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Naked In Front Of Crowd

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Being crucified naked in front of a crowd can be a special experience for someone who has been convicted of rape. The victim knows that many people are very curious about her genitals. This situation gives her great sexual excitement when she is naked in front of the cross. The crowd wants to see the cock with which he committed the crime. The executioner adds to the humiliation of the condemned man by separating his testicles with a cord. The balls become clearly visible, a total humiliation.


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I would have probably made a terrible actor because I always get a raging hard on when I am crucified...
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A beautiful crucifixion in front of a crowd. The crowds were eager to see him stripped completely naked. BondageBoy must have felt the stares on his bulging testicles and hard cock head. This exposure was a huge experience for him and he ejaculated on the cross.
A beautiful crucifixion in front of a crowd. The crowds were eager to see him stripped completely naked. BondageBoy must have felt the stares on his bulging testicles and hard cock head. This exposure was a huge experience for him and he ejaculated on the cross.
this is very HOT want to be on the cross next to him with @mekur5 as the executioner
Being crucified naked in front of a crowd can be a special experience for someone who has been convicted of rape. The victim knows that many people are very curious about her genitals. This situation gives her great sexual excitement when she is naked in front of the cross. The crowd wants to see the cock with which he committed the crime. The executioner adds to the humiliation of the condemned man by separating his testicles with a cord. The balls become clearly visible, a total humiliation.
Then there’s the terror of trial by whore!

The accused rapist is tied to the cross

If he can’t control himself as the whore skilfully sets to work with her hands, then he must be guilty

First sign of cum, and she steps away, triumphant and laughing

The executions step forward to drive the nails

Of course the aledged rape victim gets to decide if another two nails will be driven through his balls

Think I’d be found guilty!!!!
That depends how you rate the obscenity. I remember the soft core times on german TV, there a standard movie consists of nude females and one, I have a movie with many nude males with soft penis. Showing an erection might be the same red line as showing spread legs.

Yupar said:
I wonder why ppls used to care about male nudity while happy to see femal nudity ?

Honestly a man's body (and I know you guys are obsessed with certain parts) is way down on the list of things that interest me. If some guy sends me a 'dick pic' I'm like 'If YOU think that is the best thing you have to offer me please move on, I'm not wasting my time.'

I remember reading an anthropological study that argued that women are biologically designed to look for men who can best support them and any offspring (remember NATURE designed sex strictly for procreation not as a pseudo Olympic sport). Thus ancient women looked for a good hunter or farmer or protector or someone rich enough to acquire things (and you see that today, why do you think rich powerful ugly men have women on their arms who are drop dead gorgeous wouldn't even notice you?). [As a side note the same study suggests that humans are not meant to be monogamous as that limits the diversity in the gene pool.]

So if you can make me laugh, are intelligent, can hold a conversation, have heart and a soul, you'll get my body. Looks are only transitory anyway.

Males on the other hand seem to be visually driven, you never notice the really smart but plain girl walking up the beach in her kini but you start drooling over the gorgeous airhead walking with her. Not saying you wouldn't love and marry the smart girl, I said you wouldn't NOTICE her (kinis really don't help you show off your intelligence or personality anyway).

And then there is a fair amount of homophobia among males.

So when you are designing a production for a GENERAL audience naked women bring in guys to watch, naked men turn them off (unless there is actual sex going on) and naked men are also not a big draw for the women. And then of course there are cultural norms and taboos that get involved too.

It really isn't too hard to explain ... follow the money ... who has it and is going to spend it.


I wonder why ppls used to care about male nudity while happy to see femal nudity ?

Many reasons for this, but some obvious ones are
a) female primary sex characteristics are less obvious and more hidden than the male, one being largely internal and the other being largely external - more easily obscured with a bit of airbrushing in old photos etc
b) female sexual arousal is also more subtle, while male arousal is all too visible

Even today erections are not common in mainstream film and TV - too confronting for a variety of reasons

For me, Female Christ is my fantasy as you all know but for a Jesus Christ, I prefer to see more about he is hanging naked wz dangling penis.

Fully human, fully vulnerable, it makes sense
Yupar said:
I wonder why ppls used to care about male nudity while happy to see femal nudity ?

