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[drawings] Unconditional Love

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The Claim- "A Human body can bear only up to 45 del (units) of pain. Yet at time of giving birth, a mother feels up to 57 Del (units) of pain. This is similar to 20 bones getting fractured at the same time."

Yet again, for your sinful mistake.

She is willing to sacrifice herself to 'once again' feel the unbearable pain, by being horrifically nailed to the cross to subtitute your place

how would you feel about it?


I think that says something very significant about us women, and why some of us are here on CF ;) :devil:
I've often wondered about that, the link between crux and childbirth. Every mother undergoes that pain, it is part of a woman's life. Pain, sacrifice, selflessness.

Childbirth is an event which, once over, is followed by new life. Crucifixion is unending pain followed only by death.

But Superbutter is asking us to consider a mother sacrificing herself for her child. Undergoing extreme and humiliating agony for her child once again, on a cross. How would we feel about that? Could we allow it? Would we have a choice?

Very nice pic Superbutter, and a hypothetical situation which really makes us think.
She is willing to sacrifice herself to 'once again' feel the unbearable pain, by being horrifically nailed to the cross to subtitute your place

You know well that since women are existing on hearth, they've always suffered : is it her fate ? Despite what some feminists could think, in my opinion, it's not ready to be changed !
Viols, tortures, and all what the human'beeing could imagine are yet their conditions , even into our "super protected" and "super evoluated" societies ...
... bad thoughts ? ........ No, realistics thoughts !:(
You know well that since women are existing on hearth, they've always suffered : is it her fate ? Despite what some feminists could think, in my opinion, it's not ready to be changed !
Viols, tortures, and all what the human'beeing could imagine are yet their conditions , even into our "super protected" and "super evoluated" societies ...
... bad thoughts ? ........ No, realistics thoughts !:(

We have no choice!
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