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Visiting The Jackson Plantation

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'White folks in South Carolina, gentlemen all, always had played rough with each other and everyone else.' -- Eugene Genovese.
Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery corrupted both the slave and the slave holder. I think this story illustrates that (along with the slave holder's financiers). And of course it corrupted Jefferson himself to the extent that he held slaves despite his declaration that all men are created equal.
Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery corrupted both the slave and the slave holder. I think this story illustrates that (along with the slave holder's financiers). And of course it corrupted Jefferson himself to the extent that he held slaves despite his declaration that all men are created equal.

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master . . ." Abraham Lincoln.

I suppose everyone on the forum is united in our abhorrence of the reality of slavery and how it was and is practiced. But, being a human with "peculiar" interests, I sure do like fantasizing about it.

Speaking of fantasies, when are you going to bring your girlfriend down to the Jackson Plantation and introduce her to Bill?

alexis ju1-1.jpg (Alexis Bledel as Sarah Weston in "The Conspirator")
Chapter 7 A Game of Chance

That evening I lay in bed alone, as Lizbeth and Patsy were recovering from their ordeal and, frankly, I needed some recovery time as well, particularly to consider Bill’s interesting proposition. The mere thought of the fun that I could have as a Southern planter caused my member to stiffen, much as it had watching the whippings of slave girls and participating in the punishing and fucking of those two minxes. However, I suspected that Bill was not done with his plans to entertain me and I decided it would be wisest to preserve my strength, so I forced myself to ignore the insistent tug of desire and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

At breakfast, I found that my surmise regarding Bill’s plans was not wrong, though what he proposed wasn’t quite what I had envisioned. Nevertheless, it would turn out to have quite an interesting outcome, as we shall see.

“Well, Bobby, I hope you’re well rested,” Bill announced as I was buttering a biscuit. “We have some plans for tonight.” I was imagining another session in his playroom and wondered if Lizbeth and Patsy were sufficiently recovered or if he had some other slave girls in mind. Bill must have read my mind, because he added, “No, not those type of plans. Something much more socially acceptable, I’m afraid.”

“What is it?” I asked, curious.

“It’s time you met some of the other plantation owners from the area. After all, you are down here to investigate and you shouldn’t base your report to van Vliet on my opinions alone.”

“That’s quite true,” I replied.

Bill went on. “They are interested in meeting you, as well. After all, we don’t get that many Yankees down here. We’ve been invited to a dinner party tonight at the Robertson Plantation, with poker to follow, and I accepted for both of us. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to get a taste of the social life in these parts.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“Oh, it will be, from at least two additional aspects also. First, Paul Robertson is a terrible poker player who thinks he is a real card sharp. He is also very fond of whisky. That is something a quick-witted Wall Street type such as yourself should be able to take advantage of. You might even win enough to sway your decision on the Marston place.” That did sound interesting.

“Second, Robertson is a widower and inherited custody from his late wife of a beautiful 20-year old step-daughter, Alicia, or Ali to her friends. She is a tigress, gorgeous, but headstrong and wild. She has run off a couple of times and had to be brought back by the Sheriff. None of the men around here has been able to tame her, but maybe a sophisticated city boy such as yourself can be the one to settle her down. If you did, she’d make a fine wife, whether you lived down here or even if you took her up to New York.” That also sounded interesting.

“All in all, it sounds like quite an evening,” I replied, sincerely. We took things easy all day, relaxing so that we would be well-rested for an evening that could stretch late into the night.

In the late afternoon, Bill and I rode over to the Robertson Plantation, which seemed of a similar size and wealth as Bill’s. The house too, was like his, in the typical plantation style, nicely furnished. Paul Robertson was a good-looking man, somewhere around 45 years old I estimated. He greeted us heartily, pouring each of us a generous glass of whisky and escorted us to the drawing room, which was populated by several men. Robertson introduced us to his other guests, all of whom were planters in the area. It was to be a “stag” evening so they had left their wives at home.

As we were making their acquaintance, discussing the latest goings on in Washington and beyond, I heard a commotion coming from the area of the kitchen, a female voice raised in anger. A door slammed and a charming apparition entered the drawing room, a beautiful redhead with soft pale skin and ample breasts that were shown to great advantage by the low cut dress she wore, which looked as though it had come directly from Paris. This could only be the lovely Alicia.

And it was clear that she had a temper to match her fiery red hair. “I will not be spoken to in that manner. I want the little guttersnipe whipped, right now,” she said, stamping her feet in anger. My organ stirred itself at the prospect of another whipping.

Our host stood and went over to the girl. “Now, now, Alicia,” he said in his most reassuring voice, “We have guests. This can wait and we will deal with it in the morning.”

“I’m tired of your always dismissing my concerns, step-father,” she said, stamping her feet again in disgust.

