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Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

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Central Station, Jail Intake Processing: 6:55 PM SST

Barbara’s jaw dropped. They knew! She stammered, trying to think of a story, “They…I don’t know. I never saw…” catching the clerk’s disapproving gaze, Barb backtracked. “Maybe yes…they are my…my medicine. Right! My doctor prescribed them for my blood pressure.”

“These don’t seem like any prescription medicine I ever saw. You look very fit”

“Why thank you. I do work out, run every day, watch what I eat, got to work to keep the tight little, if you know what I mean, and…”

“Miss Moore, your fitness regimen is not the issue here Why would you hide them in here and where is the prescription?”

“They’re not…I didn’t hide them. It was just to keep them safe in my luggage. I didn’t think I needed to bring the prescription. I can email you a copy when I get home?”

Barb was now thinking she might create a distraction and quickly swallow the evidence. But she had no idea what the effect of all those pills at once might be. She was getting ready to pretend to faint when Rogers said,

“The prescription won’t be necessary. We have already sent one to our lab and will know in an hour what these contain.”

No! They couldn’t! No! God, how can she talk her way out of this?

“Well,” she stammered awkwardly, blushing in shame, “actually, those might not…exactly…be my…pressure pills.” Miss Rogers rested her chin in her hands and stared at Barb saying nothing.

“Yes, well, yes, they might be some other pills I packed by mistake.”


“Yes, it was a mistake!”

“Really? What are they, Miss Moore?”

“I’m not totally sure...I’m a little confused.”

What are they, Miss Moore?”

“Ecstasy” the word was a faint whisper, barely audible. Barb’s face was bright red and her skin glowed with perspiration.

“Speak up, Miss Moore.”

“Alright! They are ecstasy! But I never took any! A friend gave them to me back in Minneapolis and I just hid them there because I was afraid and I totally forgot they were there and when I was packing I just threw that in, not thinking they were there and now you surprised me and… and I never took them, I was afraid of losing control! Count them. My friend gave me six there should still be six there!”

“Six? Are you sure Miss Moore?”

“Yes, six! A half-dozen! We both counted them out. You count them!”

“That’s easy,” said Innusha, turning the case around. Five capsules were in the hiding place.

“Oh my God! There were six! I swear there were six! I NEVER TOOK ONE!”

The clerk calmly stared at her.

“Oh God, No! This can’t be happening! No! NO! I NEVER took ANY!”

Central Station, Jail Intake Processing: 6:55 PM SST

Barbara’s jaw dropped. They knew! She stammered, trying to think of a story, “They…I don’t know. I never saw…” catching the clerk’s disapproving gaze, Barb backtracked. “Maybe yes…they are my…my medicine. Right! My doctor prescribed them for my blood pressure.”

“These don’t seem like any prescription medicine I ever saw. You look very fit”

“Why thank you. I do work out, run every day, watch what I eat, got to work to keep the tight little, if you know what I mean, and…”

“Miss Moore, your fitness regimen is not the issue here Why would you hide them in here and where is the prescription?”

“They’re not…I didn’t hide them. It was just to keep them safe in my luggage. I didn’t think I needed to bring the prescription. I can email you a copy when I get home?”

Barb was now thinking she might create a distraction and quickly swallow the evidence. But she had no idea what the effect of all those pills at once might be. She was getting ready to pretend to faint when Rogers said,

“The prescription won’t be necessary. We have already sent one to our lab and will know in an hour what these contain.”

No! They couldn’t! No! God, how can she talk her way out of this?

“Well,” she stammered awkwardly, blushing in shame, “actually, those might not…exactly…be my…pressure pills.” Miss Rogers rested her chin in her hands and stared at Barb saying nothing.

“Yes, well, yes, they might be some other pills I packed by mistake.”


“Yes, it was a mistake!”

“Really? What are they, Miss Moore?”

“I’m not totally sure...I’m a little confused.”

What are they, Miss Moore?”

“Ecstasy” the word was a faint whisper, barely audible. Barb’s face was bright red and her skin glowed with perspiration.

“Speak up, Miss Moore.”

“Alright! They are ecstasy! But I never took any! A friend gave them to me back in Minneapolis and I just hid them there because I was afraid and I totally forgot they were there and when I was packing I just threw that in, not thinking they were there and now you surprised me and… and I never took them, I was afraid of losing control! Count them. My friend gave me six there should still be six there!”

“Six? Are you sure Miss Moore?”

“Yes, six! A half-dozen! We both counted them out. You count them!”

“That’s easy,” said Innusha, turning the case around. Five capsules were in the hiding place.

“Oh my God! There were six! I swear there were six! I NEVER TOOK ONE!”

