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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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“One minute, gentlemen,” an authoritative voice called out. “We need to take her out to the gallows.”

“Almost done, guv’ner,” the head guard responded. “Just filling up the bird’s holes is all. Almost done filling her bum.” Then he turned to his mates.

“Hurry up now, lads! Let’s finish up!”

Dorothy Brown shuddered from a shameful arousal as the trio abused her while rushing to conclude their business. The head guard on top roared his release. But there was already so much cum in her arse that she could not feel it. The one underneath squeezed her tits hard with an orgasmic cry until she was sure she felt him cum inside her thoroughly fucked pussy.

The worst was the one lifting her head up by her blonde locks while brutally fucking her face. His penis was rough and smelly, and it was disturbingly huge. It choked her as he slammed it down her throat until she could feel his seed flowing into her stomach from his eruption.

He abruptly pulled out, although his member was still spurting. She got a glob of goo splattered onto her face, adding to all the previous near-misses of her mouth. It was so humiliatingly erotic that she orgasmed hard, shamefully squeezing pleasure into the two cocks thrusting into her other end.

“‘ello?” the guard in her bum cried out in astonishment. “I think she just came, guv’ner!”

He shook his head as he sighed in exasperation. “Well get her on her feet and secure her arms, lads! We’ve got to execute her proper now.
You’ve had your fun. The prisoners will get her next after she’s been duly hanged.” He sounded like he was in a bit of a hurry.

Dorothy shivered with dread as she was roughly pulled to her feet. She took a look at herself and saw cum splattered on her chest and tits, her face and hair having born the worst of it. Then her arms were viciously jerked behind her back, causing her to cry out in pain.

“I’m going naked? Can’t I towel off? Don’t make me go to my death looking like THIS??”

“What’s it gonna matter, luv?” the guard who’d plowed her pussy cackled. “You’re only going to get messy all over again anyway… right, guv’ner?” Dorothy looked in horror at the warden. But he just smiled at her.

“The prisoners don’t get to have much fun out here in the outer territories,” he said to her in explanation. “Therefore we give them what pleasures they can get when they can get them.” She shuddered in horror, realizing they were going to abuse her body after she was dead.

Her arms were crossed painfully behind her back, overlapping wrists to elbows as they were strapped together. It made her breasts thrust out, making her wish she could somehow cover them. But there were no such chivalrous pleasantries. She found it utterly amazing that men in the employ of the crown could be so sadistically cruel… even out here.

One of the guards picked up the rest of the straps that had been discarded in a corner of her cell. Then she was led through the door and out into the hall. Cum dripped off her face and body, leaking out of her well-fucked holes.

She was verbally abused as she was escorted down the corridor. The lewd comments of her fellow inmates still indoors rained down on her… “Gave you the full treatment; did they, luv?” “Neck’s goin’ to snap right quick on that bird…” “It’s a long way down, luv… it feels like you’re falling forever until the rope jerks your neck proper…” “Mighty hot day for a hangin’ today; ain’t it, luv?” “Yer gonna jerk like a fish on a line fer sure, I’ll wager…”

Dorothy tried to let the comments roll off her back like water off a duck. But with each remark thrown her way she felt like her knees were going to buckle on her. She could not believe this was happening to her.

She stepped through the final door into the blast of the heat of the morning sun. A well-worn dirt path led through the courtyard to the imposing wooden gallows standing before her. It looked old and well used.

She swallowed hard as she started to tremble. A large number of guards and inmates stood in front of the gallows. It looked like she was going to have quite the audience.

Every eye was upon her naked, cum-streaked body. Dorothy shuddered in abject humiliation. But what really disturbed her was the shameful arousal she was now experiencing.

“Just a few more steps; eh, guv’ner?” the head guard chuckled. “Then we’ll get to drop this bird proper.” When she hesitated, he nudged her forward, urging her toward the wooden structure.

Dorothy gasped as though struggling to breathe in the heat of the sun. Her eyes opened wider as she drew nearer to the gallows. Bloody hell; they were really going to hang her!

The enormity of what was about to happen to her finally set in as she reached the base of the wooden steps. She balked as she looked up, her heart pounding in her chest. “Up you go, lass,” the head guard admonished, pulling on her elbow. “No need to worry about splinters; it’s been smoothed out well enough from heavy use. Besides… splinters are the least of your worries now.”

