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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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Before a hostile crowd the two Americans are brought to be hanged for 'morality violations'. Barb will go first and when she's done 'kicking' Siss will lose those sweatpants, have her hands cuffed behind her back, and will join Barb hanging from the gallows...
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Do notice the women spectators are properly separated from the male ones and in their proper place behind the gallows...

Hope the vendors remember that.
When I was in college I was always tempted to sign up to be a model in the art department, but never went through with it. Now I am glad I didn't. Thanks Tree for putting my mind to rest on that!

What in the world do they mean by "morality violations", Siss ? We were just having a little fun! What's the big deal here?

Female fun with tree anywhere around is never a good idea. By now you must know that.
At first resistance fighters were shot but there always seemed to be another to replace they.
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To be a better deterrent they would be stripped than shot...
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...sometimes in groups.
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As the war dragged on bullets became scarce and could be used only once. Ropes however could be used over and over.
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The hangings were meant to be humiliating and while frightening to a woman they all declared 'Long live France' before they were hanged.
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More were recruited and more were caught and hanged.
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One way to defeat an nation was to deplete their 'breeding stock' and young innocents were executed!
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Damn Nazis!!!

Didn't many of the hangees first declare, "Long live Russia, Holland, Yugoslavia, etc., etc., etc.,? Those Nazis really were such compulsive decorators.
At the University of the Virgin Martyrs three students are ready to be hanged for excessive demerits while three others wait their turn for failing grade point averages. That's Professor Barbara Moore in blue outfit berating the three failing students as she smokes a Madame Wu. All six students wouldn't have minded a Madame Wu. Barb tells them they aren't worth wasting the smokes on...
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I disagree with Barb's assessment of the students. Barb's another cheapskate, and that will get her a date with the hangman. Also, who is the smoking assistant hangperson?
Two college students were caught with illegal drugs at Scandals Resort and sentenced to hang. The executioner polishes her gun while waiting for one of them to finish her last Madame Wu.
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After her wrists are bound the lever is pulled and the trapdoors open...
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Her last Madame Wu? How many were there? Somebody must have had time to kill, to say nothing of victims.
Odyssey 22:

[433] So he spoke, and the old dame went forth through the hall to bear tidings to the women, and bid them come; but Odysseus called to him Telemachus and the neatherd and the swineherd, and spoke to them winged words: “Begin now to bear forth the dead bodies and bid the women help you, and thereafter cleanse the beautiful chairs and the tables with water and porous sponges. But when you have set all the house in order, lead the women forth from the well-built hall to a place between the dome and the goodly fence of the court, and there strike them down with your long swords, until you take away the life from them all, and they forget the love which they had at the bidding of the wooers, when they lay with them in secret.”

[446] So he spoke, and the women came all in a throng, wailing terribly and shedding big tears. First they bore forth the bodies of the slain and set them down beneath the portico of the well-fenced court, propping them one against the other; and Odysseus himself gave them orders and hastened on the work, and they bore the bodies forth perforce. Then they cleansed the beautiful high seats and the tables with water and porous sponges. But Telemachus and the neatherd and the swineherd scraped with hoes the floor of the well-built house, and the women bore the scrapings forth and threw them out of doors. But when they had set in order all the hall, they led the women forth from the well-built hall to a place between the dome and the goodly fence of the court, and shut them up in a narrow space, whence it was in no wise possible to escape. Then wise Telemachus was the first to speak to the others, saying: “Let it be by no clean death that I take the lives of these women, who on my own head have poured reproaches and on my mother, and were wont to lie with the wooers.”

[465] So he spoke, and tied the cable of a dark-prowed ship to a great pillar and flung it round the dome, stretching it on high that none might reach the ground with her feet. And as when long-winged thrushes or doves fall into a snare that is set in a thicket, as they seek to reach their resting-place, and hateful is the bed that gives them welcome, even so the women held their heads in a row, and round the necks of all nooses were laid, that they might die most piteously. And they writhed a little while with their feet, but not long.

Eul, I think you just snuck in a group hanging there. Sneaky!
Could some of you elaborate a little on how these above vids are a turn on. I'm not saying that I don't like nooses and hangings, however these above vids from the talented Freddie are a bit disturbing to me personally It reminds me of a line of cattle waiting to be slaughtered because the woman is standing next to a line of hanging dead women. Now it's her turn and after her there will be the next and the line goes on. Why is the woman excited to be next to dead women? Freddie had some flies buzzing around it could have been even more realistic...lol!

Hello kitty,

As I've been saying, for my own part it's all in the visual aspects. As for a condemned woman becoming excited at the sight of other women already hanged maybe she's trying to get her mind off her own impending death. Maybe she's under the influence of drugs or booze or both. Maybe she's just a screwball at heart. Who knows?
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