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Katja On The Cross

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Twenty rebel women were sentenced to a public flogging and then crucifixion on Traitors Hill.

A long whipping frame was erected in the city’s public square for the floggings. Each naked woman was strung up by her wrists, her bare feet dangling a few feet from the square’s flagstones. A soldier armed with a bull whip was assigned to each women with orders that no part of her body was to be spared from the kiss of the leather.

A large and tumultuous crowd gathered to watch the nudes tortured. The most buxom of the rebels was Katja, whose massive mammaries drew the most salacious comments from the spectators. Her soldier delighted in lashing her tits, his stokes causing Katja’s impressive boobs to leap, jump, undulate and jiggle violently with each lash. After all the women had been thoroughly whipped, some in the crowd gave Katja’s soldier a few coins to reward him for such an entertaining performance.
The artist is ATroX.


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Quan crucificaven dones, les autoritats romanes sabien que les esclaves tetones sempre agradaven a la multitud. L'artista és Franhero.

Quan crucificaven dones, les autoritats romanes sabien que les esclaves tetones sempre agradaven a la multitud. L'artista és Franhero.
Seeing wragging udders is irresistible for males and perhaps for females. If i was a crucified woman I think I would be excited while suffering knowing they are cumming because my udders
Katja and the cornu.

Katja, one of a rebel band against Rome, was dragged naked to the public square and chained to a whipping frame. Two soldiers armed with bull whips took turns flogging the buxom nude. To the delight of the crowd of spectators gathered to watch the fun, most of the lashes flew over her massive boobs.

On Traitors Hill, she was nailed to her cross. Once more a large crowd gathered to watch her suffering. Katja gasped loudly trying to breath. Hearing her heavy panting, a soldier sauntered over to her and squeezed one of her large, fleshly breasts to gain her attention.

“Sit on the cornu behind you whore,” he told Katja. “It will make it easier for you, although the spike up your ass might hurt a bit.” Everyone laughed loudly at the soldier’s jest. Katja sobbed in agony.

The artist is ATroX.


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The Christian slave girl suffered a brutal whipping which greatly entertained the Roman citizens who crowded the public square to watch her frantic gyrations under the soldiers’ lashes. Men and women applauded and cheered as the skilled whipsmen caused her heavy breasts to leap and dance across her chest.

On Traitors Hill the sobbing, wailing girl was secured to her cross by her thumbs and big toes. The citizens who delighted watching her nude body’s frenzied contortions as the whips carved long welts into her flesh, flocked to the foot of her cross to relish her agony as she struggled to breathe, her large whip-streaked breasts bobbing, swaying and bouncing most erotically. The artist is NobleVulchur..


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Trudging up to Traitors Hill.
After Fatmirë and her fellow rebels entertained the good citizens of the town by being stung up naked by their wrists from a large whipping frame and flogged front and back by Roman soldiers, she was forced to trudge up to traitors hill carrying her cross. The rough wood of the cross rubbed against her lacerated back and ass with each step of her bare feet, causing her more agony. She could see naked women writhing in misery on their crosses at the top of the hill. She hesitated to move on. The lash of a soldier’s rawhide whip over her dangling breasts urged her on. By NobleVulchur.


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View from Traitors Hill. By NobleVulchur.
As sightseers wandered among the forest of crosses atop Traitors Hill, sometimes the men and women would stop and study the nude girl struggling to breathe, her breasts rising and falling with each ragged gasp. Comments on her anatomy, mostly lewd and salacious, would be made usually followed by raucous laughter. Humiliation and shame were all part of the ordeal the young nudes suffered. Sometimes the visitors would beckon a guard, pay him a few coins and then step back to enjoy the hiss of the whip and the piteous screams as the leather etched lines of agony of nude bodies.


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Cassia on Traitors Hill. By NobleVulchur.

Cassia was a voluptuous young woman with ample breasts tipped with coral colored nipples, sensuous curves and a silken blonde pubic patch. Her father deep in debt had no choice but to sell his daughter into slavery to stave off his creditors.

The slave dealer who bought her reassured Cassia that the life ahead of her wouldn’t be too bad. “You’ll probably working in some high-class brothel or maybe a house slave for a rich Roman patrician.”

He taught her how to pose on the auction block. How to display her breasts and ass to the fullest advantage.