That much was true: splinters were the least of her worries. Looking down she could tell how well worn each step had become. How many had made this march before her? How many had climbed these steps to face the end of their life at the end of a rope??

The head guard pulled her up onto the first step. She sagged as her knees nearly gave out. “Don’t worry, luv; I’ll take good care of you.”

He pulled her upright, half dragging her up the steps. “I haven’t lost a prisoner going up these steps yet, lass.” He was certainly taking all of this in good order.

With each step she hesitated even more, forcing him to pull harder on her arm. The warden followed them up from behind. The other two guards waited stiffly at the bottom of the steps, their presence no longer required.

Dorothy found herself climbing mostly with her head down in an effort to maintain her balance. As a result she found herself mentally counting each step she took as though they’d become precious to her… “eight… n-nine… t-ten…” Her heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest.

She wondered if anyone had died prematurely from a heart attack or stroke or something like that. It probably would have been a pity, especially for those eager to see a hangin’. She suspected she was not going to have that kind of luck to escape this.

Her silent count of the steps reached thirteen before the platform leveled off. Her head came up as she was turned toward the center of the gallows. Almost immediately her eyes centered on the hemp noose dangling there waiting for her.

She gasped, taking it in as she was walked over to it. It had a single coil that was standard practice for the British Commonwealth and its many colonies, especially here in the outer territories. Now this one was meant for her.

Dorothy almost fainted at the knowledge it was soon to caress her neck. The head guard had to grab her and hold her upright for a moment. She whimpered as she panted for breath until some of the dizziness passed.

The warden began formally reading the charges against her. But she heard not a word. She was too busy staring down in horror at all the eyes that were looking up at her.

She felt the head guard strap her legs together above her knees. Another one went around her upper thighs, causing her to gasp again. A final one was secured around her ankles as she stood centered upon the trap. She shuddered from a near orgasm, struggling to catch her breath again.

The head guard took the noose in front of her and brought it around her neck. The rough hemp scratched her skin, sending horrific shivers rippling through her body. He set it near the left side of her jaw so that her head would lift up and back when she fell, breaking her neck instantly.

She was terrified, especially when she found it becoming harder to control her bladder. The guard quietly stepped behind her, leaving her standing there as the center of attention. How much longer did she have before it was over? …moments maybe?

She looked out at the assembled throng as she continued to tremble. Every eye appeared to be lusting after her. There were many smiles as well as several eager faces.

The voice of the warden broke through her fog of terror. “Dorothy Brown: do you understand the charges that have been brought against you?” She blinked, unable to move her lips.

What did it matter? They were trumped up anyway. She numbly nodded her head as she looked forward, not knowing what else to say or do.

“You will now explain the procedure to the prisoner,” the warden instructed the guard.

“With pleasure, guv’ner,” he smiled at a trembling Dorothy. “You see, luv, we’ve already weighed you nice and proper yesterday. And at 59 kilograms you’re going to be falling nearly three meters. That should be enough to snap that lovely neck of yours good and proper.” Her chest rose and fell, her nipples painfully erect as he continued…

“I’ll pull the lever right over here, luv, and it’ll release the trap straight away. You’ll hear the sound of me pulling the lever an then the sound of the trap opening beneath your feet. Then you’ll fall right through, you will… that is, until you reach the end of your rope.” He paused with a smile as though enjoying her fear… savoring it perhaps?

“When you hit the end of the rope you’ll probably bounce a time or two. But it should snap your neck right quick on the very first bounce… just like THAT!” and he snapped his fingers. “Afterwards you won’t feel a thing, luv. We’ll just get to enjoy watching as your body jerks, twitches and spasms for about a minute or so.”

Dorothy’s eyes flew open wide in horror at his description of what was going to happen to her. Her heart hammered in her chest as she realized it was almost time. All those eyes down below were solely upon her, waiting for her to fall to her death.

She was painfully aware of the cum all over her, cum that was plainly visible to her audience. She was profoundly ashamed not to have been granted time to clean up. What made it worse was the knowledge she would soon be dead… and that she would become a greater mess at the end of the rope once all those animals down there had their way with her corpse.

