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After The Rebellion Of 2014

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Tree turns and pays the cabbie. He falls on his drunken ass but manages not to spill his drink. The cab driver asks “Do you need help getting up the mound, Tree?”

He looks up the hill at the three crosses and says “No, I think I can make it.”

“Do you know you gave me a more than a hundred dollar tip?” the cabbie asked.

Tree lied and said “Of course I know I did. Can you wait for me by the coffee shop?”

“Sure Tree, do you mind if I wait inside the shop?” she asked as she watched Tree stagger up the mound at 6:30 in the morning. She thought he was cute in a strange way…

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It’s got to be almost over. How could anyone do this to a person- even a slave- I don’t know. I doubt I could even ride a bike again. Messaline and Mistress Barbaria don’t look much better than me. How could they even want to do this cross thing again knowing what it feels like? The pain of the spikes has long disappeared into numbness but my body feels like I’ve ridden three marathons. Messa and Barb have a bit more of ‘womanly’ figure- they are beautiful but I don’t have the back-up body fat that they do… Crap, I am talking like I’m an expert at this!

There is a fine mist falling that slowly rinses the blood from my body. It can’t cleanse the stench of my crucifixion. The streets below me are empty as even though the clouds the morning light begins to brighten them. It can’t last much longer, I hope…

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Watch it girl....just what do you mean by back-up body fat? :p
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