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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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Eul did her best to keep from screaming as she was viciously caned but even she could not control herself as the welts began to add up. At the same time Eulalia was being caned, Bleater was removed from the comfort of L’ilSiss and Messa. She really wasn’t taking things well at this point. Having signed up for five years of slavery with a master that treated her more as a harem girl she had been whipped more in the few days of coffee grinding training than she had been spanked in her two years of servitude. Having been in the grinding room she could not picture spending three years there much less the twenty that the evil Judge Admi had sentenced her to.

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The small matter of being crucified was still incomprehensible to her. It took four of the coffee shop’s toughest bouncers to get the thrashing girl mounted to the steel ‘chair’ where Mistress Melissa would personally attach Eulalia’s tag to Bleater’s labia.

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You’d have sworn Tree was already nailing Bleater to the cross the way she howled when the ring was squeezed through the tender flesh and locked. Melissa had had enough and slapped the girl hard across the face. With her nose inches from Bleater’s she yelled “You are a slave now not a sex toy! Be proud of it! And if you don’t like the thought of it and fail to please me you will see what your only recourse is when the slave you are replacing is crucified.”

Melissa stood up and in a soft tone she said “I know this has been sudden and hard for you. So we will dispense with training today. In fact you can sit there for twenty-four hours and contemplate how long that would be nailed to a cross.”

Melissa turned to leave. Before walking out she paused and said “You were trained very well.

Choking back tears Bleater replied “I am sorry, Mistress.”

Cheerful Melissa said “That’s better!” and left the young slave…

evil judge :p :D
Her ass well welted from the caning Eul felt Sister Discipline slip her latex gloved fingers into her ass and smear lubricant around he sphincter. Sister explained “There are people giving Tree a lot of grief over his description of bitches like you losing control of your bowels when you get hurt so we’ll just plug your ass before we brand it. It must be embarrassing not to be tagged anymore. At least you’ll be marked.”

Eul looked in horror at the iron glowing red….
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Eul’s scream rang down from the attic echoing all the way to the basement as the iron seared her flesh. Her legs buckled and she hung limp on the devise. She didn’t hear Sister Discipline say “We’ll give her an hour to recover before we brand her tit.”

Eul’s thoughts…

If my death sentence was for being a runner I could not only understand it but I could embrace it. I did not run because I fear the cross although I do with all my body and soul. I ran because my mistress thought I was not worthy of being a slave! If so why would she bother to have me captured?

I understand the slave side of this bit not the master/mistress part. Why would she go through expense to have me crucified when I was willing to drown myself? Christ, my ass hurts. What more can they do to me?

Eul’s brand was treated with a mixture of aloe and Polly Perkins’ crux cream. This was not done for Eul’s comfort but to keep the brand’s wound from becoming infected. It was most important to keep her healthy enough to suffer a long crucifixion.

While the iron was being heated Sister Disciple went to a chest of drawers and retrieved a hard rubber bit gag. Eul at first resisted but when the sister said “Open wide or I will cane that freshly branded ass of your” Eul readily complied. Once the bit was tightly buckled in her mouth Sister Discipline said to Mother Superior “Those years of grinding coffee sure gave this slave a good set of lung. My ears are still ring from her first branding!”

This time Eul heard what was said and her eyes widened in terror as the words ‘first branding’ sunk in. She tried to protest and beg for mercy but the gag prevented any intelligible words. She knew with the first brand she was damned to death on the cross. Once a slave is branded with the ‘CS’ not even her master or mistress could commute the sentence. She also knew that two brands were allowed although most slaves weren’t even branded once.

Sister Disciple took great pleasure in slapping the top of Eul’s breast until it was bright red. Cheerfully she said “That’s good. With all the blood flow this brand will be a pretty color even after it heels.”

Eul tried to rip her body from the metal frame she was bound to when she realize it was her breast that would be branded. Sister leaned forward and hissed “The more you fight the longer I hold the iron to your flesh. I don’t care if I burn your tit clean off. Friars, please secure her.”