Robertson took her arm. “I’m not dismissing anything, Alicia. In the morning I will hear you out and see what the girl has to say about it. If she was rude to you, I will have her whipped, I promise. But for now, dinner is about to be served, so I would really appreciate it if you would just calm down and let us enjoy our evening in peace.” As he spoke, he slowly maneuvered the girl out of the drawing room. He returned a few minutes later and summoned us to dinner.

The meal was a delightful affair, excellent food and interesting conversation. The other planters more or less shared Bill’s opinions on the situation regarding slavery. They believed that freedom for the slaves was neither likely nor possible and would be devastating to the South and to the nation as a whole if it did occur. They were confident that despite the differences between the North and the South that compromises would be made and the Union would hold together. I promised to include their opinions in my report to van Vliet.

After dinner, we retired to the card room, a well-appointed chamber next to the dining room, with a well-stocked bar and a round table of solid oak furnished with eight chairs. We took our seats and our host said he would serve as banker, exchanging our currency for chips, which he would be duty bound to re-purchase from us at the end of the night.

We all agreed the game would be 7-stud poker, a game in which each player is deal t two closed, or “hole” cards, followed by four face-up cards and a final hole card, out of which he must make the best 5-card hand. The evening proceeded pleasantly. I did quite well, accumulating a nice stack of chips. Bill managed to more or less break even and the other guests either broke even or sustained modest losses. The big loser was our host. He started out OK, but, as the evening wore on, he continued to swallow copious amounts of whisky, whereas I limited myself to no more than two modest-sized glasses. And the more he drank, the more recklessly he played.

Eventually, it got quite late. I could see that several of the guests appeared fatigued, stifling yawns, so as not to offend their host. I turned to Bill and said, “The hour is late, perhaps we should be going.”

Robertson scowled. “I think it’s only fair, Mr. Owens, that as you have won a substantial amount of my money, you give me a chance to recoup my losses. I don’t know how you do things up in New York, but that’s how we do things down here.” His words were a bit slurred from the alcohol, but I caught his drift.

I shrugged. “As you wish, sir,” I replied. The man whose turn it was to be dealer shuffled the cards and dealt the next hand. When I looked at my hole cards, I was very pleased to see two Aces. Of course, I didn’t allow my pleasure to show, maintaining a casual demeanor and blank expression on my face. The first open card I was dealt was a four. Robertson was showing a ten. I bet conservatively in the first round, not wanting to tip my good fortune.

The next card I was dealt was a seven. Robertson got a King. He placed a substantial bet that drove the other players to fold their hands. However, with a pair of Aces in the hole, I was not to be deterred. I called his bet. I noticed that he had exhausted his original stack of chips and dipped rather heavily into the bank for an additional allotment. I certainly hoped he had the cash available to redeem them should he lose the hand.

The third open card was dealt, a second four for me and a five for Robertson. He placed another large bet. I suspected he had another King in the hole and might well have dropped out, had I not had the two Aces. Backed by the confidence those gave me, I called him.

The final open card, made things even more interesting. I received a six, which did nothing to change my hand, but Robertson got a second King on the board. That meant I had two pair, Aces and fours and I was fairly confident from the way he was betting that he had a King in the hole, unless he was even drunker than he seemed, which would give him three Kings, meaning he had a better hand then me unless the final hole card was an Ace or four. He pushed a big stack of chips into the center of the table and drew more from the bank.

Normally in this situation, I might have folded. But, I was still ahead on the night. Even if I lost it all, it would simply be the price of a night’s entertainment. And, there was the possibility that Robertson’s judgement was clouded by the whisky and that he was bluffing. “I want to see the final hole card,” I said nonchalantly, as I pushed a stack of chips into the center of the table.

The final hole card was dealt. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw it-it was third Ace! That gave me a full house, Aces over fours, a hand that Robertson could beat only in the almost improbable event that he had a fourth King. I did my best to remain calm and display a stone-faced expression.

Robertson asked how many chips I had left; I did a quick count. “Around $200,” I said.

“Since you are my guest, I will go easy on you,” he said, smirking. He dipped into the bank and pulled out more chips and placed his bet. “Let’s make this the last bet, $200; you can call or fold as you wish,” he said. “Agreed?”

“Agreed,” I said, pushing the last of my chips into the pile. Robertson turned over his hole cards. As I suspected, there was a third King. “Full house, Kings over fives,” he announced, reaching out to move the chips to his side of the table.

“Not so fast, sir,” I cautioned, reaching out my hand to stop him. “I have a full house as well, and it’s Aces over fours,” I announced, turning over my three Aces in the hole. The look of shock on Robertson’s face was priceless. I reached for the chips, stacking them up and counting them. They came to almost $2,000, a large sum even on Wall Street.

Robertson poured himself another large glass of whisky. I noticed his hand was shaking. He downed it all in one shot and stood up, resting his hand on the table for support. “I find myself sadly embarrassed in front of my guests, Mr. Owens. That is a substantial amount of money and I do not have liquid assets at this time to make good on the debt. I will of course have such sums available in a few months once the cotton crop is harvested and sold and I will be happy to send you a check for the full amount, plus interest, at that time. Would you be so kind as to provide me with your address in New York?”