“You’ll hang all nice and proper for an hour,” the guard concluded, “but that don’t mean the inmates won’t have their fun with you while you’re still in the rope. Then you’ll be taken down for everyone to enjoy. I expect your body will probably be used be nearly everyone here, luv.”

He smiled cruelly as he continued. “Afterwards, us guards will take you outside the prison to a lonely plot of ground. A grave has already been dug and we’ll throw you right in. All of us will enjoy one last jerk-off on your body, luv. Then we’ll cover you up with dirt and leave the grave unmarked where you’ll spend all eternity thinking about what you’ve done. Ain’t that right, guv’ner?”

“Quite correct,” she heard the warden’s voice observe. “Now Dorothy Brown…” he asked solemnly. “Do you have any last words before sentence is carried out?”

Dorothy’s eyes were wide as her lungs heaved in her chest. Her breasts rose and fell, her nipples protruding so hard that they hurt. She felt like she couldn’t catch her breath.

She tried to move her lips and discovered she couldn’t as she trembled like mad. She finally shook her head, unable to form any coherent words. Down below the faces of the guards and inmates all looked up at her with sadistic glee.

“DROP HER!” a voice cried out from down below. “HANG THE BIRD ALREADY! I’M HUNGRY AND IT’S ALMOST LUNCH TIME!”

Dorothy’s eyes got even bigger as she started panting like crazy. Her mind screamed, “WHAT? DON’T I GET A HOOD OR SOMETHING??” Then she felt herself start to go all weak in the knees. She didn’t want to watch this… didn’t want to see herself fall.

“Executioner?” she heard the warden’s voice behind her. “Do your duty!”

Her breath caught in her throat as she promptly wet herself. She was sure she heard a creak in the wood as though someone had moved. The guard must have stepped over to the lever; surely he was going to pull it any moment now!

For a moment her senses were quite clear. She could feel the heat of the noonday sun beating down on her cum-streaked body, could smell the galley cooking the noon-day meal. In her mouth she tasted the salty tang from the mixture of the many cums she’d been forced to swallow from the guards. Then she heard the sound of the lever being pulled.

Dorothy Brown climaxed hard as the trap fell away underneath her feet with a clunk. She was dimly aware that someone was screaming – that SHE was screaming. She was weightless, falling as though she was never going to sto –

She bounced as she hit the end of the rope, silencing her cry. There was a loud CRICK, an incredibly sharp pain in her neck. Then there was nothing.

Dorothy Brown never heard the cheer that went up from the assembly…

The guards and inmates released their enthusiasm with a lustful cry as Dorothy Brown’s naked body jerked at the end of the rope. Her feet fluttered together like some fish hanging from the end of a line. Her motions from the fall began to settle as she swung and twisted, her eyes wide yet vacant.

“LOOK AT THE BIRD KICK!” someone hollered.


Sure enough… after about a minute or so her body stopped jerking and twitching. She softly swayed back and forth, her neck elongated and her eyes glazed over. A stream of urine flowed down her bound legs, telling one and all that her bladder had finally relaxed. The cruel flushing her bum had received the day before made sure nothing came out of her arse other than the leaking seed of the many guards who’d abused her while using that hole.

The inmates were turned loose to swarm forward to have a closer look. Only her legs were within reach. The head guard still up on the gallows platform had to lower her enough so they could get their grubby paws on her.

She dangled a foot off the ground as they groped and fondled her still warm body. Some grabbed her breasts and pinched her erect nipples. Others shoved fingers up her bum and pussy, noticing she was quite wet. Comments were raised as to whether she might have had a cum as she fell through the trap.

Cocks were pulled out as some inmates started stroking. Dorothy became the recipient of more cum as it splattered her legs and torso. This went on until her body was finally brought down an hour later.

Almost immediately the inmates became animals as they swarmed around her, untying her straps and fucking her many holes. She ended up face down, several inmates holding her up enough for her lifeless mouth to take one cock after another as she was fucked up her pussy and arse. Even as some headed in for lunch, a great many stayed outside to enjoy themselves before going in to eat.

