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Tygavin's Short-Stories Thread

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A high society death​


Just a quick two part story that popped in my head tonight.

Erin and Ashton Parks neared the Meriwether Estate, neither speaking as Ashton guided the Bentley in no hurry to their destination.

Erin hoped it wasn’t her final destination. The entire event was ridiculous and her husband’s fault. He was risking everything over a stupid insult. She was twenty six and had much life before her. She had always been pampered. She had been raised with money and she had married into money.

With the privilege of living in the upper echelons of society came responsibilities and traditions. Traditions that had been drilled into her since she was old enough to understand them. She swore an oath as all ladies did at her debutante ball to abide by these traditions.

“It is not to late to back out.” She said as the Mansion came into view. “Just apologize.”

“He insulted me! I will not apologize. I challenged him. It is he who must apologize to me.”

Erin shook her head. All this over a harmless insult during a friendly game of poker. Of course her husband wasn’t satisfied with arguing, hurling another insult or even fist fighting. It had to be a duel.

Now they were at a neutral site, the Merryweather home, surrounded by their friends or at least those they were supposed to consider friends. If Ashton lost this duel, she would have no friends or anything else.

“You are risking everything. You are risking our lives.”

“He called me a cheater. Fear not. Soon we will have all his belongings. You will see Catherine Donovan get what she deserves as well.”

Erin felt sick to her stomach. She knew in her heart that would not be the case.

Richard Donovan was a better duelist. He was a better shot, he was a better swordsman and he was better in every aspect of combat. She had seen him fight two duels and the outcome was never in doubt.

Erin stepped out of the car and straightened out her tight black dress held together in the front by a golden pin and plunged down to just above her belly button. It was classy but sexy, just as she felt she was. She didn’t bother with underwear. If this turned out the way she thought it would, she wouldn’t need it anyway. No point in wasting lingerie on top of her two thousand dollar dress and one thousand dollar shoes.

They walked to the back yard and she took in the scene. Over fifty people were present and she knew everyone. Many she had known her entire life. Some looked at her with pity, some with unmistakable lust for her body and blood and others with humor. Those who were humored were those who had always been jealous of her, including Catherine Donovan.

She began to feel nauseous.

“I will be back in a moment, darling.” Her idiot husband told her but she knew better.

Him and Donovan stood a few feet away from each other and Meriwether, the owner of the venue stood between them.

“Ashton Parks had issued a mortal challenge to Richard Donovan. Do either wish to step away and admit fault before the challenge begins?”

Neither men moved nor spoke.

“This challenge is to the death. Neither is allowed to yield.” He continued. “The winner will be awarded the belongings of the loser including lands, property and funds. Do you both understand and agree?”

Both men indicated they did.

“Erin and Catherine, please join us.”

Erin managed to walk steadily on the grass in her high heeled shoes despite her anxiety. He did not look to her right where she knew her fate likely rested.

The two rivals looked at one another. It took everything she had to meet Catherine’s eyes.

“You both understand the traditions of duels. The wife of the loser shall forfeit her body for the use of others and then executed. You will accept your fate willingly as our tradition demands. Your pride as a member of this society and the privilege you have received your entire life will be stripped from you. You will submit to others in any manner demanded until you are joined to your cross to die in agony. Do you both swear to uphold this tradition and act in a manner befitting your duty and sworn oaths?”

Erin took a deep breath.

“I do.”

“I do.” Catherine agreed. “Not that it will come to that for me.”

“No need for taunts.” Meriwether scolded her gently. “That will be decided by the duel. Mr. Donovan as the challenged you have the choice of weapons. What will it be?”

“Rapiers.” he declared.

Erin closed her eyes. She should have guessed but had hoped for pistols. With pistols, Ashton could have gotten a lucky shot.

The battle began soon after.

It ended after a minute of Donovan playing with her husband. Despite being in good shape, her husband was breathing heavily when Donovan shoved his sword through Ashton’s heart. Ashton’s body hit the ground and Erin envied his fate. Hers would not be as kind.

A tear rolled down her cheek, not in grief for her idiot husband but for what was to happen to her.

Meriwether declared Ashton dead and servants gathered his body to carry to the graveyard in the acreage behind the estate. A hole had already been prepared. Her body would be thrown in on top of his and covered in dirt. There would be no marker indicating they ever existed. Law enforcement officials knew better than to investigate.

An image of her decaying body being eaten by worms flashed through her mind. She turned to her right and saw the cross laying on the ground.

She also saw servants bringing out a reclined chair with stirrups and shackles for bother her arms and legs.

