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Helena's Tale

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Instead of taking me to the gallows I am led to a tall platform at one side of the square when civil proclamations are made. Ever step I take the vile shaft in my bowels painfully stirs my gut. My broken fingers throb. As the nun leads me up the steep stairs, each one near a cubit high and barely as wide as my foot, I struggle to maintain my balance as they would be a difficult climb with my arms free made worse by my elbows bound behind my back! Half way up the damned thing in my bum slips one ball out of my anus!
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At the top of the platform there is a crude A-frame scaffold with a cart beneath it. There is a rickety ladder leaning against it that the nun ascends. Two burly men in black hoods with bare chests ‘help’ me up the ladder, half lifting me and half groping me. I am at first confused by the lack of a noose until one of the men toss the rope tied to my over the horizontal beam. As he ties it off the nun displays a huge shear and raggedly cuts my hair that is greasy and soiled from oil torches in the catacombs to above my shoulders.

The two men climb from the wagon as the church bell tolls eleven times. I look over the crowd and there are all too many familiar faces. Then looking across the square on this dreary morning I gasp when I see Passion’s and Lust’s bodies still hanging from the gallows!

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The nun speaks to me in a soft tone as she adjusts the rope. “Roxanne, you hair is cut so it cannot obscure your face as you hang. Father Lynch will be along shortly before noon and give the invocation before you are hanged. Because you refused to confess your sins he will pray that you hang for eternity in Hell and expect a loud ‘Amen’ from the crowd.”
I stammer “Did Passion and Lust suffer much?”

Calmly the nun says “Barbara and Siss suffered greatly and where still awake more than a quarter hour after they were hanged. They were given the benefit of nooses, albeit slow nooses, that eventually constricted to strangle them. I am sorry, Roxanne, you will not be give such luxury as the knot on this rope will not slip and you will hang alive until the weight of your body conspires to crush your throat. You have angered powerful people. In the years here I have never seen a woman brought to hang naked.”

“Are we to be left here to rot?” I ask.

“No. Tomorrow is Sunday and your bodies will be removed and buried before midnight. Helena has dug you respectful graves and will bury you tonight.”

“She is alive? Thank God! What will become of her?”

“She will perform a year of punishment and penance at the convent. I will look after her the best I can” the nun explains.

“Roxanne, or if you prefer ‘Joy’, despite what Father Lynch prays I will pray the Lord absolves you and welcomes you into heaven” she whispers.

“Thank you” I reply.

“Think nothing of it. Before I was sent to the nunnery I was a sister of the meadow. My name was Eve. Now I am the personal whore of the pompous bishop that condemns you. I will see you in the next life in the meadow!”

‘Eve’ reached down and pushes the plug back into my bum and without a word descends the ladder. The bell tolls once as one of the men pull the slack from the rope. It is three-quarters of an hour until I am hanged!
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I look about and glance down at my nipples standing erect in the cool air…

Calmly the nun says “Barbara and Siss suffered greatly and where still awake more than a quarter hour after they were hanged. They were given the benefit of nooses, albeit slow nooses, that eventually constricted to strangle them.

Beneftit????? Tree has a very strange sense of gift giving :rolleyes::p:D
it's what they call 'benefit of clergy' - as you could say your prayers,
and you're only being hanged for the first time .... :devil:
Calmly the nun says “Barbara and Siss suffered greatly and where still awake more than a quarter hour after they were hanged. They were given the benefit of nooses, albeit slow nooses, that eventually constricted to strangle them.

Beneftit????? Tree has a very strange sense of gift giving :rolleyes::p:D
You got off easy... wait until poor Roxie swings...
You got off easy... wait until poor Roxie swings...

I'm ready Mr Tree! As everyone can see from the pic above, I am clearing enjoying myself!!!:rolleyes::eek:;)

What a great sexy, erotic, sensual story this has been!!!! I'm facing death...naked...and hanging is one of my death fantasies. Wow! I've gotten just about as nippley as the pic of me.


1503470959.jpg OK, ok...maybe not quite as "tumescent" or puffy as the pic...but clearly excited!:D
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Oh shit!!!! Hey, can we hold off for a minute? With all this excitement, I really gotta pee!!!!!:rolleyes::D

I know I should have gone before we left for the gallows...but I just didn't have to go then!:rolleyes:

Occupational hazard on this site Roxie..that forgetting to pee before the execute us thing...I had the same problem when Tree hanged me and Siss a bit earlier on the thread....:oops:

....don't be embarrassed...Tree always makes sure that kind of thing happens whether we go to the ladies before our executions or not.
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Oh shit!!!! Hey, can we hold off for a minute? With all this excitement, I really gotta pee!!!!!:rolleyes::D

I know I should have gone before we left for the gallows...but I just didn't have to go then!:rolleyes:
Occupational hazard on this site Roxie..that forgetting to pee before the execute us thing...I had the same problem when Tree hanged me and Siss a bit earlier on the thread....:oops:

....don't be embarrassed...Tree always makes sure that kind of thing happens whether we go to the ladies before our executions or not.

