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Crux Humour

Go to CruxDreams.com
A beautiful naked woman on a cross can't satisfy you, Admi?​
You're a hard man to please! :(
A good man is hard to find
a hard man is good to find.
So said a former ladyfriend of mine.
She also bought me a frog toy with a badge ~
A man is as young as the woman he feels.
(she had her good points . . .)

A contribution to the small ads section . . .
cx nails_ad  nails for sale.jpg
It's a good thing that Jesus died on a cross, and he was not stoned to death. The world would be very different, if Jesus had been stoned to death. Instead of making the four points of the cross during prayers, Christians would have to beat their chests like Tarzan.
That IS sick, I like it! ;)
No words,
just a psychedelic nightmare of the worst kind ...

Happy Valentine's day :) :) :)

Ok, A TRUE nightmare!!!!;)
It's a good thing that Jesus died on a cross, and he was not stoned to death. The world would be very different, if Jesus had been stoned to death. Instead of making the four points of the cross during prayers, Christians would have to beat their chests like Tarzan.

or just get stoned? :D
Bob Dylan had a nice song, "Everybody must get stoned". Could somebody locate that at YouTube and post the link here?
Bob Dylan had a nice song, "Everybody must get stoned". Could somebody locate that at YouTube and post the link here?
you just can't get Dylan tracks on YouTube, his agents' copyright police hunt them down ruthlessly​
here's as close as I can get​
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