“Undress, Erin.” Meriwether told her in a stern voice. She was no longer a living breathing member of society to them. She was nothing more than entertainment.

She slipped off her shoes, then unclasped the buckle holding her dress together. She slipped the straps from her shoulders and peeled the tight fitting garment down until it pooled around her feet.

Two men she had attended prep school with grabbed her arms roughly and moved her towards the chair. She couldn’t stop her body from shaking but she would not resist. She would not cry for mercy. She would take her punishment. She would accept her death as befitting her station, even if she had nothing left.

Erin climbed the chair willingly and placed her legs in the stirrups. Her calves were strapped down, spreading her legs wide. She leaned back and tried to make herself as comfortable as possible. Her arms were strapped down to her sides and she felt a finger graze her outer labia then gently go over the trimmed landing strip of pubic hair above her pussy.

“Beautiful cunt. Beautiful body. Never got her in school. Going to have fun now.” One of the men said.

“Donovan gets her first.”

The two men left her and she was alone. The entire yard was looking at her.

She was spread open, her most secretive places revealed. She had no privacy. Her damn husband was given a quick death and left in his ridiculously expensive outfit he had bought for the duel. She was exposed. The deep feeling of fear gave way to embarrassment. This was more humiliating than she could have ever imagined. How worse would it be when she had to go on the cross. She hadn’t eaten in three days but had certainly drank and would be given water while on the blasted wood to keep her alive as long as possible. She wouldn’t be getting breaks to visit the loo.

She closed her eyes, leaned her head back on the chair and cried silently.

Then she felt a cock inside her. To her shock she was wet. Her nipples were hard. The fear and humiliation, the exposure was having a strange affect on her, one she was grateful for.

She looked down her body and saw Donovan had entered her. He winked at her, while fucking her hard. To her greater humiliation she was starting to respond.

He reached down and began rubbing her clit with one hand and the other caressed her right nipple. It was as if Ashton had told him hos she liked to be fucked. Had he? Did he spill her secrets at one of the late night drunken poker tournaments?

She felt herself responding. Despite her private pledge not to beg she did so anyway.

“Don’t make me cum. Please don’t make me…”

He squeezed her nipple and pressed hard on her clit while ramming her as deeply as possible and staying inside her. She yelled out in ecstasy and he pulled out. His sperm shot to her face, splashing her forehead and cheeks then continuing down between her breasts and finally her belly.

He stepped back and zipped his pants back up. She looked at the yard again and they were all cheering and laughing. A few were patting him on the back. She saw Catherine’s wickedly laughing. Not only was she being fucked but she had been made to like it. Her body was trembling in the afterglow of possibly the most intense orgasm of her life.

A line formed.

When it was done she had been fucked by over twenty men. She had six orgasms and screamed in pain each time one of six men lifted her up slightly and fucked her ass. She had never been fucked in the ass before and it was agony.

When the last had covered her body with his semen she felt a rush of emotions. She was degraded. She was being laughed at. She knew what was coming next and it filled her with terror. Despite how exposed she was, how she had been treated like a sex doll, she would rather it continue than face the cross. They wouldn’t even whip her to end her time sooner.

Death. The most painful death awaited her.

Meriwether unstrapped her from the chair. She tried to stand and hit the ground, barely saving her face with her hands. Two servants had to lift her and carry her to the cross because her legs were so shaky. When she reached the cross she was dropped to her knees and a large shirtless man with a black hood on stepped up to her. He unzipped his black leather pants and pulled out his cock.

Erin knew what she had to do. She looked behind her and saw those she had known, those who she had went to school with and those who watched her grow. She thanked whatever gods might have existed that her parents were excused from attending. The others though, they knew her and she had even though some looked at her as a niece or at least a dear cousin.

She saw no pity or love now. Just the excited blood lust. No matter how refined they pretended to be, they were animals. They were all animals.

She turned back to the cock in front of her and opened her mouth, grunting when the hard organ was stuffed into her mouth. She would enjoy this one sexual act because she was kneeling by a piece of wood that would soon kill her and didn’t want to think about it.

It didn’t take him long though and when he filled her mouth with cum, she knew it was time.

He picked her up and laid her out on the cross.

Erin begged.

To be continued.
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Just a quick two part story that popped in my head tonight.

Erin and Ashton Parks neared the Meriwether Estate, neither speaking as Ashton guided the Bentley in no hurry to their destination.

Erin hoped it wasn’t her final destination. The entire event was ridiculous and her husband’s fault. He was risking everything over a stupid insult. She was twenty six and had much life before her. She had always been pampered. She had been raised with money and she had married into money.

