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Natasha Goes To The University Of The Virgin Martyrs

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“So, how long have you been here” I ask Siss.

“You may have noticed I don’t have my watch, iPhone, or tablet and the light never changes, Barb” Siss replies. “Are these real skeletons, Barb?”

“Yeah, the one next to you was a girl named Maggie. She was sent to the UVM from the IMF because she wouldn’t confess to morality charges and I was teaching a course on alternatives to crucifixion.”

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“Twice a week she was presented to the class to demonstrate the effectiveness of starvation” I reply.

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“So did she confess?”

I shake my head and said “The stupid bitch never did. She died chained to the wall where she is now.”

“DAMN, Barb, you starved her to death and left her to rot?”

“Calm down Siss, the rats pretty well pecked her apart before she died and they had her pretty well stripped to the bone in a couple days” I reply.

Agitated Siss asks “And the one next to you… was she you ‘control specimen’?”

“No, Siss, she was strapped to a heavy block and two trucks ripped her legs off at her hips” I explain.

“DAMN, Barb, you are as bad as Joan Tree!!!”

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“Siss, I made the last one up. Look, I have jet-lag. I have been dragged to this godforsaken hole and I am hungry. Is the food here edible?”

“Barely- it had me considering starving as a viable option” Siss says…



I have 'jet-lay' ??? what's that? oh, misread it. What time is it anyway? :rolleyes:

Nice post Tree!!! :p
“You stupid cunt, you may have gotten away with that with my sister but not me” I yell as I toss her face down over the hay bale. –Jane Tree

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Shit, the hay rips at my breasts as I fall off these stupid shoes!

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Jane Tree stings my ass with a crop, striping it but not leaving welts that would get her in trouble with PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Slaves).

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That hardly comforts my ass or my nipples dragging across the hay bale with each strike.

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I start to raise my head and she delivers the most stinging blow right in the cleft of my bum with the leather flap searing my pussy!

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“You will do as you are told, cunt! That is your last warning!”

I believe her. I wonder where Thess and Blaire are...


Jane Tree continues to put my tack on…
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…only cinching the belts and straps more forcefully and tighter than usual.

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She holds the head gear before my face. I hate this worse than the harness. Jane lectures me as she buckles on the gear.

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“That little kick is going to cost you dearly, you stupid cunt. If I get my way you will be longing for the day you were only whipped!” She shoves the bit in my mouth before I could beg for mercy.

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The only thing I hate more than the bit is when she makes me wear the butt plug pony tail.

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After she fits the bit tightly in my mouth she grabs the leather headgear and roughly jerks my head and painfully twists my nipple. She hisses “If you think this hurts wait until you find out what I have in store for you.”

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She fixes the nipple clamps on my already sore tits, flicking the bell after fixing the second clamp.

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She wraps my arms in leather bondage gloves. I wait for her to cinch my elbows and wrists tightly behind my back. Instead she forces me to knee on the stable’s concrete floor with my knees ‘cushioned’ by only a thin layer of coarse straw.

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My collar is clipped to a bracket…

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She raises my arms above my head and clips the hot leather gloves to another bracket.

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She kicks my ass then turns to leaves. She calls back to me “You are going to wish you were pulling my rickshaw after you have knelt there all day!”



We will be checking in on Barb, Siss, Blaire, and Thessela soon…
This day is hardly going how I expected it too- but what is new around here? –Tash

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Tree decides to take a leisurely autumn drive up the two lane roads on the banks of the Mississippi…

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It seemed like no time had passed at all when he finds himself in the Blue State that is home to the UVM. He pays a courtesy call to Chancellor Wragg and asks to see Professor Moore. The chancellor shakes his head and says “I’m sorry Tree, but she is incarcerated pending crucifixion.”

This news boils my blood! Veins nearly popping from my neck I draw my gun and say “Wait a minute, Wragg (I can never remember what first name he is using), I haven’t read she has been convicted of anything.”

“She hasn’t been, Tree. The fair and just Judge Admi had to go to his secret Caribbean estate so he just signed a blank piece of paper. Prosecutor R. Rodent is still trying to draw up charges and record her conviction so it fits over his signature.”

I am still not mollified. I want to know who defended Barb then demanded “This is not Wisconsin, Wragg. Scott Walker can bust the public unions there but this is Minneapolis-St. Paul!”

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“Calm down Tree; you’ll have the contract to crucify her as soon as the formalities are done” Wragg assures me.

“And Siss???”

“Yes, Siss too! Just wait until she is convicted and sentenced…”
“What do you think will happen to us, Barb” Siss asked me.

“What always does” I reply.

“We didn’t do anything, Barb.”

“When has that mattered?”

Before she can answer a burly guard asks “Which one of you is a Professor Barbara Moore?”

I look over at Siss then up at him and say “I am she. Is it already time for my daily ass-fuck?”

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“I don’t know what you are talking about. I am new here. You have a visitor.

