ARR, you are a fantastic artist and I eagerly await anything you post.
But why do you speak for Cadre? I find it slightly weird and condescending.
Cadre I love IRL, Rockwell College, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
Post if and when you want. Just like Skating Jesus, I'll GLADLY pay for it.
But please don't surrender your voice and identity to another artist, whether on this forum or anywhere else. Like I said, WEIRD!
Cheers Guys, you are both awesome artists.
But why do you speak for Cadre? I find it slightly weird and condescending.
Cadre I love IRL, Rockwell College, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
Post if and when you want. Just like Skating Jesus, I'll GLADLY pay for it.
But please don't surrender your voice and identity to another artist, whether on this forum or anywhere else. Like I said, WEIRD!
Cheers Guys, you are both awesome artists.