With the privilege of living in the upper echelons of society came responsibilities and traditions. Traditions that had been drilled into her since she was old enough to understand them. She swore an oath as all ladies did at her debutante ball to abide by these traditions.

“It is not to late to back out.” She said as the Mansion came into view. “Just apologize.”

“He insulted me! I will not apologize. I challenged him. It is he who must apologize to me.”

Erin shook her head. All this over a harmless insult during a friendly game of poker. Of course her husband wasn’t satisfied with arguing, hurling another insult or even fist fighting. It had to be a duel.

Now they were at a neutral site, the Merryweather home, surrounded by their friends or at least those they were supposed to consider friends. If Ashton lost this duel, she would have no friends or anything else.

“You are risking everything. You are risking our lives.”

“He called me a cheater. Fear not. Soon we will have all his belongings. You will see Catherine Donovan get what she deserves as well.”

Erin felt sick to her stomach. She knew in her heart that would not be the case.

Richard Donovan was a better duelist. He was a better shot, he was a better swordsman and he was better in every aspect of combat. She had seen him fight two duels and the outcome was never in doubt.

Erin stepped out of the car and straightened out her tight black dress held together in the front by a golden pin and plunged down to just above her belly button. It was classy but sexy, just as she felt she was. She didn’t bother with underwear. If this turned out the way she thought it would, she wouldn’t need it anyway. No point in wasting lingerie on top of her two thousand dollar dress and one thousand dollar shoes.

They walked to the back yard and she took in the scene. Over fifty people were present and she knew everyone. Many she had known her entire life. Some looked at her with pity, some with unmistakable lust for her body and blood and others with humor. Those who were humored were those who had always been jealous of her, including Catherine Donovan.

She began to feel nauseous.

“I will be back in a moment, darling.” Her idiot husband told her but she knew better.

Him and Donovan stood a few feet away from each other and Meriwether, the owner of the venue stood between them.

“Ashton Parks had issued a mortal challenge to Richard Donovan. Do either wish to step away and admit fault before the challenge begins?”

Neither men moved nor spoke.

“This challenge is to the death. Neither is allowed to yield.” He continued. “The winner will be awarded the belongings of the loser including lands, property and funds. Do you both understand and agree?”

Both men indicated they did.

“Erin and Catherine, please join us.”

Erin managed to walk steadily on the grass in her high heeled shoes despite her anxiety. He did not look to her right where she knew her fate likely rested.

The two rivals looked at one another. It took everything she had to meet Catherine’s eyes.

“You both understand the traditions of duels. The wife of the loser shall forfeit her body for the use of others and then executed. You will accept your fate willingly as our tradition demands. Your pride as a member of this society and the privilege you have received your entire life will be stripped from you. You will submit to others in any manner demanded until you are joined to your cross to die in agony. Do you both swear to uphold this tradition and act in a manner befitting your duty and sworn oaths?”

Erin took a deep breath.

“I do.”

“I do.” Catherine agreed. “Not that it will come to that for me.”

“No need for taunts.” Meriwether scolded her gently. “That will be decided by the duel. Mr. Donovan as the challenged you have the choice of weapons. What will it be?”

“Rapiers.” he declared.

Erin closed her eyes. She should have guessed but had hoped for pistols. With pistols, Ashton could have gotten a lucky shot.

The battle began soon after.

It ended after a minute of Donovan playing with her husband. Despite being in good shape, her husband was breathing heavily when Donovan shoved his sword through Ashton’s heart. Ashton’s body hit the ground and Erin envied his fate. Hers would not be as kind.

A tear rolled down her cheek, not in grief for her idiot husband but for what was to happen to her.

Meriwether declared Ashton dead and servants gathered his body to carry to the graveyard in the acreage behind the estate. A hole had already been prepared. Her body would be thrown in on top of his and covered in dirt. There would be no marker indicating they ever existed. Law enforcement officials knew better than to investigate.

An image of her decaying body being eaten by worms flashed through her mind. She turned to her right and saw the cross laying on the ground.

She also saw servants bringing out a reclined chair with stirrups and shackles for bother her arms and legs.

“Undress, Erin.” Meriwether told her in a stern voice. She was no longer a living breathing member of society to them. She was nothing more than entertainment.

She slipped off her shoes, then unclasped the buckle holding her dress together. She slipped the straps from her shoulders and peeled the tight fitting garment down until it pooled around her feet.

Two men she had attended prep school with grabbed her arms roughly and moved her towards the chair. She couldn’t stop her body from shaking but she would not resist. She would not cry for mercy. She would take her punishment. She would accept her death as befitting her station, even if she had nothing left.

