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The Slave Market

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Done nothing wrong.... punishment. Done something wrong... HARDER punishment. Repeat offender.... HARSHEST punishment.
No such thing as harshest punishment- it’s an illusion, slaves are taught through their pain and torture that it ALWAYS can be worse! When I am top-slave my victims learn this whenever they claim they are suffering the greatest pain! As a slave, I know, there is always something worse!
I’m greatly enjoying this thread.
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My head drops as the auctioneer hesitates before counting three. I am devastated .Tears begin to flow. I want my old life back so much. My brother was a drug dealer and an addict. I wouldn’t believe that, he was just my lost little brother. He led them to my house. He had three options- pay them what he owed, they kill us both or they take me and his debt is forgiven. He didn’t have the money so he chose the last option to save our lives. Save his maybe, but what had he done to mine! I was being displayed and sold like piece of meat. My life he saved would be a life of hell.
Just as the auctioneer is about to count three the woman raises her head and bids once again. She bids double what Cruel Eyes has bid and vows to double what ever bid Cruel Eyes counters with. I cry out “ YES, thank god for saving from that monster” Cruel Eyes piercing glare stares right through me. I shrink in fear , it feels like a dagger has pierced my inner being.Cruel Eyes berates the auctioneer calling him a yaghish (cheat) but the auctioneer stands firm and proclaims my sale to the woman. I am elated, it feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from me. Cruel Eyes begins his exit but not before he addresses the woman “ you alkalba (bitch) , you and I are not through. You should never have crossed me” The woman does not reply, only nods. Cruel Eyes stomps out glaring once more at me “ your god has saved you today eahira (whore) but as Allah is my witness, you will be my a abeed (slave).
I realize I have just been sold. I belong to someone else. I am glad it is her. I will do my best to please her any way I can. I can feel that tingle once again, from deep within. (To be continued)
I am elated but I also have so many questions. What is my status in the hiarchy of human beings? I am no longer a free woman but I don’t know my boundaries. I have been sold to this beautiful woman, was she looking for a companion or a lover or am I her servant or god forbid, her slave.
I am so thankful that this woman chose me. That she chose to outbid Cruel Eyes. She saved me.There is no doubt in my mind that I escaped a painful life filled with physical and sexual abuse. She has chosen me. She has made me feel special. I am owned by her and I will try to please her.
I am given a shift to cover myself but I am still chained as they lead me to limousine. I am surprised to find a very pretty redhead already sitting in the seat next to me. She is chained and covered as I am. Suddenly I do not feel special. I have no right but I feel betrayed. Maybe I am just a slave.
The man who led me to the automobile now holds the door open for the beautiful lady who sits directly across from us but facing us. I want to ask her many questions but before I can speak she says “ I know you both are very curious and maybe even frightened but it will be best if you remain patient. No questions for now .Please relax and when we reach our destination all of your questions will be answered. The limousine passes through the entrance the auction complex and proceeds onto the highway.
Now I am beginning to feel very confused. So unsure of what was going to happen to me. Suddenly the limo is slowing. Four large black SUVs have surrounded our car. We are slowed to a stop within seconds . I see the driver and man who escorted me to the car reach for something under their coats. But it is too late, two shots ring out and they are dead. As the three of us women are cowering on the seats,the back doors to the limo are yanked open.
Standing before us are four men. Three wearing suits with their guns pointed at us, and a fourth wearing a kandora. My heart dropped ....it was cruel eyes.
( to be continued)


