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The Village Whipping Post

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Windar, thanks, very interesting. But at what time do you put this story? If this is the beginning of the 20th century, then it looks unlikely. At that time, serfdom was already abolished and corporal punishment was prohibited. Landlords did not have the former power over peasants. The beginning of the 19th century looks more plausible. Also one interesting detail that you can use: the Baltic version of the birch consisted of two long thick rods tied together (parrutenes).

Well, now we have an interesting historical controversy, because @Birc4fem says that CP was abolished in Latvia in 1904. And he was told this story by a woman living in our time. If she was 80 when they spoke, then she was born maybe in 1940 or a bit before. So if her grandmother was birched at 18, late 19th century would be reasonable. Or maybe the woman made a nice story...

Of course you are right about serfdom, but it could be that pseudo-serfdom persisted in rural areas. That happened with ex-slaves in the US South after the Civil War for example. They were free to leave and some did-going to the North in the US and emigrating in the case of Latvia, which Ivo and Agnese discuss-but not everyone is willing or able to take such steps.

As for the birch, stay tuned;)
Much depends on the geographical location.
In 1817, serfdom was abolished in the Governorate of Courland, in 1819 — in the Governorate of Livonia, in 1861-in Latgale.

Parts of these regions are now part of modern Latvia.

As the historian Pokrovsky wrote, the whole reform for the majority of peasants was reduced to the fact that they ceased to be officially called "serfs", but began to be called "obligated"; formally they began to be considered free, but nothing changed or even worsened in their situation in the first years after the reform: in particular, landowners began to flog peasants even more.

So for me, given the historical inertia of the process of abolishing serfdom and geographical uncertainty, this is quite plausible.

And yes, the rods were abolished in August 1904.
Ancient Latvia (drawings by V.Kindinov).


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Much depends on the geographical location.
In 1817, serfdom was abolished in the Governorate of Courland, in 1819 — in the Governorate of Livonia, in 1861-in Latgale.

Parts of these regions are now part of modern Latvia.

As the historian Pokrovsky wrote, the whole reform for the majority of peasants was reduced to the fact that they ceased to be officially called "serfs", but began to be called "obligated"; formally they began to be considered free, but nothing changed or even worsened in their situation in the first years after the reform: in particular, landowners began to flog peasants even more.

So for me, given the historical inertia of the process of abolishing serfdom and geographical uncertainty, this is quite plausible.

And yes, the rods were abolished in August 1904.
A very interesting post. What I think it is fair to say is that throughout the world and throughout eras there is the official law and then there is what rich and powerful men can get away with, especially in more isolated areas. Ivo and Agnese felt that they had no real ability to resist the punishment ordered, whatever the laws written in faraway capitals might have said.

The next chapter will be from @Barbaria, covering Agnese's waiting for her punishment. But it may not appear today, so, like Agnese, you will just have to wait...
Much depends on the geographical location.
In 1817, serfdom was abolished in the Governorate of Courland, in 1819 — in the Governorate of Livonia, in 1861-in Latgale.

Parts of these regions are now part of modern Latvia.

As the historian Pokrovsky wrote, the whole reform for the majority of peasants was reduced to the fact that they ceased to be officially called "serfs", but began to be called "obligated"; formally they began to be considered free, but nothing changed or even worsened in their situation in the first years after the reform: in particular, landowners began to flog peasants even more.

So for me, given the historical inertia of the process of abolishing serfdom and geographical uncertainty, this is quite plausible.

And yes, the rods were abolished in August 1904.
For me, it is credible too. As long as the feudatory remained owner of the land and the houses, abolishing serfdom did not change a lot for the peasants. Without land reforms (which were mostly blocked by the nobility, who still was in power), the peasants just shifted from exploitation under serfdom to exploitation under harsh capitalism (where is Lenin when you need him?).;)

Agnese sat, nervous and dejected, on a bench facing the table in her family’s one room peasant cottage. She was dressed for Church, wearing a long-sleeved white linen blouse under a red vest, and a long blue, red, yellow and green vertically striped skirt. Her dark hair was done up under a round colorfully embroidered red cap.

The source of her nervousness and sadness was twofold. She knew that she would not see the interior of the village church that Sunday for she was destined to be pilloried in front of the church instead … for the purpose of being shamed before family, friends and the entire rest of the village. And, of course, following the church service things would go from bad to worse as she was to be stripped naked and receive a terrible birching … in front of everyone.

The other source of her distress was the anger of her father, who was at that moment pacing back and forth before the other side of the table, hands clasped behind his back, face red with fury. He had been angry with her ever since he learned of what she had done with Ivo. In his view she had brought unconscionable shame upon herself and her family, and he just couldn’t understand how she could have been so foolish as to have done such a thing.