More cum splattered until she was finally turned over so they could coat her face, tits and pussy. By the evening meal the inmates were all herded inside, leaving a guard detail to take care of her. That’s when four of them lifted her up onto a canvas stretcher.

She was walked outside the prison walls to a grave that had been cut out of the ground. Her cum-soaked body was dropped unceremoniously into the earth. Then the guards whipped out their cocks and gave her a “going-away salute”, their seed splattering her nudity one last time.

Dirt was shoveled onto her, landing on her chest and in her face and hair until she was totally covered. Then the guards gathered up the burial tools and went back inside the prison. There was no marker left to identify her final resting place…

© 2009; 2018 (written for Dorothy Oct 26 ‘09; ed. Jan 3 ’18 by riwa)
ok gut
The hangman’s apprentice
The cart arrived, the driver reining in the horses. Destin dutifully walked to the back and produced his set of keys that would open it up. When he swung the doors open he gasped in shock at the lone occupant. It was Lizette, the girl he’d been courting.

For a moment he stood there in stunned silence. She stared back at him, her eyes open in shock. A moment later he heard his father clearing his throat as though urging him to get on with it.

Without a word he reached in and pulled her out. There was a lump in his throat as his heart raced. She whimpered softly, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.

He had to make himself remember his father’s training… “Take the condemned up the steps without a word, noose her up and then drop her. Everything has already been said and done back at the courthouse. You are not to say a word to the guilty as they will only beg for their lives.” He’d learned that lesson from the last one who had pleaded all the way to the end.

She whimpered again as he walked her to the steps. He felt every eye of the townsfolk on him. If he failed this one, both he and his father – nay, their entire family – would be shamed.

He so much wanted to speak to her, to ask her what she’d done that had brought them together to this moment. But what good would it do? Chances are it would only result in more pain and anguish.

They reached the top of the steps where he walked her over to the trap. Her gloved hands had been shackled in front. She started to reach out to him – out of affection or alarm he did not know. Then she thought better of it. After all, she could see in his face how much he hated what he was doing.

He brought the noose down and forced himself to coldly loop it around her slender neck. He had kissed that neck so many times before. Now he would never kiss it again, nor her soft, red lips that had curled into a sad little pout.

With trembling hands he pulled her dress down over her shoulders, exposing her breasts the way he was supposed to do with each female criminal to further shame them before sentence was carried out. She trembled as she blushed deeply now that he was seeing them for the first time. They had planned to become engaged in a few weeks when she would have willingly allowed him to feast his eyes on them to his heart’s content. But she didn’t want him to see them now… not like this.

Her nipples hardened when they were exposed before him. He blushed deeply. He’d seen them erect once before behind a loose garment she had risked allowing him to see her in that showed more than was proper for a lady.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she trembled. The look in her eyes was crystal clear… “How can you do this to me??” But he said nothing, fully aware of his father’s watchful gaze as well as the gaze of all the spectators burning into his backside.

He so wanted to give her a last kiss. But he couldn’t risk it. He was performing his duty as his father’s apprentice. Any show of emotion would end his stint as a hangman-in-training once and for all.

He checked her one last time before walking behind her to the lever. She gasped as she closed her eyes for a moment. Then he pulled the lever almost angrily over the way the gallows was taking the girl he loved.

She fell through with a cry that was cut off when she bounced to a stop. There was a loud rasp for breath as she started to kick, the townsfolk murmuring with growing excitement. She began to swing back and forth, fighting to breathe as her hands came up to claw at the noose around her throat.

Some of the males in the crowd started to whoop and holler. There were cheers, cries and catcalls as well as a few vulgarities directed up at his dying love. He watched silently from his position by the lever, ramrod straight.

He had to force himself not to shed any tears. But he could not prevent the bulge that developed down below. It happened with each woman he hanged, especially since he had to expose their breasts. This just happened to be his third… and it was the most humiliating.

The condemned – he could not permit himself to think of her as Lizette anymore – kicked less and less until she gently swayed back and forth. Stray muscles twitched as her bare feet fluttered. A moment later her bladder gave way, its contents slowly streaming down her legs.

He looked at his father who nodded proudly. Then he solemnly descended the gallows. He went over to stand by his father who wrapped an arm around him before quietly whispering into his ear, “I’m proud of you son. That was very professional.”

