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Crucified males

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I am taking things in a new direction, meaning increasingly downward, as I take myself back in time to the Roman Empire. Here is my perfect day from daybreak to dusk, a spectator and then very much a participant.

Picture 1. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Octavius, a man of ample wealth and plenty of spare time. On a weekly basis I attend the crucifixions, always arriving before dawn to reserve a prime viewing spot. The sun is rising now, a perfect red dawn, as if an omen for the fun to come. And see the prisoners come, just look at those boys. I'm not a shy one, I want these boys to see the enjoyment I'm having in the proceedings, so much enjoying the show.

Picture 2. I stand aside the road, slap buttocks, count the lashes, prisoner by prisoner, teasing the guards if there are not 39 gashes. It seems the 2nd from right lost a nut during his scourging. I edge him on. "Just follow the bloody footprints, we'll get you to a pole. We can't have you bleed to death before suffering on the wood. I espy a crying boy and console him.. "Don't worry lad, I'll be with you 't'll the end, your slow death will give me great pleasure".

Picture 3. "Ahh early as I am, looks like I'm not the first to arrive. Good job centurions, close to the ground for easy access, that's the way I like it. Hey it looks like the sadists are going for the sculpted cocks first, prime targets". I walk up to the bloodied middle one, my eyes gaze up and down at the site of him as I openly stroke, at the same time asking a centurion permission to cauterize the prisoner's cock, offering a stipend as a bribe. "I want to be sure he dies as slowly as the others yet suffers more, does not bleed to death quickly".

Picture 4. Mid day feeding time. Sometimes it's best to stand back and watch nature take it's course. I partake in caviar, sip my wine, stroking as watching a boy twist in agony on the nails, a futile effort to evade the oncoming attack. I call out to him. "Sorry boy, it looks like you're about to lose that second nut: I can smell the blood from here, and I'm sure our flying friend can also".

Picture 5. Mid afternoon I tour the quarry executions, where the effects of sun and heat are greater. Yes, these two are crucified close to the ground at the quarry's entrance. I take my time torturing the one to the right. As a frequent crucifixion attendee I've mastered the blood semen spurt, the most humiliating of all crucifixion tortures, then speak to the two horrified prisoners watching. "Not to worry, your nails and crosses will arrive soon and then you can join the others in suffering. I sure do like the looks of you two, and what I did to this boy is nothing in comparison to what I have planned for you".

Picture 6. "I've kept my promise, you will suffer much more than the others. You are a semi hairy species of low life, the kind so perfect for the cross. Giving you the honey treatment, the flies and bees so interested in you now".

Picture 7. "Yeahh, so much enjoying your suffering. Honey to the face, ears, pits, chest and treasure trail, belly hole; not to forget the bush and cock and balls. Pound in the nails centurions. Excellent work, you struck the never centers, which means minimal bleeding and prolonged maximal suffering. Putting a rod up your piss slit boy. The flies will burrow in from the outside and look how they hover around you now, the itch they cause will keep you lively and twisting on the wood. Meantime up that piss slit crawl the scorpions, depositing that excruciating poison from the inside. The flies will become maggots and eat away at your flesh from the outside. The suspense is whether suffocation, the maggots or scorpions will do you in". I partake my evening meal and watch, trying to time my last ejaculation of the day to my boy's final gasps or screams.

The sun sets, the end of a perfect day.
So cruel Sir! But I would be hard as a rock if you were to be attending to me in my final hours on the cross!
I've often wondered about the experience about being naked before the spectators, put to public humiliation, then on top of that experiencing the out right degradation of an erection before those who are seeing the one (me) being executed, naked before all. Maybe one of the executioners deciding upon themselves to group my loins as others look on and milk me much to my disgrace.crux.jpgcrux 1.pngcrux.jpgcrux 1.png
I've often wondered about the experience about being naked before the spectators, put to public humiliation, then on top of that experiencing the out right degradation of an erection before those who are seeing the one (me) being executed, naked before all. Maybe one of the executioners deciding upon themselves to group my loins as others look on and milk me much to my disgrace.View attachment 556618View attachment 556617View attachment 556618View attachment 556617
Imagine also if you were being executed for some kind of sexual crime - say homosexuality or practising BDSM in an unenlightened society. Getting such an impressive hard-on as this would be the ultimate proof of your guilt, something the guards and spectators would make very clear to you as you hung in shame and agony.
Here are some pics that I hope will provide some inspiration for artists who are more talented than I am who may be able to add spectators and such to the seen... :thumbsup::ole:


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Here are some pics that I hope will provide some inspiration for artists who are more talented than I am who may be able to add spectators and such to the seen... :thumbsup::ole:
Crucifixion should not be the complete burden of the executioners, and a reasonably intelligent centurion should realize this. I think it best to let the elements of nature contribute, let the vermin take care of the vermin. Just sit back and relax and enjoy, It is simply the application of honey mixture.


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Crucifixion should not be the complete burden of the executioners, and a reasonably intelligent centurion should realize this. I think it best to let the elements of nature contribute, let the vermin take care of the vermin. Just sit back and relax and enjoy, It is simply the application of honey mixture.
Oh, such cruel agony!
Oh, such cruel agony!

A particularly delightful torment I've been treated to is to have itching powder massaged deep into the rectum just prior to being hung on the cross. You can't imagine how attractive the cornu becomes and how quickly you swallow it with your anus. And just a slight dusting of the powder on each nipple will provide an exquisite torture, guaranteed to make you writhe, dance and scream.
Crucifixion should not be the complete burden of the executioners, and a reasonably intelligent centurion should realize this. I think it best to let the elements of nature contribute, let the vermin take care of the vermin. Just sit back and relax and enjoy, It is simply the application of honey mixture.

As an alternate crucifixion method, a spread eagle stake at the beach. Again sit back and enjoy, let the elements of nature do the work.


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On those occasions when I have been crucified with other males it is fascinating to observe the others as they struggle on their crosses. If I am hung on the center cross and have enough flexibility to look right and left I can see the other victims. If my neck is yoked I can only look forward and can hear the others. Once, a man new to slavery, was unprepared for his ordeal and began to scream hysterically when the weight of his body began to cause his arms, shoulders and chest pain and he began to breathe harder. Unlike me he was not riding the cornu and became terrified at what was happening to him .

I was ball-gagged and unable to communicate with him to give him advice. His screams eventually turned to wailing and sobbing and that only turned up the excitement for those watching. The other boi didn't put up a fight and eventually hung limp with his chin on his chest, numb to the pain.

I remember observing his body and noting the size and shape of his tits, belly button, cock and balls and the pattern of his body hair, chest, belly and bushy pubes. I used this voyeuristic examination as a way of setting aside my own misery and discomfort. And I can still picture his body in my mind. I have no recollection of what the screaming man looked like.
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