I was about to say that would be fine, when Bill spoke up. “Now, Paul,” he said, “You know the Code of Honor as well as I do. Gambling debts must be paid in full at the end of the game.”

“That is so, Bill,” Robertson replied. “Unfortunately, I simply don’t have the cash available, so that is not possible. I would be happy to pay Mr. Owens in kind. He can select some of my house furnishings or a few of my best slaves, which would surely equal the value of the debt.”

“But, Paul, Bobby here is due to return to New York in a few days. He doesn’t want to be burdened with lugging a bunch of furniture with him. As for slaves, you know the Yankees don’t allow them so what exactly would he do with them up in New York?” Bill asked.

Robertson looked nonplussed. I was going to assure him that his offer to pay me in the fall was acceptable to me, despite his Southern Code of Honor, when Bill intervened again. “Permit me, if you will, to propose a solution that may satisfy all parties. Your step-daughter gives you almost constant trouble, with her stubbornness and ill-temper. Is that not so?” Robertson nodded agreement.

“Why not turn her over to Bobby and me? We will break her of her willful ways, I can assure you.”

“What?” Robertson asked, incredulous. “She would never agree to that.”

“She is not yet 21 and thus she is legally a minor, is she not? Bill pointed out “And therefore she is not capable of making decisions on her own, but must rely on you as her legal guardian. We won’t offer her any choice in the matter,” Bill continued. “She is surely asleep now. We will take her from her bed and bring her to my plantation. You will tell everyone that she ran off, as she has done before. After all everyone saw that she was furious with you earlier this evening. In exchange of course, Bobby will forgive your debt, won’t you Bobby?”

I considered this. It was a large sum of money, to be sure. But I was hardly wanting for money or the opportunity to accumulate more on Wall Street. And the prospect of having the lovely Alicia in Bill’s playroom, of breaking her fierce will by dint of the various devices there was extraordinarily tempting. “Yes,” I replied, “That seems like a very acceptable deal.”

Bill requested some paper and a pen and drew up a contract. It stipulated that we would be given custody of Alicia. In exchange, I would consider the debt paid in full. Robertson and I affixed our signatures.

Robertson provided us with a cart with high sides in which we could transport the girl unseen by any passers-by and sent one of the servants to hitch our horses to it. He also ordered the servant to bring us two pairs of slave shackles and a sturdy piece of cloth we could use as a gag. When the man returned with the requested items, Bill and I crept quietly up to Alicia’s room. The girl was, fortunately, fast asleep in her bed, dressed only in a flimsy nightgown.

I approached as quietly as I could, holding the cloth tightly in one hand. Quickly, I launched myself upon her. Shocked into wakefulness, Alicia opened her mouth to scream. Seizing the chance, I pushed the cloth into her mouth and tied it tightly behind her head. The intended scream came out as a muffled groan. Meanwhile, Bill managed to hold her legs down despite the girl’s best attempts to kick him in the crotch. I slapped a pair of shackles around her ankles, while Bill wrestled her wrists behind her back and clapped a second pair of shackles around them. We wrapped her in one of the blankets from her bed and carried the squirming girl downstairs, where we threw her into the cart and headed back to the Jackson Plantation as quickly as we could.

Once there we drove around to Bill’s playroom and unloaded our cargo there, chaining her ankle shackles to a bolt attached to a sturdy support beam. We figured she would keep until morning.
Chapter 7 A Game of Chance

That evening I lay in bed alone, as Lizbeth and Patsy were recovering from their ordeal and, frankly, I needed some recovery time as well, particularly to consider Bill’s interesting proposition. The mere thought of the fun that I could have as a Southern planter caused my member to stiffen, much as it had watching the whippings of slave girls and participating in the punishing and fucking of those two minxes. However, I suspected that Bill was not done with his plans to entertain me and I decided it would be wisest to preserve my strength, so I forced myself to ignore the insistent tug of desire and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

At breakfast, I found that my surmise regarding Bill’s plans was not wrong, though what he proposed wasn’t quite what I had envisioned. Nevertheless, it would turn out to have quite an interesting outcome, as we shall see.

“Well, Bobby, I hope you’re well rested,” Bill announced as I was buttering a biscuit. “We have some plans for tonight.” I was imagining another session in his playroom and wondered if Lizbeth and Patsy were sufficiently recovered or if he had some other slave girls in mind. Bill must have read my mind, because he added, “No, not those type of plans. Something much more socially acceptable, I’m afraid.”

“What is it?” I asked, curious.

“It’s time you met some of the other plantation owners from the area. After all, you are down here to investigate and you shouldn’t base your report to van Vliet on my opinions alone.”

“That’s quite true,” I replied.