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I am elated but I also have so many questions. What is my status in the hiarchy of human beings? I am no longer a free woman but I don’t know my boundaries. I have been sold to this beautiful woman, was she looking for a companion or a lover or am I her servant or god forbid, her slave.
I am so thankful that this woman chose me. That she chose to outbid Cruel Eyes. She saved me.There is no doubt in my mind that I escaped a painful life filled with physical and sexual abuse. She has chosen me. She has made me feel special. I am owned by her and I will try to please her.
I am given a shift to cover myself but I am still chained as they lead me to limousine. I am surprised to find a very pretty redhead already sitting in the seat next to me. She is chained and covered as I am. Suddenly I do not feel special. I have no right but I feel betrayed. Maybe I am just a slave.
The man who led me to the automobile now holds the door open for the beautiful lady who sits directly across from us but facing us. I want to ask her many questions but before I can speak she says “ I know you both are very curious and maybe even frightened but it will be best if you remain patient. No questions for now .Please relax and when we reach our destination all of your questions will be answered. The limousine passes through the entrance the auction complex and proceeds onto the highway.
Now I am beginning to feel very confused. So unsure of what was going to happen to me. Suddenly the limo is slowing. Four large black SUVs have surrounded our car. We are slowed to a stop within seconds . I see the driver and man who escorted me to the car reach for something under their coats. But it is too late, two shots ring out and they are dead. As the three of us women are cowering on the seats,the back doors to the limo are yanked open.
Standing before us are four men. Three wearing suits with their guns pointed at us, and a fourth wearing a kandora. My heart dropped ....it was cruel eyes.
( to be continued)
You do realise this evolving story really is deserving of it’s own thread, right? I’m happy to read it here but it deserves to be read by other members too!

in any case, very well done, I, for one, am greatly enjoying your series
Your story has my undivided attention for the duration. ;)
Thank you.
You do realise this evolving story really is deserving of it’s own thread, right? I’m happy to read it here but it deserves to be read by other members too!

in any case, very well done, I, for one, am greatly enjoying your series
thank you...I will look into doing that.
This is probably a stupid question. I am new to the site. Trying to navigate thru it.How do I find the moderators?
We find you :devil:

Actually, click on any Staff Member's avatar and 'start a conversation'

But I've copied the start of your story into a new thread in 'Fantasy Stories and Poems'
(as it's not really BDSM) - you can continue it there - here's where everyone can find it:

I am elated but I also have so many questions. What is my status in the hiarchy of human beings? I am no longer a free woman but I don’t know my boundaries. I have been sold to this beautiful woman, was she looking for a companion or a lover or am I her servant or god forbid, her slave.
I am so thankful that this woman chose me. That she chose to outbid Cruel Eyes. She saved me.There is no doubt in my mind that I escaped a painful life filled with physical and sexual abuse. She has chosen me. She has made me feel special. I am owned by her and I will try to please her.
I am given a shift to cover myself but I am still chained as they lead me to limousine. I am surprised to find a very pretty redhead already sitting in the seat next to me. She is chained and covered as I am. Suddenly I do not feel special. I have no right but I feel betrayed. Maybe I am just a slave.
The man who led me to the automobile now holds the door open for the beautiful lady who sits directly across from us but facing us. I want to ask her many questions but before I can speak she says “ I know you both are very curious and maybe even frightened but it will be best if you remain patient. No questions for now .Please relax and when we reach our destination all of your questions will be answered. The limousine passes through the entrance the auction complex and proceeds onto the highway.
Now I am beginning to feel very confused. So unsure of what was going to happen to me. Suddenly the limo is slowing. Four large black SUVs have surrounded our car. We are slowed to a stop within seconds . I see the driver and man who escorted me to the car reach for something under their coats. But it is too late, two shots ring out and they are dead. As the three of us women are cowering on the seats,the back doors to the limo are yanked open.
Standing before us are four men. Three wearing suits with their guns pointed at us, and a fourth wearing a kandora. My heart dropped ....it was cruel eyes.
( to be continued)
The beautiful lady tried to escape thru the opposite door but to no avail as she was captured within a few steps and soon found her hands handcuffed behind her back. All three of us stood chained before Cruel Eyes, he smirks at us.
His eyes ,like daggers, skewer the beautiful lady. She stares back defiantly, refusing to given in to the terror she felt inside. “ You chose to cross me you bitch. I will personally see that you pay for your insolence. You will rue the day you were born.” He turns his piercing eyes to me , I squirm uneasily as he undresses me with those eyes “ It looks like Allah has out-trumped your god. He has gifted me a virgin. Eventually we will remedy that situation.” I could feel my knees buckle. “I believe that you called me a monster....we shall see won’t we girl. We shall see.” He continued , and then turned his attention to the young redhead, “ surely you are a bonus. Such fiery red hair.... we will see if you have a fiery passion to match” The girl shook her head fearfully which led Cruel Eyes to respond “ don’t fret girl, I am willing to coax you, in fact I prefer it that way.”
“ Don’t waste your time praying for rescue you bitches. No one will come for you. Tomorrow they will find your limousine a victim of a bombing and five bodies burned beyond recognition....no one will come for you.
I fear for the beautiful woman. I fear for the red headed girl. But mostly I fear for me. The anguish of my roller coaster ride of emotions has finally hit home. Just days ago I was free, living a simple life. Now I am owned by a cruel man. A man who will steal my virginity . A man who will decide everything i do for the remainder of my life. I am so fearful.
We are quickly whisked away to the compound that Cruel Eyes calls home. We spend the night in separate dark cells, hoping that morning never comes.
(To be continued)