For the first time in… damn, I don’t know how long… I am not in irons. I am put in an enclosure with three concrete walls and the barred gate I was pushed through. The season seems to have changed since I was last outside and I shiver in the cool air.
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I hear a familiar voice ask “Hi, Barb; how are you doing?”

I whirl around and say “I am just fucking grand, Tree. I’ve been in irons wallowing in my own crap and piss and I will be damned if the first visitor they allow me isn’t the bastard that will nail me to a cross!”

“They haven’t even made up your charges, Barb” he tells me as he throws a pack of Madame Wu’s and a gold-plated THT Zippo lighter into my small confines. It’s not very dignified but I scramble for both and light one up taking a deep drag.

“Damn, Barb, you don’t look so good” Tree says.

I take another draw off the Madame Wu and say “I will deny to my last breath but a night at the Tree house looks like a five-star hotel compared to this rat-hole…”

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“I am she. Is it already time for my daily ass-fuck?”

Did I say that? Too many Madame Wu's? Or is that just my usual irreverent self talking.:rolleyes:

Great dialogue in these episodes Tree...you know me too well.. and are able to put just the right words in my mouth.:confused:

Enjoying these last two immensely...think I will read them again (now that's a compliment).;)
While Barb and Siss are held waiting to be tried, convicted, and executed for charges the rodent has yet to make up, Blaire and Thessela are continuing their pony training. Blaire seems to enjoy the treatment and attention…
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…and while Thess was doing well in her training…
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…it was more because she knows she is a slave and has no choice.

They had been training to work as a two pony team…

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…and the more synchronized they worked the gentler the whip would flick their backs. They are being prepared for their grand debut. Don’t they look great in their formal tack???

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Meanwhile while Tash is bound kneeling in the stable Jane Tree is in her office making a phone call…

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“Hello, Prosecutor Rodent? It’s Jane Tree… I’m fine, thank you… Did your cameras in the stable catch that cunt Natasha kicking my butt… Good- I want charges filed against her… I don’t care how busy you are. I’ll make it worth your while… No I am nor bribing you… What? It gets complicated- how so? …I see. I’m fine with that. The more the merrier… By, Love…”

What the hell was that about???

In the US Halloween is the second largest event following only Christmas and at the University of the Virgin Martyrs it is probably bigger. This year was even bigger as one of the fraternities was conducting tours of the dungeon at $10 a head. For those who had never been incarcerated there they thought the fraternity had done a great job turning the cells into a dungeon not realizing that is how it really is all the time. They got to see Associate Professor Siss in irons…

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…and Professor Moore chained to a wall. For $20 one could twist one of her nipples, pinch her clit, or toss a bucket of cold water on her.
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It was amazing how much they made from women who were alumni of Professor Moore’s classes that had been punished because of the demerits she had given them. Barb failed to see the humor of this.

In the quadrangle a feature new for this year was Tash bound to an x-cross.

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Every hour the platform would rise five feet and she would receive 10 lashes. Between whippings the platform was lowered and what had been her fellow students could get a close-up look at the fresh stripes on her flesh. I think her hair is cute like that. It has grown out nicely since she shorn.

Another popular feature was a variation of a dunking booth. A sorority pledge would be placed on a platform and for $25 one could throw three balls at a target. If a ‘bullseye’ was made the trap would open but instead of falling into a vat of water she would hang for two minutes. Things aren’t looking good for this young pledge, Dorothy Brown.

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As the day wore on either their aim got worse or they were deliberately throw at the girl on the platform- particularly women from sororities other than the girl’s on the platform. This is a young pledge waiting her turn with noose.

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That night would be ‘The Running of the Witches’ where three freshman women were randomly drawn from a pool of freshman with one to four demerits. They would be stripped to the waist and scarfs tied around their heads so their hair could not hide their faces. Their wrists are bound to the back of a cart and they were forced to run behind the cart a dozen times around the expansive quadrangle while being flogged by a whipmaster.

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What made is so special this year instead of a horse pulling the cart the pony girls Blaire and Thessela pulled it!

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After that they were taken to a platform in the center in the center of the quad where they were bound between posts, stripped naked, and displayed until 10 PM with rotten fruit being hurled at them. At 10 each would receive a dozen lashes with the only break between them was the other two getting theirs.

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All in all most had a very happy Halloween…

In the US Halloween is the second largest event following only Christmas and at the University of the Virgin Martyrs it is probably bigger. This year was even bigger as one of the fraternities was conducting tours of the dungeon at $10 a head. For those who had never been incarcerated there they thought the fraternity had done a great job turning the cells into a dungeon not realizing that is how it really is all the time. They got to see Associate Professor Siss in irons…

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…and Professor Moore chained to a wall. For $20 one could twist one of her nipples, pinch her clit, or toss a bucket of cold water on her.
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It was amazing how much they made from women who were alumni of Professor Moore’s classes that had been punished because of the demerits she had given them. Barb failed to see the humor of this.

In the quadrangle a feature new for this year was Tash bound to an x-cross.

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Every hour the platform would rise five feet and she would receive 10 lashes. Between whippings the platform was lowered and what had been her fellow students could get a close-up look at the fresh stripes on her flesh. I think her hair is cute like that. It has grown out nicely since she shorn.