Bill went on. “They are interested in meeting you, as well. After all, we don’t get that many Yankees down here. We’ve been invited to a dinner party tonight at the Robertson Plantation, with poker to follow, and I accepted for both of us. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to get a taste of the social life in these parts.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“Oh, it will be, from at least two additional aspects also. First, Paul Robertson is a terrible poker player who thinks he is a real card sharp. He is also very fond of whisky. That is something a quick-witted Wall Street type such as yourself should be able to take advantage of. You might even win enough to sway your decision on the Marston place.” That did sound interesting.

“Second, Robertson is a widower and inherited custody from his late wife of a beautiful 20-year old step-daughter, Alicia, or Ali to her friends. She is a tigress, gorgeous, but headstrong and wild. She has run off a couple of times and had to be brought back by the Sheriff. None of the men around here has been able to tame her, but maybe a sophisticated city boy such as yourself can be the one to settle her down. If you did, she’d make a fine wife, whether you lived down here or even if you took her up to New York.” That also sounded interesting.

“All in all, it sounds like quite an evening,” I replied, sincerely. We took things easy all day, relaxing so that we would be well-rested for an evening that could stretch late into the night.

In the late afternoon, Bill and I rode over to the Robertson Plantation, which seemed of a similar size and wealth as Bill’s. The house too, was like his, in the typical plantation style, nicely furnished. Paul Robertson was a good-looking man, somewhere around 45 years old I estimated. He greeted us heartily, pouring each of us a generous glass of whisky and escorted us to the drawing room, which was populated by several men. Robertson introduced us to his other guests, all of whom were planters in the area. It was to be a “stag” evening so they had left their wives at home.

As we were making their acquaintance, discussing the latest goings on in Washington and beyond, I heard a commotion coming from the area of the kitchen, a female voice raised in anger. A door slammed and a charming apparition entered the drawing room, a beautiful redhead with soft pale skin and ample breasts that were shown to great advantage by the low cut dress she wore, which looked as though it had come directly from Paris. This could only be the lovely Alicia.

And it was clear that she had a temper to match her fiery red hair. “I will not be spoken to in that manner. I want the little guttersnipe whipped, right now,” she said, stamping her feet in anger. My organ stirred itself at the prospect of another whipping.

Our host stood and went over to the girl. “Now, now, Alicia,” he said in his most reassuring voice, “We have guests. This can wait and we will deal with it in the morning.”

“I’m tired of your always dismissing my concerns, step-father,” she said, stamping her feet again in disgust.

Robertson took her arm. “I’m not dismissing anything, Alicia. In the morning I will hear you out and see what the girl has to say about it. If she was rude to you, I will have her whipped, I promise. But for now, dinner is about to be served, so I would really appreciate it if you would just calm down and let us enjoy our evening in peace.” As he spoke, he slowly maneuvered the girl out of the drawing room. He returned a few minutes later and summoned us to dinner.

The meal was a delightful affair, excellent food and interesting conversation. The other planters more or less shared Bill’s opinions on the situation regarding slavery. They believed that freedom for the slaves was neither likely nor possible and would be devastating to the South and to the nation as a whole if it did occur. They were confident that despite the differences between the North and the South that compromises would be made and the Union would hold together. I promised to include their opinions in my report to van Vliet.

After dinner, we retired to the card room, a well-appointed chamber next to the dining room, with a well-stocked bar and a round table of solid oak furnished with eight chairs. We took our seats and our host said he would serve as banker, exchanging our currency for chips, which he would be duty bound to re-purchase from us at the end of the night.

We all agreed the game would be 7-stud poker, a game in which each player is deal t two closed, or “hole” cards, followed by four face-up cards and a final hole card, out of which he must make the best 5-card hand. The evening proceeded pleasantly. I did quite well, accumulating a nice stack of chips. Bill managed to more or less break even and the other guests either broke even or sustained modest losses. The big loser was our host. He started out OK, but, as the evening wore on, he continued to swallow copious amounts of whisky, whereas I limited myself to no more than two modest-sized glasses. And the more he drank, the more recklessly he played.

Eventually, it got quite late. I could see that several of the guests appeared fatigued, stifling yawns, so as not to offend their host. I turned to Bill and said, “The hour is late, perhaps we should be going.”

Robertson scowled. “I think it’s only fair, Mr. Owens, that as you have won a substantial amount of my money, you give me a chance to recoup my losses. I don’t know how you do things up in New York, but that’s how we do things down here.” His words were a bit slurred from the alcohol, but I caught his drift.

I shrugged. “As you wish, sir,” I replied. The man whose turn it was to be dealer shuffled the cards and dealt the next hand. When I looked at my hole cards, I was very pleased to see two Aces. Of course, I didn’t allow my pleasure to show, maintaining a casual demeanor and blank expression on my face. The first open card I was dealt was a four. Robertson was showing a ten. I bet conservatively in the first round, not wanting to tip my good fortune.

The next card I was dealt was a seven. Robertson got a King. He placed a substantial bet that drove the other players to fold their hands. However, with a pair of Aces in the hole, I was not to be deterred. I called his bet. I noticed that he had exhausted his original stack of chips and dipped rather heavily into the bank for an additional allotment. I certainly hoped he had the cash available to redeem them should he lose the hand.