Two strong men locked their bodied against Eul’s and one grabbed her hair and held her head up and back with it. She still tried to break free as the iron touched her flesh. The fight lasted just a moment as she passed out from the pain. She would awake still bound to the frame. The attic was dark lit only a single incandescent light at the far end of the vast attic. She didn’t remember the friars raping her.
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Thus ended Eul’s first day at the OPP though she would quickly lose track of what day or time it was. Rarely was she near a window and less frequently outdoors. What was constant was any waking moment she was assured to be bound in some device, being beaten, or raped. Sister Disciple even told her how excited she was to have Eul for a month because the last time she was there they could not properly punish her as there would be insufficient time for her to mend before her crucifixion. Although Eul’s execution would implemented under the rules covering a slave’s crucifixion and not the authority of the IMF, Tree held the bond on Eul’s execution and insisted she would bear no marks beyond the branding that Messaline had suggested.

For Eul time meant nothing. She was either catching moments of fitful sleep or was being used or abused. She was humiliated when she was locked into a device and fitted with a ring gag so Friar Abbott could fuck her mouth. Condemned or not foremost she was a slave and had she been told to suck his cock she would have done so obediently. While he pummeled her throat, Sister Discipline used the skills learned as the target of punishment when she was known only as the student ‘27’ (See ‘stuff happens after Messa’s plans go awry’) to torture the slave bard.

She knew she could cause far greater hurt by beating the soles of Eul’s feet but instead just slapped them with the cane with only a random hard hit…

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aha, now the right place:D
The evil Judge Admi even got into the act. He came to the OPP to inspect the brands that had placed on Eul…

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“How are you doing dear slave bard” he asked.

“I’ve been caned, whipped within an inch of my life. I have been fucked more times in however long I have been here than all my previous life. I have no idea what day or time it is but will find out when they take me to my crucifixion.”

“Good, then you are doing well” Admi replied. “I have good news, Eul.”

“I am saved?!?!?!”

“Oh no, it is better than that. I flew down to the islands and negotiated with the High court Slave judge and she agreed that even though I am an officer of the court I too can fuck you!”


“And how is that good news for me?”

“Who mentioned you?” Judge Admi asked…

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Tree went to the coffee shop and while coming to the back door he found Bleater seated uncomfortably locked in stocks and a pillory. Upon further review he saw she wasn’t but hanging by her head with her ass six inches above the ground. He pulled his shades down and said “Hello, Bleater, what are you doing there; or should I say why are you there?


She hissed “I did not sign up for this! I am a harem slave! This is not fair and I am not going to grind coffee if I am going to die on a cross anyway! This is so unfair!”

“You are new here so let me explain a few things. I am Tree, as in The Hanging Tree, and you’re only going to be crucified 24 hours…


“Don’t interrupt; and yes only 24 hours. I’ve never lost a prisoner in just 24 hours. If fact I never had a condemned woman last less than two days before they died except for Messa and that was only because I poisoned her.”

“You confuse me, Tree. Now I am a prisoner instead of a slave and you say Messaline quicker on the cross because you poisoned her? Surely this must be a different Messaline than the one in the coffee shop stable of slaves!”

“No it’s the same one. Listen, kid I trying to help you here. Either you start obeying your mistresses or the 24 hour sentence gets bumped to death. You said it isn’t fair but that is the lot of a slave in the crux forums” I said as I stepped over the stock and positioned myself between wide spread legs. Her eyes got big when I unzipped the jeans.”

“Are you going to rape me?” Bleater cried.

“No, I’m just showing you what unfair is” I said as I pissed on her head and chest.

“You are a horrible man!”

“So I’ve been told” I say as I shake it dry and put it away. I turn to go into the shop and just before I left her in the yard I said “By the way; something else that’s not fair is I rigged the lottery so you were the only one that could be choosen.”

“But, why? I’ve done nothing to you!”

“I just love your accent and I think you will look adorable crucified…”

Tree walked into the coffee shop and found Melissa. She was angry. “This slave Bleater will never be a ‘Eulalia’.”