Honestly a man's body (and I know you guys are obsessed with certain parts) is way down on the list of things that interest me. If some guy sends me a 'dick pic' I'm like 'If YOU think that is the best thing you have to offer me please move on, I'm not wasting my time.'

I remember reading an anthropological study that argued that women are biologically designed to look for men who can best support them and any offspring (remember NATURE designed sex strictly for procreation not as a pseudo Olympic sport). Thus ancient women looked for a good hunter or farmer or protector or someone rich enough to acquire things (and you see that today, why do you think rich powerful ugly men have women on their arms who are drop dead gorgeous wouldn't even notice you?). [As a side note the same study suggests that humans are not meant to be monogamous as that limits the diversity in the gene pool.]

So if you can make me laugh, are intelligent, can hold a conversation, have heart and a soul, you'll get my body. Looks are only transitory anyway.

Males on the other hand seem to be visually driven, you never notice the really smart but plain girl walking up the beach in her kini but you start drooling over the gorgeous airhead walking with her. Not saying you wouldn't love and marry the smart girl, I said you wouldn't NOTICE her (kinis really don't help you show off your intelligence or personality anyway).

And then there is a fair amount of homophobia among males.

So when you are designing a production for a GENERAL audience naked women bring in guys to watch, naked men turn them off (unless there is actual sex going on) and naked men are also not a big draw for the women. And then of course there are cultural norms and taboos that get involved too.

It really isn't too hard to explain ... follow the money ... who has it and is going to spend it.


True and I remember possibly the same study positing that men seek out a particular visual in the female form that suggests good breeding potential and plugs into the male visual aspect of attraction.
Also that the male can continue to breed into advanced years backing up the non monogamous aspects of the idea.
Many reasons for this, but some obvious ones are
a) female primary sex characteristics are less obvious and more hidden than the male, one being largely internal and the other being largely external - more easily obscured with a bit of airbrushing in old photos etc
b) female sexual arousal is also more subtle, while male arousal is all too visible

Even today erections are not common in mainstream film and TV - too confronting for a variety of reasons

Fully human, fully vulnerable, it makes sense
But then, one can explicitely use erections as mean to make a statement, such as in the two german movies "Schwarze Schafe" and "samurai"

or https://men.aznude.com/azncdn/aatpgxjyhh/aatpgxjyhh-hd.html


also indeed one would have a statement in the, as you know debatable, crucifixion with boner, say here

 MichaelMcCarthy copy.jpeg . Just as confronted to the more blasphemous portraits in the crucifixies in the catholic church hiding the reality.

We all know that females are not attracted to erected male body parts, don't think ssme still don't know. But on the cross we would have different aspects, which makes the point. One point is the situation of the crucified which is more important than the audience, the other is the above mentionend homophobia, which made the nudity an issue, in case we had to crucify a male. II fear that may happen more often than for females.
We also have to understand, that the nudity in the Roman empire in the execution and not elsewhere must be considered the same as cashiering (degradation, removing rank insignas) in the military

150316 illustrazione degradazione (2).jpg Dreyfus (please google and see the movie "Intrige" by Roman Polansky
Degradation_alfred_dreyfus copy.jpeg.

So nudity in the crucifixion can mean something different than other types of nudity. We were confronted with nearly nude Roman/Greek athletes and gladiators as problemsless, and nude roman citizens in the bath or even nude statues of Roman emperors as positive while a nude crucified person is negatively associated. In the bible there is pointed out that the Romans, or the people from the Jewish temple (there is no difference in the eyes of GOD) have removed the kingly robe, so its clothing. So it is of no importance for them if he was indeed nude or just nearly nude with loincloth. So it is not mentionend. I add here, probably some of the catholic peoples here may disagree or applaud, I don't know, that since HIS kingdom is not from this earth (the clothing) he indeed would make a statement being nude and spotting an erection, as symbol for the other world, since GOD made man in his image. Naturally if I exhibit myself for a woman that argument hardly holds before the police, that is why it is not mentionend in the bible, but one can consider that as an artistic or philosophical statement.

