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Helena's Tale

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The bell tolled three times and Roxanne was still twitching three-quarters of an hour after she was hanged. The wait of her body finally crushed her throat inside the rope. As small trickle of pee ran down her legs as she expired.
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She was left hanging above the square until the sun set.
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A few men came for the bodies of Barbara, Siss, and Roxanne. They were loaded into an ox cart and taken to the graves that Helena had dug for them. The men stripped the gowns off Barbaria and Siss. There was no reason to waste clothing on them.
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One by one their bodies were rolled into the pits but not before the ropes that bound their wrists and the nooses were removed. Waste not, want not, you know. As darkness fell they were hastily buried. As one of the men shoveled dirt on Roxanne he said “I hate when they look like they are watching you!”
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...just the epilog left to do...
Helena was sent to the convent of the Order of Punishment and Penance for a year to cleanse her soul for her participation, though seduced, in the debauchery in the meadow. The sister of the meadow ‘Eve’ was known as Sister Magdalen as a nun.

Try as she might to punish Helena and convince her that Siss, Barbara, and Roxanne had brought their fate on themselves, Helena had ‘survivors’ remorse’ and could not shake it. In one session with Sister Magdalen Helena confessed her desire to go back to the meadow and even said she would get there some time no matter what.
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“You cannot get there now unless I take you, Helena and if I take you we will be caught and hanged” Sister Magdalen said.

“When could we go?” Helena asked.

That night Sister Magdalen went to confession. “Bless me, Father, for I am to sin!”

“We all will sin, child” Father lynch replied.

“I am taking Helena Wragg to the meadow tomorrow.”

“There is no sin in taking her to see God’s creation.”

“No, but it is sin to do what we will do there” the nun replied.

“Then why are you going” the priest demanded.

“It is our destiny” she whispered.

Even though Father Lynch warned her of the consequence of doing so the next morning she found a gown for Helena and they walked to the meadow when the reverted to being Eve and Ecstasy.
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To ‘gather evidence’ Father Lynch, the constable, and Master Wragg watched the women make love for much of the afternoon (Ed. note- they enjoyed watching). As the women dressed to head back to the convent the men accompanied by several groundskeepers sprang from the brush!
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Helena turned in surprise and exclaim “Father?!?!?!”

“I saw everything, you disgusting wench” he roared.

“By the wetness of your trousers’ crotch I have no reason to doubt you” Helena hissed.

Swiftly Helena and the half-dressed nun were bound to trees facing each other.
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Master Wragg huddled with Father Lynch. He explained that such behavior must be most severely punished but it would bring great shame both to the house of Wragg and to the abbey. Father Lynch asked him what he would suggest. Wragg replied “We will hang them next Saturday in their beloved meadow. I will supply wine, spirits, and feast.”

“And what to do with their bodies?” Father Lynch asked.

Master Wragg glared at his daughter and said “They will be fed to the swines.”

“But why wait a week?”

“I need time to select my witnesses.”

And so it was to be. On a brisk Saturday morning Helena was brought to the old deck at one side of the meadow and Sister Magdalen to a tree opposite. After they were bound Wraggs and his guests enjoyed a feast and much wine and spirits while the two women stood displayed for all to see. Midafternoon the tall stools they stood upon were kicked away and they were hanged.

Helena lasted over 30 minutes when she was hanged…
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..while Sister Magdalen suffered for more than 40 minutes.
In the next life they would reunite with their sisters from the meadow.
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Helena was sent to the convent of the Order of Punishment and Penance for a year to cleanse her soul for her participation, though seduced, in the debauchery in the meadow. The sister of the meadow ‘Eve’ was known as Sister Magdalen as a nun.

Try as she might to punish Helena and convince her that Siss, Barbara, and Roxanne had brought their fate on themselves, Helena had ‘survivors’ remorse’ and could not shake it. In one session with Sister Magdalen Helena confessed her desire to go back to the meadow and even said she would get there some time no matter what.
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“You cannot get there now unless I take you, Helena and if I take you we will be caught and hanged” Sister Magdalen said.

“When could we go?” Helena asked.

That night Sister Magdalen went to confession. “Bless me, Father, for I am to sin!”

“We all will sin, child” Father lynch replied.

“I am taking Helena Wragg to the meadow tomorrow.”

“There is no sin in taking her to see God’s creation.”

“No, but it is sin to do what we will do there” the nun replied.

“Then why are you going” the priest demanded.

“It is our destiny” she whispered.