Meanwhile her mother sat in a corner weeping.

Every now and then her father would stop his pacing to scream at her.

“Agnese, you have brought such shame on this family!” he would say. She had lost count of how many times he had spat out those very words.

“I’m sorry, father.”

“Well sorry is not good enough! Why couldn’t you and Ivo wait? It’s not so difficult, You just have to say no!”

“I’m sorry, father.”

“Do you realize what this could mean for me snd your poor mother? All the gossip? How will your mother ever be able to hold her head high in the village again? And for me? This could be the end of my hopes of ever becoming a manager on the Baron’s estate someday. I’ve worked so hard over the years to gain his favor, knowing that as he expands his holdings he’ll be needing a second manager … and that could be me … but not now, perhaps no longer.”

“I’m sorry father.”

“And can you imagine what it will be like for your mother and I to stand there outside the church watching our friends and neighbors staring at you, our daughter, locked in the village pillory? And later in the day, watching you stripped naked and bound to the village whipping post to receive all those cane strokes on your bare bottom? Utter humiliation! That’s what it will be, Agnese! Utter humiliation!”

“I’m sorry, father! But please understand, I did it because I am in love, I know it was stupid, but Ivo wanted it. He pressured me. And, well, I gave in.”

“No, Agnes. I will not allow you to blame this on that young man. It was your responsibility, not his, to maintain your honor intact.”

He had resumed his pacing. Grateful for the silence, she wondered what was happening with Ivo. Was he experiencing the same? She suspected he was. Did he still love her? Or would he try, like her father, to place the blame on her. She felt confused and bitter.

Eventually, respite from her father’s wrath and her own thoughts came through the need to be off for church. As they left the cottage, her father saw to it that she follow several paces behind her parents. They were clearly distancing themselves from their fallen daughter. He also insisted that she leave her shoes behind and go barefoot as a sign of penance. She was used to wearing shoes snd the small stones in the path hurt her feet.

As they passed friends and villagers she could feel their disdain. She was painfully aware of the smirks and the frowns, and after awhile she kept her eyes on the ground before her bare feet so as to avoid visual contact with anyone they might meet.

On arrival, several of the men from the village were there waiting for her. They stepped up to her father. A hushed conversation followed, and then she saw her father nod in assent, after which they took her in hand and led her to the pillory positioned off to one side of the entrance to the old wooden church. A placard had been attached to it which read “mauka” … whore.

No one said a word. One of the men tugged at her vest, removing it and tossing it aside, while another set about stripping her of her blouse. Half-naked, left with only her skirt, she tried to cover up her bared breasts and erect nipples with arms and hands, but they wouldn’t allow that. They took her in hand, drove her roughly up against the bulky frame of the pillory, and forced her neck and wrists into the half-round holes in the bottom part of the heavy wooden crossbeam and then locked the top part down to hold her firmly in place.

And there she remained, half-naked and on display to the entire village population as they passed by to enter the church, as well as later when they reappeared following the service.

Being pilloried was horrible. Someone, at some point, had knocked her cap away, and her hair had come undone, so that it half covered her face. She felt unkempt … disheveled. Her back ached from leaning forward, and the sun beat down mercilessly on her her bare back and shoulders. She felt a bead of sweat run from behind her ear, trickle down her neck and, from there, find irs way down the hollow of her chest between her dangling breasts.

As the crowd of villagers disgorged from the church, she felt their contempt. The men said very little, but she saw how their eyes focused appraisingly on her breasts and caught a few lewd remarks about wanting to suck them. The women were far more vocal, openly expressing their scorn, cursing her and repeatedly calling her a whore.

And where was Ivo, she wondered? Why had he not been pilloried and shamed alongside her? Was it different for him as a man? It didn’t seem fair.
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As the crowd of villagers disgorged from the church, she felt their contempt. The men said very little, but she saw how their eyes focused appraisingly on her breasts and caught a few lewd remarks about wanting to suck them. The women were far more vocal, openly expressing their scorn, cursing her and repeatedly calling her a whore.
Enjoy the pillory. It is a gentle bed compared to what comes next!
whip 064.jpg
Give him a chance, he hasn’t got any arms or legs :rolleyes:
A great Marxist revolutionary and genius does not need bourgeois body parts such as arms and legs!:p

“No, Agnes. I will not allow you to blame this on that young man. It was your responsibility, not his, to maintain your honor intact.”
And where was Ivo, she wondered? Why had he not been pilloried and shamed alongside her? Was it different for him as a man? It didn’t seem fair.
Ivo is already on his way on a transatlantic steamer, to Arkansas! He will feel home there!:D
Being pilloried was horrible. Someone, at some point, had knocked her cap away, and her hair had come undone, so that it half covered her face. She felt unkempt … disheveled. Her back ached from leaning forward, and the sun beat down mercilessly on her her bare back and shoulders. She felt a bead of sweat run from behind her ear, trickle down her neck and, from there, find irs way down the hollow of her chest between her dangling breasts.