“I’m not so sure, Mel. I gave her a little motivational talk and I think she gets it” Tree replied.

“Somehow I don’t picture you as a ‘motivational speaker’, Tree.”

He poured a huge slug of Seagram’s into the cup that held a splash of coffee. “Yeah, and I never thought you and Jul would find Admi sexy.”

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“Well he does have a certain… WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, TREE” Mel protested.

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“Don’t give me that crap, Melissa. If he’s too much of a distraction turn the shop over to Messa. She at least will condemn a slave!!!” Tree yell yelled back. “You’re having buyer’s remorse and you and Jul are getting soft on slaves. You and I know Eul would have never tried to run if you hadn’t pampered her.”

“She wouldn’t have tried to run if you hadn’t ‘claimed’ her on bond!”

“Yeah? Tell me how you broke the news to her. Were you supervising one of her grinding sessions or were you frolicking with her?” Tree snarled.

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“Just as I thought!!!”


Tree walked into the coffee shop and found Melissa. She was angry. “This slave Bleater will never be a ‘Eulalia’.”

He poured a huge slug of Seagram’s into the cup that held a splash of coffee. “Yeah, and I never thought you and Jul would find Admi sexy.”
“Well he does have a certain… WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, TREE” Mel protested.

“Don’t give me that crap, Melissa. If he’s too much of a distraction turn the shop over to Messa.

“Just as I thought!!!”

:confused: I'm a fair judge and my punishment is always just:D:rolleyes:
Eul was enjoying a quiet moment in the pillory when she heard the footsteps approach from behind…


She took a deep breath and waited for the whip to dress her flesh again. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the leather. Instead familiar hands grabbed her hips. Her eyes widened and she hissed “Admi, what are you doing?”


“Then why are you grabbing my hips?” Eul demanded.

“Traction???” Admi replied.

“Oh, you are a bastard” Eul hisses as he speared her…

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It turned out that Tree’s ‘talk’ with Bleater was all she needed to be motivated to please her mistresses. As horrible as a day crucified might be and another twenty years grinding coffee could be a twenty-year old woman cannot picture being dead being a better alternative.

Back at the OPP a woman only a bit older than Bleater was beginning to doubt that thought. Eul was brought to the library of the abbey, her arms bound tight behind her back insuring her tits were thrust proudly for viewing… or perhaps a whipping… and was forced to kneel surrounded by a group of rich guests that all had bad intentions for her.


She looked up at the evil Judge Admi who held both her leash and a crop while he explained to the guests “The Hanging Tree owns the rights to this slave’s body and he has refused to let us bring her to her cross of death with her flesh torn by the whip. However with a bit more than three weeks before her execution we can have some fun at her expense…”

Eulalia was brought outdoors for the first time in two weeks but not for any reward or pleasure; there was just more room to swing the whip with as many people as there were there to watch.

She was locked bent over in a sturdy wood and metal pillory and irons attached to an anchor between her feet were fastened around her ankles, immobilizing her for whatever torments awaited. Even though it was a cool spring day, Eul sweated as they lined up to torture her. Fear filled her as the evil Judge Admi explained the days ‘entertainment’.

“Here’s how the game is played. Each of you has five minutes to fuck the condemned slave. If you come within the five minutes you get to whip the slave five times with this smooth but heavy whips. If you don’t come in the allotted time not only do you not get to whip her you will be stripped, lock in the stock, and whipped two times for each minute it took you to come.

“So say it takes you 6 and a half minutes to come. You would be in your seventh minute so you will be whipped 14 times by yours truly. So there is good incentive for you to give the slave a good hard reaming. Are there any questions so far?”

One of the ladies asked “Aren’t the guys at an advantage here? We only get a strap-on?”

“I’m glad you asked” Admi replied beaming with delight. “To make this fair your beloved judge has spared no expense for the brutal rape of the condemned slave. So I have obtained from Nailus Martyrs their exclusive ‘Pain and Pleasure’ Strap on dildos. For your pleasure the end you insert in your vagina vibrates for five seconds with each thrust. When you’ve come squeeze the base and the dildo will shoot a mix of water and rubbing alcohol into the slave.”