The third open card was dealt, a second four for me and a five for Robertson. He placed another large bet. I suspected he had another King in the hole and might well have dropped out, had I not had the two Aces. Backed by the confidence those gave me, I called him.

The final open card, made things even more interesting. I received a six, which did nothing to change my hand, but Robertson got a second King on the board. That meant I had two pair, Aces and fours and I was fairly confident from the way he was betting that he had a King in the hole, unless he was even drunker than he seemed, which would give him three Kings, meaning he had a better hand then me unless the final hole card was an Ace or four. He pushed a big stack of chips into the center of the table and drew more from the bank.

Normally in this situation, I might have folded. But, I was still ahead on the night. Even if I lost it all, it would simply be the price of a night’s entertainment. And, there was the possibility that Robertson’s judgement was clouded by the whisky and that he was bluffing. “I want to see the final hole card,” I said nonchalantly, as I pushed a stack of chips into the center of the table.

The final hole card was dealt. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw it-it was third Ace! That gave me a full house, Aces over fours, a hand that Robertson could beat only in the almost improbable event that he had a fourth King. I did my best to remain calm and display a stone-faced expression.

Robertson asked how many chips I had left; I did a quick count. “Around $200,” I said.

“Since you are my guest, I will go easy on you,” he said, smirking. He dipped into the bank and pulled out more chips and placed his bet. “Let’s make this the last bet, $200; you can call or fold as you wish,” he said. “Agreed?”

“Agreed,” I said, pushing the last of my chips into the pile. Robertson turned over his hole cards. As I suspected, there was a third King. “Full house, Kings over fives,” he announced, reaching out to move the chips to his side of the table.

“Not so fast, sir,” I cautioned, reaching out my hand to stop him. “I have a full house as well, and it’s Aces over fours,” I announced, turning over my three Aces in the hole. The look of shock on Robertson’s face was priceless. I reached for the chips, stacking them up and counting them. They came to almost $2,000, a large sum even on Wall Street.

Robertson poured himself another large glass of whisky. I noticed his hand was shaking. He downed it all in one shot and stood up, resting his hand on the table for support. “I find myself sadly embarrassed in front of my guests, Mr. Owens. That is a substantial amount of money and I do not have liquid assets at this time to make good on the debt. I will of course have such sums available in a few months once the cotton crop is harvested and sold and I will be happy to send you a check for the full amount, plus interest, at that time. Would you be so kind as to provide me with your address in New York?”

I was about to say that would be fine, when Bill spoke up. “Now, Paul,” he said, “You know the Code of Honor as well as I do. Gambling debts must be paid in full at the end of the game.”

“That is so, Bill,” Robertson replied. “Unfortunately, I simply don’t have the cash available, so that is not possible. I would be happy to pay Mr. Owens in kind. He can select some of my house furnishings or a few of my best slaves, which would surely equal the value of the debt.”

“But, Paul, Bobby here is due to return to New York in a few days. He doesn’t want to be burdened with lugging a bunch of furniture with him. As for slaves, you know the Yankees don’t allow them so what exactly would he do with them up in New York?” Bill asked.

Robertson looked nonplussed. I was going to assure him that his offer to pay me in the fall was acceptable to me, despite his Southern Code of Honor, when Bill intervened again. “Permit me, if you will, to propose a solution that may satisfy all parties. Your step-daughter gives you almost constant trouble, with her stubbornness and ill-temper. Is that not so?” Robertson nodded agreement.

“Why not turn her over to Bobby and me? We will break her of her willful ways, I can assure you.”

“What?” Robertson asked, incredulous. “She would never agree to that.”

“She is not yet 21 and thus she is legally a minor, is she not? Bill pointed out “And therefore she is not capable of making decisions on her own, but must rely on you as her legal guardian. We won’t offer her any choice in the matter,” Bill continued. “She is surely asleep now. We will take her from her bed and bring her to my plantation. You will tell everyone that she ran off, as she has done before. After all everyone saw that she was furious with you earlier this evening. In exchange of course, Bobby will forgive your debt, won’t you Bobby?”

I considered this. It was a large sum of money, to be sure. But I was hardly wanting for money or the opportunity to accumulate more on Wall Street. And the prospect of having the lovely Alicia in Bill’s playroom, of breaking her fierce will by dint of the various devices there was extraordinarily tempting. “Yes,” I replied, “That seems like a very acceptable deal.”

Bill requested some paper and a pen and drew up a contract. It stipulated that we would be given custody of Alicia. In exchange, I would consider the debt paid in full. Robertson and I affixed our signatures.

Robertson provided us with a cart with high sides in which we could transport the girl unseen by any passers-by and sent one of the servants to hitch our horses to it. He also ordered the servant to bring us two pairs of slave shackles and a sturdy piece of cloth we could use as a gag. When the man returned with the requested items, Bill and I crept quietly up to Alicia’s room. The girl was, fortunately, fast asleep in her bed, dressed only in a flimsy nightgown.