Naked on the auction block she exhibited herself in the most carnal and delightful way. The bidding was lively. Finally she was bought by the manager of a large farm owned by a Roman senator.

She along with ten other slaves girls purchased at the market were chained in a large cart and brought to the farm in the country.

Cassia was horrified when the slave drivers and the manager bought them into a large room and proceeded to rape all the women. She was the main attraction and endured multiple rapes.

Afterwards work assignments were issued. It was Cassia’s bad luck to be working in the fields.

She labored naked under the relentless sun performing hard farm labor. Sometimes she was harnessed to a plow to dig long furrows in the soil with whip lashes to move one when she faltered. She was treated like an animal, like an ox, a beast of burden, rivulets of sweat streaming down her nudity, dripping from her nipples and the damp blonde cunt thatch.

And of course, she was often raped by her masters and even her mistresses.

She grew muscular from her labors, with strong arms and legs, her ass and bare feet like they were made of iron. She hated her life of slavery, full of humiliation, suffering and sexual violation.

One day she went over the edge, attacked and overpowered one of her slave drivers and managed to flee the farm.

She chanced to join a band of escaped slaves hiding in the hills. They sought revenge for their treatment and ambushed and killed slave dealers and Roman soldiers. The band was quite successful until one the women was recognized in the city and denounced to the authorities as a rebel slave. She underwent exquisite tortures, whipping, branding, riding the wooden pony and stretched on the rack, until she finally broke as red-hot breast pliers squeezed her tender nipples. She revealed the band’s hiding place.

The Roman soldiers skillfully sounded the band and captured them all.

The city’s magistrate quickly sentenced them all to crucifixion on Traitors Hill. But first came the public flogging in the city’s main square. This was a popular event and all the citizens turned out to watch the naked slave girls writhe and gyrate wildly under the Roman soldiers’ whips.

Large wooden whipping platforms were erected and each slave was hung by her wrists with her bare feet dangling in the air. The whips whistled and whizzed and cracked lacerating young breasts. backs, pussies and asses. Many girls fainted under the lash, but unfortunately Cassia was strong and robust and endured lash after lash, her swinging breasts bouncing to and fro from the leather’s impact, her ass and back streaked with multiple crimson and purple welts. The crowd cheered and laughed as she howled and screamed when the whips bit into and up her vulnerable pussy.

At last the flogging ordeal was over. Cassia was cut down, collapsing beneath her whipping frame. There she lay sprawled out naked on the cold cobblestones of the city square, her body heaving with groans and sobs, until two soldiers grabbed her by her armpits and lifted her up. They tied a patibulum over she shoulders, causing her to shriek in agony as the rough wood touched her wounded back.

With their whips whistling, the soldiers forced the naked Cassia to stumble forward toward Traitors Hill along with the other slave girls. The procession of naked, whipped slave girls, each carrying the wooden crosspiece struggling up toward Traitors Hill was greeted with jeers and taunts by the large crowds lining the streets. Cassia was barely conscious after her brutal lashing but somewhere buried deep in her brain, she realized how degrading and shaming it was to trudge naked with her body covers in whip lashes through the streets full of people who were enjoying and amused by her torment and agony. On her way a jagged stone cut the sole of her bare foot. She fell face down on the street, her buxom breasts slamming hard against the cobblestones. She staggered to raise up as two soldiers stood over the young nude whipping her upturned ass repeatedly

On Traitors Hill Cassia was nailed to the cross in the most degrading way, with her legs far apart, her genitals swollen from the whips scourging on full display, her ample and full breasts pendulous over her chest. Her bare toes curled and uncurled and flexed and unflexed as waves of pain ran through her body.

A crowd gathered before her joking and laughing at her and discussing crudely her breasts and cunt.

She couldn’t help herself. “Fuck you, all of you bastards. Fuck you,” she cried out in a shaky voice.

One of the woman in the crowd who appeared to be a rich Roman matron, summoned a guard. “Are you going to allow that whore to insult us?” “Sorry madam,” he said “I’ll deal with this.” He called out to another guard and together they uncoiled the whips from their belts. Cassia trembled with fear as they cracked their whips before her terrified eyes. “You take her cunt, Marcus, and I’ll see to her boobs.”Top

As the lash descended over both her nipples, Cassia threw her head back and screeched in agony to be followed by another ear-piercing scream as the second whip parted her tender pink pussy lips.

The Roman matron smiles and demanded “More.”


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