The clerk calmly stared at her.

“Oh God, No! This can’t be happening! No! NO! I NEVER took ANY!”


Yikes! Talk about digging the hole deeper and deeper! Can we just go back to the original charge of leaving my chewing gum on a park bench or wherever? Why don’t I just admit to that and take whatever minor punishment you fools have on the books for doing that?




Say something!

Oh Shit!

Why did I ever think it would be fun to come to this shithole country for a holiday? I’ll bet our Prez hasn’t even bothered to set up a golf course here!

Well, say something! Stop staring at me like that. In Minnesota, I’ll have you know, staring is considered to be a very rude thing to do!

Ok. Tell you what. I’ll agree to the gum misdemeanor plus one other minor offense. There’s a bargain for you. Take it or leave it.

Well ... say something! Cat got your tongue?

How about three minor offenses and I don’t go public about your incompetence? Ever read the ‘Art of the Deal?” No? Good, neither have I.

Shit! This chair is hard and I’m starting to sweat. What’s the temperature in here?

Still that silent stare? That does it. On the count of three I’m up and out of here!

One ...

Two ...
Am I missing something? The woman just said they had sent one off to the lab already.... :confused: (btw I am really enjoying the story and maths is not my strong suit)
Pssst! Be quiet! You're reading ahead. Barb's even weaker in math than you! Fine Print to fool Barb.
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Central Station, Jail Intake Processing: 7:05PM SST

“Calm down, Miss Moore,” said Rogers in a soft voice. “I believe you. Remember we sent one to the lab for analysis. I was just testing whether you would lie again.”

“Oh God! No! I’m not lying.”

“I just wish you hadn’t started out lying. How can I trust you?”

“Oh! You can! You can!!”

“I see. Well, I have good news – ecstasy is considered a minor recreational drug in Singapore. As long as it’s a small amount and clearly not for sale, we generally don’t charge tourists for the possession.”

“Oh, good. Good!”

“However, bringing drugs, any illicit drug, into the Republic is a serious crime as well as failure to declare even legal drugs at customs.”

“Oh my God! But I didn’t mean to! It was a mistake! You’ve got to believe me – I like totally forgot they were there! Oh God! IT WAS A MISTAKE!”

I’m not totally convinced of your veracity, Miss Moore,” interjected Innusha as Barb’s frantic denials stretched on. “But I think I will give you the benefit of the doubt and not enter a charge for this.”

“Oh thank you! Thank you! How can I ever thank you enough! It really was a mistake!”

“So you say,” said Rogers with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. “However, I cannot let you keep them in jail, you understand? Do you voluntarily surrender them?”

“Yes! I understand. Voluntarily. Yes!” Barbara was intensely relieved to have dodged that additional jeopardy.

“Good,” said Rogers, putting the capsules in a bag and then in her desk drawer. “I shall have to make a report to your file, but there will be no problem, unless you are found with more drugs, or get into more trouble here in Singapore.”

“OH, I won’t!” blurted out Barb. I never use drugs. My body is a temple…er” she smiled knowingly at the clerk,”…at least where drugs are concerned.” Barb’s attempt at subtle risqué humor fell flat as Rogers just stared at her impassively.

“Now, just two more things and we can get you to your cell, Miss Moore. I will custom order your jail clothes for tonight. What are your measurements and clothes sizes?”

As Barb answered, Rogers typed it in the laptop. She hit enter and said, “We’ll have your clothes in a minute. It is all automated with custom fitting. The matron-in-charge, Miss Yew, says ‘incarceration is punishment enough without humiliating a woman with badly designed and badly fitting clothes.’”

“And while we wait, we can handle the other matter. Please remove all your clothes.”

“Pardon me?” Barb asked.

“Take off all your clothes and hand them to the matron. I have to perform a strip search.”

“What! How dare you? You’re kidding, right?”

“I’m afraid I’m not. Any inmate coming into the jail must strip and leave all their clothes to be returned later. If we suspect the person may be smuggling any contraband materials into the prison, a full body cavity search must be performed.”

“But..I…no you…You can’t suspect me of smuggling things in here!”

“Often we will take the prisoner’s word. However, you have already lied so many times and concealed things, that I cannot trust you and must do a full (she stressed the word “full”) search.”

“But…No!...You can’t! I won’t let you. I’ll file a complaint!”

“You are, of course, free to file a complaint later, but for now, you have no choice, Miss Moore. Do you wish me to have the matrons strap you down,” Rogers said, nodding toward the anteroom. Barbara looked and saw, for the first time, an examining table with heavy leather cuffs at the corners.

“Oh my God! You wouldn’t!”

“Yes, we would, Miss Moore. Now, will you cooperate?”

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