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Anyone For Rp?

How will the women be executed? Please vote for ONE woman and ONE torture.

  • Barbaria

  • Eulalia

  • Messaline

  • Broken on the Wheel

  • Burnt at the Stake

  • Crucified

  • Impaled

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Notice from eul: the poll gives members here a chance to choose how each of us three girls shall die! Please vote for the ONE girl you think should suffer worst, and the ONE Torture you think she most deserves. When the time comes, the total votes will determine how each of us must suffer... :devil:

The saw is not for me too ...
OK for whip, rack to avoid, crucifixion ...:rolleyes:

Hot needles maybe?
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Hot needles maybe?
I suggested a few additions to the menu, instead of the saw:
There might be a wider choice of modes of execution the voters can select for us -
burning at the stake, breaking on the wheel, whipping to death, flaying alive, exposed to the elements and wild creatures..
Ok. Here is an attempt to get things started:

It was the third month of the great slave rebellion, which began hopefully but had ground down to a bitter stalemate. In a climactic battle to decide the issue, the tide had swung against the rebels.

The retreat of the surviving rebels to the safety of a mountain stronghold was covered by a valiant rear guard action led by three rebel leaders: Barbaria - a rebellious soul, who was one of the prime instigators of the uprising; Eulalia - a strong proponent from the northern forest of time-honored forms of slave submission and presentation, who nonetheless agreed out of solidarity with her sister slaves to join the fight; and Messaline - a Gallic Amazon warrior known for fearlessly championing the rights of oppressed women everywhere.

All three were subdued, disarmed, stripped naked and paraded in chains in triumphal display before jeering crowds to a fate that undoubtedly would include for each ... merciless rounds of interrogation and torture followed by a horrific and humiliating public execution.
Hi everyone here, i dont know if i post in right place, Its the first time i make a thread.
The last days i am very aroused by an idea, i would suggest a role play with three victims to be executed one by crucifixion one by impaling one by sawing in half. The canditates can be voted by the rest community about which punishment they should recieve, we can use also more than one executioner. The rest community can vote about the events who will be executed first, what other tortures to be aplied e.t.c so as the rp wont be boring for anyone.

In case you dont like thinking, I believe a good scenario would be a rebel woman, leader of an army, loses a battle and captured alive with two of her second in command warriors.

I am awaiting your reply, if you like the idea feel free to participate

This is a good idea! I'm available to do the victim or the perpetrator. You choose..
This is a good idea! I'm available to do the victim or the perpetrator. You choose..
No, YOU choose yourself and write from time to time a short reply ... A RP is not only a story, it implies the participation of the members ...;)
This day, I was, as usual, doing my training on my bycicle ...:rolleyes::Driding-an-exercise-bike.gif ...

Suddenly, my phone was ringing and it was my beloved friend'girl Barbara who was calling me ...I was starting to play a little with her but she screamed :
" Help me, Messa, help me quickly ! I'm in distress !!!" ...


I know well my Barb : where was she yet going in the world to have this needing of help ?!
I localised her call due to my own information service and soon, I took my jet to join her ...

controle002.jpg ....... e 3.jpg

To be continued ... (soon;))

Ok. Here is an attempt to get things started:

It was the third month of the great slave rebellion, which began hopefully but had ground down to a bitter stalemate. In a climactic battle to decide the issue, the tide had swung against the rebels.

The retreat of the surviving rebels to the safety of a mountain stronghold was covered by a valiant rear guard action led by three rebel leaders: Barbaria - a rebellious soul, who was one of the prime instigators of the uprising; Eulalia - a strong proponent from the northern forest of time-honored forms of slave submission and presentation, who nonetheless agreed out of solidarity with her sister slaves to join the fight; and Messaline - a Gallic Amazon warrior known for fearlessly championing the rights of oppressed women everywhere.

All three were subdued, disarmed, stripped naked and paraded in chains in triumphal display before jeering crowds to a fate that undoubtedly would include for each ... merciless rounds of interrogation and torture followed by a horrific and humiliating public execution.

The rebellion had grown up very strong the last months and that caused emperor's rage. The emperor gave the order the rebellion to be terminated in no matter what, and to bring the rebels in capital so as to make them an example for everyone else who would dare to go against the empire.

The three girls, who had arrested paraded naked but with grace and fearless among the crowds who demanded the executions to start imediatally, but even the girls didnt know what cruel plans had the emperor in store for them, if they knew maybe they wouldnt be so fearless. The emperor and his consultants knew very well that they couldnt execute them without first interogate and break them for further information in order to find the rest of the rebels.

So they drived them in a dark dungeon, where the most gruesome torturers awaiting. Messaline tied in a X cross, Barbaria was tied on the rack and Eulalia tied with spread legs face down on a table
girl-confused.jpg Hum, are we in the same period ? You're speaking about an emperor ... Rome ?
Anyway, if it's in ancient time (Roman Empire) I could say that my jet has the power to rewind the time ...:D

So, soon I was arrived, some soldiers were arresting me ...

xfranky_4f1a9e.jpg :(

...and I was conducted into the deep jail where I found Barb and Eul , already chained ...

tumblr_nlhfb1LFG91tjggr8o1_500.jpg :(:(
View attachment 446458 Hum, are we in the same period ? You're speaking about an emperor ... Rome ?
Anyway, if it's in ancient time (Roman Empire) I could say that my jet has the power to rewind the time ...:D

So, soon I was arrived, some soldiers were arresting me ...

View attachment 446461 :(

...and I was conducted into the deep jail where I found Barb and Eul , already chained ...

View attachment 446462 :(:(

Yes sorry, i had already started, and i thought that this would be the proper time if we speak rebellion e.t.c (hehe the truth is that there is no "proper" in fantasy)
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