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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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For over a century my family has been among the richest and most powerful in Florence. Now we are in ruins.

My fiance abandoned me. Desperate for money I sold my body to various wealthy men. Mostly men that I already knew. Men I thought I could trust. Only to be arrested and charged with "habitual prostitution."

My trial was a humiliating spectacle, and I was denounced as a whore. My sentence: a public flogging, after which I am to be sold on the auction block into 10 years of indentured servitude. I will likely end up a pleasure slave in a wealthy home that once welcomed my family, but no longer does so.

It is shortly after dawn, on the day of my flogging. My cell is dark except for the early morning light coming through the small window near the ceiling. I can hear people gathering outside in the courtyard where I will be whipped. I have wondered how many people will be there to greet me and witness my punishment. Today I will find out.

My heart leaps and my throat tightens as I hear the thick door at the end of the corridor squeaking open.

Footsteps. Oh god I hear footsteps! They are coming for me. The awful moment has arrived.

Trembling in fear I clutch a sheet to me as I don't want them to see me naked once they enter my cell. Then I remember how this will proceed, and that it doesn't matter how they find me. For I will be brought out to the courtyard naked, with my wrists tied behind my back. Just like any other female criminal facing a flogging.

The crowd will gawk with fascination as my crimes and sentence are read aloud to all. Unless I faint dead away from shame, my body will then be shoved roughly against the whipping post, where I will be secured and displayed. On a platform four feet high, most everyone will have a good view.

Three dozen lashes are to be inflicted upon my flesh. How will I survive this day, I wonder, as the key enters the lock of my cell door.


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For over a century my family has been among the richest and most powerful in Florence. Now we are in ruins.

My fiance abandoned me. Desperate for money I sold my body to various wealthy men. Mostly men that I already knew. Men I thought I could trust. Only to be arrested and charged with "habitual prostitution."

My trial was a humiliating spectacle, and I was denounced as a whore. My sentence: a public flogging, after which I am to be sold on the auction block into 10 years of indentured servitude. I will likely end up a pleasure slave in a wealthy home that once welcomed my family, but no longer does so.

It is shortly after dawn, on the day of my flogging. My cell is dark except for the early morning light coming through the small window near the ceiling. I can hear people gathering outside in the courtyard where I will be whipped. I have wondered how many people will be there to greet me and witness my punishment. Today I will find out.

My heart leaps and my throat tightens as I hear the thick door at the end of the corridor squeaking open.

Footsteps. Oh god I hear footsteps! They are coming for me. The awful moment has arrived.

Trembling in fear I clutch a sheet to me as I don't want them to see me naked once they enter my cell. Then I remember how this will proceed, and that it doesn't matter how they find me. For I will be brought out to the courtyard naked, with my wrists tied behind my back. Just like any other female criminal facing a flogging.

The crowd will gawk with fascination as my crimes and sentence are read aloud to all. Unless I faint dead away from shame, my body will then be shoved roughly against the whipping post, where I will be secured and displayed. On a platform four feet high, most everyone will have a good view.

Three dozen lashes are to be inflicted upon my flesh. How will I survive this day, I wonder, as the key enters the lock of my cell door.
Nicely written, Jackie, you`ve managed to arouse us with the prospect of your flogging and left us intrigued at the outcome of your sale.
Will it be some old lecher? Perhaps a contemporary lady "friend" who bears a secret grudge? A cruel and veracious brothel madam who will work you round the clock? The possibilities are endless.
“ T’was just a crust of bread, I told the magistrate” to feed me little brother. We hadn’t eaten in many days. We were so hungry, surely such a measly scrap wouldn’t be missed...but missed it was. We was nabbed before we could reach the safety of the trees. Me little brother, Sammy , bit the man who grabbed him and was able to wriggle away and make it to the forest. I wasn’t as lucky. Soon I was chained and locked away in the jail of old Kent.
The next day I was brought before the old magistrate. I didn’t understand what they said... I couldn’t understand most of the big words. They hardly let me talk. Guilty as sin, they said. Theft and assaulting a constable they said. “ I didn’t assault no constable, he assaulted me... hands all over me, tits and ass.” I says. Everyone laughs except the old judge. He just glares at me and says GUILTY.... he says 30 strokes of the bull’s pizzle on my bare arse and branded on the left cheek with the Letter “T” for thief. He hopes I learn my lesson.
In a way I am relieved. No jail for me. My little brother won’t survive long without me, It’s been me and him for a long time. I know what a bulls pizzle can do to me. I saw it used once, peeled the skin off the arse of a poor girl punished for indecency. 89171139-FAE3-48AC-A28F-72A04E214206.jpegF7ACCF02-95A6-42F4-A58A-379B939E7427.jpegCB632313-2E93-468F-87AC-1CAF3F97763B.jpeg I know it’s going to hurt something fierce. I just have to survive the pizzle and the brand to get back to Sammy.
I'm afraid none of these girls will suffer the whip unfortunately.
Let's not be so categorical. Everything is in our hands. Each of them will be punished according to her sentence. For example, these girls liz_44_by_dalejordan_d1921u8.jpg168068-a1618678194474.jpgare clearly heading to the whipping post, where the first will receive 40 and the second 60 lashes. And these girls Ashley_Dane_Clark.1_by_Michael_Woloszynowicz.jpgvictoria-germyn-by-jacob-carrol-3.jpgwill soon be tied to a bench to receive 100 strokes of the strap and 100 of the birch, respectively.
Let's not be so categorical. Everything is in our hands. Each of them will be punished according to her sentence. For example, these girls View attachment 1054915View attachment 1054916are clearly heading to the whipping post, where the first will receive 40 and the second 60 lashes. And these girls View attachment 1054917View attachment 1054918will soon be tied to a bench to receive 100 strokes of the strap and 100 of the birch, respectively.
And the first two will receive half their strokes of the whip on their breasts!
A couple of pictures posted by Elephas inspired this :

