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Passing on a message from mymartinet, whose broadband connection's down 'cos of the weather -
beware of Imagefap - virus risk.
indeed all bells sounds here
I've never been a fan of Imagecrap

back to impalings


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Bah, let's get back on topic with some true impalings!


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I've never been a fan of Imagecrap

back to impalings
EXCELLENT STUFF!!! especially love the moustraps wired and restrained on the cuties cuntlips :) the other pic with metal and holes in it looks awfully nasty as well inside that aching cunt :)
My Andromeda fantasies are notorious on the Forums - here's what I wrote about them in my little autobiog:


"Stories and pictures about Classical women facing exciting fates, invariably more or less naked, also fed my appetite. I loved to imagine myself in such situations, e.g. leaning my bikini-clad body against a rock on the sea-shore, stretching up my arms to an old mooring ring, being Andromeda watching the waves and waiting for the monster who will come and devour me (I didn't want Perseus turning up to 'rescue' me and spoiling my fun, I wanted to meet my monster!)"

Well, here's my poem about that:

Andromeda's Challenge

Come on boy, I’m stripped for you - skin against scales –
We both know you’ll win, but I’ll put up a fight!
You can delight in your dainty treat’s death-dance,
My can-can to keep clear of your cruel Kraken-bite!

If you lunge at my loins, lithe and lissom I’ll leap,
With a hurl of my hips I’ll be no easy meat,
Slick, sleek and slith’ry, I’ll slip through your slug-slime –
Though bare and in bondage, I’m not ‘ready-to-eat’!

Twisting and twirling, I’ll try hard to trick you –
Tease you and tantalise. Enjoy your prey-play!
Toss me in my tight irons! Taste me with your tongue-tip!
Tear me with your talons – I can’t get away!

Still I’ll skip and cavort as you snack on my leg-meat,
As you relish my raw rump, I’ll wriggle and writhe -
Sinuous and supple, I’ll squirm and I’ll struggle
Till I’m crushed in your coils, while you eat me alive!

Then, when I’m weary, you can gorge on my girl-parts,
While you gnaw at my breasts there’ll be life in them yet!
As I feel your your fangs finding their way through my sweet sex
I’ll feed you a feast you won’t ever forget!

A few more of my poems on that theme, and some pics, are at:


you must be thinking of this:

View attachment 91598

I wrote a little poem about that, too

About to die

Sand hot to my bare skin,
flies hum,
the searing sun,
smell of my sweat,
mouth dry,
heart drumming,

Dung, blood.
the oxen reek,
stamping the sand, impatient,
eager …

Hushed, the excited crowd.

“Give us your wrists, girl.”
“Open your legs!”

Ropes biting
tighter and tighter.

Look up
see thousands
looking at me

The last knot’s tied…

Here is my reworked version of that picture.

Here is my reworked version of that picture.

View attachment 98112
It's good reinterpretation of a very striking drawing, Damian,
but I have to admit I find a starkness in the original
that's not so strong in the colour and detail of your version.
Widening the focus does emphasise the smallness of the girl,
dwarfed by the bulls and their handlers,
that's effective, but we lose some of the emphasis in the original
on her and what she must be experiencing.
One point in particular - her wide, anxious eyes,
and her eye-contact with the bull-handler on the left,
seize my attention on the book-cover -
what's he saying to her, with his mouth curved in a slight sneer?
A little retouching might be able to recover that?
I also prefer the original drawing on the paper back novel, which I have by the way, and I agree that the image is very evocative. I tried to colourise it, not too successfully I must admit, I might try a different version some time, the dramatic tension of their exchange of looks speaks volumes.
Just thought I would post my thoughts on impaling...

Being a woman I think being impaled would be especially horrific on several levels, if the impaling was via my pussy. And I think it would be like that for all women. It would be like the phallic would be penetrating not just my pussy but my essence as a woman, my soul. There would be as much emotional pain for me as there would be physical. It would be like I was being raped as I had to endure the horrible suffering and anguish. If my own struggles on the phallic was causing it to penetrate me more deeply, that would be an additional level of emotional suffering. Knowing that my own struggling was driving it deeper inside me but unable to keep from struggling because of the terrible pain I would be in. A vicious emotional and physical cycle...
I have a total distain for the whole thing but at the same time ... there is no control or way to stop it.

It just continues and you are lost, helpless and just a piece of living meat.

I would much rather suffer the long burning death of the tree of fire.
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