Erin climbed the chair willingly and placed her legs in the stirrups. Her calves were strapped down, spreading her legs wide. She leaned back and tried to make herself as comfortable as possible. Her arms were strapped down to her sides and she felt a finger graze her outer labia then gently go over the trimmed landing strip of pubic hair above her pussy.

“Beautiful cunt. Beautiful body. Never got her in school. Going to have fun now.” One of the men said.

“Donovan gets her first.”

The two men left her and she was alone. The entire yard was looking at her.

She was spread open, her most secretive places revealed. She had no privacy. Her damn husband was given a quick death and left in his ridiculously expensive outfit he had bought for the duel. She was exposed. The deep feeling of fear gave way to embarrassment. This was more humiliating than she could have ever imagined. How worse would it be when she had to go on the cross. She hadn’t eaten in three days but had certainly drank and would be given water while on the blasted wood to keep her alive as long as possible. She wouldn’t be getting breaks to visit the loo.

She closed her eyes, leaned her head back on the chair and cried silently.

Then she felt a cock inside her. To her shock she was wet. Her nipples were hard. The fear and humiliation, the exposure was having a strange affect on her, one she was grateful for.

She looked down her body and saw Donovan had entered her. He winked at her, while fucking her hard. To her greater humiliation she was starting to respond.

He reached down and began rubbing her clit with one hand and the other caressed her right nipple. It was as if Ashton had told him hos she liked to be fucked. Had he? Did he spill her secrets at one of the late night drunken poker tournaments?

She felt herself responding. Despite her private pledge not to beg she did so anyway.

“Don’t make me cum. Please don’t make me…”

He squeezed her nipple and pressed hard on her clit while ramming her as deeply as possible and staying inside her. She yelled out in ecstasy and he pulled out. His sperm shot to her face, splashing her forehead and cheeks then continuing down between her breasts and finally her belly.

He stepped back and zipped his pants back up. She looked at the yard again and they were all cheering and laughing. A few were patting him on the back. She saw Catherine’s wickedly laughing. Not only was she being fucked but she had been made to like it. Her body was trembling in the afterglow of possibly the most intense orgasm of her life.

A line formed.

When it was done she had been fucked by over twenty men. She had six orgasms and screamed in pain each time one of six men lifted her up slightly and fucked her ass. She had never been fucked in the ass before and it was agony.

When the last had covered her body with his semen she felt a rush of emotions. She was degraded. She was being laughed at. She knew what was coming next and it filled her with terror. Despite how exposed she was, how she had been treated like a sex doll, she would rather it continue than face the cross. They wouldn’t even whip her to end her time sooner.

Death. The most painful death awaited her.

Meriwether unstrapped her from the chair. She tried to stand and hit the ground, barely saving her face with her hands. Two servants had to lift her and carry her to the cross because her legs were so shaky. When she reached the cross she was dropped to her knees and a large shirtless man with a black hood on stepped up to her. He unzipped his black leather pants and pulled out his cock.

Erin knew what she had to do. She looked behind her and saw those she had known, those who she had went to school with and those who watched her grow. She thanked whatever gods might have existed that her parents were excused from attending. The others though, they knew her and she had even though some looked at her as a niece or at least a dear cousin.

She saw no pity or love now. Just the excited blood lust. No matter how refined they pretended to be, they were animals. They were all animals.

She turned back to the cock in front of her and opened her mouth, grunting when the hard organ was stuffed into her mouth. She would enjoy this one sexual act because she was kneeling by a piece of wood that would soon kill her and didn’t want to think about it.

It didn’t take him long though and when he filled her mouth with cum, she knew it was time.

He picked her up and laid her out on the cross.

Erin begged.

To be continued.
Giving this story a bump as it deserves more attention than it has received thus far. This author’s nailing scenes are some of the best out there, I’m looking forward to the next installment!
“Please don’t do this!” Erin cried out, her voice a bit distorted because of the cum in her mouth she was having a difficult time swallowing since laid flat on her back on the wooden beam “Call Daddy. He can work out a deal. He always does! This isn’t supposed to happen to me!”

The executioner laughed. “Your Daddy is on his way. He had no desire to see you getting gangraped but he never misses an execution. He asked we not raise the cross until he arrives but to proceed with the nailing. Does that sound like a man planning to save you?”

Erin couldn’t believe it. Her Daddy had been excused from attending. Now this monster who had raped her mouth and was about to drive nails through her was saying her father would watch her death. It couldn’t be.

“Don’t do this. He doesn’t want me to be nailed! You misunderstood!”