I approached as quietly as I could, holding the cloth tightly in one hand. Quickly, I launched myself upon her. Shocked into wakefulness, Alicia opened her mouth to scream. Seizing the chance, I pushed the cloth into her mouth and tied it tightly behind her head. The intended scream came out as a muffled groan. Meanwhile, Bill managed to hold her legs down despite the girl’s best attempts to kick him in the crotch. I slapped a pair of shackles around her ankles, while Bill wrestled her wrists behind her back and clapped a second pair of shackles around them. We wrapped her in one of the blankets from her bed and carried the squirming girl downstairs, where we threw her into the cart and headed back to the Jackson Plantation as quickly as we could.

Once there we drove around to Bill’s playroom and unloaded our cargo there, chaining her ankle shackles to a bolt attached to a sturdy support beam. We figured she would keep until morning.

Windar Old Boy .......... I hope for your sake that Dorothy's children are out of the house when she reads this ...... I fear a certain loss of control in the "lady department" ..... I really think you should have sent her a PM to warn her ..... but there again, knowing Dorothy, would it make any difference ?
I was very impressed.
You're not the only one! :very_hot:

ham, eggs and grits,
Could someone explain to this Limey imbecile what 'grits' are? :confused:

“Indeed it would,” I replied. It was certainly something to consider. I imagined myself a real Southern planter, living in a big house with white columns surrounded by slave girls who would serve my every desire. I could have them whipped for any trifling offense if I chose and no one could stop me. I could even build a play room such as Bill had and amuse myself with the slave girls whenever and however I wished. It was a tempting prospect.

The stuff of dreams! :)
a beautiful 20-year old step-daughter, Alicia, or Ali to her friends. She is a tigress, gorgeous, but headstrong and wild. She has run off a couple of times and had to be brought back by the Sheriff. None of the men around here has been able to tame her, but maybe a sophisticated city boy such as yourself can be the one to settle her down.
Uh-oh..... :eek:

Of course, I didn’t allow my pleasure to show
He's better at the game of poker than the games played in Bill's playroom... :rolleyes:

“Why not turn her over to Bobby and me? We will break her of her willful ways, I can assure you.”

She'll be a pussycat, having been sold as a gambling debt. I'm sure she'll be fine with that... :doh: :eek:
She`s been at the sea side all day ,but is now in a high state of arousal
because it`s late i pushed a pair of my cotton knickers into my mouth
and screamed into them. imagine being a blue chip in a card game,and
with a bit of luck i could be won by a well hung black slave,
Dream On Dorothy.
She`s been at the sea side all day ,but is now in a high state of arousal
because it`s late i pushed a pair of my cotton knickers into my mouth
and screamed into them. imagine being a blue chip in a card game,and
with a bit of luck i could be won by a well hung black slave,
Dream On Dorothy.
...sort of like this? Your mistress is playing strip poker with Mr. Big. If she loses you go to him and he is the leader of the Boys from Detroit...


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Chapter 8 Breaking Alicia Part I

The next morning, over breakfast, Bill and I plotted strategy. “She’s yours, Bobby, you won her fair and square,” he told me, “So the final call is yours, but I think you’re going to need some help. I know her and she’s a wild one, not broken and compliant like Lizbeth and Patsy. That’s why I’d like to suggest that George and Philip be there.”

“George is the one who met me in Charleston, right?” I asked.

“Yessir, and Philip is of a similar size and strength. She will be intimidated by their size and by their being Negroes. White Southern girls are raised to be afraid of black men.”

“Can we trust them not to talk?”

“Yes, they’re slaves and if it ever got out that they messed with a white girl, they would be in for some serious unpleasantness. They will have every reason to keep quiet.”

That all sounded reasonable to me, especially since Bill knew the landscape down here better than I did. I finished the last of my ham and biscuits and considered whether I was ready to take on this task. There was no question Alicia was beautiful and my cock was already stiffening just thinking about how she would look naked and how exciting it would be to break her will until she begged me to fuck her. I also knew she was a bitch, ready to have a slave whipped over some trifle, so I could honestly say she deserved a taste of her own medicine. So why should I feel squeamish about causing her pain when I had hurt Lizbeth and Patsy, who were quite undeserving?

But most of all, I kept coming back to the ache in my loins. I wanted her and I was going to have her and she was going to beg me to have her before I was done. I stood up and wiped my mouth on a napkin, then wrapped a couple of biscuits in the napkin. “Alright, let’s go,” I said. I led the way this time, with Bill following behind me.

As I opened the door of the shack, I saw her sitting on the floor in her nightgown, her back against the beam that her ankles were chained to. As I approached her, I could see that her eyes showed a mixture of fear, anger and puzzlement as she looked alternately at me and at Bill. A low muffled sound came from her mouth as she tried to talk through the gag.