As the crowd of villagers disgorged from the church, she felt their contempt. The men said very little, but she saw how their eyes focused appraisingly on her breasts and caught a few lewd remarks about wanting to suck them. The women were far more vocal, openly expressing their scorn, cursing her and repeatedly calling her a whore.

Such sweet humiliation. How I wish I could travel back in time and experience it myself.

The whipping post didn’t mind waiting on a beautiful day like this. It stood in all seasons, ready to receive miscreants getting their richly deserved comeuppance. The post knew that it played an important role in the community, helping the Baron to maintain good order amongst his subjects.

But the summer was its favorite season. The rays of the late morning sun warmed its fibers. Perhaps that would provide a small measure of comfort to the young woman when they wrapped the ropes tightly around her waist, pressing her soft breasts into the rough wood.

And they were attractive breasts, that was beyond contesting. Even from a distance one could tell that they were firm and well-formed. The post could see why that boy Ivo had wanted her so badly that he had risked this humiliation in front of the whole village and the excruciating pain that would soon follow.

And here he comes now, shirtless and barefoot, like his lover, clad only in a pair of drawstring trousers, one of the Manager’s assistants on each side with a firm grip on each arm. A handsome lad, trying hard to look unconcerned by the prospect facing him.

But the post knew better. It had seen many make a show of bravery, but the whip always won in the end. That was how it had always been and how it would always be.


Agnese kept her eyes glued to the ground in front of her feet. She couldn’t bear to look at her friends and neighbors in her current shameful state. The girls that she had played with when she was younger and worked beside in the field, the boys that had flirted with her before she had chosen Ivo, the baker and the store clerk to whom her parents had sent her with the few pennies they had to buy tea or thread and whom she had charmed with a smile into slipping her a treat.

But when she heard one of the older women cry, “There he is!” she looked up. It was Ivo, shirtless and barefoot as she was, but accompanied not by his parents, but by two of the Manager’s men. They stopped him some distance away on the other side of the post, so that if they wanted to look at each other, their eyes would inevitably fall on the site of their upcoming suffering.

Agnese assumed that now that Ivo was here, she would be released and led to her fate at the whipping post. But nothing was happening. She could sense the crowd growing impatient. After all, they had stayed after church, rather than returning to their homes for lunch to watch the spectacle.

Then Agnese saw the members of the crowd turning their heads to look behind them. She twisted her body as much as she could in the pillory, but couldn’t see beyond the crowd. Finally, it came into view-an elegant carriage pulled by two white horses.

It could only be the Baron, come in person to watch their punishment. He normally didn’t attend these events in person, but obviously, for whatever reason, he had decided that her case merited his personal attendance.

The carriage driver descended, reached up onto the top of the carriage and pulled down an ornately carved and upholstered chair, which he brought to a position close to the whipping post. Then he returned to the carriage and opened the door. The Baron stepped out onto the bare dirt, dirt which he owned, along with, more or less, the assembled people.

His footman opened a large umbrella which shaded the Baron as he walked to his seat and held it over him as he awaited the spectacle.

Now that all was ready, Agnese saw Juris, the Manager, approach her. He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the pillory, lifting the top wooden piece. “Come on slut, time for your ass warming. On your feet,” he said.

Reluctantly, Agnese stood, her legs unsteady, both from fear and from the strain the pillory had put on her muscles. Juris took hold of her arm to steady her, then guided her towards the post. When they reached a point a short distance away, he stopped and turned her to face the crowd.

“You have to take your skirt off now,” he told her quietly. She shook her head.

Louder now, loud enough to be heard by the entire village, he ordered, “Get your skirt off now! A whore like you shouldn’t pretend to be ashamed of showing her body to everyone. It might bring you more business.” The crowd laughed at his joke.

Feeling deep shame, but knowing she had no choice, Agnese reached to the waist of her skirt and lowered it slowly over her hips, letting it fall to the dirt at her feet. She was naked now. She tried to cover her breasts and genitals with her hands, but Juris grabbed them and pulled them away.

“No!” he shouted. “You show them! Let them see what caused your boyfriend to do such a stupid thing!” She stood now, totally exposed, her cheeks burning in shame.

The young men in the crowd were whistling and hooting. Some of the women, jealous at the impression Agnese was making on their men yelled, “Whore! Slut!”