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The beautiful lady tried to escape thru the opposite door but to no avail as she was captured within a few steps and soon found her hands handcuffed behind her back. All three of us stood chained before Cruel Eyes, he smirks at us.
His eyes ,like daggers, skewer the beautiful lady. She stares back defiantly, refusing to given in to the terror she felt inside. “ You chose to cross me you bitch. I will personally see that you pay for your insolence. You will rue the day you were born.” He turns his piercing eyes to me , I squirm uneasily as he undresses me with those eyes “ It looks like Allah has out-trumped your god. He has gifted me a virgin. Eventually we will remedy that situation.” I could feel my knees buckle. “I believe that you called me a monster....we shall see won’t we girl. We shall see.” He continued , and then turned his attention to the young redhead, “ surely you are a bonus. Such fiery red hair.... we will see if you have a fiery passion to match” The girl shook her head fearfully which led Cruel Eyes to respond “ don’t fret girl, I am willing to coax you, in fact I prefer it that way.”
“ Don’t waste your time praying for rescue you bitches. No one will come for you. Tomorrow they will find your limousine a victim of a bombing and five bodies burned beyond recognition....no one will come for you.
I fear for the beautiful woman. I fear for the red headed girl. But mostly I fear for me. The anguish of my roller coaster ride of emotions has finally hit home. Just days ago I was free, living a simple life. Now I am owned by a cruel man. A man who will steal my virginity . A man who will decide everything i do for the remainder of my life. I am so fearful.
We are quickly whisked away to the compound that Cruel Eyes calls home. We spend the night in separate dark cells, hoping that morning never comes.
(To be continued)
You write very well, and I look forward to more of this delightful story.
we slavegirls always need to be punished. Even if we've done nothing wrong.
Don't worry Girl, I'm working on some new, additional stuff. Just got a neat attachment that will work with either of your cages -- both sleeping and punishment/transport.
2021-08-07_6-32-37.jpgc.2 (336).jpg
It delivers painful electric shocks and can be controlled manually, or set to do them periodically, or at random intervals. It can electrify an entire cage and/or nipple clamps and/or vaginal/anal inserts. Imagine our recent six-hour road trip where, in addition to the pulls caused by road bumps, your nipple clamps attached to the cage floor would deliver random shocks. Earlier, I was a nice guy and got you the inserts with built in vibrators, but now, the sensations won't always be the nice kind.

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Don't worry Girl, I'm working on some new, additional stuff. Just got a neat attachment that will work with either of your cages -- both sleeping and punishment/transport.
View attachment 1048643View attachment 1048641
It delivers very painful electric shocks and can be controlled manually, or set to do them periodically, or at random intervals. It can electrify an entire cage and/or nipple clamps and/or vaginal/anal inserts. Imagine our recent six-hour road trip where, in addition to the pulls caused by road bumps, your nipple clamps attached to the cage floor would deliver random shocks. Earlier, I was a nice guy and got you the inserts with built in vibrators, but now, the sensations won't always be the so nice.

Number one is a bit spacious, is it not? Number two is much more efficient..... allowing many more to be loaded in the truck.
Number one is a bit spacious, is it not? Number two is much more efficient..... allowing many more to be loaded in the truck.
For transport, you are absolutely right, and the small one is the only one @Eulalia and I use for that. But, she had an excellent point on the sleeping one. Since I monitor it on cctv, she can squirm a lot more for my pleasure. My Girl, always thinking of others!
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