to be offered to the southern kingdom. The army was silent as the huntsman that had been pressed into the role of executioner began his striping of the girls tender young backside. They yelled in excitement when the whipping started, the testosterone was running rampantly through their veins as they looked forward to a night of debauchery in the villages. As the princess took her whipping. she did so in silence, causing the men to quiet down as they saw the strength of the girls resolve. Even the king of the southern kingdom stood in awe as she refused to scream during her ordeal at the post. Every man in the crowd began to feel himself becoming aroused and most could not understand why they felt this way at the sight of a helpless girl courageously taking a punishment. By the time the last lash fell across her reddened buttocks, the only sound to be heard was the whip and the exhalations of the princess as they came down.

The king held the princess as his remaining son untied the rope holding her up. Her body was limp in his arms as he carried her over to the beam she was to be nailed to. He tried to hide the erection he had developed as his respect for this maiden had grown. He laid her on the beam and held her feet, the captain of his army held her opposite hand as the executioner nailed her arms down. She screamed as the nails pierced her wrists and drove deep into the wood. There was no shame in this, almost everyone screamed when the nails were driven through. She did not soil herself as so many men have over the years when crucified.

The kings erection was throbbing, after she was nailed to the cross he asked the princess if she had anything to say before she died. "I forgive you all for this, I understand why you are doing it. Hopefully this will end the feuding between our peoples. Please ...... be good to them, our people, I mean. They are a good people, they had no bearing in this feud, let it be over," the princess pleaded. The king looked down on her, regret was in his heart that she had to die, her father may have been a bastard, but this girl was a true noble spirit. "Yes your highness, it will be as you wish," he replied. "Your people will be treated as my people because of your honor." "One more request have I," the princess pleaded, "I have never been known by a man, my mother told me this was one of the most beautiful things in the world ..... I would like to experience this before I leave this world."

The king obliged the young princess and when he was done, his remaining son the prince did as well. The princess screamed through both of the encounters, but her screams were not of agony.


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I need to give credit to Ascanio, the female character in these scnes have morphs created by him and lent to me. Thank you Ascanio for a wonderful girl to crucify!

I would also like to ad that for those that are curious, the "king" is a morph I made years ago that is a reasonable facsimilty of myself. Well, at least five years ago, there is a little more gray in the beard now.

And WOW, I am honored .... this is already in the Archves!!!

The rest of the story and pics should get posted later tonight.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments.
The king, his son and the captain personally took the responsibility of raising the princess up the cross. They pulled her up slowly and tenderly as to minimize her pain as she hung on the wooden beam. Each of the men was caught up in his thoughts as they did so. No one in the courtyard was celebrating the death of this young girl although everyone knew it had to be so. If she were allowed to live her children would one day come to avenge the murder of their grandfather, no matter what the princess begged of them. Death was the only permanent solution, all including the princess knew it.

Once she was hanging on the cross, the king brought forth a horn and gave it to the captain, he instructed him of its use and how to mount it. It was put in place as required, the captain making sure it was installed properly. The princess gasped and cried out as the horn was pushed up inside of her womanhood. She began to tremor as another orgasm ripped through her body, the pleasure mixed with the pain was something few women ever experienced at the same time and this girl was getting full doses on her last day on earth. The king had done this out of respect for the girl, she had proven her honor and he wished to minimize her suffering. He knew that she would be overcome by the stimulation from the horn, that she would ride it as a woman would ride a lover and in the throes of her passion she would puncture vital internals, then die much quicker with her pain overshadowed by the ecstasy.

The princess hung on the cross for only a few hours, dancing and riding the horn shoved into her womanhood, then a rush of blood came from her womb and she cried out, it was cry such as none of the men in the courtyard had ever heard. It was cry of ecstasy and agony. The princess hung limp after that, a half hour later she was dead.

The king had the men remove her body as soon as they were all sure she was dead. They took her body out and built a pyre, they placed her body on it and burned it in front of all the people from the northern kingdom. Before the king lit the fire he spoke to the people of her bravery and her sacrifice, and how they should be proud of her. He spoke of his promise to her to lead the people of the northern kingdom and treat them as his own.

From that day forward the two kingdoms lived as one and the legend of the princess was told to every generation of all the people of the new united kingdom.


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I'm impressed! a good story+first rate graphics!
That's 10/10 in my book.....
I also owe a special thanks to Bagoas. He helped me get over the hump and working with Poser 9 when I was struggling so badly. Thanks to his assistance, I can now produce work with Poser 9 that is so much closer to my goal.
"From that day forward the two kingdoms lived as one and the legend of the princess was told to every generation of all the people of the new united kingdom."

So that's how the UK came about!;)
Excellent story and pics...and some great cooperation.
mermaidhunter, I seem to remember finding you on a site expressing angst over your crux interests and suggested you might find a home on one of these forums. As a talentless dolt who does not contibute much substance here , watching how your comfort level, literary skills, and rendering abilities have taken off among the nice, kindred spirit members provides great satsfaction. Almost as much as the overall quality and quantity of your artistic expressions. It's all pure entertainment and joy for me. :D Thank you!!!
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