I decided that the first thing I should do would be to remove the gag and see if we could have some kind of conversation. As soon as I did, I was met with a torrent of curses and oaths such as would have done the roughest sailor on the docks of New York proud. I let her go on until she exhausted herself. “That’s quite a way for a Southern young lady to talk,” I said when she had finished her tirade.

She glared at me. “You’re that goddamned Yankee bastard that was playing poker with my step-father last night, aren’t you?”

“I was playing poker at your step-dad’s place and I am from New York, but I am no bastard. I know my parents very well,” I replied.

Ignoring me, she continued, “And that other bastard is Bill Jackson, biggest horse’s ass in this county. Now what the hell is going on here? Where am I and why am I chained like this? I demand you release me this instant!”

“You are chained because you are a slave,” I told her. “And as such, I suggest you mind your mouth.”

“A slave?” she yelled. “What are you talking about? I’m no Nigger. Look at this skin,” she said pointing at her pale freckled arm, “I’m whiter than you, I should say.”

“Be that as it may, you are my slave now. This contract says so.” I brought the contract between her step-father and myself over and held it front of her face so she could read it. “I am Robert Owens and that is the signature of your step-father, Paul Robertson. He was your guardian and he has signed you over to me now as payment of the debt he owed me. So, white or not, you are my property now to dispose of as I see fit.” I couldn’t swear that my interpretation of South Carolina law was strictly accurate, but I stated my case with firm conviction and I doubted the girl was versed enough in the law to dispute me.

Nevertheless she made a valiant attempt to argue her case. “I don’t give a damn what that horse shit piece of paper says. I am a free white woman and no one owns me. Now I demand you unshackle me and let me go.”

“My dear Alicia, there are four of us and one of you,” I said, sweetly indicating Bill and the two Negroes. “I suggest you stop making demands and start obeying orders or things may not go well for you, I fear.”

“Orders? I take orders from no-one,” she spat.

“That is about to change, my dear. Now stand up,” I told her in my firmest voice. She sat there unmoving. I reached down and grabbed hold of her left arm and, none too gently, yanked her to her feet. She was a vision of loveliness, her nightgown riding low enough on her chest to hint at the delights beneath, her legs bare below the knees, her arms shackled behind her, her ankles chained to the post.

“Bill, would you undo the young lady’s arms, please?” I asked. Bill extracted a key from his trouser pocket and approached behind Alicia and undid the wrist shackles. No sooner were her hands free, then she turned and reached to try and grab Bill’s hair. However, he was too quick for her and slapped her hand away with his left hand, then, with his right hand, he administered a sharp backhanded slap to her right cheek.

“Bastard!” she yelled shocked and enraged. She lunged forward, arms extended. Bill jumped back nimbly as she reached the limits of her ankle chain, the metal clanging as it went taut. The sudden pull on her ankles caused her to almost lose her balance. “How dare you slap, me you dirty son of a whore!” she screamed.

“Slapping is the least of what we do with disobedient slaves on my plantation,” Bill said, sneering at her. “You will find that out soon enough,” he told her.

“Yes,” I said, joining in to assert my authority, “Slaves on the plantations around here are whipped for any transgressions, as you well know, since I heard you with my own ears demanding such a punishment for one of the young female slaves on your own plantation and I think it’s time you got a taste of your own medicine.”

I strolled over to the cabinet where Bill kept his instruments of chastisement and examined my choices. There were long bullwhips, a bit tricky for a novice such as myself to manage, especially indoors. There were riding whips such as I had used quite effectively on Lizbeth and Patsy, but I wanted to try something different. Then, my eyes lit on a whip with a wooden handle and a number of attached cords. I believed this was what they called in the British Navy a cat o’ nine tails. If such a device could manage hardened sailors, surely it would be effective against this mere girl.

I picked it up and swung it against the door of the cabinet. It made a satisfying smack. Alicia turned to see what had made the noise. I strolled back over to her, showing her the fearsome instrument. I saw a flash of fear pass over her face, before she resumed her normal expression of defiance. “Yes, I think a good half dozen with this should make a small start towards altering your ill temper and showing you your place. Now take that nightgown off,” I ordered sternly.

“What?” she asked, incredulously. “I certainly shall not. I am not in the habit of stripping in front of men and most assuredly not in front of black men,” she spat bravely, if foolishly, looking over at George and Philip.

‘Very well,” I replied. “George, Philip, would you please help the young lady out of her nightgown?” They looked over at Bill, not sure whether they should comply with this order. He nodded his approval, and they advanced on the stunned girl.

Alicia raised her arms, ready to defend herself. However, the two Negroes were too strong for her, especially since her ankles were still shackled and she was unable to use her feet to aid her struggle. She screamed loudly, “You niggers better not touch a white woman,” she warned angrily. The two slaves stopped in their tracks.

“You had best not call them that, my dear. They are slaves and so are you, no better and no worse. You would be better advised to call them by their names, George and Philip,” I told her. Bill signaled them to proceed and it took only a few seconds for them to wrestle her night gown over her head, both of them managing to get a good handful of breast in the process.