Physically, I look like my avatar, although my hair and beard are shorter and greyer.
He represents my deepest fantasy of being crucified after my loincloth has been torn off, the cross raised and erected in front of a mocking crowd (preferably in an arena) eager for this type of spectacle.
and you see that today, why do you think rich powerful ugly men have women on their arms who are drop dead gorgeous wouldn't even notice you?
Evolutionary, what you say is a sound pathway, but the 'drop dead gorgeous women', often rather look like drop dead bimbos, and should be aware that they are just prizes, showpieces, objects to boost Mr. Big's narcissist ego, and most of all, that hubbie Powerful does not care to have more bimbo's available anytime he wants, and that everybody knows she is not the only one.
And the man does not need to be powerful at all. A little bit of Hells Angel can also easily fix a pretty bimbo on his side and in his bed. Follow the money is just one incentive, but, since no fortune has been gathered without crime, for such women, it is rather 'follow the crime', either Mr. Big or the Hell's Angel.
Evolutionary, what you say is a sound pathway, but the 'drop dead gorgeous women', often rather look like drop dead bimbos, and should be aware that they are just prizes, showpieces, objects to boost Mr. Big's narcissist ego, and most of all, that hubbie Powerful does not care to have more bimbo's available anytime he wants, and that everybody knows she is not the only one.

Oh absolutely but it is NOT a one way street.

Those women married (actually went looking for) men from whom they could get something they wanted (usually money). John Derek went thru 3 women and they all had acting careers thanks to him. How many of Larry King's wives (and what did he have 10-11?) walked away much wealthier than they had been before the met.

And who the hell ever heard of Megan Markle before she married the easily to manipulate prince?

The "bait" used by women varies from culture to culture and time to time. Cleopatra used Egypt (the wealthiest kingdom of its time) to snare men who might help her achieve her objectives. Queen Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great dangled the chance to be the man at their side to many many lovers. Katherine of the Aquitaine had children by 2 different kings BECAUSE she owned the Aquitaine. If any of them had been the girl down the block forget it.

Power, wealth and sex have always gone hand in hand on both sides of the human race and anyone who thinks it is limited to one side or the other is either a fool or willfully blind.


Oh absolutely but it is NOT a one way street.

Those women married (actually went looking for) men from whom they could get something they wanted (usually money). John Derek went thru 3 women and they all had acting careers thanks to him. How many of Larry King's wives (and what did he have 10-11?) walked away much wealthier than they had been before the met.

And who the hell ever heard of Megan Markle before she married the easily to manipulate prince?

The "bait" used by women varies from culture to culture and time to time. Cleopatra used Egypt (the wealthiest kingdom of its time) to snare men who might help her achieve her objectives. Queen Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great dangled the chance to be the man at their side to many many lovers. Katherine of the Aquitaine had children by 2 different kings BECAUSE she owned the Aquitaine. If any of them had been the girl down the block forget it.

Power, wealth and sex have always gone hand in hand on both sides of the human race and anyone who thinks it is limited to one side or the other is either a fool or willfully blind.


Absolutely! I agree with that.
I have been crucified, but never in front of a crowd. I can only fantasize about what it must feel like. To hang there naked and helpless listening the taunts, the cheers, and the jeers while you suffer the excruciating pain.


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And who the hell ever heard of Megan Markle before she married the easily to manipulate prince?
I knew her from the TV series "suits" and I was not impressed, but I am not a prince so she didn't try to impress me. But going more into the details and the fact that all females are beautiful, she looks in my opinion good but rather normal, one will find millions of similar looking girls. So it is not a female which I would consider breath-taking, so I do not understand that story, also remembering she is older and divorced (Trevor Engelson 2011-2013), which in my opinion is not a good point for a succesful relation. I consider a relation as something between peoples of similar history, so divorced should mary again divorced peoples, female with child should date male with child from previous relations, and so on.
I have been crucified, but never in front of a crowd. I can only fantasize about what it must feel like. To hang there naked and helpless listening the taunts, the cheers, and the jeers while you suffer the excruciating pain.
love the pic, yes that is one of the interesting thing: The audience and its role. Would you like to have a crowd watching you, and who should be in the crowd? Strangers, friends, family?
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