He's a handy guy with a mop and bucket :rolleyes:
They have taken the ropes from my biceps and bound my wrist behind my back. I doubt it was for my comfort although my tortured shoulders from being hung strappado appreciate the change. My hands still throb with eight broken fingers. It really is pointless to bind my wrists as I could not have grabbed the rope anyway with my damaged hands. Between the days of torture and sleep deprivation. I’m not sure if I could stand on the cart save for the rope that owns my neck.

The cathedral bell tolls twice. In a half hour my feet will lose purchase for the last time that I am alive. Below a row of chairs are set up and a carriages pulls up to the newly arranged chairs. At first I cannot see who climbed out but if I thought things could not get any worse this proves I’ve not much of an imagination. There is some polite applause and while they take their seat the carriage draws away. One by one they are revealed to me. First I see Father Lynch, then the bishop- no surprise there- but then I see my husband’s friend with the scar that rings his neck followed by my husband! The next two stun me as my father and mother and younger sister have taken front row seats to watch me hang! The seven of them seemed to be having as good a time as I am not, laughing and chatting among themselves with only casual glances up at me.

The bell tolls three times! I have but a quarter hour until I hang! As if on cue Father Lynch gets up from his chair and climbs up the stairs to the platform. He stands between the cart I am perched and the crowd below. He is in rare form, describing how I had seduced an innocent young woman, my ‘deviant’ carnal acts in great detail, how I chose such behavior to commit adultery from my ‘loving’ husband and shamed him and my family. As the nun I know as Eve predicted he asked the crowd to join him in prayer not to ask God to save my soul but to damn to an eternity hanging by my neck in hell and that Satan himself take my vile body to rape and bugger me with his forked member as I hang. I did not know Satan had such a thing.

Below me the crowd stands along with the bishop, my father, his friend, my mother, and my sister all rise and join in the prayers for my damnation. When the invocation is done Father Lynch descends the stairs and a moment after he takes his seat the cathedral bell begins to toll the noon hour. When the bell rings twelve times the two hooded men begin to pull the cart from beneath me. Instinctively and futilely as I reach the back of the cart I turn my back to give the rope the last bit of slack and cry “God, have mercy!!!”

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Tree will take over narration from here as Roxie will have a difficult time talking.
Roxanne is hanged! All her life her head sat on the top of her neck and now her body hangs from it. What was that noise? Cheers? Damn it, she is hanged and people that she not only knows but some she is closely related to are cheering as she swings from the back of the cart.
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Something bounced on the stone floor of the platform and Roxanne realized the huge plug had fallen from her bum followed with loud flatulence accompanied with loose stool and blood from her damaged bowel. She thrashed for a bit trying to escape the rope that tortured her neck but refuse to kill her quickly.

…The cathedral bell rings once. She had been hanged a quarter hour.

The rope about her neck she hanged from was not the worst of her agonies. Roxanne fingers pulsed as the ropes binding them pinched the flow of blood. She looked down at the crowd, especially the family and friends at the front of the crowd. Naked and shamed she looked about, knowing at some time soon, she (hoped) the rope would take her life.

… The cathedral bell rang tice and Roxanne thought she was more alive than dead when the bell marked the half-hour she had been hanged.
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“This girl did nothing wrong. Why is she hanged?” the American visitor asked Messaline.

Monsieur Tree, this is France. There is no reason for a ‘cause’; just the art of it all. Tree looked at her and said “I am looking for the lumber baroness, Messaline.”
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“Then you have come to the right place. What do you wish to build?” she asked.

“Not that is any of your business, crosses.”

Monsieur, do I have the wood for you! But I must ask, do you have any wood for me?”

Tree stared at her and said “I’m not sure what you mean, lady.”
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“This girl did nothing wrong. Why is she hanged?” the American visitor asked Messaline.

Monsieur Tree, this is France. There is no reason for a ‘cause’; just the art of it all. Tree looked at her and said “I am looking for the lumber baroness, Messaline.”
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“Then you have come to the right place. What do you wish to build?” she asked.

“Not that is any of your business, crosses.”

Monsieur, do I have the wood for you! But I must ask, do you have any wood for me?”

Tree stared at her and said “I’m not sure what you mean, lady.”
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Don't let him fool you....he knows damn well what she meant. :rolleyes:
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