Twenty years....hard labor was the sentence. Sure I went to the political rally but it was on campus. I didn’t know it was illegal. The country was under martial law for the past week . The previous prime minister had been toppled. The military came from the entrance behind me. I was one of the first that they arrested. As I was forced into the back of an army transport truck, there were soldiers hands all over me, breasts, bottom, crotch. I crouched in the front corner. I was processed quickly and brought before a military tribunal. An officer, that I assumed was the prosecutor, said that I was arrested actively participating in an unlawful dissident rally. Accused of sedition. They also charged me with resisting arrest.
I was not represented by a lawyer. I was finally allowed to speak. I pleaded that I was innocent. I was just curious and came across the rally on my way back from class. I’m just a student! Just a student, I cried out. I pleaded that I was molested by the soldiers that I didn’t resist arrest.
One of the three presiding officers looked at the captain of the guard, “is this true Captain Ortega?” He answered “ No sir, she offered us her body if we would not arrest her.” I shouldn’t have lost my temper “ You f**king lier, this is bullshit. You assholes better release me right now. I threw my elbow hitting the guard holding me in the face and bolted for the door. I didn’t get ten steps before I was caught and dragged back before the three judges. The judges conferred briefly and pronounced my sentence......twenty years, hard labor for the political charges .........and in addition due to resisting arrest and the assault on an officer that we just witnessed......we sentence you to 30 whip lashes on your naked body. That punishment will be administered tomorrow morning in front of the whole regiment. The guards grabbed me and led me my cell, proclaiming that I would have plenty of company to help me get through the long night.
I am beside myself, I am to be whipped. I can’t imagine the pain and naked in front of the soldiers. The same soldiers that would rape me this night. I begin to pace and pull at my hair.... why me. Why didn’t I keep my mouth shut. As I await the morning which is still many hours away, I hear men’s voices and the cell door creak as it slowly opens.....7AB75F20-F940-4DFD-B910-A9C1A151551A.jpegDE2DAA06-F6F0-43CA-83F2-20D729BBE00B.jpeg
I want to go home. This vacation has turned into hell. They said the shells were contraband, It said that on the customs form. I didn’t read it. They said my necklace was stolen. But I bought it from a street vendor. They found the naked beach pictures on my phone. They said it was lewd behavior. But the beach was isolated, no one else around but my two room mates from college. I did what my lawyer wanted. My lawyer said plead guilty, get a slap on the hand. Instead, the judge said lashes on my back. Ninety days in jail and 120 total lashes to my body....thirty tomorrow morning, 30 more after each 30 days. Damn him, 30 lashes after thirty days, just long enough for my back to start to heal before the next whipping. Guilty of lewd behavior, I was to present myself naked for the whippings. My trial was first. I have to get word to my friends, “don’t plead guilty!” But I am not allowed. I am so confused, embarrassed and frightened. I have never been struck by anyone. Never, ever, even as a child. Will I survive 120 lashes. Will I survive 30? I want to go home......View attachment 1052218View attachment 1052219View attachment 1052220I I
I want to see you dance bare-breasted under the lash.
View attachment 1054409
Falsely accused but nevertheless found guilty of adultery, milady shall be taken forthwith to the public whipping post and receive fifty lashes as well as be marked with the letter A upon her shoulder with a red hot iron.
As a disgraced, and unrespectable woman, her sentance should also forbid her clothing her upper torso, so that she can never hide the brand on her shoulder, and being forced to always display her breasts, will rob her of the dignity she no longer deserves, and she will no longer be able intergrate into society, especially the higher society that she came from, as anything other than a visible whore.
Dispossessed of her former status, whoring her always half naked body at the bottom of society will be the only job that is available to her.

Trying to abandon their shame, as they are made to present their owned naked torso and breasts, and compliantly sacrifice their own decency as women, to face the judgement they have earned.
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