“Drive the nails through the little spoiled bitch but do not raise her until I can see her body slide down the wood. I love that part. Those were his words.” The executioner told her. “Lift her legs and spread them.” he ordered one of the servants. Erin just noticed two other servants were there to help him. One man spread her arms across the beam and another did as directed. Erin wondered how many times she would be fucked but if it meant delaying her time on the cross she would gladly take it.

Instead the executioner was handed the largest butt plug she had ever seen and her eyes widened. Her ass was on fire from being fucked for the first time but no cock had been that big.

He rubbed the plug through the cum of her belly and then placed it next to her mouth.

“I would suggest you lick this as much as you can. I’m not lubing it and you know where it is going. Can’t have you shitting on yourself. It would be undignified.”

Erin did as told. She opened her mouth as wide as possible yet her lips felt stretched beyond her capacity and her mouth was so full she couldn’t breathe. The cum did not help, only made the latex taste more bitter but she licked and sucked as hard as she could, knowing where it was about to be shoved.

She gagged when it was suddenly pulled out. While she was fighting to take in as much air as possible, she felt the large plug against her still tight asshole. The man did not give her time to be frightened. She screamed when he shoved it into her. The thick part was swallowed inside her and only the thin end of it showed between her ass cheeks.

“You two hold her down. Its time to nail her. Erin, try to act like a lady. I have executed rich bitches like you all over the world and you are acting like a coward. There is no dignity on the cross. Try to show as much as you can now.”

Erin was held down by two servants but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t move. Her eyes were glued on the executioner holding her stretched arm and his fingers feeling around her tiny wrist. She was trembling but that was all the movement she was allowed. She was paralyzed by fear.

He never looked or spoke to her. No words to prepare herself. She watched the hammer rise and her heart hammered in her chest. She was covered in sweat and cum, glistening in the sun. Her muscles were flexed, her ass clenched around its invader and she was completely helpless, an observer watching a sick, barbaric action from afar.

Then the hammer dropped. The nail poked through her tiny wrist and into the wood. Only half of the huge nail was showing now.

It took a moment then her eyes widened. She understood. Her paralysis was over and she tried to lift herself. Her body became alive but it was no use. With one man holding her by her arm and shoulder and another sitting on her knees and pressing her torso to the wood, she couldn’t move. She struggled, fought like a wounded wild animal but nothing worked.

She begged but it was not to him. Under her breath she begged to whatever gods would have mercy on her that he would pull the nail out, not drive it further in.

Her pleas were unanswered. Her eyes widened, unable to look away as another hammer blow flushed the nail head to her skin.

Without waiting he rose and moved to her other side. She was staring at her pinned arm in disbelief when he struck the first blow to her left arm. It caught her attention and she turned to see the nail once again through her wrist. She tried to grab it with her hand instinctively but of course that was impossible. She was trapped, at the mercy of a hooded man who had no mercy. Another blow and Erin was crucified.

She tore her gaze from her arm and looked to the sky. She was becoming dizzy, from the view from the ground, the pain, the utter disbelief that this had happened to her.

Catherine knelt next to her and began running her fingers over her ribs that were rising up and down rapidly due to her heavy breathing. Her feet were dug into the grass trying to run until the pain became to excruciating and her body was paralyzed once again, her mind knowing it was best to stay still.

“How long have I wanted to see you like this.” Catherine told her in a gleeful tone. “Ever since you used me for one night and then laughed when I told you I loved you. You thought you were above me. Now who is above you?”

Catherine’s fingers gently caressed her nipples with a feather like touch. Every part of her body was overly sensitive and in the world of pain, she could still search for any pleasant feeling.

She felt no pleasure when Catherine stopped and shoved four fingers in Erin’s well used pussy and began hammering it quickly while squeezing her nipple painfully. Erin tried to squeeze her legs together then spread them apart to ease the violation but nothing worked. She finally became still and grunted from the pain in her wrists and her cunt as Catherine raped her.

Finally she stopped after minutes or hours. Erin had no idea of time anymore. Her life was measured in degrees of pain, not seconds.

Catherine grabbed her jaw, forced her mouth open, spit in it then stood and walked away.

Then Erin felt a new sensation. She was being raised. An unreasonable and illogical part of her mind prayed that somehow the executioner had decided to remove the nails and lift her from her the cross.

As her ass rubbed the wood, leaving scratches and a few splinters, her upper back that had touched the wood was being rubbed by rough wood, her view changing, she understood.

“No! No! Wait!”

He did not wait. Her body bottomed out and jerked when the cross was dropped into its hole and her feet and entire body hung by her wrists.

She used her feet to grab the side of the cross, the front, anything she could but gained no traction. She gave up quickly and hung there, her weight on her stretched arms, hoping the nails would rip out of her wrists.