“What?” Eul shrieked.

Admi slapped her ass and hissed “Shut up, slave, you can scream when you’re being whipped.”

“Since there are ten ladies and gentlemen here you will be divided into even teams. I will flip a coin and if it comes up heads the men get her ass and the ladies her cunt. If tails comes up the ladies get to bugger the slave and the men …well you know. Let’s draw numbered tokens. The lower the number the sooner you get the slave.”

Eul’s mind was racing. She figured if 20 people averaged 4 minutes to come she would be getting 40 minutes of being hammered in both her ass and sex. And if they all made the time cut off she faced 100 lashes from the whip!

Admi asked if everyone was ready. Eul whimpered “No…”

So the afternoon of Eul’s hell was about to begin. The coin clanked on the patio near her feet. Admi announced it landed on ‘tails’ and asked if the women wished to start or defer to the men. A woman’s voice purred “No one has her before me.”

Eul recognized her. She felt the small warm hands of Madame Wu’s grab her sides between her waist and hips. She whispered to Eul “You are a treasure I’ve always wanted to claim. I only wish I could lick this rim instead of raping it.”

“So do I” Eul moaned before Mme. Wu speared her bottom. Eul shrieked and the wood of the pillory rattled against the metal frame. Mme. Wu had no problem beating her 5 minute limit and Eul howled when the artificial ‘ejaculate’ shot into her bowel. The alcohol burned and the water loosened what little stool was left inside her.

Mme. Wu lit one of her self-named smokes and took the weighted leather sheathed whip from Admi. She glided the smooth leather through her hand and said “I have a high tolerance but I don’t think I could stand this thing.”

Her words offered no comfort to Eul. The thick whip did not whistle as it raced towards Eul’s flesh. Eul’s shriek of agony drowned the sound of the heavy whip addressing her flesh.

The first three men and women had taken their turns torturing Eulalia. Thirty welts crossed her legs, ass, and back. Her bowel was afire with the ‘ejaculate’ that Admi had concocted for the strap-ons. For the first time as a slave Eul cried out “Please, I beg of you, have some mercy! I can’t take anymore!”


But from behind she only heard a woman’s cheery say “Not before my turn…”
In the end Eul was spared the full 100 lashes as two men and one woman took longer than the five minutes allowed to come. One of the men protested that Eul’s cunt was like trying to get off fucking warm oatmeal but Admi admonished him that it was the luck of the draw and they knew the rules going in.

By the time sixteen people had raped and buggered Eul her legs and the cement behind her was cover with cum, piss, and runny stool. Two of the women, 17th and 19th in the line refused the strap-on, both choosing to be whipped 20 times than to stand in a slave’s shit.

In all 18 people had their way with Eul and 15 had earned the right to administer 5 lashes. By the time Eul was taken from the pillory it was impossible to count the 75 welts, so damaged was her backside. Too weak to walk she was laid face down on a gurney and taken to the OPP infirmary for first aid…


On his way back to the tree house, Tree decided to swing by the OPP’s Abbey to see how Eul’s punishments were coming along. Ashe walked in the door he ran into Admi who greeted him like they hadn’t seen each other in years. “Tree, my friend, what brings you here?”

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“I came to pray in the chapel” Tree replied.


“No, not really; I want to check on the slave bard.”

“Oh, you can’t right now! She is… um… resting! Yes, she rests.”

“It’s the middle of the fucking afternoon! What the hell do you mean she is resting?”

“She got an early start today.”

“Where the hell is she?”

“Umm… the infirmary”

Tree started towards it and Admi called out “Don’t be mad at me. I’ll split the profits!!!”

The night before Tree had some friends over and had drunk heavily by even his standard (REALLY) and had not crawled out of bed until midafternoon. His head was still in a fog when he saw Eul lying face down, maybe asleep or perhaps passed out, on the infirmary bed. Tree was less than pleased with Admi. He went to find him but Blue Nose had the good sense to get the hell out of there….
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