Another popular feature was a variation of a dunking booth. A sorority pledge would be placed on a platform and for $25 one could throw three balls at a target. If a ‘bullseye’ was made the trap would open but instead of falling into a vat of water she would hang for two minutes. Things aren’t looking good for this young pledge, Dorothy Brown.

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As the day wore on either their aim got worse or they were deliberately throw at the girl on the platform- particularly women from sororities other than the girl’s on the platform. This is a young pledge waiting her turn with noose.

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That night would be ‘The Running of the Witches’ where three freshman women were randomly drawn from a pool of freshman with one to four demerits. They would be stripped to the waist and scarfs tied around their heads so their hair could not hide their faces. Their wrists are bound to the back of a cart and they were forced to run behind the cart a dozen times around the expansive quadrangle while being flogged by a whipmaster.

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What made is so special this year instead of a horse pulling the cart the pony girls Blaire and Thessela pulled it!

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After that they were taken to a platform in the center in the center of the quad where they were bound between posts, stripped naked, and displayed until 10 PM with rotten fruit being hurled at them. At 10 each would receive a dozen lashes with the only break between them was the other two getting theirs.

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All in all most had a very happy Halloween…


Yikes. It's a wonder that UVM remains an accredited institution of higher learning. It has a high popularity rating, however, as a party school. :rolleyes: I do have a complaint, however, as a faculty member .... seems to me, it should only be the students who are displayed in the dungeon! Hey, stop throwing water on me! Can't you see that I am already soaking wet, and I am sick and tired of being pinched too!
Yikes. It's a wonder that UVM remains an accredited institution of higher learning. It has a high popularity rating, however, as a party school. :rolleyes: I do have a complaint, however, as a faculty member .... seems to me, it should only be the students who are displayed in the dungeon! Hey, stop throwing water on me! Can't you see that I am already soaking wet, and I am sick and tired of being pinched too!
I'm enjoying this Halloween lark! :)
Yikes. It's a wonder that UVM remains an accredited institution of higher learning. It has a high popularity rating, however, as a party school. :rolleyes: I do have a complaint, however, as a faculty member .... seems to me, it should only be the students who are displayed in the dungeon! Hey, stop throwing water on me! Can't you see that I am already soaking wet, and I am sick and tired of being pinched too!
You must hope you survive to be a Professor again...
I'm enjoying this Halloween lark! :)
I needed a fun diversion today. I'm glad you liked...
Back by popular demand.... :rolleyes:

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Hallowe'en, 2015

By R. Wragg



Well, who wouldn't?

What else is there to do with $20?

Hallowe'en, so it is said, is the biggest event of the year at the University of the Virgin Martyrs. Thanksgiving? A mere interruption. Christmas? An inconvenience. But Hallowe'en? Now THAT is worth celebrating!

In a special celebration this year, the Chancellor of the University, World Famous as he is for his generosity of spirit and consideration towards his students, has consented to open up parts of the University.

Tours of the dungeon basement are available, a snip at $10!

One of the most famous professors at the University, Professor Moore, will be hanging around in the cellar, and for only $20 she will help you to:

  • Discover the true meaning of the word 'Tumescence', offering practical tips on how to achieve it.
  • Help confused and befuddled men to discover an organ that they never knew existed.
  • Demonstrate, once and for all, that a shower of cold water does absolutely nothing to diminish a rapacious sexual appetite.
So come on, Cruxforumers, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Roll up! Roll up! All proceeds to Chancellor Wragg The University Benevolent fund!

Members of the Wragg family will be there, too!

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Happy Hallowe'en to all Cruxforumers! :)
Back by popular demand.... :rolleyes:

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Hallowe'en, 2015

By R. Wragg


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Well, who wouldn't?

What else is there to do with $20?

Hallowe'en, so it is said, is the biggest event of the year at the University of the Virgin Martyrs. Thanksgiving? A mere interruption. Christmas? An inconvenience. But Hallowe'en? Now THAT is worth celebrating!

In a special celebration this year, the Chancellor of the University, World Famous as he is for his generosity of spirit and consideration towards his students, has consented to open up parts of the University.

Tours of the dungeon basement are available, a snip at $10!

One of the most famous professors at the University, Professor Moore, will be hanging around in the cellar, and for only $20 she will help you to:

  • Discover the true meaning of the word 'Tumescence', offering practical tips on how to achieve it.
  • Help confused and befuddled men to discover an organ that they never knew existed.
  • Demonstrate, once and for all, that a shower of cold water does absolutely nothing to diminish a rapacious sexual appetite.
So come on, Cruxforumers, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Roll up! Roll up! All proceeds to Chancellor Wragg The University Benevolent fund!

Members of the Wragg family will be there, too!

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Happy Hallowe'en to all Cruxforumers! :)
It is high time the next issue is out. My subscription was getting worthless as that of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. It was most fortunate I noticed it on the lawn before I pissed off the deck...

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