Nothing worked. She saw those who had gathered to see her die, sipping Champaigne. Some were smoking cigars. She thought she might have seen her parents in the back but couldn’t concentrate.

Despite the pain in her arms and shoulders, she had a new problem. She couldn’t breathe. Her chest kept trying to inhale but no air was coming. Nothing was happening! Erin should have been happy but her body was in survival mode and only wanted to live. She tried to cry out, ask for help, but she couldn’t speak!

Then her legs were lifted and she pushed off the hands, lifting herself high and taking in a deep breath.

Hands on her waist holding her. They were helping her. She could breathe again.

She looked for her savior but only saw a servant holding her up by the waist, another holding her legs bent at the knee and the executioner crossing her feet over one another.


He didn’t look at her. He kept his focus on her feet. When the hammer swung and she felt the nail stab one foot she tried to scream but the horror was too great. The second swing pushed the nail to he other foot underneath the top one. The damn metal nails were scraping her bones and despite the overwhelming pain it was that which she focused on. Metal scraping her bones. She could feel the nail traveling through her feet.

She was released and her body slid down once again. It did not take long for her to realize she couldn’t breathe again. She had to lift herself. When she did, she felt those nails scraping the delicate bones of her foot. When she dropped she became aware of her nerves on fire when the bones of her wrist scraped each nail. The executioner had done his job well. He placed the nails where they would cause maximum pain.

Erin was not sure of the time. Despite being in unimaginable pain she was hyper aware of her surroundings. She paid note to everyone present. She was ashamed. She was exposed and dying. She had nightmares of this since Ashton issued the challenge but her nightmares had not prepared her for the level of pain and humiliation. It wasn’t just Catherine who laughed at her. Her best friends were enjoying her death. Men she turned away in the past had erections in their pants.

Then her mother and father were standing in front of her, looking up at her exposed cunt, her exposed body while drinking Champaigne.

“Daddy?” Erin whispered, barely able to speak. “Help me.”

The man grinned and continued to stare, seemingly drinking in her body. Her mother did as well. Donovan walked up to her father.

“You boys fucked her good, didn’t you?”

“She was a good fuck.” Donovan told him and they both laughed.

“Her mother is an amazing fuck as well. She certainly takes after your body, doesn’t she dear? The size and color of your nipples are even the same.”

Her mother chuckled and began walking around the cross, taking in her body from all angles.

“I hope you aren’t too upset about this, sir.”

Erin’s father shook his head. “We have two more daughters and both will find better matches than that Ashton idiot. I needed his business so I gave her away. I’m sure now that you own his assets our deal remains the same?”

“Of course.”

“That’s all that matters. I will ensure my daughters have more worthy husbands. I need another drink.”

Her father caressed her flexing thigh and winked at his daughter. “Be a good girl. Die well. You can’t make us proud but try not to embarrass yourself any further. It will be over soon…in a few days.”

Erin was left alone. She floated in and out of varying degrees of pain. She was fondled, teased, tortured and slapped. She was fingered by her best friends roughly.

It okay her only two days. Her body was beautiful but not strong. Despite her desire to die, she felt horror when she was no longer able to lift herself. Her last vision was of the society members she had lived with, toasting her as she finally lost consciousness for the last time.

The End
This is inspired by a movie I saw recently again, called Anna, starring who I think is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. It has nothing to do with the movie other than her and the premise of her being a spy. It is a hanging story. Enjoy


Every night I slept with my gun under my pillow. Cliché for a spy to do so but it was the only way I could feel somewhat safe.

I spent most of my time sleeping with people who were power players. My job was simple and complex. In the world of high fashion models, I stood out. My beauty had alwys set me apart as a poor child with nothing. I could play on sympathies to get more food and clothes than other beggars. It was why my parents always sent me out while they rummaged the trach cans behind restaurants.

As I grew older I grew more beautiful. I grew tall, my hair became a lighter blonde, and my eyes became a brighter blue. My teeth were naturally straight and always living just on the edge of starvation and having to fight for food kept me lean yet strong.

I was nineteen when I was recruited by my government. My parents had died by that point, and I was on my own. I was offered an obscene amount of money by a very handsome man for one night. I had never prostituted myself before, despite numerous offers. I was frightened of being alone with a man, frightened of being killed or picking up some virus.

This amount of money was too much to turn down and winter was coming. I would have enough to rent a place during the coldest months.

I nearly ran away every step of the way to his hotel room but the hunger in my stomach kept me going.

When I walked in, it wasn’t just him. There was also a woman, perhaps in her late fifties or early sixties. She looked rather severe and was not a beauty.