And there stood Alicia, totally naked, her pale breasts looking utterly adorable, as they heaved up and down as she panted from the struggle. The rest of her pale freckled skin was lovely as well, as was the tuft of red hair above the delectable slit between her legs. After a moment, the girl recovered from the shock of being so unceremoniously stripped and draped her left arm across her bosom and her right hand over her crotch.

“Hands, by your side,” I ordered. “I paid a pretty penny for you and I have a right to inspect my purchase.” She didn’t move her hands. I shook the cat o’ nine tails. “Very well, your disobedience has earned you a full dozen.”

“Tie her hands over her head,” Bill interjected. He went to the cabinet and brought a rope, tossing it to Philip, who tied one end securely around Alicia’s wrists and then yanked hard on the other end until she was pulled up on her toes. Then he tied the other end around a ring attached to the beam.

Alicia looked back at me with a mixture of fear and defiance. I swished the whip through the air, the cords making a satisfying hiss. “You wouldn’t dare,” she said.

“Just watch me,” I replied. “You may learn something.” I gripped the handle of the cat hard, pulled my arm back and threw the tails forward, snapping my wrists as they approached Alicia’s shoulder blades. They hit home with a satisfying crack and an impact that sent a good feeling radiating through my arm. Alicia yelped several times and twisted her body delightfully as much as her stretched position permitted. Several bright red lines sprang up on her back. I felt a good feeling somewhere lower down as well.

I struck again, a bit lower. She turned around. “You Yankee pig!” she spat. “I will see that you rot in hell.”

“Good luck with that,” I replied and struck again. She howled in pain, and shook her upper body. Even from behind, I could see her breasts swaying back and forth. I suspected Bill and the two slaves were enjoying the front view. The fourth lash landed on top of one of the earlier ones. Falling on already abraded skin, it started a small upwelling of blood. The fifth and sixth elicited further agonized shouts and gyrations, as well as a few small trickles of blood that ran down her back and onto her lovely ass.

Now halfway through, I had a decision to make. Should I administer the remaining lashes to the girl’s back or to her ass? The first would doubtless cause her severe discomfort and exacerbate the bleeding. That might help to break her strong will, which, as yet, showed few signs of diminishing. On the other hand, we had plenty of time and it might be more entertaining to break her more slowly. And besides, her ass was most attractive and the thought of watching those globes jiggling under the lash was quite enticing.

Thus, I chose the second course of action, cracking the tails across those two pale, freckled cheeks. My decision was greeted by a loud wail from the shocked girl who cast further aspersions on my ancestry, which caused me to strike extra hard on the next lash, and follow that up with another vicious blow across her charming buttocks.

She was sobbing now and I thought this would be a good opportunity to test how much progress we were making against her will. I walked over to her and said in a low voice. “Beg me to stop now and I may. Say ‘Master Robert, I am truly sorry and will obey you as a good slave should.’ Go on, say it.”

She turned her head. I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. The cheeks of her face that is. She shook her head. Her will was obviously still strong. “Very well, my dear,” I told her and struck her buttocks once more. She shook it madly, trying to manage the agony. That erotic spectacle now had me at full erection. I delivered the final two lashes in quick order. There were now some spots of blood on her ass to go with the ones on her back.

I was tempted to take her right then and there, but I knew if I waited, it would be all the more delicious when I did. Also, it was lunch time and my exertions had given me a powerful appetite. “Take her down,” I ordered. Philip and George rushed to comply, getting a few good feels of her breasts and thighs in the process. This time she didn’t complain about being manhandled by slaves.

“It’s lunchtime and you haven’t even had breakfast. You must be hungry,” I said. She looked away, but I could tell she was. I extracted the biscuits I had brought with me from my pocket and waved them in front of her nose, then carefully placed them on the floor just beyond where she could reach by stretching her ankle chains to the maximum. “Enjoy,” I told her, then walked out of the shed, followed by the other three men.
Oh Boy, just to be in the clutches of men like that
for a couple of days, whipped, fucked made to
suck, whipped , caned ,fucked, made to cock suck
whipped again because i refused to swallow
fucked again, then given to the two black slaves
who had never had a white woman, whipped again
for giving myself to them,what a wonderful life.
Oh Boy, just to be in the clutches of men like that
for a couple of days, whipped, fucked made to
suck, whipped , caned ,fucked, made to cock suck
whipped again because i refused to swallow
fucked again, then given to the two black slaves
who had never had a white woman, whipped again
for giving myself to them,what a wonderful life.

I do admire a woman who likes to keep busy.
Oh Boy, just to be in the clutches of men like that
for a couple of days, whipped, fucked made to
suck, whipped , caned ,fucked, made to cock suck
whipped again because i refused to swallow
fucked again, then given to the two black slaves
who had never had a white woman, whipped again
for giving myself to them,what a wonderful life.
Damn that Abraham Lincoln for depriving you of all that, right Dorothy?:p:devil:
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