Even though Father Lynch warned her of the consequence of doing so the next morning she found a gown for Helena and they walked to the meadow when the reverted to being Eve and Ecstasy.
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To ‘gather evidence’ Father Lynch, the constable, and Master Wragg watched the women make love for much of the afternoon (Ed. note- they enjoyed watching). As the women dressed to head back to the convent the men accompanied by several groundskeepers sprang from the brush!
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Helena turned in surprise and exclaim “Father?!?!?!”

“I saw everything, you disgusting wench” he roared.

“By the wetness of your trousers’ crotch I have no reason to doubt you” Helena hissed.

Swiftly Helena and the half-dressed nun were bound to trees facing each other.
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Master Wragg huddled with Father Lynch. He explained that such behavior must be most severely punished but it would bring great shame both to the house of Wragg and to the abbey. Father Lynch asked him what he would suggest. Wragg replied “We will hang them next Saturday in their beloved meadow. I will supply wine, spirits, and feast.”

“And what to do with their bodies?” Father Lynch asked.

Master Wragg glared at his daughter and said “They will be fed to the swines.”

“But why wait a week?”

“I need time to select my witnesses.”

And so it was to be. On a brisk Saturday morning Helena was brought to the old deck at one side of the meadow and Sister Magdalen to a tree opposite. After they were bound Wraggs and his guests enjoyed a feast and much wine and spirits while the two women stood displayed for all to see. Midafternoon the tall stools they stood upon were kicked away and they were hanged.

Helena lasted over 30 minutes when she was hanged…
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..while Sister Magdalen suffered for more than 40 minutes.
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In the next life they would reunite with their sisters from the meadow.
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Very sad ending!!!:( I am troubled...:( I want these pious hypocrites to suffer...:mad: for all the pain and suffering they caused...:mad: Perhaps they will...someday, somehow...:mad:

Thank you Tree for such a fascinating and erotic story -- both the writing and the artwork. :D You really nailed (well, in a different sort of way) my martyr fantasy!!! Masterful!:bdsm-heart:
Roxie, this just in...

...The IMF (International Moral Force) has issues a summons for you to appear. I don't mean to ruin your Sunday but this rarely turns out good...


...by the way congratulations to Ohio going to the college football championship!!!
Roxanne is hanged! All her life her head sat on the top of her neck and now her body hangs from it. What was that noise? Cheers? Damn it, she is hanged and people that she not only knows but some she is closely related to are cheering as she swings from the back of the cart.
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Something bounced on the stone floor of the platform and Roxanne realized the huge plug had fallen from her bum followed with loud flatulence accompanied with loose stool and blood from her damaged bowel. She thrashed for a bit trying to escape the rope that tortured her neck but refuse to kill her quickly.

…The cathedral bell rings once. She had been hanged a quarter hour.

The rope about her neck she hanged from was not the worst of her agonies. Roxanne fingers pulsed as the ropes binding them pinched the flow of blood. She looked down at the crowd, especially the family and friends at the front of the crowd. Naked and shamed she looked about, knowing at some time soon, she (hoped) the rope would take her life.

… The cathedral bell rang tice and Roxanne thought she was more alive than dead when the bell marked the half-hour she had been hanged.
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I like the 2nd pic more, because she is not shaved
Roxie, this just in...

...The IMF (International Moral Force) has issues a summons for you to appear. I don't mean to ruin your Sunday but this rarely turns out good...


...by the way congratulations to Ohio going to the college football championship!!!

Thanks Tree! I almost gave up in the 2nd quarter when the bucs were down 21-6. But I hung (hanged?) in there 'till the end. The final 8 secs were were pretty tense -- but we beat 'Bama!!!!! Now, let's make some college football history!!!

O! HI :D I! O!

But I don't understand why the IMF has summoned me? There is absolutely nothing wrong with my morale right now!!! Even after my recent hanging I'm still in surprisingly good spirits...!

Oh...wait...Oopsie!...it's the Moral Force. Well fuck me!!!! :eek: I could be in real trouble there!!!:eek::eek::eek::confused::confused::confused: :D
Thanks Tree! I almost gave up in the 2nd quarter when the bucs were down 21-6. But I hung (hanged?) in there 'till the end. The final 8 secs were were pretty tense -- but we beat 'Bama!!!!! Now, let's make some college football history!!!

O! HI :D I! O!

But I don't understand why the IMF has summoned me? There is absolutely nothing wrong with my morale right now!!! Even after my recent hanging I'm still in surprisingly good spirits...!

Oh...wait...Oopsie!...it's the Moral Force. Well fuck me!!!! :eek: I could be in real trouble there!!!:eek::eek::eek::confused::confused::confused: :D
As you have noticed on the new thread, it is the accusation that matters at CF. Guilt or innocence is of no consequence!


...Translation... You are screwed!!!
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