They stood there together until the condemned was no more, gently swinging back and forth. The noise from the spectators died down as they started to disperse until he could hear the rope creaking a little. But something in his soul died that day. He would never be able to love another as he had loved Lizette.

(Jul 16 ’18)
The hangman’s apprentice
View attachment 604696
The cart arrived, the driver reining in the horses. Destin dutifully walked to the back and produced his set of keys that would open it up. When he swung the doors open he gasped in shock at the lone occupant. It was Lizette, the girl he’d been courting.

For a moment he stood there in stunned silence. She stared back at him, her eyes open in shock. A moment later he heard his father clearing his throat as though urging him to get on with it.

Without a word he reached in and pulled her out. There was a lump in his throat as his heart raced. She whimpered softly, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.

He had to make himself remember his father’s training… “Take the condemned up the steps without a word, noose her up and then drop her. Everything has already been said and done back at the courthouse. You are not to say a word to the guilty as they will only beg for their lives.” He’d learned that lesson from the last one who had pleaded all the way to the end.

She whimpered again as he walked her to the steps. He felt every eye of the townsfolk on him. If he failed this one, both he and his father – nay, their entire family – would be shamed.

He so much wanted to speak to her, to ask her what she’d done that had brought them together to this moment. But what good would it do? Chances are it would only result in more pain and anguish.

They reached the top of the steps where he walked her over to the trap. Her gloved hands had been shackled in front. She started to reach out to him – out of affection or alarm he did not know. Then she thought better of it. After all, she could see in his face how much he hated what he was doing.

He brought the noose down and forced himself to coldly loop it around her slender neck. He had kissed that neck so many times before. Now he would never kiss it again, nor her soft, red lips that had curled into a sad little pout.

With trembling hands he pulled her dress down over her shoulders, exposing her breasts the way he was supposed to do with each female criminal to further shame them before sentence was carried out. She trembled as she blushed deeply now that he was seeing them for the first time. They had planned to become engaged in a few weeks when she would have willingly allowed him to feast his eyes on them to his heart’s content. But she didn’t want him to see them now… not like this.

Her nipples hardened when they were exposed before him. He blushed deeply. He’d seen them erect once before behind a loose garment she had risked allowing him to see her in that showed more than was proper for a lady.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she trembled. The look in her eyes was crystal clear… “How can you do this to me??” But he said nothing, fully aware of his father’s watchful gaze as well as the gaze of all the spectators burning into his backside.

He so wanted to give her a last kiss. But he couldn’t risk it. He was performing his duty as his father’s apprentice. Any show of emotion would end his stint as a hangman-in-training once and for all.

He checked her one last time before walking behind her to the lever. She gasped as she closed her eyes for a moment. Then he pulled the lever almost angrily over the way the gallows was taking the girl he loved.

She fell through with a cry that was cut off when she bounced to a stop. There was a loud rasp for breath as she started to kick, the townsfolk murmuring with growing excitement. She began to swing back and forth, fighting to breathe as her hands came up to claw at the noose around her throat.

Some of the males in the crowd started to whoop and holler. There were cheers, cries and catcalls as well as a few vulgarities directed up at his dying love. He watched silently from his position by the lever, ramrod straight.

He had to force himself not to shed any tears. But he could not prevent the bulge that developed down below. It happened with each woman he hanged, especially since he had to expose their breasts. This just happened to be his third… and it was the most humiliating.

The condemned – he could not permit himself to think of her as Lizette anymore – kicked less and less until she gently swayed back and forth. Stray muscles twitched as her bare feet fluttered. A moment later her bladder gave way, its contents slowly streaming down her legs.

He looked at his father who nodded proudly. Then he solemnly descended the gallows. He went over to stand by his father who wrapped an arm around him before quietly whispering into his ear, “I’m proud of you son. That was very professional.”

They stood there together until the condemned was no more, gently swinging back and forth. The noise from the spectators died down as they started to disperse until he could hear the rope creaking a little. But something in his soul died that day. He would never be able to love another as he had loved Lizette.

(Jul 16 ’18)

Touchingly told. Well done.
Stanton sees red! Stanton sees red! And always love women with glasses.


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