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Following her arrest, charged with inciting sedition in a political rally against the current Cruxtonian Government, Charlotte has been arrested by the reliable law enforcement guys from the Cruxtonian State Police Force, and is now being tried for her ‘crimes’ in the Cruxton High Court.

This is a 25 picture set of original photo-manipulations. They will be posted in small groups over the next few days … This is her story …


Charlotte, a student from Ohio USA, had made the visit to Cruxtonia so that she could gain valuable intercontinental experience for her Politics Degree. The fact that she was caught on the wrong street at the wrong time actively participating in a public demonstration against parts of the current Cruxtonian Government, meant that she ended up in front of Judge Tee in the Cruxton High Court.

“She will place her hands on her head in a submissive pose when addressing the court,” The Judge informed Charlotte’s Defending Lawyer. Before adding, “In fact no, more than that. This young upstart has come to cause unrest in our beloved State, she will be naked before the court … Have her strip … NOW!”

The entire Cruxtonian court room went silent as Charlotte slowly removed her clothing piece by provocative piece, until she stood entirely naked in view of the assembled members of the public and High Court Officials … Each pair of eyes, male and female that beheld her took its time to study every curve and crevice of her stunning body. Every mind imagined how she would look being punished and wondered what sentence the Judge would see fit to award. By the look in his own gaze the Judge would ensure that she was punished to the full extent of the law and possibly beyond …

“Turn around came the order from the Judge’s Bailiff …”

“Her case was heard, the prosecution strong, the defence weak. Cruxtonia wanted its scapegoat and the naked figure of Charlotte, humiliated in the Cruxton High Court, was going to be it …

“Young Miss Charlotte you have been found guilty of creating Political unrest with the ultimate aim of inciting rebellious sedition. You have no right to respond or appeal, and so I hereby sentence you to be detained overnight in the Cruxton Correctional Facility, and then tomorrow morning at precisely 9am, you will be publicly crucified on the mound outside of Cruxton Abbey. You will remain on the cross for all to see for 24 hours …”


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Charlotte was taken straight from the Court room and very watchful eye of Judge Tee, to the holding cells at Cruxton Correctional Facility. She was naked in court and she was naked here. “You will suffer bitch, both on the cross and before that, and I can’t wait to have my own piece of your perfect ass …” The female officer was very clear as to her intentions.

“Please, I haven’t done anything, I can’t go through with this … it will kill me …” Charlotte pleaded but to no avail. She had been found guilty and sentenced and now the good people of Cruxtonia were going to have their fun with the poor student girl. As the poor girl is paraded naked down the cell corridor the other, fully dressed, inmates come out to greet her.

“Look at that body!”

“She’s the one to be crucified tomorrow, hope they make her suffer!”

“Hope they make her cum!”

“I hear they’re sharpening the sedile right now!”

Charlotte looked straight ahead with tears in her eyes. The officer’s tight grip on her arm. There were many people at the Cruxton Correctional Facility waiting to use Charlotte, and so it was during that initial naked walk down the initial corridor of cells that she was forced to her knees for the first time… But it wasn’t the last time her mouth was put to good use. On their way to Charlotte’s holding cell a further detour was made.

“Now you will service the male inmates bitch … all of them …” Charlotte was once again forced to her knees …


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Covered in male juices and some of her own, Charlotte was a disgusting mess.

“You will be cleansed before I take you to your cell, get in there now …”

“P … Please no,” poor Charlotte replied.

“If I have to tell you again then you will be beaten, now get inside …”

Then they switched on the hose …

Scared, dripping wet and shivering with cold, Charlotte was taken to her cell …

“This is you home for tonight, the tomorrow you are to be publicly crucified. But don’t think for one second you will be left to rest, you have much work to do yet …”

”Now get inside your cell bitch …”

The cell was sparse but the poor, naked student at least had a single comfortable chair to recline upon until she was called upon to perform the duties that the officer had alluded to …


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It wasn’t long before the officer returned and Charlotte was taken from her cell to another dungeon like room where a group of male officers waited for her. Helpless to resist Charlotte was manacled face first to the wall whereupon they took it in turns to flog her bare back …

Charlotte was taken in every way possible, by officers – male and female, and inmates alike.

The poor girl was powerless to resist as she was used abused …

They struck her ass. There was a satisfying "thwack" and Charlotte’s body jerked. They struck her again, harder, and then again until she emitted a muffled yelp. Then they started again.

Each stroke produced an angry, red welt mark and after a short time Charlottes was glistening with sweat. Without pause, I started on her inner thighs. Now the release of short painful screams and mini-convulsions was happening with every hard stroke. The swish of the crop, the satisfying "thwack," and Charlotte’s muffled screams all blended into a kind of savage rhythm.

And then they ‘took’ her mouth …

By the time they had finished with her Charlotte was exhausted and covered in their juices.

Unceremoniously she was dumped back into the cell …

Where she was forced to wait, naked and terrified, thinking only of what was to become of her the following day …


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It was late when the guards came for Charlotte and pulled her naked body from the floor of the dark, dirty cell.

“It is time, everything is ready, the people await. You are to be crucified …”

The crossbeam was strapped to her body, and in time honored tradition, Charlotte was made to carry the heavy wood to place where the cross awaited …

The wood was too heavy and poor Charlotte frequently stumbled and fell. Each time she was beaten until she got back onto her feet.

Until finally she reached the point of her torture …


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It was late when the guards came for Charlotte and pulled her naked body from the floor of the dark, dirty cell.

“It is time, everything is ready, the people await. You are to be crucified …”

The crossbeam was strapped to her body, and in time honored tradition, Charlotte was made to carry the heavy wood to place where the cross awaited …

The wood was too heavy and poor Charlotte frequently stumbled and fell. Each time she was beaten until she got back onto her feet.

Until finally she reached the point of her torture …

Fossy you did a great job displaying the pain and trouble Charlotte had getting to her crucifixion

Humiliatingly naked, the large, erect sedile pushing into her body, parting her labia, Charlotte was fastened to the cross and crucified for all to witness and see …

The poor girl was left to hang for 24 hours. They changed the position of her feet to ensure that her body weight rested more heavily onto the sedile, forcing it inside her body.

In an attempt to relieve the agony, Charlotte attempted to manoeuvre her body so that the sedile could act as a stimulant, and slowly but surely she began to moisten, lubricating the wooden phallus just a little …

Light began to dawn. The 24 hours was almost up. A small crowd waited to see Charlotte taken down. They had witness her pain and her perverted pleasure courtesy of the sedile …

As the sun rose Charlotte’s suffering became plain for all to see …


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It was late when the guards came for Charlotte and pulled her naked body from the floor of the dark, dirty cell.

“It is time, everything is ready, the people await. You are to be crucified …”

The crossbeam was strapped to her body, and in time honored tradition, Charlotte was made to carry the heavy wood to place where the cross awaited …

The wood was too heavy and poor Charlotte frequently stumbled and fell. Each time she was beaten until she got back onto her feet.

Until finally she reached the point of her torture …

Fossy, I've just spent a day in long haul flight and now I'm recovering and catching up with 3 weeks of posts. It was nice to see yours among the first. Welcome to the club, very nice work on the manips and the cohesive story line, and I love the way you have added little logos to link the pics together in a logical manner.

In an attempt to relieve the agony, Charlotte attempted to manoeuvre her body so that the sedile could act as a stimulant, and slowly but surely she began to moisten, lubricating the wooden phallus just a little …

and lubricating those of the audience even more! We do like a good sedile/cornu here :)
As you moved into the crux pics I recognised the source images, you have done a nice job in using them and making them part of something larger.
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