I told the man I was interested in whatever he had in mind. The woman could have been his mother for all I knew. I turned to leave before the woman told me to take a shower, put on a robe and return to her.

Her voice was commanding, and she wasn’t asking. Without thinking I did as I was told. I scrubbed myself raw in the shower as if trying to clean myself of this situation.

When I stepped out she looked me over, walking around me.

“Take off the robe.”

With trembling hands, I closed my eyes and dropped my only protection against her.

I could feel her circling me. I opened my eyes once again, but she wasn’t looking at me. I jumped when she shoved a finger inside me without warning.

The woman’s eyes widened, and she looked back at the man.

“She is a virgin. She will have to be taught to fuck.” She said as I my face turned even brighter, and my blush extended over my entire body.

She pulled her finger out of me.

“What is your name, girl?”

“Anna.” I told her in a quiet voice, my temporary wish to sound confident was not to be.

“Congratulations Anna. You no longer have to live on the streets. You will no longer have to eat garbage or beg for change or dream of that drug-dealing prince to take you away from it all. You will even have a shower so you can let your true beauty shine.”

“What…what do I have to do for this?” I asked, believing she wanted me as part of some harem.

“The most heroic thing anyone can possibly do. You will serve your country.”

I joined an academy of spies in training and learned all the skills of my trade. I learned to seduce, to fuck and to kill. I learned to model and became a bit famous to those knowledgeable. The fashion model who escaped the streets.

I was good and I never got caught.

Until two hours ago.

I was in bed with a target. I was not there to kill him but seduce him, get him to tell me his deepest secrets especially in regard to his work. I did not have a gun under my pillow, not that it would have helped. Our bed was surrounded by agents in black with rifles aimed at me. I was pulled from the bed wearing nothing but the short black satin nightie I had worn after I fucked him. I could still taste his cum in my mouth. It was 2 AM.

It took me a moment to figure out what was happening, and I panicked when I did. They had pulled me from the sheets, shouting all around and a bag was thrown over my head. My wrists were cuffed before I could try to fight back.

I was forcibly walked out of the room. I had been in his home, but I wasn’t going to stay there. Once I was dragged outside I was lifted by strong hands and thrown into some type of vehicle. I suppose my reputation was well earned because they placed a collar around my neck. It was some sort of metal, but I knew what it was. A shock collar.

I lay on the floor of what I assumed was a van. I could sense the men around me, guns at the ready. My covered head focused on the vibrations of the vehicle. I was sweating. My heart was pounding and everything was catching up to me as my brain forced itself awake and came to understand what was going on.

I was caught. They knew I was a spy and assassin.

Spies were killed in this country. There was no prisoner exchange or even a trial. So many of my compatriots were simply never seen again.

The hood was taken off then the shock collar and I found myself alone in a brightly lit white room with a single table and two chairs across from each other.

Then the door opened.

It was him. He had interviewed me once before when I was a suspect in the murder of a man I had been seeing. My alibi had been perfect though.

I suppose it wasn’t.

“Anna, I told you I hoped we would have the pleasure of seeing each other again. How fortuitous for myself. Not so much for you. Are you planning on going with the innocent act, the tears, the fear?”

“I am afraid.” I admitted.

“Yes, you are. For good reason. I suppose you know what happens now?”

His eyes raked my body, and I realized a couple things. How little of the body this nightie covered and how hard my nipples were. The room was cold and the sweat on my body was making me shiver. Goosebumps covered me and I couldn’t stop shaking. My legs were becoming weak.

“I don’t suppose prison is an option?”

He laughed. I always found him creepy yet handsome. Now he was terrifying.

“We are setting up the execution room for you. We won’t keep you waiting for long. Recording equipment must be set up and the witnesses to your execution will be arriving soon.”

I couldn’t stop the tears, and they were shaming me. I had killed over fifty people. I should be able to face my death with some dignity.


“Recording equipment?”

He nodded. “We record all the executions. Some of our higher ups…enjoy them. We also record the before activities. I suggest you do your best to enjoy them.”

Torture? How the hell could I enjoy torture.

“Death will be painful. It can always be more painful. Behave, do as you were taught, use those legendary skills and it will go smoothly.”

So, rape.

“How?” I asked.

“Hanging. It won’t be fast. Try to relax Anna. It is almost over.”

I called him before he walked out.

“Can I have a prison uniform?”

He shook his head and approached me. He took out a knife and cut the straps of my nightie. It fell to the floor and puddled around my feet.

He left me alone.