“Now turn around,” Juris ordered. “Let them see your ass before I mark it with my birch.” He pushed her, forcing her to turn around. Then, after the crowd had seen enough, he marched her to the post, where he raised her hands over her head to tie them to the ring set high in the post with a cord that he had taken out of his pocket.

Juris adjusted the cord so that Agnese would be raised on her toes, then tied it tight. Then, he called for a longer piece of rope, which one of the assistants brought him. He pushed Agnese’s naked torso against the wood, firmly, though not unnecessarily roughly, wrapped the rope twice around both her waist and the post and tied it tightly.

Now, Agnese was held in place, totally helpless and exposed, her ass bare and defenseless against the onslaught of the birch.

Once she was affixed in place, the Manager turned his attention to Ivo. “Strip him!” he ordered. One of the assistants who held him took hold of one of the legs of his trousers and yanked them down, leaving him just as naked as his lover.

Agnese didn’t really want to watch, but couldn’t help herself. She had to admit he looked handsome, even if his cock was shriveled from the shame and fear that he must be feeling, despite his attempts to hide it, which were a bit more successful than hers had been.

She felt a tingle in her groin at the site of him. She wished they had had time to complete their lovemaking before Juris and his men had so rudely interrupted them. She hoped that after all this was over and they had paid for their sins that they might be forgiven and allowed to marry by her parents and the Minister.

The men hustled him to the post and quickly tied him opposite Agnese. “I love you, Agnese. Please forgive me,” he whispered.

“I love you too, Ivo,” she replied.

“You must be strong,” he said.

“I will try,” she replied. “You, too.”

“Shut up, you two!” the Manager shouted. “The only sounds I want to hear from either of you are the screams when we whip you. Any more talk and I will add strokes.”

Then he stepped away and turned to address the crowd. “These two worthless criminals have stolen the work time that they owe our Lord, Baron von Kaltenbach. For that Ivo has been sentenced to be whipped 40 times on the back and Agnese has been sentenced to be birched 30 times on her buttocks.”

The crowd nodded approvingly. “Furthermore,” he continued, “The slut Agnese has been sentenced to 30 additional birch strokes for her lewd and whorish behavior.” Many in the crowd cheered. None thought to ask why Ivo wasn’t also paying a price for his sexual misdeeds. There was no need to; he was a man and that was how men were expected to act, but she was a woman and was supposed to resist his urges.

His speech done, the Manager motioned for the birch and the whip, which one of his assistants carried through the crowd, holding them over his head like a trophy.

The birch consisted of two supple branches, each almost as thick as Agnese’s little finger and longer than her arm, bound together at one end. This was the infamous “rod pair” or “ruten paar” in German, which was used to punish disobedient females in that time and place.

Of course, she had seen it before from afar, when other women had been punished, but to see it up close now, knowing that it was to be used on her, was horrifying. She bit her lip to keep from crying. But, the whip to be used on Ivo looked even worse, a long piece of cured horsehide.

The assistant took his place behind Ivo, while Juris, the Manager, took his place behind Agnese. She turned her head to see him and his awful birch, which she felt tapping gently against her soft ass flesh as he measured the distance.

“We will alternate,” Juris announced. “Five lashes for one, then five for the other and so on until all the lashes ordered have been given. I am a gentleman, so it will be ladies first,”

Agnese watched him draw the birch back. Then, unable to watch any more, she turned her head to look Ivo in the eye as she heard the rods cut through the air.
The whipping post didn’t mind waiting on a beautiful day like this. It stood in all seasons, ready to receive miscreants getting their richly deserved comeuppance. The post knew that it played an important role in the community, helping the Baron to maintain good order amongst his subjects.

But the summer was its favorite season. The rays of the late morning sun warmed its fibers. Perhaps that would provide a small measure of comfort to the young woman when they wrapped the ropes tightly around her waist, pressing her soft breasts into the rough wood.

And they were attractive breasts, that was beyond contesting. Even from a distance one could tell that they were firm and well-formed. The post could see why that boy Ivo had wanted her so badly that he had risked this humiliation in front of the whole village and the excruciating pain that would soon follow.

And here he comes now, shirtless and barefoot, like his lover, clad only in a pair of drawstring trousers, one of the Manager’s assistants on each side with a firm grip on each arm. A handsome lad, trying hard to look unconcerned by the prospect facing him.

But the post knew better. It had seen many make a show of bravery, but the whip always won in the end. That was how it had always been and how it would always be.
"A day in the life of a whipping post!?":rolleyes:
I love the way you began the story with a description of the development of the tree, and are continuing to personify it in its maturity as a whipping post that sees itself as a useful member of the human community. It gives the story an almost fairy tale quality, which contrasts nicely with the brutality of the whipping post's purpose. It gives an added dimension; an appealing perspective, which drew me in and I think sets this story apart.
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