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Condemned’s AI Art

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@ Danillegs, I fully support it!! Maybe we’ll let our “King of the Jews” Gabriella, who suffers so much for us on the cross, suck on a sponge with vinegar?! maybe after this her nipples will become even harder from excitement...
( by Lady C.O. permission )

The Crowd captured her and dragged her to the feet of Power.
The Power asked "Woman, who is your God?"
She replied "The only and true God is Lord H"
The Power shouted "Heresy, the only and true God is Lord Z", then addressing the Crowd, do with this heretic whore what you want, she is yours”.
The Crowd tortured and raped Alexandria for three days and three nights long.
Eventually, on the fourth day, they nailed her to a cross, impaling her on a large stick.
The Crowd thought that Lord Z, the only true God, smiles slightly looking at Alexandria’s atrocius sufferings.

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( by Lady C.O. permission )

The Crowd captured her and dragged her to the feet of Power.
The Power asked "Woman, who is your God?"
She replied "The only and true God is Lord H"
The Power shouted "Heresy, the only and true God is Lord Z", then addressing the Crowd, do with this heretic whore what you want, she is yours”.
The Crowd tortured and raped Alexandria for three days and three nights long.
Eventually, on the fourth day, they nailed her to a cross, impaling her on a large stick.
The Crowd thought that Lord Z, the only true God, smiles slightly looking at Alexandria’s atrocius sufferings.

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beautiful and well deserved agony. She has to die slowly, raped by the cornu of the cross. Die fucked. A tecnical question: he cornu is in her pussy, full of cum of the man that raped her or her tight, also raped, asshole?
I'm just worried that something has happened to you Your work came at such a fast and furious pace for a while and I'm afraid I became spoiled.

Please understand this is in no way a criticism but, rather, letting you know that I do not take your work for granted and thank you for whatever you post,

Can hardly wait for any new work that you might be doing--Thanks.
( Always with Lady C.O. permission )

The Power arrested Claudia and dragged her, naked and with chains and ropes, to a public square surrounded by a large Crowd.

Power said "This woman says around that the Others are like us"

Crowd " The Others are our enemy and the Power defends us from those beasts"

Claudia " Love them and you and them live in peace"

Crowd " Bloody whore you are one of the Others"

Power "what do we do with her ?"

Crowd " Crucified...crucified".

A woman of the Crowd " Before I want skin her alive with my scourge"

Power "Go and do to her what you want"

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Power "Mrs. Claudia are you telling around that the earth is a sphere? Everyone knows it is flat"

Claudia "The earth is a sphere and it's easy to proof it"

Power "Woman this knowledge is dangerous to the Crowd, only We decide what is true and what isn't "

Claudia "But..the scientific knowledge is an essential part to be human being"

Power " GUARDS, take this whore and put her to death. Make her suffer as an animal. We pay double money for each day she lives nailed to a cross.
The Crowd must watch her just after she has pinned as an insect to the wood. Write on a table using her blood "the earth is flat"

Power " Scientific knowledge ?!? Continuing so where our Power goes by ? Death death death to heresy."

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