I paced, refusing to take a seat. I was shivering, my body soaked in sweat, my hear racing, terrified and also… my body craved pleasure. If my hands were not cuffed behind my back I believe I would be getting myself off. A ridiculous thing to think about but soon I will be no more. My body nor anything else would give me pleasure. In a best-case scenario, I would become nothing. In the worst-case hell existed and I was destined to burn there.

I discreetly rubbed my thighs together, aware of being watched then reminded myself the dead are never embarrassed and soon that would be me.

Sooner than I thought.

The door opened and a large man in army fatigues and a black hood came for me. I didn’t resist as he took me by the arm and roughly shoved me out of the room. I was cold once again and the sweat and fear made me shiver uncontrollably. I needed to pee. I hadn’t since I arrived but suddenly the pressure was there.

“Please, I need to go…”

“Don’t worry. If you need to piss do it in the execution room. You wouldn’t be the first prisoner to do it. If you need to shit I have a solution for that.”

The metal door had execution room spray painted on it.

Inside was a noose hanging from the ceiling. It was thick.

So very thick. I gasped when I saw it.

There was a pad on the floor underneath it. No stool. I would be pulled up.

I wouldn’t beg.

I pulled my eyes away from the noose and realized there were twenty or so people in the room, mostly men but some women as well. They were stone faced and gave no indication they were about to watch a beautiful woman die. I chanced a look at one man’s crotch, and he had a huge bugle. So, this did have an effect on them.

My wrists were uncuffed for the first time since I had been taken out of bed.

I was forced on all fours and facing the audience. The pad was soft and thick. It was absorbent also.

No doubt to soak up my urine when I let go.

I felt it and clenched up. He slapped my ass and pressed the metal tip to my asshole once more. I tried to relax but it got bigger and bigger as it went in, and I cried. There was some sort of lube on it, but it wasn’t helping.

Then it was over. I felt full and could feel the little knob flush against my anus and squeezed by my ass cheeks. It was humiliating. I looked at the crowd and they were laughing.

Never before had I been more aware of my nakedness. The previously stone-faced crowd were laughing at me.

His cock was in front of me. I sucked it. I closed my eyes, tried to forget about the crowd and the recording equipment and treated him like a mark. I gave my best and when my hand wandered to my pussy as was my habit he didn’t stop me.

I felt him grow large but then he pulled out. I closed my eyes to receive his load on my face but instead he walked around and slammed his large cock in my pussy.

One of his hands grabbed my breast and another wrapped around my waist, cupped my pussy and his thumb began rubbing my cunt.

I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to feel so much pleasure from the man who would kill me in front of people who would get off on me.

Maybe part of me did. I gave in. I began screaming in terror, pain, joy, and ecstasy.

I didn’t even notice him cumming when I did. After I recovered and lay flat on the ground I felt his hot seed leaking out of me. It felt like life.

Then his hand in my hair, and I rose to my feet quickly.

He took rope and began tying my wrists.

“No cuffs?” I asked quietly. The ropes were disturbing. They were rough and tighter than the cuffs.

“See the rolling gurney in the corner? When you are dead I’m going to cut you down. I can leave the nose on you and the ropes around your wrists. We will take you straight to the furnace and dump your body in it.”

I gasped. Soon I would be on that cold metal cart, and I would be dead. Everything I had done to survive, and I lasted only twenty-four years of life.

He maneuvered me in front of the noose.

I whimpered when it was placed over my head.

The rope was as rough as I imagined it. He tightened it and I lost my breath for a moment. It was so tight, but I could still breathe. It covered half my throat. It would crush my neck.

“It scratches.” I mumbled ashamed of my broken voice.

Then a new shame.

The only part of my body that had been warm was my pussy. Even the metal plug in my ass was still cold.

But I felt hot urine running down my thighs.

I was so scared I was pissing myself and everyone was laughing at me.

The rope jerked and I could feel it pull straight up. I was on my toes.

“Please no.” I hissed.

“Goodbye Anna. Good luck.” He told me.

I heard the whir of a motor, and I was off my toes.

My body was swinging. I strained for the ground, but it wasn’t there. The ropes around my wrists would not give!

I tried to see but I couldn’t focus. The rope was crushing my throat. I think I was still peeing.

I needed air!

My damn body! I tried to hang still, maybe live longer but it wouldn’t listen. My legs were rubbing and my abs…the feelings. Everything was on fire!

The pain almost stopped, and my body felt it was becoming warmer and warmer. Was that a hand between my legs? Gloved fingers, inside me…

My body exploded in pleasure…

Then that was it. I finally hung still. My eyes were straining, my hands went limp, and I saw darkness…

The end.
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